221 research outputs found

    MicroRNA-mediated regulatory circuits: outlook and perspectives

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    MicroRNAs have been found to be necessary for regulating genes implicated in almost all signaling pathways, and consequently their dysfunction influences many diseases, including cancer. Understanding of the complexity of the microRNA-mediated regulatory network has grown in terms of size, connectivity and dynamics with the development of computational and, more recently, experimental high-throughput approaches for microRNA target identification. Newly developed studies on recurrent microRNA-mediated circuits in regulatory networks, also known as network motifs, have substantially contributed to addressing this complexity, and therefore to helping understand the ways by which microRNAs achieve their regulatory role. This review provides a summarizing view of the state-of-the-art, and perspectives of research efforts on microRNA-mediated regulatory motifs. In this review, we discuss the topological properties characterizing different types of circuits, and the regulatory features theoretically enabled by such properties, with a special emphasis on examples of circuits typifying their biological significance in experimentally validated contexts. Finally, we will consider possible future developments, in particular regarding microRNA-mediated circuits involving long non-coding RNAs and epigenetic regulators

    Conserved Regulation of p53 Network Dosage by MicroRNA–125b Occurs through Evolving miRNA–Target Gene Pairs

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    MicroRNAs regulate networks of genes to orchestrate cellular functions. MiR-125b, the vertebrate homologue of the Caenorhabditis elegans microRNA lin-4, has been implicated in the regulation of neural and hematopoietic stem cell homeostasis, analogous to how lin-4 regulates stem cells in C. elegans. Depending on the cell context, miR-125b has been proposed to regulate both apoptosis and proliferation. Because the p53 network is a central regulator of both apoptosis and proliferation, the dual roles of miR-125b raise the question of what genes in the p53 network might be regulated by miR-125b. By using a gain- and loss-of-function screen for miR-125b targets in humans, mice, and zebrafish and by validating these targets with the luciferase assay and a novel miRNA pull-down assay, we demonstrate that miR-125b directly represses 20 novel targets in the p53 network. These targets include both apoptosis regulators like Bak1, Igfbp3, Itch, Puma, Prkra, Tp53inp1, Tp53, Zac1, and also cell-cycle regulators like cyclin C, Cdc25c, Cdkn2c, Edn1, Ppp1ca, Sel1l, in the p53 network. We found that, although each miRNA–target pair was seldom conserved, miR-125b regulation of the p53 pathway is conserved at the network level. Our results lead us to propose that miR-125b buffers and fine-tunes p53 network activity by regulating the dose of both proliferative and apoptotic regulators, with implications for tissue stem cell homeostasis and oncogenesis

    Brain Enriched microRNAs Open the Neurogenic Potential of Adult Human Fibroblasts

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    The seemingly limitless capacities of mammals to sense, respond, and manipulate their environments stems from their structurally and functionally diverse nervous systems. Establishing these complex behaviors requires the integration of many biological phenomena including, morphogenetic gradients, cell-cell signaling, transcriptional networks, cell migration and epigenetic gene regulation. As mammalian development progresses, these pathways coordinate the production of highly specialized neuronal and glial cells, that connect and communicate with another in an even more complex manner. While evolution has shaped a multitude of pathways to produce numerous favorable traits, it has also created an intricate system vulnerable to disease. The loss of different types of neurons, each responsible for specialized biochemical communications within the brain and spinal cord, results in a wide variety of neurological and neurodegenerative diseases. Unfortunately, many of these diseases are uniquely human and cannot be wholly studied in model organisms such as Mus musculus or Drosophila melanogaster. Further, their location and absolute necessity precludes isolation directly from patients. Fortunately, advances in our understanding of genetic pathways that specify neuronal cell fates during development have enabled the directed differentiation of embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) into specific neuronal subtypes. This knowledge has been further leveraged to directly convert (reprogram) non-neuronal somatic cells into neurons, bypassing the induction of pluripotency. Specifically, ectopically expressing small non-coding microRNAs (miRNAs), miR-9/9* and miR-124 (miR-9/9*-124), with transcription factors in human adult fibroblasts is sufficient to generate functionally mature neuronal subtypes. These direct conversion modalities may prove invaluable in the study of late-onset neurodegenerative diseases, as the original age of human fibroblasts is maintained in converted neurons in contrast to the cellular rejuvenation observed in iPSCs. However, little is known about the epigenetic and molecular events that accompany direct cell-fate conversion limiting the utility of these features. Further, the capacity of miRNAs alone to overcome cell fate barriers has largely been unexplored. Within this thesis I provide mechanistic insights into the cell-fate pioneering activity of miR-9/9*-124. These results demonstrate that miRNAs induce remodeling of chromatin accessibilities, DNA methylation and the transcriptome leading to the generation of functionally excitable neurons. Surprisingly, during neuronal reprogramming, miR-9/9*-124 opens neuronal gene loci embedded in heterochromatic regions while simultaneously repressing fibroblast loci, revealing how miRNAs may overcome the cell-fate barrier that exists in human fibroblasts. These findings led to the discovery of a miRNA-induced permissive neurogenic ground state capable of generating multiple, clinically relevant neuronal subtypes. As such, I show that the addition of motor neuron factors, ISL1 and LHX3, can function as terminal selectors to specify neuronal conversion to a highly enriched population of human spinal cord motor neurons. Altogether, the work contained within this thesis identifies miRNA-mediated epigenetic remodeling events underlying direct neuronal conversion of human fibroblasts and a modular platform capable of generating multiple, clinically relevant neuronal subtypes directly from patients

    From Endogenous to Synthetic microRNA-Mediated Regulatory Circuits: An Overview

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    MicroRNAs are short non-coding RNAs that are evolutionarily conserved and are pivotal post-transcriptional mediators of gene regulation. Together with transcription factors and epigenetic regulators, they form a highly interconnected network whose building blocks can be classified depending on the number of molecular species involved and the type of interactions amongst them. Depending on their topology, these molecular circuits may carry out specific functions that years of studies have related to the processing of gene expression noise. In this review, we first present the different over-represented network motifs involving microRNAs and their specific role in implementing relevant biological functions, reviewing both theoretical and experimental studies. We then illustrate the recent advances in synthetic biology, such as the construction of artificially synthesised circuits, which provide a controlled tool to test experimentally the possible microRNA regulatory tasks and constitute a starting point for clinical applications

    A C19MC-LIN28A-MYCN Oncogenic Circuit Driven by Hijacked Super-enhancers Is a Distinct Therapeutic Vulnerability in ETMRs: A Lethal Brain Tumor

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    © 2019 Elsevier Inc. Embryonal tumors with multilayered rosettes (ETMRs) are highly lethal infant brain cancers with characteristic amplification of Chr19q13.41 miRNA cluster (C19MC) and enrichment of pluripotency factor LIN28A. Here we investigated C19MC oncogenic mechanisms and discovered a C19MC-LIN28A-MYCN circuit fueled by multiple complex regulatory loops including an MYCN core transcriptional network and super-enhancers resulting from long-range MYCN DNA interactions and C19MC gene fusions. Our data show that this powerful oncogenic circuit, which entraps an early neural lineage network, is potently abrogated by bromodomain inhibitor JQ1, leading to ETMR cell death. Sin-Chan et al. uncover a C19MC-LIN28A-MYCN super-enhancer-dependent oncogenic circuit in embryonal tumors with multilayered rosettes (ETMRs). The circuit entraps an early neural lineage network to sustain embryonic epigenetic programming and is vulnerable to bromodomain inhibition, which promotes ETMR cell death

    The Role of Schwann Cell Mitochondrial Metabolism in Schwann Cell Biology and Axonal Survival

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    Mitochondrial dysfunction has emerged as a common cause of peripheral neuropathies. While the role of neuronal and axonal mitochondria in peripheral nerve disease is well appreciated, whether Schwann cell: SC) mitochondrial deficits contribute to peripheral neuropathies is unclear. Greater insight into the biology and pathology of SC mitochondrial metabolism could be relevant to the treatment of peripheral neuropathies, particularly because SCs critically support axonal stability and function as well as promote peripheral nerve regeneration. The present thesis investigates the contribution of SC mitochondrial deficits to disease progression in peripheral neuropathies as well as the gene regulatory network that drives the SC regenerative response after injury and in disease states. We describe the generation and characterization of the first mouse model useful in directly interrogating the contribution of SC mitochondrial dysfunction to peripheral neuropathy. These mice: Tfam-SCKOs) were produced through the tissue-specific deletion of the mitochondrial transcription factor A gene: Tfam), which is required for mtDNA transcription and replication. Interestingly, induction of SC-specific mitochondrial dysfunction did not affect SC survival; instead, these deficits resulted in a severe, progressive peripheral neuropathy characterized by extensive axonal degeneration that recapitulated critical features of human neuropathy. Mechanistically, we demonstrated that SC mitochondrial dysfunction activates a maladaptive integrated stress response and causes a shift in lipid metabolism away from new lipid biosynthesis towards increased lipid oxidation. These alterations in lipid metabolism caused the early depletion of key myelin lipid components as well as a dramatic accumulation of acylcarnitine lipid intermediates. Importantly, release of acylcarnitines from SCs was toxic to axons and induced their degeneration. Our results show that normal mitochondrial function in SCs is essential for maintenance of axonal survival and normal peripheral nerve function, suggesting that SC mitochondrial dysfunction contributes to human peripheral neuropathies. Moreover, our work identifies alterations in SC lipid metabolism and the accumulation of toxic lipid intermediates as novel mechanisms driving some of the pathology in peripheral neuropathies associated with mitochondrial dysfunction. Tfam-SCKO mice showed a severe deficiency in their ability to remyelinate peripheral nerve axons after injury. To gain insight into the highly orchestrated process of SC-mediated support of axonal regeneration, we also investigated the transcriptional and post-transcriptional gene regulatory program that drives the SC regenerative response. We profiled the expression of SC microRNAs: miRNAs) after peripheral nerve lesions as well as characterized the injury response of SCs with disrupted miRNA processing and showed that SC miRNAs modulated the injury response largely by targeting positive regulators of SC dedifferentiation/proliferation. SC miRNAs cooperated with transcriptional regulators to promote rapid and robust transitions between the distinct differentiation states necessary to support nerve regeneration. Moreover, we identified miR-34a and miR-140 as regulators of SC proliferation and myelination. We then used a novel computational approach to infer the gene regulatory network involved in this SC injury response and gain insight on cooperative regulation of this process by transcription factors and miRNAs. Together, the results described in the present thesis represent a significant increase in our understanding of how mitochondrial abnormalities specifically in SCs contribute to clinical impairment in patients with peripheral neuropathy. Moreover, the mechanistic characterization of lipid metabolism abnormalities in SCs following mitochondrial dysfunction elucidates potentially important therapeutic targets. Finally, our analysis of the transcriptional and post-transcriptional gene regulatory network involved in the SC regenerative response also provides valuable insight that could be harnessed to help restore normal nerve function in patients with peripheral neuropathy