51 research outputs found

    Greenalite Nanoparticles in Alkaline Vent Plumes as Templates for the Origin of Life

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    Mineral templates are thought to have played keys roles in the emergence of life. Drawing on recent findings from 3.45–2.45 billion-year-old iron-rich hydrothermal sedimentary rocks, we hypothesize that greenalite (Fe₃Si₂O₅ (OH)₄) was a readily available mineral in hydrothermal environments, where it may have acted as a template and catalyst in polymerization, vesicle formation and encapsulation, and protocell replication. We argue that venting of dissolved Fe²⁺ and SiO₂ (aq) into the anoxic Hadean ocean favored the precipitation of nanometer-sized particles of greenalite in hydrothermal plumes, producing a continuous flow of free-floating clay templates that traversed the ocean. The mixing of acidic, metal-bearing hydrothermal plumes from volcanic ridge systems with more alkaline, organic-bearing plumes generated by serpentinization of ultramafic rocks brought together essential building blocks for life in solutions conducive to greenalite precipitation. We suggest that the extreme disorder in the greenalite crystal lattice, producing structural modulations resembling parallel corrugations (∼22 Å wide) on particle edges, promoted the assembly and alignment of linear RNA-type molecules (∼20 Å diameter). In alkaline solutions, greenalite nanoparticles could have accelerated the growth of membrane vesicles, while their encapsulation allowed RNA-type molecules to continue to form on the mineral templates, potentially enhancing the growth and division of primitive cell membranes. Once self-replicating RNA evolved, the mineral template became redundant, and protocells were free to replicate and roam the ocean realm

    Greenalite Nanoparticles in Alkaline Vent Plumes as Templates for the Origin of Life

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    Mineral templates are thought to have played keys roles in the emergence of life. Drawing on recent findings from 3.45–2.45 billion-year-old iron-rich hydrothermal sedimentary rocks, we hypothesize that greenalite (Fe₃Si₂O₅ (OH)₄) was a readily available mineral in hydrothermal environments, where it may have acted as a template and catalyst in polymerization, vesicle formation and encapsulation, and protocell replication. We argue that venting of dissolved Fe²⁺ and SiO₂ (aq) into the anoxic Hadean ocean favored the precipitation of nanometer-sized particles of greenalite in hydrothermal plumes, producing a continuous flow of free-floating clay templates that traversed the ocean. The mixing of acidic, metal-bearing hydrothermal plumes from volcanic ridge systems with more alkaline, organic-bearing plumes generated by serpentinization of ultramafic rocks brought together essential building blocks for life in solutions conducive to greenalite precipitation. We suggest that the extreme disorder in the greenalite crystal lattice, producing structural modulations resembling parallel corrugations (∼22 Å wide) on particle edges, promoted the assembly and alignment of linear RNA-type molecules (∼20 Å diameter). In alkaline solutions, greenalite nanoparticles could have accelerated the growth of membrane vesicles, while their encapsulation allowed RNA-type molecules to continue to form on the mineral templates, potentially enhancing the growth and division of primitive cell membranes. Once self-replicating RNA evolved, the mineral template became redundant, and protocells were free to replicate and roam the ocean realm

    Proto–neural networks from thermal proteins

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    Proteinoids are synthetic polymers that have structural similarities to natural proteins, and their formation is achieved through the application of heat to amino acid combinations in a dehydrated environment. The thermal proteins, initially synthesised by Sidney Fox during the 1960s, has the ability to undergo self-assembly, resulting in the formation of microspheres that resemble cells. These microspheres have fascinating biomimetic characteristics. In recent studies, substantial advancements have been made in elucidating the electrical signalling phenomena shown by proteinoids, hence showcasing their promising prospects in the field of neuro-inspired computing. This study demonstrates the advancement of experimental prototypes that employ proteinoids in the construction of fundamental neural network structures. The article provides an overview of significant achievements in proteinoid systems, such as the demonstration of electrical excitability, emulation of synaptic functions, capabilities in pattern recognition, and adaptability of network structures. This study examines the similarities and differences between proteinoid networks and spontaneous neural computation. We examine the persistent challenges associated with deciphering the underlying mechanisms of emergent proteinoid-based intelligence. Additionally, we explore the potential for developing bio-inspired computing systems using synthetic thermal proteins in forthcoming times. The results of this study offer a theoretical foundation for the advancement of adaptive, self-assembling electronic systems that operate using artificial bio-neural principles. [Abstract copyright: Copyright © 2024 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    Modelling Early Transitions Toward Autonomous Protocells

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    This thesis broadly concerns the origins of life problem, pursuing a joint approach that combines general philosophical/conceptual reflection on the problem along with more detailed and formal scientific modelling work oriented in the conceptual perspective developed. The central subject matter addressed is the emergence and maintenance of compartmentalised chemistries as precursors of more complex systems with a proper cellular organization. Whereas an evolutionary conception of life dominates prebiotic chemistry research and overflows into the protocells field, this thesis defends that the 'autonomous systems perspective' of living phenomena is a suitable - arguably the most suitable - conceptual framework to serve as a backdrop for protocell research. The autonomy approach allows a careful and thorough reformulation of the origins of cellular life problem as the problem of how integrated autopoietic chemical organisation, present in all full-fledged cells, originated and developed from more simple far-from-equilibrium chemical aggregate systems.Comment: 205 Pages, 27 Figures, PhD Thesis Defended Feb 201

    Publications of the exobiology program for 1981: A special bibliography

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    The exobiology program investigates the planetary events which were responsible for, or, related to, the origin, evolution, and distribution of life in the universe. The areas involved include: chemical evolution, organic geochemistry, origin and evolution of life, planetary environments, life in the universe, planetary protection, and Mars data analysis

    The 1st Symposium on Chemical Evolution and the Origin and Evolution of Life

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    This symposium provided an opportunity for all NASA Exobiology principal investigators to present their most recent research in a scientific meeting forum. Papers were presented in the following exobiology areas: extraterrestrial chemistry primitive earth, information transfer, solar system exploration, planetary protection, geological record, and early biological evolution

    Publications of the planetary biology program for 1977: A special bibliography

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    List of 1977 publications resulting from research under the auspices of NASA's Planetary Biology Program

    On the Origin of Biological Functions

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    We consider the problem of structure and functions of the first forms of living matter and present a hypothesis that they were formed through a physico-chemical process known as dendritic crystallization. According to this hypothesis the branching, dendritic structures helped build living systems by lending them functions so that organic chemical evolution is just one natural consequence of the evolution of matter in the universe. We conclude that a self-replicating biological system with adaptation emerged from simple molecules using completely abiotic mechanism of formation, which acted simultaneously or intermittently at different places on the early Earth and created similar structures everywhere. The dendritic hypothesis of origin of the functions explains similarities in the living systems and supports the assumption of a ‘second genesis of life’. The dendritic scenario does not need carbon/phosphorus-based solutes in water-based solutions, which may haveimportant implications for exobiology and extraterrestrial origin-of-life scenarios. An experiment to test the hypothesis is suggested

    False Biosignatures on Mars: Anticipating Ambiguity

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    It is often acknowledged that the search for life on Mars might produce false positive results, particularly via the detection of objects, patterns or substances that resemble the products of life in some way but are not biogenic. The success of major current and forthcoming rover missions now calls for significant efforts to mitigate this risk. Here, we review known processes that could have generated false biosignatures on early Mars. These examples are known largely from serendipitous discoveries rather than systematic research and remain poorly understood; they probably represent only a small subset of relevant phenomena. These phenomena tend to be driven by kinetic processes far from thermodynamic equilibrium, often in the presence of liquid water and organic matter, conditions similar to those that can actually give rise to, and support, life. We propose that strategies for assessing candidate biosignatures on Mars could be improved by new knowledge on the physics and chemistry of abiotic self-organization in geological systems. We conclude by calling for new interdisciplinary research to determine how false biosignatures may arise, focusing on geological materials, conditions and spatiotemporal scales relevant to the detection of life on Mars, as well as the early Earth and other planetary bodies