537 research outputs found

    Simultaneous Transmission and Reception: Algorithm, Design and System Level Performance

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    Full Duplex or Simultaneous transmission and reception (STR) in the same frequency at the same time can potentially double the physical layer capacity. However, high power transmit signal will appear at receive chain as echoes with powers much higher than the desired received signal. Therefore, in order to achieve the potential gain, it is imperative to cancel these echoes. As these high power echoes can saturate low noise amplifier (LNA) and also digital domain echo cancellation requires unrealistically high resolution analog-to-digital converter (ADC), the echoes should be cancelled or suppressed sufficiently before LNA. In this paper we present a closed-loop echo cancellation technique which can be implemented purely in analogue domain. The advantages of our method are multiple-fold: it is robust to phase noise, does not require additional set of antennas, can be applied to wideband signals and the performance is irrelevant to radio frequency (RF) impairments in transmit chain. Next, we study a few protocols for STR systems in carrier sense multiple access (CSMA) network and investigate MAC level throughput with realistic assumptions in both single cell and multiple cells. We show that STR can reduce hidden node problem in CSMA network and produce gains of up to 279% in maximum throughput in such networks. Finally, we investigate the application of STR in cellular systems and study two new unique interferences introduced to the system due to STR, namely BS-BS interference and UE-UE interference. We show that these two new interferences will hugely degrade system performance if not treated appropriately. We propose novel methods to reduce both interferences and investigate the performances in system level.Comment: 20 pages. This manuscript will appear in the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication

    Final report on the evaluation of RRM/CRRM algorithms

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    Deliverable public del projecte EVERESTThis deliverable provides a definition and a complete evaluation of the RRM/CRRM algorithms selected in D11 and D15, and evolved and refined on an iterative process. The evaluation will be carried out by means of simulations using the simulators provided at D07, and D14.Preprin

    Reduced cost alternatives to premise wiring using ATM and microcellular technologies

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    The cost of premises wiring keeps increasing due to personnel moves, new equipment, capacity upgrades etc. It would be desirable to have a wireless interface from the workstations to the fixed network, so as to minimize the wiring changes needed. New technologies such as microcellular personal communication systems are promising to bring down the cost of wireless communication. Another promising technology is Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA), which could dramatically increase the bandwidth available for wireless connections. In addition, Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) technology is emerging as a technique for integrated management of voice, data, and video traffic on a single network. The focus of this investigation will be to assess the future utility of these new technologies for reducing the premise wiring cost at KSC. One of the issues to be studied is the cost comparison of 'old' versus 'new,' especially as time and technology progress. An additional issue for closer study is a feasible time-line for progress in technological capability

    Channel-aware energy allocation for throughput maximization in massive low-rate multiple access

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.A multiple access (MA) optimization technique for massive low-rate direct-sequence spread spectrum communications is analyzed in this work. A dense network of users transmitting at the same rate to a common central node under channelaware energy allocation is evaluated. At reception, successive interference cancellation (SIC) aided by channel decoding is adopted. Our contribution focuses on wireless scenarios involving a vast number of users for which the provided user-asymptotic model holds. Variational calculus (VC) is employed to derive the energy allocation function that, via user-power imbalance, maximizes the network spectral efficiency (SE) when perfect channel state information at transmission (CSIT) is available and both average and maximum per-user energy constraints are set. Monte Carlo simulations at chip-level of a SIC receiver using a real decoder assess the proposed optimization method.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    EVM as generic QoS trigger for heterogeneous wieless overlay network

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    Fourth Generation (4G) Wireless System will integrate heterogeneous wireless overlay systems i.e. interworking of WLAN/ GSM/ CDMA/ WiMAX/ LTE/ etc with guaranteed Quality of Service (QoS) and Experience (QoE).QoS(E) vary from network to network and is application sensitive. User needs an optimal mobility solution while roaming in Overlaid wireless environment i.e. user could seamlessly transfer his session/ call to a best available network bearing guaranteed Quality of Experience. And If this Seamless transfer of session is executed between two networks having different access standards then it is called Vertical Handover (VHO). Contemporary VHO decision algorithms are based on generic QoS metrics viz. SNR, bandwidth, jitter, BER and delay. In this paper, Error Vector Magnitude (EVM) is proposed to be a generic QoS trigger for VHO execution. EVM is defined as the deviation of inphase/ quadrature (I/Q) values from ideal signal states and thus provides a measure of signal quality. In 4G Interoperable environment, OFDM is the leading Modulation scheme (more prone to multi-path fading). EVM (modulation error) properly characterises the wireless link/ channel for accurate VHO decision. EVM depends on the inherent transmission impairments viz. frequency offset, phase noise, non-linear-impairment, skewness etc. for a given wireless link. Paper provides an insight to the analytical aspect of EVM & measures EVM (%) for key management subframes like association/re-association/disassociation/ probe request/response frames. EVM relation is explored for different possible NAV-Network Allocation Vectors (frame duration). Finally EVM is compared with SNR, BER and investigation concludes EVM as a promising QoS trigger for OFDM based emerging wireless standards.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, IJWMN 2010 august issue vol. 2, no.

    Protocol for Extreme Low Latency M2M Communication Networks

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    As technology evolves, more Machine to Machine (M2M) deployments and mission critical services are expected to grow massively, generating new and diverse forms of data traffic, posing unprecedented challenges in requirements such as delay, reliability, energy consumption and scalability. This new paradigm vindicates a new set of stringent requirements that the current mobile networks do not support. A new generation of mobile networks is needed to attend to this innovative services and requirements - the The fifth generation of mobile networks (5G) networks. Specifically, achieving ultra-reliable low latency communication for machine to machine networks represents a major challenge, that requires a new approach to the design of the Physical (PHY) and Medium Access Control (MAC) layer to provide these novel services and handle the new heterogeneous environment in 5G. The current LTE Advanced (LTE-A) radio access network orthogonality and synchronization requirements are obstacles for this new 5G architecture, since devices in M2M generate bursty and sporadic traffic, and therefore should not be obliged to follow the synchronization of the LTE-A PHY layer. A non-orthogonal access scheme is required, that enables asynchronous access and that does not degrade the spectrum. This dissertation addresses the requirements of URLLC M2M traffic at the MAC layer. It proposes an extension of the M2M H-NDMA protocol for a multi base station scenario and a power control scheme to adapt the protocol to the requirements of URLLC. The system and power control schemes performance and the introduction of more base stations are analyzed in a system level simulator developed in MATLAB, which implements the MAC protocol and applies the power control algorithm. Results showed that with the increase in the number of base stations, delay can be significantly reduced and the protocol supports more devices without compromising delay or reliability bounds for Ultra-Reliable and Low Latency Communication (URLLC), while also increasing the throughput. The extension of the protocol will enable the study of different power control algorithms for more complex scenarios and access schemes that combine asynchronous and synchronous access

    Towards low-cost gigabit wireless systems at 60 GHz

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    The world-wide availability of the huge amount of license-free spectral space in the 60 GHz band provides wide room for gigabit-per-second (Gb/s) wireless applications. A commercial (read: low-cost) 60-GHz transceiver will, however, provide limited system performance due to the stringent link budget and the substantial RF imperfections. The work presented in this thesis is intended to support the design of low-cost 60-GHz transceivers for Gb/s transmission over short distances (a few meters). Typical applications are the transfer of high-definition streaming video and high-speed download. The presented work comprises research into the characteristics of typical 60-GHz channels, the evaluation of the transmission quality as well as the development of suitable baseband algorithms. This can be summarized as follows. In the first part, the characteristics of the wave propagation at 60 GHz are charted out by means of channel measurements and ray-tracing simulations for both narrow-beam and omni-directional configurations. Both line-of-sight (LOS) and non-line-of-sight (NLOS) are considered. This study reveals that antennas that produce a narrow beam can be used to boost the received power by tens of dBs when compared with omnidirectional configurations. Meanwhile, the time-domain dispersion of the channel is reduced to the order of nanoseconds, which facilitates Gb/s data transmission over 60-GHz channels considerably. Besides the execution of measurements and simulations, the influence of antenna radiation patterns is analyzed theoretically. It is indicated to what extent the signal-to-noise ratio, Rician-K factor and channel dispersion are improved by application of narrow-beam antennas and to what extent these parameters will be influenced by beam pointing errors. From both experimental and analytical work it can be concluded that the problem of the stringent link-budget can be solved effectively by application of beam-steering techniques. The second part treats wideband transmission methods and relevant baseband algorithms. The considered schemes include orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), multi-carrier code division multiple access (MC-CDMA) and single carrier with frequency-domain equalization (SC-FDE), which are promising candidates for Gb/s wireless transmission. In particular, the optimal linear equalization in the frei quency domain and associated implementation issues such as synchronization and channel estimation are examined. Bit error rate (BER) expressions are derived to evaluate the transmission performance. Besides the linear equalization techniques, a low-complexity inter-symbol interference cancellation technique is proposed to achieve much better performance of code-spreading systems such as MC-CDMA and SC-FDE. Both theoretical analysis and simulations demonstrate that the proposed scheme offers great advantages as regards both complexity and performance. This makes it particularly suitable for 60-GHz applications in multipath environments. The third part treats the influence of quantization and RF imperfections on the considered transmission methods in the context of 60-GHz radios. First, expressions for the BER are derived and the influence of nonlinear distortions caused by the digital-to-analog converters, analog-to-digital converters and power amplifiers on the BER performance is examined. Next, the BER performance under the influence of phase noise and IQ imbalance is evaluated for the case that digital compensation techniques are applied in the receiver as well as for the case that such techniques are not applied. Finally, a baseline design of a low-cost Gb/s 60-GHz transceiver is presented. It is shown that, by application of beam-steering in combination with SC-FDE without advanced channel coding, a data rate in the order of 2 Gb/s can be achieved over a distance of 10 meters in a typical NLOS indoor scenario