2,039 research outputs found

    Gestion flexible des ressources dans les réseaux de nouvelle génération avec SDN

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    Abstract : 5G and beyond-5G/6G are expected to shape the future economic growth of multiple vertical industries by providing the network infrastructure required to enable innovation and new business models. They have the potential to offer a wide spectrum of services, namely higher data rates, ultra-low latency, and high reliability. To achieve their promises, 5G and beyond-5G/6G rely on software-defined networking (SDN), edge computing, and radio access network (RAN) slicing technologies. In this thesis, we aim to use SDN as a key enabler to enhance resource management in next-generation networks. SDN allows programmable management of edge computing resources and dynamic orchestration of RAN slicing. However, achieving efficient performance based on SDN capabilities is a challenging task due to the permanent fluctuations of traffic in next-generation networks and the diversified quality of service requirements of emerging applications. Toward our objective, we address the load balancing problem in distributed SDN architectures, and we optimize the RAN slicing of communication and computation resources in the edge of the network. In the first part of this thesis, we present a proactive approach to balance the load in a distributed SDN control plane using the data plane component migration mechanism. First, we propose prediction models that forecast the load of SDN controllers in the long term. By using these models, we can preemptively detect whether the load will be unbalanced in the control plane and, thus, schedule migration operations in advance. Second, we improve the migration operation performance by optimizing the tradeoff between a load balancing factor and the cost of migration operations. This proactive load balancing approach not only avoids SDN controllers from being overloaded, but also allows a judicious selection of which data plane component should be migrated and where the migration should happen. In the second part of this thesis, we propose two RAN slicing schemes that efficiently allocate the communication and the computation resources in the edge of the network. The first RAN slicing scheme performs the allocation of radio resource blocks (RBs) to end-users in two time-scales, namely in a large time-scale and in a small time-scale. In the large time-scale, an SDN controller allocates to each base station a number of RBs from a shared radio RBs pool, according to its requirements in terms of delay and data rate. In the short time-scale, each base station assigns its available resources to its end-users and requests, if needed, additional resources from adjacent base stations. The second RAN slicing scheme jointly allocates the RBs and computation resources available in edge computing servers based on an open RAN architecture. We develop, for the proposed RAN slicing schemes, reinforcement learning and deep reinforcement learning algorithms to dynamically allocate RAN resources.La 5G et au-delà de la 5G/6G sont censées dessiner la future croissance économique de multiples industries verticales en fournissant l'infrastructure réseau nécessaire pour permettre l'innovation et la création de nouveaux modèles économiques. Elles permettent d'offrir un large spectre de services, à savoir des débits de données plus élevés, une latence ultra-faible et une fiabilité élevée. Pour tenir leurs promesses, la 5G et au-delà de la-5G/6G s'appuient sur le réseau défini par logiciel (SDN), l’informatique en périphérie et le découpage du réseau d'accès (RAN). Dans cette thèse, nous visons à utiliser le SDN en tant qu'outil clé pour améliorer la gestion des ressources dans les réseaux de nouvelle génération. Le SDN permet une gestion programmable des ressources informatiques en périphérie et une orchestration dynamique de découpage du RAN. Cependant, atteindre une performance efficace en se basant sur le SDN est une tâche difficile due aux fluctuations permanentes du trafic dans les réseaux de nouvelle génération et aux exigences de qualité de service diversifiées des applications émergentes. Pour atteindre notre objectif, nous abordons le problème de l'équilibrage de charge dans les architectures SDN distribuées, et nous optimisons le découpage du RAN des ressources de communication et de calcul à la périphérie du réseau. Dans la première partie de cette thèse, nous présentons une approche proactive pour équilibrer la charge dans un plan de contrôle SDN distribué en utilisant le mécanisme de migration des composants du plan de données. Tout d'abord, nous proposons des modèles pour prédire la charge des contrôleurs SDN à long terme. En utilisant ces modèles, nous pouvons détecter de manière préemptive si la charge sera déséquilibrée dans le plan de contrôle et, ainsi, programmer des opérations de migration à l'avance. Ensuite, nous améliorons les performances des opérations de migration en optimisant le compromis entre un facteur d'équilibrage de charge et le coût des opérations de migration. Cette approche proactive d'équilibrage de charge permet non seulement d'éviter la surcharge des contrôleurs SDN, mais aussi de choisir judicieusement le composant du plan de données à migrer et l'endroit où la migration devrait avoir lieu. Dans la deuxième partie de cette thèse, nous proposons deux mécanismes de découpage du RAN qui allouent efficacement les ressources de communication et de calcul à la périphérie des réseaux. Le premier mécanisme de découpage du RAN effectue l'allocation des blocs de ressources radio (RBs) aux utilisateurs finaux en deux échelles de temps, à savoir dans une échelle de temps large et dans une échelle de temps courte. Dans l’échelle de temps large, un contrôleur SDN attribue à chaque station de base un certain nombre de RB à partir d'un pool de RB radio partagé, en fonction de ses besoins en termes de délai et de débit. Dans l’échelle de temps courte, chaque station de base attribue ses ressources disponibles à ses utilisateurs finaux et demande, si nécessaire, des ressources supplémentaires aux stations de base adjacentes. Le deuxième mécanisme de découpage du RAN alloue conjointement les RB et les ressources de calcul disponibles dans les serveurs de l’informatique en périphérie en se basant sur une architecture RAN ouverte. Nous développons, pour les mécanismes de découpage du RAN proposés, des algorithmes d'apprentissage par renforcement et d'apprentissage par renforcement profond pour allouer dynamiquement les ressources du RAN

    Networks, Communication, and Computing Vol. 2

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    Networks, communications, and computing have become ubiquitous and inseparable parts of everyday life. This book is based on a Special Issue of the Algorithms journal, and it is devoted to the exploration of the many-faceted relationship of networks, communications, and computing. The included papers explore the current state-of-the-art research in these areas, with a particular interest in the interactions among the fields

    An Online Decision-Theoretic Pipeline for Responder Dispatch

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    The problem of dispatching emergency responders to service traffic accidents, fire, distress calls and crimes plagues urban areas across the globe. While such problems have been extensively looked at, most approaches are offline. Such methodologies fail to capture the dynamically changing environments under which critical emergency response occurs, and therefore, fail to be implemented in practice. Any holistic approach towards creating a pipeline for effective emergency response must also look at other challenges that it subsumes - predicting when and where incidents happen and understanding the changing environmental dynamics. We describe a system that collectively deals with all these problems in an online manner, meaning that the models get updated with streaming data sources. We highlight why such an approach is crucial to the effectiveness of emergency response, and present an algorithmic framework that can compute promising actions for a given decision-theoretic model for responder dispatch. We argue that carefully crafted heuristic measures can balance the trade-off between computational time and the quality of solutions achieved and highlight why such an approach is more scalable and tractable than traditional approaches. We also present an online mechanism for incident prediction, as well as an approach based on recurrent neural networks for learning and predicting environmental features that affect responder dispatch. We compare our methodology with prior state-of-the-art and existing dispatch strategies in the field, which show that our approach results in a reduction in response time with a drastic reduction in computational time.Comment: Appeared in ICCPS 201

    Efficient network management and security in 5G enabled internet of things using deep learning algorithms

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    The rise of fifth generation (5G) networks and the proliferation of internet-of-things (IoT) devices have created new opportunities for innovation and increased connectivity. However, this growth has also brought forth several challenges related to network management and security. Based on the review of literature it has been identified that majority of existing research work are limited to either addressing the network management issue or security concerns. In this paper, the proposed work has presented an integrated framework to address both network management and security concerns in 5G internet-of-things (IoT) network using a deep learning algorithm. Firstly, a joint approach of attention mechanism and long short-term memory (LSTM) model is proposed to forecast network traffic and optimization of network resources in a, service-based and user-oriented manner. The second contribution is development of reliable network attack detection system using autoencoder mechanism. Finally, a contextual model of 5G-IoT is discussed to demonstrate the scope of the proposed models quantifying the network behavior to drive predictive decision making in network resources and attack detection with performance guarantees. The experiments are conducted with respect to various statistical error analysis and other performance indicators to assess prediction capability of both traffic forecasting and attack detection model

    Potential of machine learning/Artificial Intelligence (ML/AI) for verifying configurations of 5G multi Radio Access Technology (RAT) base station

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    Abstract. The enhancements in mobile networks from 1G to 5G have greatly increased data transmission reliability and speed. However, concerns with 5G must be addressed. As system performance and reliability improve, ML and AI integration in products and services become more common. The integration teams in cellular network equipment creation test devices from beginning to end to ensure hardware and software parts function correctly. Radio unit integration is typically the first integration phase, where the radio is tested independently without additional network components like the BBU and UE. 5G architecture and the technology that it is using are explained further. The architecture defined by 3GPP for 5G differs from previous generations, using Network Functions (NFs) instead of network entities. This service-based architecture offers NF reusability to reduce costs and modularity, allowing for the best vendor options for customer radio products. 5G introduced the O-RAN concept to decompose the RAN architecture, allowing for increased speed, flexibility, and innovation. NG-RAN provided this solution to speed up the development and implementation process of 5G. The O-RAN concept aims to improve the efficiency of RAN by breaking it down into components, allowing for more agility and customization. The four protocols, the eCPRI interface, and the functionalities of fronthaul that NGRAN follows are expressed further. Additionally, the significance of NR is described with an explanation of its benefits. Some benefits are high data rates, lower latency, improved spectral efficiency, increased network flexibility, and improved energy efficiency. The timeline for 5G development is provided along with different 3GPP releases. Stand-alone and non-stand-alone architecture is integral while developing the 5G architecture; hence, it is also defined with illustrations. The two frequency bands that NR utilizes, FR1 and FR2, are expressed further. FR1 is a sub-6 GHz frequency band. It contains frequencies of low and high values; on the other hand, FR2 contains frequencies above 6GHz, comprising high frequencies. FR2 is commonly known as the mmWave band. Data collection for implementing the ML approaches is expressed that contains the test setup, data collection, data description, and data visualization part of the thesis work. The Test PC runs tests, executes test cases using test libraries, and collects data from various logs to analyze the system’s performance. The logs contain information about the test results, which can be used to identify issues and evaluate the system’s performance. The data collection part describes that the data was initially present in JSON files and extracted from there. The extraction took place using the Python code script and was then fed into an Excel sheet for further analysis. The data description explains the parameters that are taken while training the models. Jupyter notebook has been used for visualizing the data, and the visualization is carried out with the help of graphs. Moreover, the ML techniques used for analyzing the data are described. In total, three methods are used here. All the techniques come under the category of supervised learning. The explained models are random forest, XG Boost, and LSTM. These three models form the basis of ML techniques applied in the thesis. The results and discussion section explains the outcomes of the ML models and discusses how the thesis will be used in the future. The results include the parameters that are considered to apply the ML models to them. SINR, noise power, rxPower, and RSSI are the metrics that are being monitored. These parameters have variance, which is essential in evaluating the quality of the product test setup, the quality of the software being tested, and the state of the test environment. The discussion section of the thesis explains why the following parameters are taken, which ML model is most appropriate for the data being analyzed, and what the next steps are in implementation
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