3,950 research outputs found

    Review Paper on Answers Selection and Recommendation in Community Question Answers System

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    Nowadays, question answering system is more convenient for the users, users ask question online and then they will get the answer of that question, but as browsing is primary need for each an individual, the number of users ask question and system will provide answer but the computation time increased as well as waiting time increased and same type of questions are asked by different users, system need to give same answers repeatedly to different users. To avoid this we propose PLANE technique which may quantitatively rank answer candidates from the relevant question pool. If users ask any question, then system provide answers in ranking form, then system recommend highest rank answer to the user. We proposing expert recommendation system, an expert will provide answer of the question which is asked by the user and we also implement sentence level clustering technique in which a single question have multiple answers, system provide most suitable answer to the question which is asked by the user

    Detecting collusive spamming activities in community question answering

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    Community Question Answering (CQA) portals provide rich sources of information on a variety of topics. However, the authenticity and quality of questions and answers (Q&As) has proven hard to control. In a troubling direction, the widespread growth of crowdsourcing websites has created a large-scale, potentially difficult-to-detect workforce to manipulate malicious contents in CQA. The crowd workers who join the same crowdsourcing task about promotion campaigns in CQA collusively manipulate deceptive Q&As for promoting a target (product or service). The collusive spamming group can fully control the sentiment of the target. How to utilize the structure and the attributes for detecting manipulated Q&As? How to detect the collusive group and leverage the group information for the detection task? To shed light on these research questions, we propose a unified framework to tackle the challenge of detecting collusive spamming activities of CQA. First, we interpret the questions and answers in CQA as two independent networks. Second, we detect collusive question groups and answer groups from these two networks respectively by measuring the similarity of the contents posted within a short duration. Third, using attributes (individual-level and group-level) and correlations (user-based and content-based), we proposed a combined factor graph model to detect deceptive Q&As simultaneously by combining two independent factor graphs. With a large-scale practical data set, we find that the proposed framework can detect deceptive contents at early stage, and outperforms a number of competitive baselines

    A Survey on Data-Driven Evaluation of Competencies and Capabilities Across Multimedia Environments

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    The rapid evolution of technology directly impacts the skills and jobs needed in the next decade. Users can, intentionally or unintentionally, develop different skills by creating, interacting with, and consuming the content from online environments and portals where informal learning can emerge. These environments generate large amounts of data; therefore, big data can have a significant impact on education. Moreover, the educational landscape has been shifting from a focus on contents to a focus on competencies and capabilities that will prepare our society for an unknown future during the 21st century. Therefore, the main goal of this literature survey is to examine diverse technology-mediated environments that can generate rich data sets through the users’ interaction and where data can be used to explicitly or implicitly perform a data-driven evaluation of different competencies and capabilities. We thoroughly and comprehensively surveyed the state of the art to identify and analyse digital environments, the data they are producing and the capabilities they can measure and/or develop. Our survey revealed four key multimedia environments that include sites for content sharing & consumption, video games, online learning and social networks that fulfilled our goal. Moreover, different methods were used to measure a large array of diverse capabilities such as expertise, language proficiency and soft skills. Our results prove the potential of the data from diverse digital environments to support the development of lifelong and lifewide 21st-century capabilities for the future society

    Multi-view Semantic Matching of Question retrieval using Fine-grained Semantic Representations

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    As a key task of question answering, question retrieval has attracted much attention from the communities of academia and industry. Previous solutions mainly focus on the translation model, topic model, and deep learning techniques. Distinct from the previous solutions, we propose to construct fine-grained semantic representations of a question by a learned importance score assigned to each keyword, so that we can achieve a fine-grained question matching solution with these semantic representations of different lengths. Accordingly, we propose a multi-view semantic matching model by reusing the important keywords in multiple semantic representations. As a key of constructing fine-grained semantic representations, we are the first to use a cross-task weakly supervised extraction model that applies question-question labelled signals to supervise the keyword extraction process (i.e. to learn the keyword importance). The extraction model integrates the deep semantic representation and lexical matching information with statistical features to estimate the importance of keywords. We conduct extensive experiments on three public datasets and the experimental results show that our proposed model significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art solutions.Comment: 10 page

    Knowledge-based Biomedical Data Science 2019

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    Knowledge-based biomedical data science (KBDS) involves the design and implementation of computer systems that act as if they knew about biomedicine. Such systems depend on formally represented knowledge in computer systems, often in the form of knowledge graphs. Here we survey the progress in the last year in systems that use formally represented knowledge to address data science problems in both clinical and biological domains, as well as on approaches for creating knowledge graphs. Major themes include the relationships between knowledge graphs and machine learning, the use of natural language processing, and the expansion of knowledge-based approaches to novel domains, such as Chinese Traditional Medicine and biodiversity.Comment: Manuscript 43 pages with 3 tables; Supplemental material 43 pages with 3 table

    Knowledge Sharing in Platform Ecosystems through Sponsored Online Communities: The Influence of User Roles and Media Richness

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    Platform ecosystems are characterized by knowledge boundaries that arise between the platform owner and third-party developers. Although major platform owners such as Microsoft and SAP nurture sponsored online communities to overcome knowledge boundaries in their ecosystem, the peculiarities of such communities are yet to be examined. Drawing upon the lead user and media richness theory, we investigate how different user roles and media types influence the value of a knowledge contribution in such communities. Analyzing one million answers from the SAP Community, we uncovered that both lead users and sponsor representatives are more likely to provide valuable knowledge contributions compared to normal users. Moreover, we show that attachments, code snippets, and links significantly enhance the value of a knowledge contribution. Surprisingly, we find a strong negative moderation effect of code snippets on the contributions of sponsor representatives, but a strong positive moderation effect on the contributions of lead users

    Towards Supporting Visual Question and Answering Applications

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    abstract: Visual Question Answering (VQA) is a new research area involving technologies ranging from computer vision, natural language processing, to other sub-fields of artificial intelligence such as knowledge representation. The fundamental task is to take as input one image and one question (in text) related to the given image, and to generate a textual answer to the input question. There are two key research problems in VQA: image understanding and the question answering. My research mainly focuses on developing solutions to support solving these two problems. In image understanding, one important research area is semantic segmentation, which takes images as input and output the label of each pixel. As much manual work is needed to label a useful training set, typical training sets for such supervised approaches are always small. There are also approaches with relaxed labeling requirement, called weakly supervised semantic segmentation, where only image-level labels are needed. With the development of social media, there are more and more user-uploaded images available on-line. Such user-generated content often comes with labels like tags and may be coarsely labelled by various tools. To use these information for computer vision tasks, I propose a new graphic model by considering the neighborhood information and their interactions to obtain the pixel-level labels of the images with only incomplete image-level labels. The method was evaluated on both synthetic and real images. In question answering, my research centers on best answer prediction, which addressed two main research topics: feature design and model construction. In the feature design part, most existing work discussed how to design effective features for answer quality / best answer prediction. However, little work mentioned how to design features by considering the relationship between answers of one given question. To fill this research gap, I designed new features to help improve the prediction performance. In the modeling part, to employ the structure of the feature space, I proposed an innovative learning-to-rank model by considering the hierarchical lasso. Experiments with comparison with the state-of-the-art in the best answer prediction literature have confirmed that the proposed methods are effective and suitable for solving the research task.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Computer Science 201

    Application of the Markov Chain Method in a Health Portal Recommendation System

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    This study produced a recommendation system that can effectively recommend items on a health portal. Toward this aim, a transaction log that records users’ traversal activities on the Medical College of Wisconsin’s HealthLink, a health portal with a subject directory, was utilized and investigated. This study proposed a mixed-method that included the transaction log analysis method, the Markov chain analysis method, and the inferential analysis method. The transaction log analysis method was applied to extract users’ traversal activities from the log. The Markov chain analysis method was adopted to model users’ traversal activities and then generate recommendation lists for topics, articles, and Q&A items on the health portal. The inferential analysis method was applied to test whether there are any correlations between recommendation lists generated by the proposed recommendation system and recommendation lists ranked by experts. The topics selected for this study are Infections, the Heart, and Cancer. These three topics were the three most viewed topics in the portal. The findings of this study revealed the consistency between the recommendation lists generated from the proposed system and the lists ranked by experts. At the topic level, two topic recommendation lists generated from the proposed system were consistent with the lists ranked by experts, while one topic recommendation list was highly consistent with the list ranked by experts. At the article level, one article recommendation list generated from the proposed system was consistent with the list ranked by experts, while 14 article recommendation lists were highly consistent with the lists ranked by experts. At the Q&A item level, three Q&A item recommendation lists generated from the proposed system were consistent with the lists ranked by experts, while 12 Q&A item recommendation lists were highly consistent with the lists ranked by experts. The findings demonstrated the significance of users’ traversal data extracted from the transaction log. The methodology applied in this study proposed a systematic approach to generating the recommendation systems for other similar portals. The outcomes of this study can facilitate users’ navigation, and provide a new method for building a recommendation system that recommends items at three levels: the topic level, the article level, and the Q&A item level
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