5 research outputs found

    Analysis of capsinoids in Galician pepper cultivars and characterization of their properties for plant protection

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Bioloxía Celular e Molecular . 5004V01[Abstract] The content in capsaicinoids and capsinoids was analysed in several Galician pepper cultivars. No capsinoids were detected, but capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin were measured in cultivars Padrón and Mougán. The antimicrobial activity of a capsinoid (vanillyl nonanoate) and its precursors were tested; the capsinoid inhibited Phytophthora capsici spore germination. On the other hand, vanillyl nonanoate protects pepper plants against Botrytis cinerea and Phytophthora capsici through induced resistance. Vanillyl nonanoate induces resistance systemically in both pepper and Arabidopsis plants. The observed induced resistance involves cell wall reinforcement with an increase in lignin as well as other defences as PR proteins in both plant species. Signalling of the vanillyl nanoate systemic response is mediated by hydrogen peroxide, salicylic acid, ethylene and jasmonates in the case of pepper, and salicylic acid and jasmonates in the case of Arabidopsis. Changes in the levels of 4-hydroxybenzoic acid were also detected in pepper and a role for this compound in resistance is discussed.[Resumen] Se analizó el contenido en capsicinoides y capsinoides en varios cultivares de pimiento de Galicia. No se detectaron capsinoides, pero se midieron capsicina y dihidrocapsicina en los cultivares Padrón y Mougán. Se ensayó la actividad antimicrobiana de un capsinoide (el vanillil nonanoato) y de sus precursores; el capsinoide inhibió la germinación de esporas de Phytophthora capsici. Por otro lado, se demostró que el vanillil nonanoato tiene la capacidad de conferir protección local en pimiento frente a Botrytis cinerea y Phytophthora capsici, obteniendo evidencias de que su modo de acción es la resistencia inducida. También se demostró la sistemicidad de la resistencia inducida por este compuesto, tanto en plantas de pimiento como en Arabidopsis. La resistencia inducida observada implica el reforzamiento de la pared celular con lignina y el incremento de varias defensas de tipo bioquímico como las proteínas PR en ambas especies. La señalización de la respuesta sistémica al vanillil nonanoato está mediada por peróxido de hidrógeno, ácido salicílico, etileno y jasmonatos en el caso de pimiento y ácido salicílico y jasmonatos en el caso de Arabidopsis. Asimismo, se detectaron cambios en los niveles de ácido 4-hidroxibenzoico en pimiento y se ha discutido su papel en la resistencia.[Resumo] Analizouse o contido en capsicinoides e capsinoides en varios cultivares de pemento de Galicia. Non se detectaron capsinoides, pero se mediron capsicina e dihidrocapsicina nos cultivares Padrón e Mougán. Ensaiouse a actividade antimicrobiana dun capsinoide (o vanillil nonanoato) e dos seus precursores; o capsinoide inhibiu a xerminación de esporas de Phytophthora capsici. Por outra banda, demostrouse que o vanillil nonanoato ten a capacidade de conferir protección local en pemento fronte a Botrytis cinerea e Phytophthora capsici, obtendo evidencias de que o seu modo de acción é a resistencia inducida. Tamén se demostrou a sistemicidade da resistencia inducida por este composto, tanto en plantas de pemento como en Arabidopsis. A resistencia inducida observada implica o reforzamento da parede celular con lignina e o incremento de varias defensas de tipo bioquímico como as proteínas PR en ambas especies. A sinalización da resposta sistémica ao vanillil nonanoato está mediada por peróxido de hidróxeno, ácido salicílico, etileno e xasmonatos no caso do pemento e ácido salicílico e xasmonatos no caso de Arabidopsis. Así mesmo, detectáronse cambios nos niveles de ácido 4- hidroxibenzoico en pemento e se discutiu o seu papel na resistencia

    The role of health literacy in osteoporosis prevention

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    &nbsp;This research demonstrated that lower health literacy is associated with poorer uptake of lifestyle-specific osteoporosis prevention recommendations in women. In particular, health literacy skills associated with finding, understanding and using health information in managing health were of greatest importance. These results have implications for the communication of osteoporosis prevention messages.<br /

    A Comparative Review of Macromedusae in Eastern Boundary Currents

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    Edited By: S. J. Hawkins, A. J. Lemasson, A. L. Allcock, A. E. Bates, M. Byrne, A. J. Evans, L. B. Firth, E. M. Marzinelli, B. D. Russell, I. P. Smith, S. E. Swearer, P. A. Todd.The productive eastern boundary current (EBC) systems provide significant sources of global marine protein and have been subject to intense research over the last 50 years. Yet large jellyfish, which are present in all four major systems, have seldom been included in otherwise comprehensive reviews. This undoubtedly reflects their lack of intrinsic commercial value, and the consequently slow pace of knowledge generation. We attempt to redress that imbalance here and to consolidate disparate information on the macromedusae of EBC systems. With the exception of the Canary Current system, which supports a generally low biomass of mostly subtropical taxa, 372jellyfish assemblages in the Benguela, Humboldt and California Current systems are dominated by cool water taxa that can occur at high abundances. While there are large gaps in knowledge, which are highlighted, it is clear that jellyfish can play significant ecological roles in each system. Although there may be strong similarities in faunal composition among the different systems, there are pronounced differences in population responses to the environment and in system resilience and these are reviewed and discussed.Variously, we would also like to thank the Namibian government for access to data and to the National Research Foundation (South Africa), the Royal Society (London), the EAF Nansen Programme and the University of the Western Cape for financial support over the years. We are grateful to the Chilean government and the Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo de Chile – formerly Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica, and IMARPE for their financial support, and would like to acknowledge grants awarded by the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research in Montevideo (GEO-0452325, EXA 470/10, PIP 12-201101-00892; CRN3070), as well as the Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva in Argentina (FONCyT 01553, FONCyT PICT 2006 No. 1553). Funding was provided by NOAA Fisheries through the Northwest and Southwest Fisheries Science Centers. The CSIC research was supported by projects P07-RNM-02976 (Junta de Andalucía), CTM2011-22856 (Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation) and 2019AEP203 (CSIC).Peer reviewe

    Grooming interactions and cooperation in wild Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus)

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    The study of cooperation has been crucial to research on the evolution of social living in human and animal societies. Grooming interactions have been used as model to investigate the exchange of services in animals. Using both established and novel methodologies, this thesis examines grooming interactions and cooperation in two populations of wild Barbary macaques living in the Middle Atlas Mountains of Morocco. It is important to have a comprehensive idea of the costs and benefits of grooming interactions, and of the effect of grooming interactions on the anxiety of the grooming partners. This thesis showed that, contrary to previous studies, anxiety increased after grooming interactions in both the donor and recipient. This highlights the need to further investigate the link between grooming and emotions. Individuals may also affect the grooming interactions of other group members. This thesis showed that individuals benefit from disrupting grooming interactions of group members by gaining grooming opportunities for themselves and by stopping the group members from grooming each other, although grooming disruptions may be risky. Monkeys may affect others’ grooming interactions to favour their own social and dominance positions. A key aspect of this thesis was also to assess whether grooming is reciprocated in the short-term and which type of reciprocity (i.e. direct, indirect and generalised) play a role in the exchanges of grooming. This study showed that direct but not indirect and generalised reciprocity play a role in the exchange of grooming. While there is a wide range of evidence that direct reciprocity plays a role in the exchange of services in animals, there is little evidence of indirect and generalised reciprocity. Additionally to exchanging grooming for grooming, animals also exchange grooming for other services such as tolerance around food resource and support during agonistic interactions. In this thesis, no evidence of short-term contingency between the exchange of grooming and food tolerance was found. The exchanges of services may be little affected by recent single events, and mechanisms involving an emotional mediation based on long-term social bonds between partners may play a more important role. The capacity to make effective choices among potential social partners is an important social skill, as choosing the best available partner improves the chances to establish successful cooperative interactions. This thesis highlighted, to some extents, the importance of factors such as tolerance and relationship quality between partners, in the performances of individuals and their choice of partners to solve a cooperative task. Tolerant relationships may have been a prerequisite for the evolution of cognitively complex cooperation. Testing a comprehensive framework of predictions, this thesis brings novel contributions to the understanding of grooming interactions and cooperation in wild Barbary macaque