6,322 research outputs found

    Mobile Payment Continuance Intention

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    A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor in Information Management, specialization in Information TechnologiesThe disruptive development of information and communication technologies over the last two decades has revolutionized the mobile phone industry, exponentially increased the number of mobile phone users, and encouraged companies to make various services available through a mobile phone. Mobile payment is one of the fastest growing services, enabling users to perform financial transactions over a mobile phone. The exponential growth of mobile payment has affected a number of sectors including finance and technology, thus reinforcing the need for a deep understanding of the impact of the continued use of mobile payment services. With this dissertation we contribute to a better understanding of the determinants of continuance intention to use mobile payment at the individual level. For this reason, were developed four studies, one literature review, and three empirical studies. In the first study (Chapter 2) we conducted a literature review of existing studies on individual continuance intention to use an information system. In Chapter 3 we assessed the continuance intention to use m-payment employing two theoretical models, the DeLone and McLean information system success model (D&M ISSM) and the expectation-confirmation model (ECM) in an African context. The impact of task technology fit (TTF) and overall trust on ECM to explain the continuance use of mpayment is analysed in Chapter 4. In the last study, Chapter 5, we assess the impact of culture on continuance intention to use m-payment, combining the ECM and Hofstede’s cultural dimensions. This dissertation provides several contributions for research and practice, contributing to the advancement of knowledge and implications for service managers, service providers, users, and researchers. The literature review applies meta-analysis and weight analysis from 115 empirical studies from continuance intention to use an information system (IS). The findings reveal that the factors with strongest influence on continuance intention to use an IS are affective commitment, attitude, satisfaction, hedonic value, and flow. Moreover, sample size, individualism, uncertainty avoidance, and long-term orientation moderate the relationship of perceived usefulness on continuance intention. Power distance, masculinity, and indulgence moderate the relationship of satisfaction on continuance intention. From the first empirical study we examine the influence individual performance drivers on continuance intention to use m–payment in an African context. We find that the most important predictors of continuance intention to use m-payment are individual performance, use, and satisfaction. The second empirical study integrates TTF and overall trust theories and evaluates their relationships for continuance intention to use mobile payment. Findings show that use, individual performance, overall trust, and the moderation role of satisfaction are the most important constructs to explain continuance intention. The last empirical study assesses the impact of culture on m-payment continuance intention. The findings reveal that the relationships between confirmation on satisfaction and perceived usefulness, and perceived usefulness on continuance intention are moderated by uncertainty avoidance.O desenvolvimento disruptivo das tecnologias de informação e comunicação nas últimas duas décadas revolucionou a indústria da telefonia móvel, aumentando exponencialmente o número de utilizadores de telemóveis, encorajando desta forma as empresas a disponibilizar diferentes serviços através de um telemóvel. O serviço pagamento móvel é um dos serviços que se encontra em um rápido crescimento permitindo aos utilizadores efetuar transações financeiras através de um telemóvel. O crescimento exponencial do serviço de pagamento móvel tem afetado diferentes sectores, tais como finanças e tecnologia, reforçando a necessidade de uma compreensão profunda do impacto da utilização contínua dos serviços de pagamento móvel. Com o desenvolvimento desta dissertação, esperamos contribuir para uma melhor compreensão dos determinantes da intenção de continuar a usar o serviço de pagamento móvel a nível individual. De forma a concretizar este objetivo foram desenvolvidos um total de quatro estudos distintos. No primeiro estudo (Capítulo 2) realizámos uma revisão bibliográfica dos estudos existentes sobre a intenção de continuar a utilizar um sistema de informação. No capítulo três, avaliámos a intenção de continuar a utilizar o serviço de pagamento móvel, empregando dois modelos teóricos, o DeLone and McLean information system success model (D&M ISSM) e o expectation-confirmation model (ECM) num contexto africano. O impacto do task technology fit (TTF) e o overall trust no modelo ECM para explicar o uso contínuo do serviço de pagamento móvel foi analisado no capítulo quatro. No último estudo, capítulo cinco, avaliámos o impacto da cultura na intenção de continuação da utilização do serviço de pagamento móvel, combinando as dimensões culturais de Hofstede e o modelo ECM. Esta dissertação apresenta várias contribuições para a investigação e para a prática, contribuindo para o avanço do conhecimento, provocando implicações para gestores de serviços, prestadores de serviços, utilizadores e investigadores. O estudo da revisão bibliográfica aplicou meta-analysis e weight analysis a partir de 115 estudos empíricos de intenção continuar a utilizar um sistema de informação (SI). Os resultados revelam que os fatores com maior influência na intenção de continuação da utilização de um SI foram o compromisso afetivo, atitude, satisfação, valor hedónico, e flow. Além disso, o tamanho da amostra, individualismo, prevenção da incerteza, e orientação a longo prazo moderam a relação entre perceção da utilidade e intenção de continuar, distância do poder, masculinidade e indulgência moderam a relação entre satisfação e intenção de continuar. Para o primeiro estudo empírico, examinámos a influência dos fatores de desempenho individual na intenção de continuação da utilização do m-pagamento num contexto africano. Verificámos que os preditores mais importantes da intenção de continuar a utilizar o serviço de pagamento móvel são o desempenho individual, uso e a satisfação. O segundo estudo empírico integrou as teorias da TTF e da confiança geral e avaliou as suas relações para a intenção de continuação da utilização do pagamento móvel. Os resultados mostram que o uso, desempenho individual, confiança geral, o papel de moderação da satisfação são os fatores relevantes para explicar a intenção de continuar a utilizar o serviço de pagamento móvel. O último estudo empírico avalia o impacto da cultura sobre a intenção de continuação do pagamento móvel. Os resultados revelam que as relações entre confirmação, perceção de utilidade com satisfação, perceção de utilidade com intenção de continuar são moderadas pela prevenção da incerteza

    Predicting mobile app usage for purchasing and information-sharing

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    Purpose – Mobile applications, or apps, are an increasingly important part of omnichannel retailing. While the adoption and usage of apps for marketing purposes has grown exponentially over the past few years, there is little academic research in this area. The purpose of this paper is to examine how the mobile phone platform (Android vs Apple iOS), interest in the app and recency of store visit affect consumers’ likelihood to use the apps for purchasing and information-sharing activities. Design/methodology/approach – The paper tests a model by analysing survey data collected from customers of a major US retailer using partial least squares regression. Findings – The analysis finds that the level of interest in a retail app is positively related to the consumer’s intention to engage in both purchasing and information-sharing activities. In addition, the recency of the consumer’s last visit to the retail store has a moderating effect on both types of activities; the more recent the last visit, the larger the effect-size of interest in the app on intention to share information and make a purchase. Practical implications – While marketing and advertising managers may have suspected that Apple iOS users are more receptive to retail mobile apps, this study provides empirical support for the proposition. In addition, the moderating effect of recency of visit suggests that in-store promotions may be effective in increasing usage of the retailer’s mobile apps. Originality/value – This study is among the first in the academic literature to examine predictors of mobile app usage for purchasing and information sharing. It fills a gap in the literature, while at the same time providing actionable information for practitioners. Keywords Retail, Purchasing, Mobile commerce, Omnichannel, Mobile apps, Information-sharing Paper type Research pape

    Understanding consumer behavior in an evolving context: from single channel to omnichannel use

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    La presente tesis doctoral tiene como principal objetivo avanzar en el conocimiento del comportamiento del consumidor en el actual contexto, caracterizado por el uso de múltiples canales durante todo el proceso de decisión de compra. Dicho objetivo general se desagrega en cuatro objetivos específicos que, a partir de cuatro investigaciones independientes, buscan entender desde diferentes enfoques teóricos y empíricos dicha cuestión. Para testar empíricamente las propuestas realizadas en cada una de las investigaciones, la tesis se sirve principalmente dos metodologías de investigación, la encuesta y el diseño experimental. Las cuatro investigaciones ofrecen resultados que enriquecen la literatura del comportamiento del consumidor. Los hallazgos de esta tesis doctoral también se traducen en distintas implicaciones para las empresas en el actual contexto cambiante. Particularmente, los resultados ayudan a los profesionales del marketing a adoptar estrategias útiles tanto en el contexto de compra móvil como en el contexto de compra omnicanal

    Younger Persons are More Likely to Adopt the Mobile Wallet than Older Persons, or are they? The Moderating Role of Age.

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    Smartphones, when loaded with a secure software application, can act as a mobile wallet. When face-to-face in a retail store, consumers are able to swipe their phone over the terminal and complete payment without having to produce the physical card. The number of terminals that accept contactless payments in the USA is growing as the country moves to the adoption of the ‘chip and pin’ standard. Consumers can choose from wallet providers such as Google, PayPal and ApplePay. This research seeks to explain the factors that influence adoption. Data from an empirical study of US consumers is analyzed with PLS and the influence of trust, word of mouth and facilitating conditions are determined to be significant. After segmenting the data into two groups based on age and with the help of multigroup analysis, age is determined not to be a moderating factor for owners of smartphones

    Consumer resistance to innovation among public universities' students in Pakistan

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    Implementations of technological innovations have been playing key roles for firms to grow and survive in the long run particularly in a dynamic and complex market and unstable economic conditions. The success of any innovation in the market which highly depends on consumers could be one of the potential factors behind the failure of the innovation. Research on innovation resistance is still in infancy and effort to describe the resistance as well as understanding the consumers’ resistance to innovation still require in-depth investigations including the context of resistance to innovation. As a response to this problem, this study examines the consumers’ resistance to innovation through measuring the resistance to smartphones. This study is grounded by the resistance to innovation and appraisal theories. In the research framework, this study includes consumers’ characteristics (motivation, self-efficacy, emotion (negative), and attitude towards existing product) and innovation characteristics (relative advantage, perceived risk, complexity, social influence, and price). A cross sectional, survey data was gathered from 307 university students of four public universities in Pakistan via self-administered survey questionnaires. They were statistically tested using PLS (SEM) path modeling. The results demonstrate the concept of consumers’ resistance to innovation in the context of Pakistan. The results also reveal that majority of the main consumers’ and innovation characteristics (complexity, emotion (negative), motivation, price, self-efficacy, social influence, and consumers’ innovativeness (moderator) have significant influence on consumers’ resistance to smartphone. However, three consumers’ and innovation characteristics (relative advantage, perceived risk, and attitude towards existing product) are insignificant with consumers’ resistance to innovation. The significant factors are good predictors of consumers’ resistance to innovation. Based on the findings of the study, the theoretical and practical contributions are described. The limitations of the study are discussed and suggestions for future studies are also deliberately addressed

    An empirical investigation of smartphone technology acceptance among Universiti Utara Malaysia students

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    This study investigated smartphone technology acceptance among Universiti Utara Malaysian (UUM) students by using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The rapid diffusion of computer technology into smartphone increases smartphone penetration among Universiti Utara Malaysia students. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship of Perceived Ease of Use (PEU) and Perceived Usefulness (PU) as independent variables, and Attitude (ATT) and Behavioural intention (BI) as dependent variables on Smartphone Technology Acceptance among Universiti Utara Malaysia students. In addition, in this research Gender was used as a moderator to test the relationship between Attitude (ATT) and Behavioural intention (BI). In order to collect data a total of 500 questionnaires were distributed to (UUM) final year and postgraduate students in three colleges COB, CAS and COLGIS. The hypothesis results showed that there was a significant relationship among the four variables except Gender. This was because Gender failed to moderate in explaining the relationship between Attitude (ATT) and Behavioural intention (BI). On the other hand the statistical result showed that there was partial mediation effect of Perceived Usefulness (PU) on the relationship between Perceived Ease (PEU) of Use and Attitude (ATT) on Smartphone Technology Acceptance among Universiti Utara Malaysian students. Furthermore the researcher found that there was a significant relationship between both the dependent variables - Attitude (ATT) and Behavioural intention (BI) on smartphone technology acceptance among UUM students. The overall finding showed that technology advancement and breakthrough design of smartphone technology are the key factors that attract Universiti Utara Malaysia students to accept smartphone technology. On the other hand, usefulness and ease of use of the smartphone technology play important roles in influencing (UUM) students to have the intention to use smartphone technology in accomplishing their personal tasks. This is because the usefulness of smartphone technology with promising results makes (UUM) students rely heavily on this device

    Malaysian purchase intention in mobile marketing

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    As of now, the world is witnessing exponential advancements in information and communication technology and this advancement has increased the number of people using mobile devices engaging with mobile marketing. The number of mobile services involving commerce activities is increasing day by day. This research aims to investigate the factors that predict Malaysian purchase intention through mobile marketing. This work extends the traditional technology acceptance model (TAM) with perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness including additional variables such as social influence and perceived trust towards Malaysia consumers' intention to use mobile marketing. A total of 400 questionnaires were distributed to people in Malaysia and 369 completed questionnaires were to test the hypotheses listed in this research. This study has demonstrated that there is a relationship between factors as perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, social influence and perceived trust towards Malaysia consumers' intention to use mobile marketing. It depicts that social influence have a strong impact on Malaysian purchase intention in mobile marketing followed by perceived trust, perceived ease of use and lastly perceived usefulness. The findings from this study offer several implications for the marketer to learn consumers' attitude and concerns towards mobile marketing


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    With smart phones being deployed widely, interactive in-store Mobile Shopping Assistant (MSA) systems can be considered as an effective way for assisting in-store shopping and can become potentially the pervasive personalized services that both consumers and merchant can trust. However, few studies have focused on investigating the adoption of in-store MSA. Therefore, this study examined the consumers’ attitude and acceptance toward in-store MSA services under the framework of the technology acceptance model (TAM). The findings imply that attitude, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, environmental variables, perceived quality of the MSA system, social influence, and user satisfaction are some determinant factors. In addition, significant differences exist between female and male consumers
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