21 research outputs found

    Architecting Secure Processor Caches

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    Caches in modern processors enable fast access to data and help alleviate the performance overheads from slow access to DRAM main-memory. While sharing of cache resources between multiple cores, especially the last-level cache, boosts cache utilization and improves system performance, it has been shown to cause serious security vulnerabilities in the form cache side-channel attacks. Different cores of a system can simultaneously run sensitive and malicious applications which can contend for the shared cache space. As a result, accesses of a sensitive application can influence the cache utilization and the execution time of a malicious application, introducing a side-channel of information leakage. Such cache interactions between a sensitive victim and a malicious spy have been shown to allow leakage of encryption keys, user-sensitive data such as files or browsing histories, confidential intellectual property such as machine-learning models, etc. Similarly, such cache interactions can also be used as a channel for covert communication be- tween two colluding malicious applications, when direct communication via network ports is disabled. The focus of this thesis is to develop principled and practical mitigation for such cache side channel and covert channel attacks. To develop principled defenses, it is necessary to develop a deep understanding of attacks. So, first, this thesis investigates the capabilities of attackers and in the process develops a new cache covert channel attack called Streamline, which is considerably faster than current state-of-the-art attacks, with fewer requirements. With an asynchronous and flushless information transmission protocol, Streamline reaches bit-rates of more than 1 MB/s while being applicable to all ISAs and micro-architectures. This demonstrates the need for effective defenses against cache attacks across all platforms. Second, this thesis develops new principled and practical defenses utilizing cache lo- cation randomization. Randomized caches obfuscate the mappings of addresses to cache locations to prevent malicious programs from inferring contention patterns on shared last- level caches with victim programs. However, successive defenses relying on randomization have been broken by recent attacks. To end the arms race in randomized caches, this thesis proposes a principled defense, MIRAGE, which provides the security of a fully-associative design in a practical manner for randomized caches. This eliminates set-conflicts and set- conflict based cache attacks in a future-proof manner. Third, this thesis explores cache-partitioning based defenses to eliminate all potential cache side channels through shared last-level caches. Such defenses map mistrusting applications to isolated cache partitions, thus preventing any information leakage across applications through cache state changes. However, existing solutions are not scalable or do not allow flexible usage of DRAM and cache resources. To address these problems, this thesis provides a scalable and flexible cache-isolation framework, Bespoke Cache Enclaves, supporting hundreds of partitions independent of memory utilization. This work enables practical adoption of cache-isolation defenses against cache side-channel attacks. Lastly, this thesis develops techniques to secure caches against exploitation in transient execution attacks. Attacks like Spectre and Meltdown exploit processor speculation to illegally access secrets and leak these out through cache covert channels, i.e., making transient changes to processor caches. This thesis enables CleanupSpec, one of the first defenses against such attacks, which reverses speculative modifications to caches on mis- speculations, to limit such transient information leakage via caches. This solution prevents caches from being exploited by attacks like Spectre with minimal overheads. Overall, this thesis enables several techniques that provide principled yet practical security for processor caches against side channels and covert channels. These techniques can potentially enable the wide adoption of secure cache designs in future processors and support efforts to enable confidential computing in systems.Ph.D

    Practical Way Halting by Speculatively Accessing Halt Tags

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    Conventional set-associative data cache accesses waste energy since tag and data arrays of several ways are simultaneously accessed to sustain pipeline speed. Different access techniques to avoid activating all cache ways have been previously proposed in an effort to reduce energy usage. However, a problem that many of these access techniques have in common is that they need to access different cache memory portions in a sequential manner, which is difficult to support with standard synchronous SRAM memory. We propose the speculative halt-tag access (SHA) approach, which accesses low-order tag bits, i.e., the halt tag, in the address generation stage instead of the SRAM access stage to eliminate accesses to cache ways that cannot possibly contain the data. The key feature of our SHA approach is that it determines which tag and data arrays need to be accessed early enough for conventional SRAMs to be used. We evaluate the SHA approach using a 65-nm processor implementation running MiBench benchmarks and find that it on average reduces data access energy by 25.6%

    A Safety-First Approach to Memory Models.

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    Sequential consistency (SC) is arguably the most intuitive behavior for a shared-memory multithreaded program. It is widely accepted that language-level SC could significantly improve programmability of a multiprocessor system. However, efficiently supporting end-to-end SC remains a challenge as it requires that both compiler and hardware optimizations preserve SC semantics. Current concurrent languages support a relaxed memory model that requires programmers to explicitly annotate all memory accesses that can participate in a data-race ("unsafe" accesses). This requirement allows compiler and hardware to aggressively optimize unannotated accesses, which are assumed to be data-race-free ("safe" accesses), while still preserving SC semantics. However, unannotated data races are easy for programmers to accidentally introduce and are difficult to detect, and in such cases the safety and correctness of programs are significantly compromised. This dissertation argues instead for a safety-first approach, whereby every memory operation is treated as potentially unsafe by the compiler and hardware unless it is proven otherwise. The first solution, DRFx memory model, allows many common compiler and hardware optimizations (potentially SC-violating) on unsafe accesses and uses a runtime support to detect potential SC violations arising from reordering of unsafe accesses. On detecting a potential SC violation, execution is halted before the safety property is compromised. The second solution takes a different approach and preserves SC in both compiler and hardware. Both SC-preserving compiler and hardware are also built on the safety-first approach. All memory accesses are treated as potentially unsafe by the compiler and hardware. SC-preserving hardware relies on different static and dynamic techniques to identify safe accesses. Our results indicate that supporting SC at the language level is not expensive in terms of performance and hardware complexity. The dissertation also explores an extension of this safety-first approach for data-parallel accelerators such as Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). Significant microarchitectural differences between CPU and GPU require rethinking of efficient solutions for preserving SC in GPUs. The proposed solution based on our SC-preserving approach performs nearly on par with the baseline GPU that implements a data-race-free-0 memory model.PhDComputer Science and EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/120794/1/ansingh_1.pd

    Architectural Enhancements for Data Transport in Datacenter Systems

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    Datacenter systems run myriad applications, which frequently communicate with each other and/or Input/Output (I/O) devices—including network adapters, storage devices, and accelerators. Due to the growing speed of I/O devices and the emergence of microservice-based programming models, the I/O software stacks have become a critical factor in end-to-end communication performance. As such, I/O software stacks have been evolving rapidly in recent years. Datacenters rely on fast, efficient “Software Data Planes”, which orchestrate data transfer between applications and I/O devices. The goal of this dissertation is to enhance the performance, efficiency, and scalability of software data planes by diagnosing their existing issues and addressing them through hardware-software solutions. In the first step, I characterize challenges of modern software data planes, which bypass the operating system kernel to avoid associated overheads. Since traditional interrupts and system calls cannot be delivered to user code without kernel assistance, kernel-bypass data planes use spinning cores on I/O queues to identify work/data arrival. Spin-polling obviously wastes CPU cycles on checking empty queues; however, I show that it entails even more drawbacks: (1) Full-tilt spinning cores perform more (useless) polling work when there is less work pending in the queues. (2) Spin-polling scales poorly with the number of polled queues due to processor cache capacity constraints, especially when traffic is unbalanced. (3) Spin-polling also scales poorly with the number of cores due to the overhead of polling and operation rate limits. (4) Whereas shared queues can mitigate load imbalance and head-of-line blocking, synchronization overheads of spinning on them limit their potential benefits. Next, I propose a notification accelerator, dubbed HyperPlane, which replaces spin-polling in software data planes. Design principles of HyperPlane are: (1) not iterating on empty I/O queues to find work/data in ready ones, (2) blocking/halting when all queues are empty rather than spinning fruitlessly, and (3) allowing multiple cores to efficiently monitor a shared set of queues. These principles lead to queue scalability, work proportionality, and enjoying theoretical merits of shared queues. HyperPlane is realized with a programming model front-end and a hardware microarchitecture back-end. Evaluation of HyperPlane shows its significant advantage in terms of throughput, average/tail latency, and energy efficiency over a state-of-the-art spin-polling-based software data plane, with very small power and area overheads. Finally, I focus on the data transfer aspect in software data planes. Cache misses incurred by accessing I/O data are a major bottleneck in software data planes. Despite considerable efforts put into delivering I/O data directly to the last-level cache, some access latency is still exposed. Cores cannot prefetch such data to nearer caches in today's systems because of the complex access pattern of data buffers and the lack of an appropriate notification mechanism that can trigger the prefetch operations. As such, I propose HyperData, a data transfer accelerator based on targeted prefetching. HyperData prefetches exact (rather than predicted) data buffers (or a required subset to avoid cache pollution) to the L1 cache of the consumer core at the right time. Prefetching can be done for both core-peripheral and core-core communications. HyperData's prefetcher is programmable and supports various queue formats—namely, direct (regular), indirect (Virtio), and multi-consumer queues. I show that with a minor overhead, HyperData effectively hides data access latency in software data planes, thereby improving both application- and system-level performance and efficiency.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/169826/1/hosseing_1.pd

    Timing model derivation : static analysis of hardware description languages

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    Safety-critical hard real-time systems are subject to strict timing constraints. In order to derive guarantees on the timing behavior, the worst-case execution time (WCET) of each task comprising the system has to be known. The aiT tool has been developed for computing safe upper bounds on the WCET of a task. Its computation is mainly based on abstract interpretation of timing models of the processor and its periphery. These models are currently hand-crafted by human experts, which is a time-consuming and error-prone process. Modern processors are automatically synthesized from formal hardware specifications. Besides the processor’s functional behavior, also timing aspects are included in these descriptions. A methodology to derive sound timing models using hardware specifications is described within this thesis. To ease the process of timing model derivation, the methodology is embedded into a sound framework. A key part of this framework are static analyses on hardware specifications. This thesis presents an analysis framework that is build on the theory of abstract interpretation allowing use of classical program analyses on hardware description languages. Its suitability to automate parts of the derivation methodology is shown by different analyses. Practical experiments demonstrate the applicability of the approach to derive timing models. Also the soundness of the analyses and the analyses’ results is proved.Sicherheitskritische Echtzeitsysteme unterliegen strikten Zeitanforderungen. Um ihr Zeitverhalten zu garantieren mĂŒssen die AusfĂŒhrungszeiten der einzelnen Programme, die das System bilden, bekannt sein. Um sichere obere Schranken fĂŒr die AusfĂŒhrungszeit von Programmen zu berechnen wurde aiT entwickelt. Die Berechnung basiert auf abstrakter Interpretation von Zeitmodellen des Prozessors und seiner Peripherie. Diese Modelle werden hĂ€ndisch in einem zeitaufwendigen und fehleranfĂ€lligen Prozess von Experten entwickelt. Moderne Prozessoren werden automatisch aus formalen Spezifikationen erzeugt. Neben dem funktionalen Verhalten beschreiben diese auch das Zeitverhalten des Prozessors. In dieser Arbeit wird eine Methodik zur sicheren Ableitung von Zeitmodellen aus der Hardwarespezifikation beschrieben. Um den Ableitungsprozess zu vereinfachen ist diese Methodik in eine automatisierte Umgebung eingebettet. Ein Hauptbestandteil dieses Systems sind statische Analysen auf Hardwarebeschreibungen. Diese Arbeit stellt eine Analyse-Umgebung vor, die auf der Theorie der abstrakten Interpretation aufbaut und den Einsatz von klassischen Programmanalysen auf Hardwarebeschreibungssprachen erlaubt. Die Eignung des Systems, Teile der Ableitungsmethodik zu automatisieren, wird anhand einiger Analysen gezeigt. Experimentelle Ergebnisse zeigen die Anwendbarkeit der Methodik zur Ableitung von Zeitmodellen. Die Korrektheit der Analysen und der Analyse-Ergebnisse wird ebenfalls bewiesen

    Summarizing multiprocessor program execution with versatile, microarchitecture-independent snapshots

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2006.Includes bibliographical references (p. 131-137).Computer architects rely heavily on software simulation to evaluate, refine, and validate new designs before they are implemented. However, simulation time continues to increase as computers become more complex and multicore designs become more common. This thesis investigates software structures and algorithms for quickly simulating modern cache-coherent multiprocessors by amortizing the time spent to simulate the memory system and branch predictors. The Memory Timestamp Record (MTR) summarizes the directory and cache state of a multiprocessor system in a compact data structure. A single MTR snapshot is versatile enough to reconstruct the microarchitectural state resulting from various coherence protocols and cache organizations. The MTR may be quickly updated by each simulated processor during a fast-forwarding phase and optionally stored off-line for reuse. To fill large branch prediction tables, we introduce Branch Predictor-based Compression (BPC) which compactly stores a branch trace so that it may be used to fill in any branch predictor structure. An entire BPC trace requires less space than single discrete predictor snapshots, and it may be decompressed 3-6x faster than performing functional simulation.by Kenneth C. Barr.Ph.D

    Developing tissue proteomics: Differential in gel electrophoresis in biomarker discovery and proteomic degradation

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    The field of proteomics and functional genomics has developed steadily since the completion of the human genome project. The wealth of genomic information and the pace at which it was compiled was astounding. Proteomics, despite considerable effort, on the other hand has not seen quite the same pace of development. The progress being considerably hindered by the lack of an amplification process and the relative complexity of the proteome in comparison to the genome. These intrinsic difficulties have led to the sensitivity of proteomic techniques being pushed closer to physical limits. There is therefore a further need to re-evaluated techniques such as sample preparation and integrity, analytical methods and collaborative strategies to maximise the effectiveness and quality of data collected. The importance of tissue in scientific and clinical research is unequivocal. However, tissue is difficult to collect, store and work with due to issues with proteomic degradation and storage. Good lab practices can minimise the effect of degradation but degradation of proteins can be rapid. Strategies to minimise degradation include freezing, formalin fixing and microwave treatment which all have their relative advantages and disadvantages. The importance of sample preparation as being the top of the workflow is often acknowledged but improvements are not well described in the literature. The main aim of this thesis is to present investigative studies into the mitigation of some of the limitations in tissue sample degradation, analytical approaches in differential in gel electrophoresis and accessing DiGE spot and tissue profile data. Presented is the evaluation of the effectiveness of rapid and controlled heating of intact tissue to inactivate native enzymatic activity and to aid in the cessation of proteomic degradation. A multifaceted analytical approach of differential in Gel electrophoresis spot data is assessed, giving proteomic profiles of mouse brain tissue. Preliminary data is presented showing that the process of heat-treatment has had a predominantly beneficial effect on mouse brain tissue, with a higher percentage of spots stabilised in heat-treated samples compared to snap-frozen samples. However, stabilisation did occur in snap-frozen samples for different protein spot so the appropriateness of using heat-treatment is as yet not fully determined and requires further analysis. In addition, the variation in tissue profiles of WKY, SP.WKYGla.2a and SHRSP rat model for hypertension is investigated with the future prospect of providing that vital connection between genomic and proteomic data and link phenotype and genotype preliminary investigated. A number of putative markers were identified and quantified using DiGE analysis. In order for these markers to be accepted as biomarkers, more downstream validation is required, however this study provides a good spring board as a proof of concept in using DiGE as an global putative biomarker discovery platform

    Towards trustworthy computing on untrustworthy hardware

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    Historically, hardware was thought to be inherently secure and trusted due to its obscurity and the isolated nature of its design and manufacturing. In the last two decades, however, hardware trust and security have emerged as pressing issues. Modern day hardware is surrounded by threats manifested mainly in undesired modifications by untrusted parties in its supply chain, unauthorized and pirated selling, injected faults, and system and microarchitectural level attacks. These threats, if realized, are expected to push hardware to abnormal and unexpected behaviour causing real-life damage and significantly undermining our trust in the electronic and computing systems we use in our daily lives and in safety critical applications. A large number of detective and preventive countermeasures have been proposed in literature. It is a fact, however, that our knowledge of potential consequences to real-life threats to hardware trust is lacking given the limited number of real-life reports and the plethora of ways in which hardware trust could be undermined. With this in mind, run-time monitoring of hardware combined with active mitigation of attacks, referred to as trustworthy computing on untrustworthy hardware, is proposed as the last line of defence. This last line of defence allows us to face the issue of live hardware mistrust rather than turning a blind eye to it or being helpless once it occurs. This thesis proposes three different frameworks towards trustworthy computing on untrustworthy hardware. The presented frameworks are adaptable to different applications, independent of the design of the monitored elements, based on autonomous security elements, and are computationally lightweight. The first framework is concerned with explicit violations and breaches of trust at run-time, with an untrustworthy on-chip communication interconnect presented as a potential offender. The framework is based on the guiding principles of component guarding, data tagging, and event verification. The second framework targets hardware elements with inherently variable and unpredictable operational latency and proposes a machine-learning based characterization of these latencies to infer undesired latency extensions or denial of service attacks. The framework is implemented on a DDR3 DRAM after showing its vulnerability to obscured latency extension attacks. The third framework studies the possibility of the deployment of untrustworthy hardware elements in the analog front end, and the consequent integrity issues that might arise at the analog-digital boundary of system on chips. The framework uses machine learning methods and the unique temporal and arithmetic features of signals at this boundary to monitor their integrity and assess their trust level