6 research outputs found

    Simulation and analysis of sea-level change from tide gauge station by using artificial neural network models

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    Sea level change is one of the most certain results of global warming. Sea level change would increase erosion in coastal areas, result in intrusion into water supplies, inundate coastal marshes and other important habitats, and make the coastal property more vulnerable to erosion and flooding. This situation coincides with the massive socio-economic development of the coastal city areas. The coastal areas of the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia are vulnerable to sea-level change, flooding, and extreme erosion events. The monthly Mean Sea Level (MSL) change was simulated by using two Artificial Neural Network (ANN) models, Feed Forward- Neural Network (FF-NN) and Nonlinear Autoregressive Exogenous- Neural Network (NARX-NN) models. Both models did well in recreating sea levels and their fluctuating patterns, according to the data. The NARX-NN model with architecture (5-6-1) and four lag options, on the other hand, got the greatest results. The findings of the model’s mean sea level rise simulation show that Kuala Terengganu would have a growing and upward trend of roughly 25.34 mm/year. This paper shows that the eastern coast of Malaysia is highly vulnerable to sea-level rise and therefore, requires sustainable adaptation policies and plans to manage the potential impacts. It recommends that various policies, which enable areas to be occupied for longer before the eventual retreat, could be adapted to accommodate vulnerable settlements on the eastern coast of Malaysia

    Prediction of River Discharge by Using Gaussian Basis Function

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    For design of water resources engineering related project such as hydraulic structures like dam, barrage and weirs river discharge data is vital. However, prediction of river discharge is complicated by variations in geometry and boundary roughness. The conventional method of estimation of river discharge tends to be inaccurate because river discharge is nonlinear but the method is linear. Therefore, an alternative method to overcome problem to predict river discharge is required. Soft computing technique such as artificial neural network (ANN) was able to predict nonlinear parameter such as river discharge. In this study, prediction of river discharge in Pari River is predicted using soft computing technique, specifically gaussian basis function. Water level raw data from year 2011 to 2012 is used as input. The data divided into two section, training dataset and testing dataset. From 314 data, 200 are allocated as training data and the remaining 100 are used as testing data. After that, the data will be run by using Matlab software. Three input variables used in this study were current water level, 1-antecendent water level, and 2-antecendent water level. 19 numbers of hidden neurons with spread value of 0.69106 was the best choice which creates the best result for model architecture after numbers of trial. The output variable was river discharge. Performance evaluation measures such as root mean square error, mean absolute error, correlation of efficiency (CE) and coefficient of determination (R2) was used to indicate the overall performance of the selected network. R2 for training dataset was 0.983 which showed predicted discharge is highly correlated with observed discharge value. However, testing stage performance is decline from training stage as R2 obtained was 0.775 consequently presence of outliers have affect scattering of whole data of testing and resulted in less accuracy as the R2 obtained much lower compared to training dataset. This happened because less number of input loaded into testing than training. RMSE and MSE recorded for training much lower than testing indicated that the better the performance of the model since the error is lesser. The comparison of with other types of neural network showed that Gaussian basis function is recommended to be used for river discharge prediction in Pari river

    Classification, Localization, and Quantification of Structural Damage in Concrete Structures using Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Applications of Machine Learning (ML) algorithms in Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) have recently become of great interest owing to their superior ability to detect damage in engineering structures. ML algorithms used in this domain are classified into two major subfields: vibration-based and image-based SHM. Traditional condition survey techniques based on visual inspection have been the most widely used for monitoring concrete structures in service. Inspectors visually evaluate defects based on experience and engineering judgment. However, this process is subjective, time-consuming, and hampered by difficult access to numerous parts of complex structures. Accordingly, the present study proposes a nearly automated inspection model based on image processing, signal processing, and deep learning for detecting defects and identifying damage locations in typically inaccessible areas of concrete structures. The work conducted in this thesis achieved excellent damage localization and classification performance and could offer a nearly automated inspection platform for the colossal backlog of ageing civil engineering structures

    Tehnike računarske inteligencije u modeliranju i identifikaciji indikatora ponašanja brane

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    Indikatori ponašanja brane su relevantne veličine, čijim se praćenjem utvrđuje da li je stvarno stanje brane u eksploataciji u saglasnosti sa onim što je predviđeno i očekivano u fazi projektovanja. Veličine koje se prate treba da se kreću u nekom unapred definisanom opsegu koji garantuje stanje stabilnosti brane. U ovoj disertaciji su predloženi različiti pristupi modeliranja i parametarske identifikacije indikatora ponašanja brane, poput horizontalnih pomeranja i nivoa vode u pijezometrima, tehnikama računarske inteligencije. Prvi pristup je da se linearno preslikavanje uzročnih veličina u indikatore ponašanja, koje se koristi kod višestruke linearne regresije, zameni nelinearnim. Drugi pristup, predložen u ovom radu, zasniva se na primeni postupka parametarske identifikacije nelinearnih sistema. Horizontalna pomeranja i nivoi vode u pijezometrima su nelinearne, složene funkcije uzročnih veličina, pa je za njihovo modeliranje korišćena NARX (Nonlinear Auto Regresive eXogenous- nelinearni auto-regresioni model sa spoljašnjim ulazom) struktura, kojom je opisana široka klasa nelinearnih dinamičkih procesa. Predloženi pristupi formiranja modela primenjeni su za modeliranje i parametarsku identifikaciju horizontalnih pomeranja tačaka brane Bočac, kao i nivoa vode u pijezometrima brana Đerdap II i Prvonek. Nelinearni modeli zasnovani na tehnikama računarske inteligencije implementirani su korišćenjem programskog jezika Java i programskog paketa Matlab. Tehnike računarske inteligencije korišćene u ovom radu su višeslojni perceptron, RBF (RBF - Radial Basis Function – radijalna osnovna funkcija) neuronska mreža i ANFIS (ANFIS - Adaptive-Network-Based Fuzzy Inference System - fazi sistem za zaključivanje zasnovan na adaptivnoj mreži). Nedostajući podaci u skupu merenja mogu biti uzrok problema u okviru procesa učenja i loših performansi dobijenih modela. U cilju nadomeštanja nedostajućih podataka korišćene su tehnike iz domena matematičke statistike. Prisustvo autlajera u mernim podacima ima veliki uticaj na predviđanja podataka koji nedostaju, pa je njihovo prisustvo posebno analizirano. Takođe je analiziran i problem optimizacije ulazno-izlaznih modela, koji podrazumeva određivanje broja prediktora i dimenzije regresionog vektora, kao i broja parametara neuronskih mreža i neuro-fazi sistema. Performanse modela, formiranih na osnovu predloženog koncepta, poređeni su sa rezultatima dobijenim drugim metodama modeliranja istih indikatora ponašanja prikazanim u relevantoj literaturi objavljenoj u poslednjih nekoliko godina. Na osnovu rezultata zaključeno je da je moguće kreirati i obučiti modele zasnovane na tehnikama računarske inteligencije koji će sa velikom preciznošću predviđati bitne indikatore ponašanja brane.The dam behavior indicators are relevant factors whose monitoring indicates whether the actual operational state of the dam is in accordance with what is expected and anticipated in the design phase. Such indicators should move in a predefined range, in order to guarantee stability of the dam. This dissertation proposes different approaches to modeling and parametric identification of the dam behavior indicators, such as radial displacements or piezometric water levels, using the techniques of artificial intelligence. The first approach is to replace linear mapping of causal variables into behavior indicators, which is used in multiple linear regression, with nonlinear. The second approach proposed in this paper is based on applying the method of parametric nonlinear system identification. Radial displacements and piezometric water levels are nonlinear, complex functions of causal variables, so for their modeling NARX (Nonlinear Auto Regresive eXogenous), which is employed to describe a wide class of nonlinear dynamic systems, is used. These proposed approaches are used for modeling and parametric identification of radial displacements of dam Bočac, and piezometric water levels of dams Iron Gate II and Prvonek. Nonlinear models based on artificial intelligence techniques have been implemented using the Java programming language and MATLAB. Artificial intelligence techniques used in this work are the multilayer perceptron, RBF (Radial Basis Function) neural network and ANFIS (Adaptive-Network-Based Fuzzy Inference System). The presence of missing data in a set of measurements may be causing problems in the learning process and the poor performance of the obtained models. In order to predict the missing data, the techniques of mathematical statistics have been used. Outliers present in a set of measurements have a big effect on the prediction of missing data, and their presence is specifically analyzed. The problem of optimizing the inputoutput model, which involves determining the number of predictors and dimensions of the regression vector, and the number of parameters of neural networks and neuro-fuzzy systems, is also analyzed. The performance of the models, formed on the basis of the proposed concept, are compared with those obtained by other methods of modeling the same behavioral indicators presented in relevant accompanying literature published in the last few years. Based on the results, it was concluded that it is possible to create and train models based on computational intelligence techniques to predict with great accuracy the essential dam behavior indicators