4 research outputs found

    ARM-AMO: An Efficient Association Rule Mining Algorithm Based on Animal Migration Optimization

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI linkAssociation rule mining (ARM) aims to find out association rules that satisfy predefined minimum support and confidence from a given database. However, in many cases ARM generates extremely large number of association rules, which are impossible for end users to comprehend or validate, thereby limiting the usefulness of data mining results. In this paper, we propose a new mining algorithm based on Animal Migration Optimization (AMO), called ARM-AMO, to reduce the number of association rules. It is based on the idea that rules which are not of high support and unnecessary are deleted from the data. Firstly, Apriori algorithm is applied to generate frequent itemsets and association rules. Then, AMO is used to reduce the number of association rules with a new fitness function that incorporates frequent rules. It is observed from the experiments that, in comparison with the other relevant techniques, ARM-AMO greatly reduces the computational time for frequent item set generation, memory for association rule generation, and the number of rules generated

    ARM-AMO: An Efficient Association Rule Mining Algorithm Based on Animal Migration Optimization

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI linkAssociation rule mining (ARM) aims to find out association rules that satisfy predefined minimum support and confidence from a given database. However, in many cases ARM generates extremely large number of association rules, which are impossible for end users to comprehend or validate, thereby limiting the usefulness of data mining results. In this paper, we propose a new mining algorithm based on Animal Migration Optimization (AMO), called ARM-AMO, to reduce the number of association rules. It is based on the idea that rules which are not of high support and unnecessary are deleted from the data. Firstly, Apriori algorithm is applied to generate frequent itemsets and association rules. Then, AMO is used to reduce the number of association rules with a new fitness function that incorporates frequent rules. It is observed from the experiments that, in comparison with the other relevant techniques, ARM-AMO greatly reduces the computational time for frequent item set generation, memory for association rule generation, and the number of rules generated

    Data mining of the essential causes of different types of fatal construction accidents

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    Accident analysis is used to discover the causes of workplace injuries and devise methods for preventing them in the future. There has been little discussion in the previous studies of the specific elements contributing to deadly construction accidents. In contrast to previous studies, this study focuses on the causes of fatal construction accidents based on management factors, unsafe site conditions, and workers' unsafe actions. The association rule mining technique identifies the hidden patterns or knowledge between the root causes of fatal construction accidents, and one hundred meaningful association rules were extracted from the two hundred and fifty-three rules generated. It was discovered that many fatal construction accidents were caused by management factors, unsafe site circumstances, and risky worker behaviors. These analyses can be used to demonstrate plausible cause-and-effect correlations, assisting in building a safer working environment in the construction sector. The study findings can be used more efficiently to design effective inspection procedures and occupational safety initiatives. Finally, the proposed method should be tested in a broader range of construction situations and scenarios to ensure that it is as accurate as possible

    An explainable machine learning approach for Alzheimer’s disease classification

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    The early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) presents a significant challenge due to the subtle biomarker changes often overlooked. Machine learning (ML) models offer a promising tool for identifying individuals at risk of AD. However, current research tends to prioritize ML accuracy while neglecting the crucial aspect of model explainability. The diverse nature of AD data and the limited dataset size introduce additional challenges, primarily related to high dimensionality. In this study, we leveraged a dataset obtained from the National Alzheimer’s Coordinating Center, comprising 169,408 records and 1,024 features. After applying various steps to reduce the feature space. Notably, Support Vector Machine (SVM) models trained on the selected features exhibited high performance when tested on an external dataset. SVM achieved a high F1 score of 98.9% for binary classification (distinguishing between NC and AD) and 90.7% for multiclass classification. urthermore, SVM was able to predict AD progression over a four-year period, with F1 scores reached 88% for binary task and 72.8% for multiclass task. To enhance model explainability, we employed two rule-extraction approaches: Class rule mining and Stable and interpretable rule Set for classification model. These approaches generated human-understandable rules to assist domain experts in comprehending the key factors involved in AD development. We further validated these rules using SHAP and LIME models, underscoring the significance of factors such as MEMORY, JUDGMENT, COMMUN, and ORIENT in determining AD risk. Our experimental outcomes also shed light on the crucial role of the Clinical Dementia Rating tool in predicting AD