214 research outputs found

    A novel architecture for large windows processors

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    Several processor architectures with large instruction windows have been proposed. They improve performance by maintaining hundreds of instructions in flight to increase the level of instruction parallelism (ILP). Such architectures replace a re-order buffer (ROB) with a check-pointing mechanism and an out-of-order release of the processor resources. Check-pointing, however, leads to an imprecise state recovery on mispredicted branches and exceptions and frequent re-execution of current-path instructions during the state recovery. It also requires large register files complicating renaming, allocation and release of physical registers. This technical report proposes a new processor architecture that does not use either a traditional ROB or check-pointing, avoids the above-mentioned problems, and has a fast, distributed state recovery mechanism. Its novel register management architecture allows implementation of large register files with simpler and more scalable, register renaming and commit. It is also key to the precise recovery mechanism.Postprint (published version

    A distributed processor state management architecture for large-window processors

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    Processor architectures with large instruction windows have been proposed to expose more instruction-level parallelism (ILP) and increase performance. Some of the proposed architectures replace a re-order buffer (ROB) with a check-pointing mechanism and an out-of-order release of processor resources. Check-pointing, however, leads to an imprecise processor state recovery on mis-predicted branches and exceptions and re-execution of correct-path instructions after state recovery. It also requires large register files complicating renaming, allocation and release of physical registers. This paper proposes a new processor architecture called a Multi-State Processor (MSP). The MSP does not use check-pointing, avoids the above-mentioned problems, and has a fast, distributed state recovery mechanism. The MSP uses a novel register management architecture allowing implementation of large register files with simpler and more scalable register allocation, renaming, and release. It is also key to precise processor state recovery mechanism. The MSP is shown to improve IPC by 14%, on average, for integer SPEC CPU2000 benchmarks compared to a check-pointing based mechanism ([2]) when a fast and simple branch predictor is used. With a very aggressive branch predictor the IPC improvement is 1%, on average, and 3% if some of the programs are optimized for the MSP. The MSP also reduces the average number of executed instructions by 16.5% (12% for the aggressive branch predictor), mostly due to precise state recovery. This improves the MSP processor energy efficiency even though it uses a larger register file.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Late allocation and early release of physical registers

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    The register file is one of the critical components of current processors in terms of access time and power consumption. Among other things, the potential to exploit instruction-level parallelism is closely related to the size and number of ports of the register file. In conventional register renaming schemes, both register allocation and releasing are conservatively done, the former at the rename stage, before registers are loaded with values, and the latter at the commit stage of the instruction redefining the same register, once registers are not used any more. We introduce VP-LAER, a renaming scheme that allocates registers later and releases them earlier than conventional schemes. Specifically, physical registers are allocated at the end of the execution stage and released as soon as the processor realizes that there will be no further use of them. VP-LAER enhances register utilization, that is, the fraction of allocated registers having a value to be read in the future. Detailed cycle-level simulations show either a significant speedup for a given register file size or a reduction in the register file size for a given performance level, especially for floating-point codes, where the register file pressure is usually high.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Compiler-Driven Leakage Energy Reduction

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    Abstract. Tomorrow's embedded devices need to run high-resolution multimedia applications which need an enormous computational complexity with a very low energy consumption constraint. In this context, the register file is one of the key sources of power consumption and its inappropriate design and management can severely affect the performance of the system. In this paper, we present a new approach to reduce the energy of the shared register file in upcoming embedded VLIW architectures with several processing units. Energy savings up to a 60% can be obtained in the register file without any performance penalty. It is based on a set of hardware extensions and a compiler-based energy-aware register assignment algorithm that enable the de/activation of parts of the register file (i.e. sub-banks) in an independent way at run-time, which can be easily included in these embedded architectures

    Resource Banking An Energy-efficient, Run-time Adaptive Processor Design Technique

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    From the earliest and simplest scalar computation engines to modern superscalar out-oforder processors, the evolution of computational machinery during the past century has largely been driven by a single goal: performance. In today’s world of cheap, billion-plus transistor count processors and with an exploding market in mobile computing, a design landscape has emerged where energy efficiency, arguably more than any other single metric, determines the viability of a processor for a given application. The historical emphasis on performance has left modern processors bloated and over provisioned for everyday tasks in the hope that during computationally intensive periods some performance improvement will be observed. This work explores an energy-efficient processor design technique that ensures even a highly over provisioned out-of-order processor has only as many of its computational resources active as it requires for efficient computation at any given time. Specifically, this paper examines the feasibility of a dynamically banked register file and reorder buffer with variable banking policies that enable unused rename registers or reorder buffer entries to be voltage gated (turned off) during execution to save power. The impact of bank placement, turn-off and turn-on policies as well as rail stabilization latencies for this approach are explored for high-performance desktop and server designs as well as low-power mobile processor

    Compiler-Driven Leakage Energy Reduction in Banked Register Files

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    Tomorrow’s embedded devices need to run high-resolution multimedia applications which need an enormous computational complexity with a very low energy consumption constraint. In this context, the register file is one of the key sources of power consumption and its inappropriate design and management can severely affect the performance of the system. In this paper, we present a new approach to reduce the energy of the shared register file in upcoming embedded VLIW architectures with several processing units. Energy savings up to a 60% can be obtained in the register file without any performance penalty. It is based on a set of hardware extensions and a compiler-based energy-aware reg- ister assignment algorithm that enable the de/activation of parts of the register file (i.e. sub-banks) in an independent way at run-time, which can be easily included in these embedded architectures

    Energy-Aware Compilation and Hardware Design for VLIW Embedded Systems

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    Tomorrow's embedded devices need to run multimedia applications demanding high computational power with low energy consumption constraints. In this context, the register file is a key source of power consumption and its inappropriate design and management severely affects system power. In this paper, we present a new approach to reduce the energy of shared register files in forthcoming embedded VLIW processors running real-life applications up to 60% without performance penalty. This approach relies on limited hardware extensions and a compiler-based energy-aware register assignment algorithm to deactivate at run-time parts of the register file (i.e., sub-banks) in an independent way

    Compiler-Driven Power Optimizations in the Register File of Processor-Based Systems

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    The complexity of the register file is currently one of the main factors on determining the cycle time of high performance wide-issue microprocessors due to its access time and size. Both parameters are directly related to the number of read and write ports of the register file and can be managed from a code compilation-level. Therefore, it is a priority goal to reduce this complexity in order to allow the efficient implementation of complex superscalar machines. This work presents a modified register assignment and a banked architecture which efficiently reduce the number of required ports. Also, the effect of the loop unrollling optimization performed by the compiler is analyzed and several power-efficient modifications to this mechanism are proposed. Both register assignment and loop unrolling mechanisms are modified to improve the energy savings while avoiding a hard performance impact

    Compiler-Directed Energy Savings in Superscalar Processors

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    Institute for Computing Systems ArchitectureSuperscalar processors contain large, complex structures to hold data and instructions as they wait to be executed. However, many of these structures consume large amounts of energy, making them hotspots requiring sophisticated cooling systems. With the trend towards larger, more complex processors, this will become more of a problem, having important implications for future technology. This thesis uses compiler-based optimisation schemes to target the issue queue and register file. These are two of the most energy consuming structures in the processor. The algorithms and hardware techniques developed in this work dynamically adapt the processor's resources to the changing program phases, turning off parts of each structure when they are unused to save dynamic and static energy. To optimise the issue queue, the compiler analysis tracks data dependences through each program procedure. It identifies the critical path through each program region and informs the hardware of the minimum number of queue entries required to prevent it slowing down. This reduces the occupancy of the queue and increases the opportunities to save energy. With just a 1.3% performance loss, 26% dynamic and 32% static energy savings are achieved. Registers can be idle for many cycles after they are last read, before they are released and put back on the free-list to be reused by another instruction. Alternatively, they can be turned off for energy savings. Early register releasing can be used to perform this operation sooner than usual, but hardware schemes must wait for the instruction redefining the relevant logical register to enter the pipeline. This thesis presents an exploration of compiler-directed early register releasing. The compiler can exactly identify the last use of each register and pass the information to the hardware, based on simple data-flow and liveness analysis. The best scheme achieves 15% dynamic and 19% static energy savings. Finally, the issue queue limiting and early register releasing schemes are combined for energy savings in both processor structures. Four different configurations are evaluated bringing 25% to 31% dynamic and 19% to 34% static issue queue energy savings and reductions of 18% to 25% dynamic and 20% to 21% static energy in the register file

    Soft-error resilient on-chip memory structures

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    Soft errors induced by energetic particle strikes in on-chip memory structures, such as L1 data/instruction caches and register files, have become an increasing challenge in designing new generation reliable microprocessors. Due to their transient/random nature, soft errors cannot be captured by traditional verification and testing process due to the irrelevancy to the correctness of the logic. This dissertation is thus focusing on the reliability characterization and cost-effective reliable design of on-chip memories against soft errors. Due to various performance, area/size, and energy constraints in various target systems, many existing unoptimized protection schemes on cache memories may eventually prove significantly inadequate and ineffective. This work develops new lifetime models for data and tag arrays residing in both the data and instruction caches. These models facilitate the characterization of cache vulnerability of the stored items at various lifetime phases. The design methodology is further exemplified by the proposed reliability schemes targeting at specific vulnerable phases. Benchmarking is carried out to showcase the effectiveness of these approaches. The tag array demands high reliability against soft errors while the data array is fully protected in on-chip caches, because of its crucial importance to the correctness of cache accesses. Exploiting the address locality of memory accesses, this work proposes a Tag Replication Buffer (TRB) to protect information integrity of the tag array in the data cache with low performance, energy and area overheads. To provide a comprehensive evaluation of the tag array reliability, this work also proposes a refined evaluation metric, detected-without-replica-TVF (DOR-TVF), which combines the TVF and access-with-replica (AWR) analysis. Based on the DOR-TVF analysis, a TRB scheme with early write-back (TRB-EWB) is proposed, which achieves a zero DOR-TVF at a negligible performance overhead. Recent research, as well as the proposed optimization schemes in this cache vulnerability study, have focused on the design of cost-effective reliable data caches in terms of performance, energy, and area overheads based on the assumption of fixed error rates. However, for systems in operating environments that vary with time or location, those schemes will be either insufficient or over-designed for the changing error rates. This work explores the design of a self-adaptive reliable data cache that dynamically adapts its employed reliability schemes to the changing operating environments in order to maintain a target reliability. The experimental evaluation shows that the self-adaptive data cache achieves similar reliability to a cache protected by the most reliable scheme, while simultaneously minimizing the performance and power overheads. Besides the data/instruction caches, protecting the register file and its data buses is crucial to reliable computing in high-performance microprocessors. Since the register file is in the critical path of the processor pipeline, any reliable design that increases either the pressure on the register file or the register file access latency is not desirable. This work proposes to exploit narrow-width register values, which represent the majority of generated values, for making the duplicates within the same register data item. A detailed architectural vulnerability factor (AVF) analysis shows that this in-register duplication (IRD) scheme significantly reduces the AVF in the register file compared to the conventional design. The experimental evaluation also shows that IRD provides superior read-with-duplicate (RWD) and error detection/recovery rates under heavy error injection as compared to previous reliability schemes, while only incurring a small power overhead. By integrating the proposed reliable designs in data/instruction caches and register files, the vulnerability of the entire microprocessor is dramatically reduced. The new lifetime model, the self-adaptive design and the narrow-width value duplication scheme proposed in this work can also provide guidance to architects toward highly efficient reliable system design