4,416 research outputs found

    Focal Spot, Spring 1991

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    Focal Spot, Winter 2006/2007

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    Locoregional stage assessment in clinically node negative breast cancer: Clinical, imaging, pathologic, and statistical methods

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    The locoregional staging remains an essential part of prognostication in breast cancer. Tumour size and biology, together with the number of lymph node metastases, guide the planning of appropriate treatments. Accurate clinical, imaging, pathologic, and statistical staging is needed as the surgical staging diminishes. In this study, 743 clinically lymph node negative breast cancer patients treated in 2009‒2017 were evaluated. Clinopathological factors were investigated in association with the number of lymph node metastases, the use of preoperative imaging methods and the surgical treatment method. A nomogram was developed and tested to predict the number of lymph node metastases after sentinel lymph node positivity. Three previously published models were validated to confirm their feasibility in the current population to predict nodal stage pN2a or pN3a. Tumour size, biologic subtype and proliferation associated with higher numbers of lymph node metastases. To predict stage pN2a or pN3a, the machine learning algorithms identified tumour size, invasive ductal histology, multifocality, lymphovascular invasion, oestrogen receptor status and the number of positive sentinel lymph nodes as risk factors. The nomograms performed well with favourable discrimination. Clinopathological factors seemed to guide preoperative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) prior to more extensive surgery. MRI estimated the increasing tumour size more accurately than mammography or ultrasound. According to this study, clinopathological factors, additional preoperative MRI and modern statistics can be utilized in breast cancer staging without extensive surgical interference. The importance of non-surgical investigations in staging is growing in the planning of surgical, systemic and radiation treatments. Thus, maintaining the impressive survival outcomes of clinically node negative breast cancer patients can be achieved.Kliinisesti imusolmukenegatiivisen rintasyövän paikallislevinneisyyden arvioiminen. Kliiniset, kuvantamisen, patologian alan ja tilastotieteen menetelmät Kasvaimen paikallinen levinneisyys on tärkeä rintasyövän ennustetekijä. Kasvaimen koko ja biologia sekä imusolmukemetastaasien lukumäärä ohjaavat syöpähoitojen suunnittelua. Levinneisyyden selvittelyssä tarvitaan huolellista kliinistä tutkimusta sekä tarkkoja kuvantamisen, patologian alan ja tilastotieteen menetelmiä, kun kirurginen levinneisyysluokittelu vähenee. Tutkimuksessa arvioitiin vuosina 2009‒2017 hoidettujen 743 kliinisesti imusolmukenegatiivisen suomalaisen potilaan tietoja. Työssä selvitettiin kliinispatologisten tekijöiden ja kainaloimusolmukemetastaasien lukumäärän, leikkausta edeltävien kuvantamistutkimusten sekä leikkausmenetelmien yhteyttä. Ennustemalli kehitettiin ja koekäytettiin positiivisen vartijaimusolmuketutkimuksen jälkeisen imusolmukemetastaasien määrän arvioimiseksi. Kolme aiemmin julkaistua mallia validoitiin, jotta niiden käyttökelpoisuus imusolmukeluokan pN2a tai pN3a ennustamisessa varmistuisi tässä aineistossa. Kasvainkoko, biologinen alatyyppi ja jakautumisnopeus olivat yhteydessä suurempaan imusolmukemetastaasien määrään. Koneoppimisalgoritmit määrittivät levinneisyysluokan pN2a tai pN3a ennustamiseksi tarvittaviksi tekijöiksi kasvainkoon, invasiivisen duktaalisen histologian, monipesäkkeisyyden, suoni-invaasion, estrogeenireseptoristatuksen sekä positiivisten vartijaimusolmukkeiden määrän. Ennustemallit toimivat aineistossa hyvin osoittaen suotuisaa erotuskykyä. Kliinispatologiset tekijät näyttivät ohjaavan magneettikuvauspäätöstä ennen laajaa kirurgista hoitoa. Magneettikuvaus oli tarkin kuvantamismenetelmä suurenevan kasvainkoon arvioinnissa. Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella kliinispatologiset tekijät, leikkausta edeltävä täydentävä magneettikuvaus ja nykyaikaiset tilastotieteen menetelmät voivat hyödyttää rintasyövän levinneisyysluokittelua ilman laajoja kirurgisia toimenpiteitä. Kajoamattomien tutkimusten asema levinneisyysluokittelussa on vahvistumassa kirurgisten, lääkkeellisten ja sädehoitojen suunnittelun yhteydessä. Tarkka levinneisyysluokittelu edesauttaa kliinisesti imusolmukenegatiivisten rintasyöpäpotilaiden erinomaista ennustetta

    Economic Burden of Low-value Healthcare on Patients with Localized Prostate Cancer: Statistical & Machine Learning Approaches

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    Adults with incident localized prostate cancer represent a large, medically complex population at risk for low-value care. Evidence-based guidelines recommend conservative management (CM) for localized prostate cancer patients with multimorbidity and limited life expectancy, however, 2 in 3 still choose treatment. This dissertation pursued three Aims to address research gaps related to healthcare practices associated with significant morbidity and economic burden on older men with incident localized prostate cancer: 1) examine the leading predictors of low-value healthcare practice of prostate cancer treatment for low-risk prostate cancer; 2) assess the role of patient‐reported experience with care on high-value prostate cancer management; and 3) estimate the association of high-value care on non-cancer related healthcare expenditures using machine learning and statistical approaches. In this study, 2 in 3 adults received low-value prostate cancer treatment. Multimorbidity and care fragmentation were among the leading predictors of low-value prostate cancer treatment and contrary to expectations, life expectancy was a weak predictor of treatment receipt. Social determinants of health were highly ranked predictors of treatment. Higher “timeliness of care” patient reported experience scores were associated with high-value CM use. Other forms of low-value care before incident prostate cancer diagnosis were associated with higher non-cancer related healthcare expenditures while high-value CM was associated with lower costs. In summary, this dissertation highlights the negative effect of multimorbidity and care fragmentation on overtreatment, high-value care, and cost outcomes. Perceptions of timely care with healthcare providers and systems have significant impact on high-value CM use among older men with localized prostate cancer. This dissertation reports strong independent predictive associations of incremental low-value healthcare use before incident prostate cancer diagnosis to have significant increases on long-term non-cancer related costs

    Utilizing artificial intelligence in perioperative patient flow:systematic literature review

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    Abstract. The purpose of this thesis was to map the existing landscape of artificial intelligence (AI) applications used in secondary healthcare, with a focus on perioperative care. The goal was to find out what systems have been developed, and how capable they are at controlling perioperative patient flow. The review was guided by the following research question: How is AI currently utilized in patient flow management in the context of perioperative care? This systematic literature review examined the current evidence regarding the use of AI in perioperative patient flow. A comprehensive search was conducted in four databases, resulting in 33 articles meeting the inclusion criteria. Findings demonstrated that AI technologies, such as machine learning (ML) algorithms and predictive analytics tools, have shown somewhat promising outcomes in optimizing perioperative patient flow. Specifically, AI systems have proven effective in predicting surgical case durations, assessing risks, planning treatments, supporting diagnosis, improving bed utilization, reducing cancellations and delays, and enhancing communication and collaboration among healthcare providers. However, several challenges were identified, including the need for accurate and reliable data sources, ethical considerations, and the potential for biased algorithms. Further research is needed to validate and optimize the application of AI in perioperative patient flow. The contribution of this thesis is summarizing the current state of the characteristics of AI application in perioperative patient flow. This systematic literature review provides information about the features of perioperative patient flow and the clinical tasks of AI applications previously identified

    The brilliance of value based breast cancer care

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    The brilliance of value based breast cancer care

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