44 research outputs found

    Physical Fault Injection and Side-Channel Attacks on Mobile Devices:A Comprehensive Analysis

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    Today's mobile devices contain densely packaged system-on-chips (SoCs) with multi-core, high-frequency CPUs and complex pipelines. In parallel, sophisticated SoC-assisted security mechanisms have become commonplace for protecting device data, such as trusted execution environments, full-disk and file-based encryption. Both advancements have dramatically complicated the use of conventional physical attacks, requiring the development of specialised attacks. In this survey, we consolidate recent developments in physical fault injections and side-channel attacks on modern mobile devices. In total, we comprehensively survey over 50 fault injection and side-channel attack papers published between 2009-2021. We evaluate the prevailing methods, compare existing attacks using a common set of criteria, identify several challenges and shortcomings, and suggest future directions of research

    Analysis and Design of Symmetric Cryptographic Algorithms

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    This doctoral thesis is dedicated to the analysis and the design of symmetric cryptographic algorithms. In the first part of the dissertation, we deal with fault-based attacks on cryptographic circuits which belong to the field of active implementation attacks and aim to retrieve secret keys stored on such chips. Our main focus lies on the cryptanalytic aspects of those attacks. In particular, we target block ciphers with a lightweight and (often) non-bijective key schedule where the derived subkeys are (almost) independent from each other. An attacker who is able to reconstruct one of the subkeys is thus not necessarily able to directly retrieve other subkeys or even the secret master key by simply reversing the key schedule. We introduce a framework based on differential fault analysis that allows to attack block ciphers with an arbitrary number of independent subkeys and which rely on a substitution-permutation network. These methods are then applied to the lightweight block ciphers LED and PRINCE and we show in both cases how to recover the secret master key requiring only a small number of fault injections. Moreover, we investigate approaches that utilize algebraic instead of differential techniques for the fault analysis and discuss advantages and drawbacks. At the end of the first part of the dissertation, we explore fault-based attacks on the block cipher Bel-T which also has a lightweight key schedule but is not based on a substitution-permutation network but instead on the so-called Lai-Massey scheme. The framework mentioned above is thus not usable against Bel-T. Nevertheless, we also present techniques for the case of Bel-T that enable full recovery of the secret key in a very efficient way using differential fault analysis. In the second part of the thesis, we focus on authenticated encryption schemes. While regular ciphers only protect privacy of processed data, authenticated encryption schemes also secure its authenticity and integrity. Many of these ciphers are additionally able to protect authenticity and integrity of so-called associated data. This type of data is transmitted unencrypted but nevertheless must be protected from being tampered with during transmission. Authenticated encryption is nowadays the standard technique to protect in-transit data. However, most of the currently deployed schemes have deficits and there are many leverage points for improvements. With NORX we introduce a novel authenticated encryption scheme supporting associated data. This algorithm was designed with high security, efficiency in both hardware and software, simplicity, and robustness against side-channel attacks in mind. Next to its specification, we present special features, security goals, implementation details, extensive performance measurements and discuss advantages over currently deployed standards. Finally, we describe our preliminary security analysis where we investigate differential and rotational properties of NORX. Noteworthy are in particular the newly developed techniques for differential cryptanalysis of NORX which exploit the power of SAT- and SMT-solvers and have the potential to be easily adaptable to other encryption schemes as well.Diese Doktorarbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Analyse und dem Entwurf von symmetrischen kryptographischen Algorithmen. Im ersten Teil der Dissertation befassen wir uns mit fehlerbasierten Angriffen auf kryptographische Schaltungen, welche dem Gebiet der aktiven Seitenkanalangriffe zugeordnet werden und auf die Rekonstruktion geheimer Schlüssel abzielen, die auf diesen Chips gespeichert sind. Unser Hauptaugenmerk liegt dabei auf den kryptoanalytischen Aspekten dieser Angriffe. Insbesondere beschäftigen wir uns dabei mit Blockchiffren, die leichtgewichtige und eine (oft) nicht-bijektive Schlüsselexpansion besitzen, bei denen die erzeugten Teilschlüssel voneinander (nahezu) unabhängig sind. Ein Angreifer, dem es gelingt einen Teilschlüssel zu rekonstruieren, ist dadurch nicht in der Lage direkt weitere Teilschlüssel oder sogar den Hauptschlüssel abzuleiten indem er einfach die Schlüsselexpansion umkehrt. Wir stellen Techniken basierend auf differenzieller Fehleranalyse vor, die es ermöglichen Blockchiffren zu analysieren, welche eine beliebige Anzahl unabhängiger Teilschlüssel einsetzen und auf Substitutions-Permutations Netzwerken basieren. Diese Methoden werden im Anschluss auf die leichtgewichtigen Blockchiffren LED und PRINCE angewandt und wir zeigen in beiden Fällen wie der komplette geheime Schlüssel mit einigen wenigen Fehlerinjektionen rekonstruiert werden kann. Darüber hinaus untersuchen wir Methoden, die algebraische statt differenzielle Techniken der Fehleranalyse einsetzen und diskutieren deren Vor- und Nachteile. Am Ende des ersten Teils der Dissertation befassen wir uns mit fehlerbasierten Angriffen auf die Blockchiffre Bel-T, welche ebenfalls eine leichtgewichtige Schlüsselexpansion besitzt jedoch nicht auf einem Substitutions-Permutations Netzwerk sondern auf dem sogenannten Lai-Massey Schema basiert. Die oben genannten Techniken können daher bei Bel-T nicht angewandt werden. Nichtsdestotrotz werden wir auch für den Fall von Bel-T Verfahren vorstellen, die in der Lage sind den vollständigen geheimen Schlüssel sehr effizient mit Hilfe von differenzieller Fehleranalyse zu rekonstruieren. Im zweiten Teil der Doktorarbeit beschäftigen wir uns mit authentifizierenden Verschlüsselungsverfahren. Während gewöhnliche Chiffren nur die Vertraulichkeit der verarbeiteten Daten sicherstellen, gewährleisten authentifizierende Verschlüsselungsverfahren auch deren Authentizität und Integrität. Viele dieser Chiffren sind darüber hinaus in der Lage auch die Authentizität und Integrität von sogenannten assoziierten Daten zu gewährleisten. Daten dieses Typs werden in nicht-verschlüsselter Form übertragen, müssen aber dennoch gegen unbefugte Veränderungen auf dem Transportweg geschützt sein. Authentifizierende Verschlüsselungsverfahren bilden heutzutage die Standardtechnologie um Daten während der Übertragung zu beschützen. Aktuell eingesetzte Verfahren weisen jedoch oftmals Defizite auf und es existieren vielfältige Ansatzpunkte für Verbesserungen. Mit NORX stellen wir ein neuartiges authentifizierendes Verschlüsselungsverfahren vor, welches assoziierte Daten unterstützt. Dieser Algorithmus wurde vor allem im Hinblick auf Einsatzgebiete mit hohen Sicherheitsanforderungen, Effizienz in Hardware und Software, Einfachheit, und Robustheit gegenüber Seitenkanalangriffen entwickelt. Neben der Spezifikation präsentieren wir besondere Eigenschaften, angestrebte Sicherheitsziele, Details zur Implementierung, umfassende Performanz-Messungen und diskutieren Vorteile gegenüber aktuellen Standards. Schließlich stellen wir Ergebnisse unserer vorläufigen Sicherheitsanalyse vor, bei der wir uns vor allem auf differenzielle Merkmale und Rotationseigenschaften von NORX konzentrieren. Erwähnenswert sind dabei vor allem die für die differenzielle Kryptoanalyse von NORX entwickelten Techniken, die auf die Effizienz von SAT- und SMT-Solvern zurückgreifen und das Potential besitzen relativ einfach auch auf andere Verschlüsselungsverfahren übertragen werden zu können

    Analysis and Design of Clock-glitch Fault Injection within an FPGA

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    In modern cryptanalysis, an active attacker may induce errors during the computation of a cryptographic algorithm and exploit the faulty results to extract information about the secret key in embedded systems. This kind of attack is called a fault attack. There have been various attack mechanisms with diff erent fault models proposed in the literature. Among them, clock glitch faults support practically dangerous fault attacks on cryptosystems. This thesis presents an FPGA-based practical testbed for characterizing exploitable clock glitch faults and uniformly evaluating cryptographic systems against them. Concentrating on Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), simulation and experimental results illustrates proper features for the clock glitches generated by the implemented on-chip glitch generator. These glitches can be injected reliably with acceptably accurate timing. The produced faults are random but their eff ect domain is finely controllable by the attacker. These features makes clock glitch faults practically suitable for future possible complete fault attacks on AES. This research is important for investigating the viability and analysis of fault injections on various cryptographic functions in future embedded systems

    How Practical are Fault Injection Attacks, Really?

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    Fault injection attacks (FIA) are a class of active physical attacks, mostly used for malicious purposes such as extraction of cryptographic keys, privilege escalation, attacks on neural network implementations. There are many techniques that can be used to cause the faults in integrated circuits, many of them coming from the area of failure analysis. In this paper we tackle the topic of practicality of FIA. We analyze the most commonly used techniques that can be found in the literature, such as voltage/clock glitching, electromagnetic pulses, lasers, and Rowhammer attacks. To summarize, FIA can be mounted on most commonly used architectures from ARM, Intel, AMD, by utilizing injection devices that are often below the thousand dollar mark. Therefore, we believe these attacks can be considered practical in many scenarios, especially when the attacker can physically access the target device

    CDCL(Crypto) and Machine Learning based SAT Solvers for Cryptanalysis

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    Over the last two decades, we have seen a dramatic improvement in the efficiency of conflict-driven clause-learning Boolean satisfiability (CDCL SAT) solvers over industrial problems from a variety of applications such as verification, testing, security, and AI. The availability of such powerful general-purpose search tools as the SAT solver has led many researchers to propose SAT-based methods for cryptanalysis, including techniques for finding collisions in hash functions and breaking symmetric encryption schemes. A feature of all of the previously proposed SAT-based cryptanalysis work is that they are \textit{blackbox}, in the sense that the cryptanalysis problem is encoded as a SAT instance and then a CDCL SAT solver is invoked to solve said instance. A weakness of this approach is that the encoding thus generated may be too large for any modern solver to solve it efficiently. Perhaps a more important weakness of this approach is that the solver is in no way specialized or tuned to solve the given instance. Finally, very little work has been done to leverage parallelism in the context of SAT-based cryptanalysis. To address these issues, we developed a set of methods that improve on the state-of-the-art SAT-based cryptanalysis along three fronts. First, we describe an approach called \cdcl (inspired by the CDCL(TT) paradigm) to tailor the internal subroutines of the CDCL SAT solver with domain-specific knowledge about cryptographic primitives. Specifically, we extend the propagation and conflict analysis subroutines of CDCL solvers with specialized codes that have knowledge about the cryptographic primitive being analyzed by the solver. We demonstrate the power of this framework in two cryptanalysis tasks of algebraic fault attack and differential cryptanalysis of SHA-1 and SHA-256 cryptographic hash functions. Second, we propose a machine-learning based parallel SAT solver that performs well on cryptographic problems relative to many state-of-the-art parallel SAT solvers. Finally, we use a formulation of SAT into Bayesian moment matching to address heuristic initialization problem in SAT solvers

    Enhanced Hardware Security Using Charge-Based Emerging Device Technology

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    The emergence of hardware Trojans has largely reshaped the traditional view that the hardware layer can be blindly trusted. Hardware Trojans, which are often in the form of maliciously inserted circuitry, may impact the original design by data leakage or circuit malfunction. Hardware counterfeiting and IP piracy are another two serious issues costing the US economy more than $200 billion annually. A large amount of research and experimentation has been carried out on the design of these primitives based on the currently prevailing CMOS technology. However, the security provided by these primitives comes at the cost of large overheads mostly in terms of area and power consumption. The development of emerging technologies provides hardware security researchers with opportunities to utilize some of the otherwise unusable properties of emerging technologies in security applications. In this dissertation, we will include the security consideration in the overall performance measurements to fully compare the emerging devices with CMOS technology. The first approach is to leverage two emerging devices (Silicon NanoWire and Graphene SymFET) for hardware security applications. Experimental results indicate that emerging device based solutions can provide high level circuit protection with relatively lower performance overhead compared to conventional CMOS counterpart. The second topic is to construct an energy-efficient DPA-resilient block cipher with ultra low-power Tunnel FET. Current-mode logic is adopted as a circuit-level solution to countermeasure differential power analysis attack, which is mostly used in the cryptographic system. The third investigation targets on potential security vulnerability of foundry insider\u27s attack. Split manufacturing is adopted for the protection on radio-frequency (RF) circuit design