3,117 research outputs found

    Technology requirements for communication satellites in the 1980's

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    The key technology requirements are defined for meeting the forecasted demands for communication satellite services in the 1985 to 1995 time frame. Evaluation is made of needs for services and technical and functional requirements for providing services. The future growth capabilities of the terrestrial telephone network, cable television, and satellite networks are forecasted. The impact of spacecraft technology and booster performance and costs upon communication satellite costs are analyzed. Systems analysis techniques are used to determine functional requirements and the sensitivities of technology improvements for reducing the costs of meeting requirements. Recommended development plans and funding levels are presented, as well as the possible cost saving for communications satellites in the post 1985 era

    CAT: A Critical-Area-Targeted Test Set Modification Scheme for Reducing Launch Switching Activity in At-Speed Scan Testing

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    Reducing excessive launch switching activity (LSA) is now mandatory in at-speed scan testing for avoiding test-induced yield loss, and test set modification is preferable for this purpose. However, previous low-LSA test set modification methods may be ineffective since they are not targeted at reducing launch switching activity in the areas around long sensitized paths, which are spatially and temporally critical for test-induced yield loss. This paper proposes a novel CAT (Critical-Area-Targeted) low-LSA test modification scheme, which uses long sensitized paths to guide launch-safety checking, test relaxation, and X-filling. As a result, launch switching activity is reduced in a pinpoint manner, which is more effective for avoiding test-induced yield loss. Experimental results on industrial circuits demonstrate the advantage of the CAT scheme for reducing launch switching activity in at-speed scan testing.2009 Asian Test Symposium, 23-26 November 2009, Taichung, Taiwa

    Effective Launch-to-Capture Power Reduction for LOS Scheme with Adjacent-Probability-Based X-Filling

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    It has become necessary to reduce power during LSI testing. Particularly, during at-speed testing, excessive power consumed during the Launch-To-Capture (LTC) cycle causes serious issues that may lead to the overkill of defect-free logic ICs. Many successful test generation approaches to reduce IR-drop and/or power supply noise during LTC for the launch-off capture (LOC) scheme have previously been proposed, and several of X-filling techniques have proven especially effective. With X-filling in the launch-off shift (LOS) scheme, however, adjacent-fill (which was originally proposed for shift-in power reduction) is used frequently. In this work, we propose a novel X-filling technique for the LOS scheme, called Adjacent-Probability-based X-Filling (AP-fill), which can reduce more LTC power than adjacent-fill. We incorporate AP-fill into a post-ATPG test modification flow consisting of test relaxation and X-filling in order to avoid the fault coverage loss and the test vector count inflation. Experimental results for larger ITC\u2799 circuits show that the proposed AP-fill technique can achieve a higher power reduction ratio than 0-fill, 1-fill, and adjacent-fill.2011 Asian Test Symposium, 20-23 November 2011, New Delhi, Indi

    On pinpoint capture power management in at-speed scan test generation

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    This paper proposes a novel scheme to manage capture power in a pinpoint manner for achieving guaranteed capture power safety, improved small-delay test capability, and minimal test cost impact in at-speed scan test generation. First, switching activity around each long path sensitized by a test vector is checked to characterize it as hot (with excessively-high switching activity), warm (with normal/functional switching activity), or cold (with excessively-low switching activity). Then, X-restoration/X-filling-based rescue is conducted on the test vector to reduce switching activity around hot paths. If the rescue is insufficient to turn a hot path into a warm path, mask is then conducted on expected test response data to instruct the tester to ignore the potentially-false test response value from the hot path, thus achieving guaranteed capture power safety. Finally, X-restoration/X-filling-based warm-up is conducted on the test vector to increase switching activity around cold paths for improving their small-delay test capability. This novel approach of pinpoint capture power management has significant advantages over the conventional approach of global capture power management, as demonstrated by evaluation results on large ITC\u2799 benchmark circuits and detailed path delay analysis.2012 IEEE International Test Conference, 5-8 November 2012, Anaheim, CA, US

    User data dissemination concepts for earth resources

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    Domestic data dissemination networks for earth-resources data in the 1985-1995 time frame were evaluated. The following topics were addressed: (1) earth-resources data sources and expected data volumes, (2) future user demand in terms of data volume and timeliness, (3) space-to-space and earth point-to-point transmission link requirements and implementation, (4) preprocessing requirements and implementation, (5) network costs, and (6) technological development to support this implementation. This study was parametric in that the data input (supply) was varied by a factor of about fifteen while the user request (demand) was varied by a factor of about nineteen. Correspondingly, the time from observation to delivery to the user was varied. This parametric evaluation was performed by a computer simulation that was based on network alternatives and resulted in preliminary transmission and preprocessing requirements. The earth-resource data sources considered were: shuttle sorties, synchronous satellites (e.g., SEOS), aircraft, and satellites in polar orbits

    High definition systems in Japan

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    The successful implementation of a strategy to produce high-definition systems within the Japanese economy will favorably affect the fundamental competitiveness of Japan relative to the rest of the world. The development of an infrastructure necessary to support high-definition products and systems in that country involves major commitments of engineering resources, plants and equipment, educational programs and funding. The results of these efforts appear to affect virtually every aspect of the Japanese industrial complex. The results of assessments of the current progress of Japan toward the development of high-definition products and systems are presented. The assessments are based on the findings of a panel of U.S. experts made up of individuals from U.S. academia and industry, and derived from a study of the Japanese literature combined with visits to the primary relevant industrial laboratories and development agencies in Japan. Specific coverage includes an evaluation of progress in R&D for high-definition television (HDTV) displays that are evolving in Japan; high-definition standards and equipment development; Japanese intentions for the use of HDTV; economic evaluation of Japan's public policy initiatives in support of high-definition systems; management analysis of Japan's strategy of leverage with respect to high-definition products and systems

    The 30/20 GHz flight experiment system, phase 2. Volume 2: Experiment system description

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    A detailed technical description of the 30/20 GHz flight experiment system is presented. The overall communication system is described with performance analyses, communication operations, and experiment plans. Hardware descriptions of the payload are given with the tradeoff studies that led to the final design. The spacecraft bus which carries the payload is discussed and its interface with the launch vehicle system is described. Finally, the hardwares and the operations of the terrestrial segment are presented

    ATS-4 study program, volume 6 Final report

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    Parabolic antenna feed, phased array, and communications equipment of Applications Technology Satellite /ATS

    Compendium of Applications Technology Satellite user experiments

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    The achievements of the user experiments performed with ATS satellites from 1967 to 1973 are summarized. Included are fixed and mobile point to point communications experiments involving voice, teletype and facsimile transmissions. Particular emphasis is given to the Alaska and Hawaii satellite communications experiments. The use of the ATS satellites for ranging and position fixing of ships and aircraft is also covered. The structure and operating characteristics of the various ATS satellite are briefly described

    High Quality Test Generation Targeting Power Supply Noise

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    Delay test is an essential structural manufacturing test used to determine the maximal frequency at which a chip can run without incurring any functional failures. The central unsolved challenge is achieving high delay correlation with the functional test, which is dominated by power supply noise (PSN). Differences in PSN between functional and structural tests can lead to differences in chip operating frequencies of 30% or more. Pseudo functional test (PFT), based on a multiple-cycle clocking scheme, has better PSN correlation with functional test compared with traditional two-cycle at-speed test. However, PFT is vulnerable to under-testing when applied to delay test. This work aims to generate high quality PFT patterns, achieving high PSN correlation with functional test. First, a simulation-based don’t-care filling algorithm, Bit-Flip, is proposed to improve the PSN for PFT. It relies on randomly flipping a group of bits in the test pattern to explore the search space and find patterns that stress the circuits with the worst-case, but close to functional PSN. Experimental results on un-compacted patterns show Bit-Flip is able to improve PSN as much as 38.7% compared with the best random fill. Second, techniques are developed to improve the efficiency of Bit-Flip. A set of partial patterns, which sensitize transitions on critical cells, are pre-computed and later used to guide the selection of bits to flip. Combining random and deterministic flipping, we achieve similar PSN control as Bit-Flip but with much less simulation time. Third, we address the problem of automatic test pattern generation for extracting circuit timing sensitivity to power supply noise during post-silicon validation. A layout-aware path selection algorithm selects long paths to fully span the power delivery network. The selected patterns are intelligently filled to bring the PSN to a desired level. These patterns can be used to understand timing sensitivity in post-silicon validation by repeatedly applying the path delay test while sweeping the PSN experienced by the path from low to high. Finally, the impacts of compression on power supply noise control are studied. Illinois Scan and embedded deterministic test (EDT) patterns are generated. Then Bit-Flip is extended to incorporate the compression constraints and applied to compressible patterns. The experimental results show that EDT lowers the maximal PSN by 24.15% and Illinois Scan lowers it by 2.77% on un-compacted patterns
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