22 research outputs found

    Logic-based Technologies for Multi-agent Systems: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Precisely when the success of artificial intelligence (AI) sub-symbolic techniques makes them be identified with the whole AI by many non-computerscientists and non-technical media, symbolic approaches are getting more and more attention as those that could make AI amenable to human understanding. Given the recurring cycles in the AI history, we expect that a revamp of technologies often tagged as “classical AI” – in particular, logic-based ones will take place in the next few years. On the other hand, agents and multi-agent systems (MAS) have been at the core of the design of intelligent systems since their very beginning, and their long-term connection with logic-based technologies, which characterised their early days, might open new ways to engineer explainable intelligent systems. This is why understanding the current status of logic-based technologies for MAS is nowadays of paramount importance. Accordingly, this paper aims at providing a comprehensive view of those technologies by making them the subject of a systematic literature review (SLR). The resulting technologies are discussed and evaluated from two different perspectives: the MAS and the logic-based ones

    Functional Programming for Embedded Systems

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    Embedded Systems application development has traditionally been carried out in low-level machine-oriented programming languages like C or Assembler that can result in unsafe, error-prone and difficult-to-maintain code. Functional programming with features such as higher-order functions, algebraic data types, polymorphism, strong static typing and automatic memory management appears to be an ideal candidate to address the issues with low-level languages plaguing embedded systems. However, embedded systems usually run on heavily memory-constrained devices with memory in the order of hundreds of kilobytes and applications running on such devices embody the general characteristics of being (i) I/O- bound, (ii) concurrent and (iii) timing-aware. Popular functional language compilers and runtimes either do not fare well with such scarce memory resources or do not provide high-level abstractions that address all the three listed characteristics. This work attempts to address this gap by investigating and proposing high-level abstractions specialised for I/O-bound, concurrent and timing-aware embedded-systems programs. We implement the proposed abstractions on eagerly-evaluated, statically-typed functional languages running natively on microcontrollers. Our contributions are divided into two parts - Part 1 presents a functional reactive programming language - Hailstorm - that tracks side effects like I/O in its type system using a feature called resource types. Hailstorm’s programming model is illustrated on the GRiSP microcontroller board.Part 2 comprises two papers that describe the design and implementation of Synchron, a runtime API that provides a uniform message-passing framework for the handling of software messages as well as hardware interrupts. Additionally, the Synchron API supports a novel timing operator to capture the notion of time, common in embedded applications. The Synchron API is implemented as a virtual machine - SynchronVM - that is run on the NRF52 and STM32 microcontroller boards. We present programming examples that illustrate the concurrency, I/O and timing capabilities of the VM and provide various benchmarks on the response time, memory and power usage of SynchronVM

    Debugging Type Errors with a Blackbox Compiler

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    Type error debugging can be a laborious yet necessary process for programmers of statically typed functional programming languages. Often a compiler compounds this by inaccurately reporting the location of a type error, a problem that has been a subject of research for over thirty years. However, despite its long history, the solutions proposed are often reliant on direct modifications to the compiler, often distributed in the form of patches. These patches append another level of arduous activity to the task of debugging, keeping them modernised to the ever-changing programming language they support. This thesis investigates an additional option; the blackbox compiler. Split into three central parts, it shows the individual solutions involved in using a blackbox compiler to debug type errors in functional programming languages. First is a demonstration of how the combination of a blackbox compiler and a generic debugging algorithm can successfully locate type errors. Next tackled is a side-effect of this new combination, the introduction of extra errors, combated with a new speed boosted algorithm, evaluated with a proposed framework based on Data Science techniques to quantify the quality of a type error debugger. Lastly, the algorithms employed throughout this thesis, along with the blackbox compiler, have agnostic properties, they do not need language-specific knowledge. Thus, the final part presents utilising the agnostic abilities for an agnostic debugger to locate type errors

    Verus: Verifying Rust Programs using Linear Ghost Types (extended version)

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    The Rust programming language provides a powerful type system that checks linearity and borrowing, allowing code to safely manipulate memory without garbage collection and making Rust ideal for developing low-level, high-assurance systems. For such systems, formal verification can be useful to prove functional correctness properties beyond type safety. This paper presents Verus, an SMT-based tool for formally verifying Rust programs. With Verus, programmers express proofs and specifications using the Rust language, allowing proofs to take advantage of Rust's linear types and borrow checking. We show how this allows proofs to manipulate linearly typed permissions that let Rust code safely manipulate memory, pointers, and concurrent resources. Verus organizes proofs and specifications using a novel mode system that distinguishes specifications, which are not checked for linearity and borrowing, from executable code and proofs, which are checked for linearity and borrowing. We formalize Verus' linearity, borrowing, and modes in a small lambda calculus, for which we prove type safety and termination of specifications and proofs. We demonstrate Verus on a series of examples, including pointer-manipulating code (an xor-based doubly linked list), code with interior mutability, and concurrent code

    Choreographies and Cost Semantics for Reliable Communicating Systems

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    Communicating systems have become ubiquitous in today\u27s society.Unfortunately, the complexity of their interactions makes themparticularly prone to failures such as deadlocked states causedby misbehaving components, or memory exhaustion due to a surge inmessage traffic (malicious or not). These vulnerabilitiesconstitute a real risk to users, with consequences ranging fromminor inconveniences to the possibility of loss of life andcapital. This thesis presents two results that aim to increasethe reliability of communicating systems. First, we implement achoreography language which by construction can only describesystems that are deadlock-free. Second, we develop a costsemantics to prove programs free of out-of-memory errors. Both ofthese results are formalized in the HOL4 theorem prover andintegrated with the CakeML verified stack

    Micro-intelligence for the IoT: logic-based models and technologies

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    Computing is moving towards pervasive, ubiquitous environments in which devices, software agents and services are all expected to seamlessly integrate and cooperate in support of human objectives. An important next step for pervasive computing is the integration of intelligent agents that employ knowledge and reasoning to understand the local context and share this information in support of intelligent applications and interfaces. Such scenarios, characterised by "computation everywhere around us", require on the one hand software components with intelligent behaviour in terms of objectives and context, and on the other their integration so as to produce social intelligence. Logic Programming (LP) has been recognised as a natural paradigm for addressing the needs of distributed intelligence. Yet, the development of novel architectures, in particular in the context Internet of Things (IoT), and the emergence of new domains and potential applications, are creating new research opportunities where LP could be exploited, when suitably coupled with agent technologies and methods so that it can fully develop its potential in the new context. In particular, the LP and its extensions can act as micro-intelligence sources for the IoT world, both at the individual and the social level, provided that they are reconsidered in a renewed architectural vision. Such micro-intelligence sources could deal with the local knowledge of the devices taking into account the domain specificity of each environment. The goal of this thesis is to re-contextualise LP and its extensions in these new domains as a source of micro-intelligence for the IoT world, envisioning a large number of small computational units distributed and situated in the environment, thus promoting the local exploitation of symbolic languages with inference capabilities. The topic is explored in depth and the effectiveness of novel LP models and architectures -and of the corresponding technology- expressing the concept of micro-intelligence is tested

    Choreographies and Cost Semantics for Reliable Communicating Systems

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    Communicating systems have become ubiquitous in today\u27s society.Unfortunately, the complexity of their interactions makesthem particularly prone to failures such as deadlocked statescaused by misbehaving components, or memory exhaustion due to a surgein message traffic (malicious or not).These vulnerabilities constitute a real risk to users, withconsequences ranging from minor inconveniences to the possibility ofloss of life and capital.This thesis presents results that aim to increase the reliability of communicating systems.First, we implement a choreography language that can, by construction, only describe deadlock-free systems.Second, we develop a cost semantics to prove programs free of out-of-memory errors.Lastly, we improve both results by using novel semantic approaches that strengthen key theorems and facilitate further proof development.All of these results are formalized in the HOL4 theorem prover and integrated with the CakeML verified stack

    Faculty Publications and Creative Works 2005

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    Faculty Publications & Creative Works is an annual compendium of scholarly and creative activities of University of New Mexico faculty during the noted calendar year. Published by the Office of the Vice President for Research and Economic Development, it serves to illustrate the robust and active intellectual pursuits conducted by the faculty in support of teaching and research at UNM. In 2005, UNM faculty produced over 1,887 works, including 1,887 scholarly papers and articles, 57 books, 127 book chapters, 58 reviews, 68 creative works and 4 patented works. We are proud of the accomplishments of our faculty which are in part reflected in this book, which illustrates the diversity of intellectual pursuits in support of research and education at the University of New Mexico

    Fifth Biennial Report : June 1999 - August 2001

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    Eight Biennial Report : April 2005 – March 2007

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