796,212 research outputs found

    Pre-service teachers’ perceptions of data protection in primary education

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    The protection of personal data and privacy are important issues closely related to use of social media, information and communication technologies, and the Internet in the area of education. The treatment of academic information and use of tools and programs for instruction, communication, and learning have revealed the handling of a significant volume of personal data from different sources. It is essential to protect this information from possible privacy violations. This descriptive study, which is of transversal nonexperimental design, focuses on how 384 pre-service teachers’ enrolled in educational technology courses in their education programs view the protection of personal data. The goals are to describe and analyze how these teachers perceive the risks associated with protection of data on the Internet and what they know about protection of data in primary education. We administered a questionnaire within the framework of an educational activity that focused on digital competence in data protection in education. The results show a high perception of risk in topics such as accepting cookies when surfing the Internet or transferring banking information. The knowledge the students claim to have shown a lack of information on the protection of minors’ data in issues related to the development and schooling of primary school students, as well as their health, background, and family environment. Curricular treatment of these areas that includes content, practices on regulations, and adopts a situated, critical, and responsible approach in pre-service teacher education is recommended.Spanish Ministry of Education & Vocational Training (Reference: FPU17/05164

    Pre-Service Teachers’ Views Toward Mathematics Anxiety

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    This paper examines the views of pre-service teachers with regard to the dominaned factors of mathematics anxiety. There were a total of 50 pre-service teachers consisting of; 25 pre-service elementary school teachers, and 25 pre-service secondary mathematics teachersinvolved in this study. Questionnaires are used as data collection tools to see what the participants think about the dominaned factors of mathematics anxiety. The notion of “obstacles to teaching” is used as a framework to analyze the collected data. The analysis is carried out on the basis of three main categories to which teachers attribute views of mathematics anxiety; epistemological causes, psychological causes, and pedagogical causes. The data analysis reveals that pre-serviceteachers’ views toward mathematics anxiety tend to related factor, namely psychological causes. Keywords: mathematics anxiety, pre-service teachers, teachers’ view

    The effectiveness of tutoring for improving pre-service teacher development

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    Pre-service teacher preparation in the United States is becoming progressively more challenging with respect to the demands on teachers. This study examined the impact of the tutoring approach on pre- service teachers’ skills to work with English language learners (ELLs) through a qualitative research design. Content analysis was used at the thematic level on student journals written to accompany the semester-long experience of tutoring. 50 pre-service teachers participated and data was collected from 500 written journal reflections for two semesters. Overall, the pre-service teachers gained an understanding of the challenges of working with ELLs and other positive impacts through tutoring. The findings suggest that pre-service teachers have perceived value of the use of the tutoring approach in the teacher preparation program, use of strategies during field-based experiences, instructional realizations, cultural sensitivity, and professionalism. This paper concluded by discussing the need for a teacher education program to assist pre-service teachers to assimilate pedagogies and apply through the tutoring approach

    Podcasting, pupils and pre-service-teachers

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    This Action Research conforms to Cohen's definition (2000) as "small scale intervention in the functioning of the real world and a close examination of the effects of such an intervention." It is a pilot study that uses a small, but representative group of students with a view to establishing generalisations about the wider applicability of the methods explored. (Burns, 2000, pp. 460-461) The authors examine the use of podcasting - a popular contemporary method of delivering audio content through computers and portable media players. Many rationales for their use in education can be advanced, for example Freedman (2006) lists sixteen reasons including the potential for students to access the podcasts at their own convenience. See also Maag (2006) and Kollar (2006). The study group included six undergraduate, pre-service science teachers who were completing a BSc (Honours) in Bioscience with Teaching. They had previously undertaken course assessments which incorporated presentations to peers and tutors. The pre-service science teachers had already completed block and serial school placements and were considered as being skilled in planning and delivering short presentations as part of their classroom practice. Their presentations had invariably been supported with well constructed and illustrated PowerPoint presentations. The Benchmark Standards for Initial Teacher Education (ITE) (General Teaching Council for Scotland & Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education, 2006) relate to classroom to whole school standards for ITE in Scotland. They make specific reference to the significance and the expectations for Information and Communication Technology (ICT). ICT is viewed (paragraph 3.1) as a "Core professional interest" and student teachers should be "undertaking a range of approaches to teaching to facilitate the learning of pupils, including the appropriate use of information and communications technology". Also, ICT provides the potential "to contribute to a process of change". Boud (2000) was critical of assessment practices in higher education institutions and suggested "The purposes of assessment should be extended to include the preparation of students for sustainable assessment". Draper and Maguire (2006) explored the use of podcasts in campus based teaching with first year undergraduates in the Re-engineering Assessment Practices (REAP) project. These considerations helped motivate the authors to explore podcasts as a means of promoting sustainable assessment with fourth year undergraduates and consider their potential within professional graduate courses. The research explored the following questions: - Did the process of preparing podcasts extend their professional learning? - Can pre-service teachers deliver a well planned, coherent and well organised presentation to demonstrate their understanding of principles of learning and teaching? - Can pre-service teachers prepare a podcast to describe their own action research findings? Pre-service science teachers found the process challenging and rewarding. Pre-service teachers prepared podcast presentations that described their own action research findings. Pre-service teachers delivered well planned, coherent and well organised presentations to demonstrate their understanding of principles of learning and teaching. The process of preparing podcasts extended their professional learning in a variety of ways - base level technical competence in managing the software; pedagogically in identifying and supporting a teaching and learning resource; and professionally in relation to the Benchmark Standards for ITE. The approach is transferable to further study with a larger group of PGDE pre-service teachers

    Pre-service teachers developing literacy identities

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    This paper highlights how individual literacy narratives influence pre‐service teacher literacy identities. Working with a diverse group of future literacy educators provides a challenge in negotiating and making sense of their personal literacy narratives and considering the impact this has on their literacy learning. Going beyond outcome measures and development of creative individuals (Stables, 2003) in their futures as literacy educators, we consider how to develop shared understandings of literacies within a university course context and how 'classroom' interactions and opportunities for dialogue not only develop literacy competencies, but allow for the meta-awareness of the personal literacy narratives that pre-service teachers bring to the teaching/learning context. Further to this, we consider how literacy identities can be developed through dialogue to help pre-service teachers make connections between authoritative pedagogies, pedagogy in the field and their personal literacy narratives to begin creating personal literacy pedagogies for the future

    Pre-Service Teachers’ Knowledge of Algebraic Thinking and the Characteristics of the Questions Posed for Students

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    In this study, we explored the relationship between the strength of pre-service teachers’ algebraic thinking and the characteristics of the questions they posed during cognitive interviews that focused on probing the algebraic thinking of middle school students. We developed a performance rubric to evaluate the strength of pre-service teachers’ algebraic thinking across 130 algebra-based tasks. We used an existing coding scheme found in the literature to analyze the characteristics of the questions pre-service teachers posed during clinical interviews. We found that pre-service teachers with higher algebraic thinking abilities were able to pose probing questions that uncovered student thinking through the use of follow up questions. In comparison, pre-service teachers with lower algebraic thinking abilities asked factual questions; moving from one question to the next without posing follow up questions to probe student thinking

    An authentic approach to facilitating transfer of teacher's pedagogical knowledge

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    The pedagogical knowledge learned by pre-service teachers often fails to transfer to teaching practice. Instead, new teachers revert to instructional strategies they observed as children. This chapter describes design research conducted over four years, where pre-service teachers were immersed in an authentic learning environment using multimedia to learn mathematics assessment strategies. The first study was conducted with pre-service teachers in the second year of their degree, and then the second study followed up with the same people in their second year as practising teachers. The first study revealed several constraints for the participants on professional practice, including limited time and the influence of the supervising teacher. Later, as practising teachers, they faced cultural and practical constraints within the school environment that prevented them from fully operationalising the pedagogical principles they learned as pre-service teachers

    Prospective K-8 Teachers’ Knowledge of Relational Thinking

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    The goal of this study was to examine two issues: First, pre-service teachers’ ability and inclination to think relationally prior to instruction about the role relational thinking plays in the K-8 mathematics curriculum. Second, to examine task specific variables possibly associated with pre-service teachers’ inclination to engage in relational thinking. The results revealed that preservice teachers engage in relational thinking about equality, however, their inclination to do so is rather limited. Furthermore, they tend to engage in relational thinking more frequently in the context of arithmetic than algebra-related tasks. Pre-service teachers’ inclination to engage in relational thinking appeared to also relate to the overall task complexity and the use of variables. Implications of these findings for pre-service teacher education are provided
