5,704 research outputs found

    Algorithms and Architectures for Network Search Processors

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    The continuous growth in the Internet’s size, the amount of data traffic, and the complexity of processing this traffic gives rise to new challenges in building high-performance network devices. One of the most fundamental tasks performed by these devices is searching the network data for predefined keys. Address lookup, packet classification, and deep packet inspection are some of the operations which involve table lookups and searching. These operations are typically part of the packet forwarding mechanism, and can create a performance bottleneck. Therefore, fast and resource efficient algorithms are required. One of the most commonly used techniques for such searching operations is the Ternary Content Addressable Memory (TCAM). While TCAM can offer very fast search speeds, it is costly and consumes a large amount of power. Hence, designing cost-effective, power-efficient, and high-speed search techniques has received a great deal of attention in the research and industrial community. In this thesis, we propose a generic search technique based on Bloom filters. A Bloom filter is a randomized data structure used to represent a set of bit-strings compactly and support set membership queries. We demonstrate techniques to convert the search process into table lookups. The resulting table data structures are kept in the off-chip memory and their Bloom filter representations are kept in the on-chip memory. An item needs to be looked up in the off-chip table only when it is found in the on-chip Bloom filters. By filtering the off-chip memory accesses in this fashion, the search operations can be significantly accelerated. Our approach involves a unique combination of algorithmic and architectural techniques that outperform some of the current techniques in terms of cost-effectiveness, speed, and power-efficiency

    Peer to Peer Information Retrieval: An Overview

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    Peer-to-peer technology is widely used for file sharing. In the past decade a number of prototype peer-to-peer information retrieval systems have been developed. Unfortunately, none of these have seen widespread real- world adoption and thus, in contrast with file sharing, information retrieval is still dominated by centralised solutions. In this paper we provide an overview of the key challenges for peer-to-peer information retrieval and the work done so far. We want to stimulate and inspire further research to overcome these challenges. This will open the door to the development and large-scale deployment of real-world peer-to-peer information retrieval systems that rival existing centralised client-server solutions in terms of scalability, performance, user satisfaction and freedom

    Balancing Security, Performance and Deployability in Encrypted Search

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    Encryption is an important tool for protecting data, especially data stored in the cloud. However, standard encryption techniques prevent efficient search. Searchable encryption attempts to solve this issue, protecting the data while still providing search functionality. Retaining the ability to search comes at a cost of security, performance and/or utility. An important practical aspect of utility is compatibility with legacy systems. Unfortunately, the efficient searchable encryption constructions that are compatible with these systems have been proven vulnerable to attack, even against weaker adversary models. The goal of this work is to address this security problem inherent with efficient, legacy compatible constructions. First, we present attacks on previous constructions that are compatible with legacy systems, demonstrating their vulnerability. Then we present two new searchable encryption constructions. The first, weakly randomized encryption, provides superior security to prior easily deployable constructions, while providing similar ease of deployment and query performance nearly identical to unencrypted databases. The second construction, EDDiES, provides much stronger security at the expense of a slight regression on performance. These constructions show that it is possible to achieve a better balance of security and performance with the utility constraints that come with deployment in legacy systems

    OS2: Oblivious similarity based searching for encrypted data outsourced to an untrusted domain

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    © 2017 Pervez et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Public cloud storage services are becoming prevalent and myriad data sharing, archiving and collaborative services have emerged which harness the pay-as-you-go business model of public cloud. To ensure privacy and confidentiality often encrypted data is outsourced to such services, which further complicates the process of accessing relevant data by using search queries. Search over encrypted data schemes solve this problem by exploiting cryptographic primitives and secure indexing to identify outsourced data that satisfy the search criteria. Almost all of these schemes rely on exact matching between the encrypted data and search criteria. A few schemes which extend the notion of exact matching to similarity based search, lack realism as those schemes rely on trusted third parties or due to increase storage and computational complexity. In this paper we propose Oblivious Similarity based Search (OS2) for encrypted data. It enables authorized users to model their own encrypted search queries which are resilient to typographical errors. Unlike conventional methodologies, OS2 ranks the search results by using similarity measure offering a better search experience than exact matching. It utilizes encrypted bloom filter and probabilistic homomorphic encryption to enable authorized users to access relevant data without revealing results of search query evaluation process to the untrusted cloud service provider. Encrypted bloom filter based search enables OS2 to reduce search space to potentially relevant encrypted data avoiding unnecessary computation on public cloud. The efficacy of OS2 is evaluated on Google App Engine for various bloom filter lengths on different cloud configurations

    Fast Regular Expression Matching Using FPGA

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    V práci je vysvětluje několik algoritmů pro vyhledávání výrazů v textu. Algoritmy pracují v software i hardware. Část práce   se zabývá rozšířením konečných automatů. Další část práce vysvětluje, jak funguje hash a představuje koncept perfektního hashování a CRC. Součástí práce je návrh možné struktury  vyhledávací jednotky založené na deterministických konečných automatech v FPGA. V rámci práce byly provedeny exprimenty pro zjištění podoby výsledných konečných automatů.The thesis explains several algorithms for pattern matching. Algorithms work in both software and hardware. A part of the thesis is dedicated to extensions of finite automatons. The second part explains hashing and introduces concept of perfect hashing and CRC. The thesis also includes a suggestion of possible structure of a pattern matching unit based on deterministic finite automatons in FPGA. Experiments for determining the structure and size of resulting automatons were done in this thesis.