2,370 research outputs found

    On the role of commutator arguments in the development of parameter-robust preconditioners for Stokes control problems

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    The development of preconditioners for PDE-constrained optimization problems is a field of numerical analysis which has recently generated much interest. One class of problems which has been investigated in particular is that of Stokes control problems, that is the problem of minimizing a functional with the Stokes (or Navier-Stokes) equations as constraints. In this manuscript, we present an approach for preconditioning Stokes control problems using preconditioners for the Poisson control problem and, crucially, the application of a commutator argument. This methodology leads to two block diagonal preconditioners for the problem, one of which was previously derived by W. Zulehner in 2011 (SIAM. J. Matrix Anal. & Appl., v.32) using a nonstandard norm argument for this saddle point problem, and the other of which we believe to be new. We also derive two related block triangular preconditioners using the same methodology, and present numerical results to demonstrate the performance of the four preconditioners in practice

    Preconditioning iterative methods for the optimal control of the Stokes equation

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    Solving problems regarding the optimal control of partial differential equations (PDEs) – also known as PDE-constrained optimization – is a frontier area of numerical analysis. Of particular interest is the problem of flow control, where one would like to effect some desired flow by exerting, for example, an external force. The bottleneck in many current algorithms is the solution of the optimality system – a system of equations in saddle point form that is usually very large and ill-conditioned. In this paper we describe two preconditioners – a block-diagonal preconditioner for the minimal residual method and a block-lower triangular preconditioner for a non-standard conjugate gradient method – which can be effective when applied to such problems where the PDEs are the Stokes equations. We consider only distributed control here, although other problems – for example boundary control – could be treated in the same way. We give numerical results, and compare these with those obtained by solving the equivalent forward problem using similar technique

    Nonlinear control for non-Newtonian flows

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    PDE-constrained optimization is an important area in the field of numerical analysis, with problems arising in a wide variety of applications including optimal design, optimal control and parameter estimation. The aim of such problems is to minimize a functional J(u,d) whilst adhering to constraints posed by a system of partial differential equations (PDE), with u and d used respectively to denote the state and control of the system. In this thesis, we describe the steady-state generalized Stokes equations for incompressible fluids. We proceed to derive the weak formulation of the problem, and show that the resulting system may be written in terms of a mixed formulation of the Stokes problem. Based on this formulation, the problem is discretized through use of the Galerkin finite element method, before investigating control problems based on the generalized Stokes equations, along with numerical experimentation. This work will be used to achieve the main aim of this thesis, namely the exploration and investigation of solution methods for optimal control problems constrained by non- Newtonian flow. Ultimately, an iterative solution method designed for such problems coupled with an appropriate preconditioning strategy will be described and analyzed, and used to produce effective numerical results

    Chebyshev semi-iteration in Preconditioning

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    It is widely believed that Krylov subspace iterative methods are better than Chebyshev semi-iterative methods. When the solution of a linear system with a symmetric and positive definite coefficient matrix is required then the Conjugate Gradient method will compute the optimal approximate solution from the appropriate Krylov subspace, that is, it will implicitly compute the optimal polynomial. Hence a semi-iterative method, which requires eigenvalue bounds and computes an explicit polynomial, must, for just a little less computational work, give an inferior result. In this manuscript we identify a specific situation in the context of preconditioning when the Chebyshev semi-iterative method is the method of choice since it has properties which make it superior to the Conjugate Gradient method

    Preconditioned iterative methods for Navier-Stokes control problems

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    PDE-constrained optimization problems are a class of problems which have attracted much recent attention in scientific computing and applied science. In this paper, we discuss preconditioned iterative methods for a class of Navier-Stokes control problems, one of the main problems of this type in the field of fluid dynamics. Having detailed the Oseen-type iteration we use to solve the problems and derived the structure of the matrix system to be solved at each step, we utilize the theory of saddle point systems to develop efficient preconditioned iterative solution techniques for these problems. We also require theory of solving convection-diffusion control problems, as well as a commutator argument to justify one of the components of the preconditioner

    Natural preconditioners for saddle point systems

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    The solution of quadratic or locally quadratic extremum problems subject to linear(ized) constraints gives rise to linear systems in saddle point form. This is true whether in the continuous or discrete setting, so saddle point systems arising from discretization of partial differential equation problems such as those describing electromagnetic problems or incompressible flow lead to equations with this structure as does, for example, the widely used sequential quadratic programming approach to nonlinear optimization.\ud This article concerns iterative solution methods for these problems and in particular shows how the problem formulation leads to natural preconditioners which guarantee rapid convergence of the relevant iterative methods. These preconditioners are related to the original extremum problem and their effectiveness -- in terms of rapidity of convergence -- is established here via a proof of general bounds on the eigenvalues of the preconditioned saddle point matrix on which iteration convergence depends

    Solving optimal control problems governed by random Navier-Stokes equations using low-rank methods

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    Many problems in computational science and engineering are simultaneously characterized by the following challenging issues: uncertainty, nonlinearity, nonstationarity and high dimensionality. Existing numerical techniques for such models would typically require considerable computational and storage resources. This is the case, for instance, for an optimization problem governed by time-dependent Navier-Stokes equations with uncertain inputs. In particular, the stochastic Galerkin finite element method often leads to a prohibitively high dimensional saddle-point system with tensor product structure. In this paper, we approximate the solution by the low-rank Tensor Train decomposition, and present a numerically efficient algorithm to solve the optimality equations directly in the low-rank representation. We show that the solution of the vorticity minimization problem with a distributed control admits a representation with ranks that depend modestly on model and discretization parameters even for high Reynolds numbers. For lower Reynolds numbers this is also the case for a boundary control. This opens the way for a reduced-order modeling of the stochastic optimal flow control with a moderate cost at all stages.Comment: 29 page

    Fast iterative solution of reaction-diffusion control problems arising from chemical processes

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    PDE-constrained optimization problems, and the development of preconditioned iterative methods for the efficient solution of the arising matrix system, is a field of numerical analysis that has recently been attracting much attention. In this paper, we analyze and develop preconditioners for matrix systems that arise from the optimal control of reaction-diffusion equations, which themselves result from chemical processes. Important aspects in our solvers are saddle point theory, mass matrix representation and effective Schur complement approximation, as well as the outer (Newton) iteration to take account of the nonlinearity of the underlying PDEs
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