195,920 research outputs found

    Pembangunan Modul Pengajaran Kendiri (MPK) keusahawanan dalam topik isu keusahawanan bagi pelajar diploma di politeknik

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    Terdapat pelbagai kaedah pembelajaran yang telah diperkenalkan termasuklah kaedah pembelajaran yang menggunakan pendekatan pembelajaran bermodul secara kendiri. Kajian ini adalah bertujuan untuk mengkaji kesesuaian Modul Pengajaran Kendiri Keusahawanan dalam topik Isu Keusahawanan yang telah dihasilkan bagi pelajar yang mengikuti pengajian Diploma di Jabatan Perdagangan Politeknik. Antara aspek yang dikaji ialah untuk menilai sama ada rekabentuk modul yang dihasilkan dapat memenuhi ciri-ciri modul yang baik, MPK yang dihasilkan dapat membantu mencapai objektif pembelajaran, MPK ini bersifat mesra pengguna dan MPK yang dihasilkan membantu pensyarah menyampaikan pengajarannya dengan lebih berkesan. Kajian ini dilakukan ke atas 110 orang pelajar semester en am yang mengikuti pengajian diploma dan 4 orang pensyarah yang mengajar subjek Keusahawanan di Jabatan Perdagangan Politeknik Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah, Selangor. Kaedah analisa data yang digunakan dalam kajian ini ialah skor min dan peratus. Hasil daripada kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa rekabentuk modul yang dihasilkan memenuhi ciri-ciri modul yang baik, MPK ini membantu untuk mencapai objektif pembelajaran, MPK ini bersifat mesra pengguna dan MPK yang dihasilkan dapat membantu pensyarah menyampaikan pengajarannya dengan lebih berkesan. Ini bermakna secara keseluruhannya, hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa modul yang dihasilkan oleh pengkaji adalah sesuai digunakan oleh pelajar-pelajar semester enam yang mengikuti pengajian diploma di Jabatan Perdagangan peringkat politeknik. Seterusnya, beberapa pandangan telah dikemukakan bagi meningkatkan rnutu dan kualiti MPK yang dihasilkan. Semoga kajian ini dapat memberi manfaat kepada mereka yang terlibat dalam bidang pendidikan

    HepSim: a repository with predictions for high-energy physics experiments

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    A file repository for calculations of cross sections and kinematic distributions using Monte Carlo generators for high-energy collisions is discussed. The repository is used to facilitate effective preservation and archiving of data from theoretical calculations, as well as for comparisons with experimental data. The HepSim data library is publicly accessible and includes a number of Monte Carlo event samples with Standard Model predictions for current and future experiments. The HepSim project includes a software package to automate the process of downloading and viewing online Monte Carlo event samples. A data streaming over a network for end-user analysis is discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    FCC Regulation of the Telecommunications Press

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    StorstĂ€derna vĂ€xer och folk vill bo allt mer centralt, men det finns inte mycket yta att bygga pĂ„ ifall man inte vill offra naturomrĂ„den. En lösning Ă€r att bygga pĂ„ höjden, det vill sĂ€ga öka antalet vĂ„ningar. Det Ă€r vad denna uppsats handlar om och hur bostads- och hyresrĂ€ttsföreningar kan dra nytta av detta genom att öka sin ekonomiska vinning, samtidigt som de gör samhĂ€llet en tjĂ€nst och Ă€r med och mĂ€ttar behovet. Det denna uppsats kommer att behandla Ă€r hur ekonomin i olika föreningar Ă€ndras i samband med takpĂ„byggnad med en eller flera vĂ„ningar och hur detta skiljer sig utifrĂ„n olika tekniska lösningar. Syftet Ă€r att utifrĂ„n detta skapa en uppsats som kan gagna framtida fastigheter som övervĂ€ger att göra en sĂ„dan ombyggnation. De metoder vi kommer anvĂ€nda Ă€r granskning av dokumentation och handlingar frĂ„n olika föreningar som har genomgĂ„tt en takpĂ„byggnad av en eller flera vĂ„ningar. Dessa kommer att anvĂ€ndas för att göra utrĂ€kningar och egna analyser. Även intervjuer med styrelsemedlemmar i bostadsrĂ€ttsföreningarna och företag som utför takombyggnationer förekommer. Tekniska och juridiska krav behandlas Ă€ven om vad som generellt gĂ€ller för en takpĂ„byggnad. I slutet sĂ„ sker en analys av objekten, dĂ€r man fĂ„r se resultatet av det som undersökts. Avslutningsvis sĂ„ kommer slutsatsen som ger oss svaret att en bostadsrĂ€ttsförenings ekonomi med största sannolikhet gynnas av en ombyggnation av detta slag om möjligheten finns. De variationer som förekom var oftast lĂ€gesrelaterade och man kan se en tydlig korrelation mellan vinsten och ju mer centralt man hamnade. Slutsatsen Ă€r alltsĂ„ i sin enkelhet att om möjligheten finns sĂ„ Ă€r en vĂ„ningstakpĂ„byggnad med stor sannolikhet ett lönsamt alternativ.The big cities are growing and people want to live ever more centrally, but there is not much space to build on if you do not want to sacrifice the natural areas. One solution is to build higher, namely increasing the number of floors. That's what this essay is about and how housing and tenancy associations can take advantage of this by increasing their financial gain, while they’re doing the community a service and is with and saturates need. There we will examine is how the economies of various compounds change with a storey extension with one or more floors and how this differs from different technical solutions. The aim is that by this create an essay that will benefit future properties that are considering doing such conversions. The methods we will use is the examination of records and documents of various cases that have undergone a storey extension of one or more floors. These will be used to make the calculations and their own analyzes. Interviews with board members of housing cooperatives and companies that perform storey extensions occur. Technical and legal claims are pending, although generally applicable for a storey extension. In the end this happens, an analysis of the items, where you see the results of what has been investigated. Finally it will conclude that gives us the answer to a housing association economy most likely benefits from a reconstruction of this kind if the possibility exists. The variations that occurred were usually locational and one can see a clear correlation between the gain and the more centrally it ended. The conclusion is thus in its simplicity that if there is a possibility to do a storey extension, then it probably is a viable alternative

    Design of Automatically Adaptable Web Wrappers

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    Nowadays, the huge amount of information distributed through the Web motivates studying techniques to\ud be adopted in order to extract relevant data in an efïŹcient and reliable way. Both academia and enterprises\ud developed several approaches of Web data extraction, for example using techniques of artiïŹcial intelligence or\ud machine learning. Some commonly adopted procedures, namely wrappers, ensure a high degree of precision\ud of information extracted from Web pages, and, at the same time, have to prove robustness in order not to\ud compromise quality and reliability of data themselves.\ud In this paper we focus on some experimental aspects related to the robustness of the data extraction process\ud and the possibility of automatically adapting wrappers. We discuss the implementation of algorithms for\ud ïŹnding similarities between two different version of a Web page, in order to handle modiïŹcations, avoiding\ud the failure of data extraction tasks and ensuring reliability of information extracted. Our purpose is to evaluate\ud performances, advantages and draw-backs of our novel system of automatic wrapper adaptation

    DART-MPI: An MPI-based Implementation of a PGAS Runtime System

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    A Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) approach treats a distributed system as if the memory were shared on a global level. Given such a global view on memory, the user may program applications very much like shared memory systems. This greatly simplifies the tasks of developing parallel applications, because no explicit communication has to be specified in the program for data exchange between different computing nodes. In this paper we present DART, a runtime environment, which implements the PGAS paradigm on large-scale high-performance computing clusters. A specific feature of our implementation is the use of one-sided communication of the Message Passing Interface (MPI) version 3 (i.e. MPI-3) as the underlying communication substrate. We evaluated the performance of the implementation with several low-level kernels in order to determine overheads and limitations in comparison to the underlying MPI-3.Comment: 11 pages, International Conference on Partitioned Global Address Space Programming Models (PGAS14

    PROGRAPE-1: A Programmable, Multi-Purpose Computer for Many-Body Simulations

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    We have developed PROGRAPE-1 (PROgrammable GRAPE-1), a programmable multi-purpose computer for many-body simulations. The main difference between PROGRAPE-1 and "traditional" GRAPE systems is that the former uses FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) chips as the processing elements, while the latter rely on the hardwired pipeline processor specialized to gravitational interactions. Since the logic implemented in FPGA chips can be reconfigured, we can use PROGRAPE-1 to calculate not only gravitational interactions but also other forms of interactions such as van der Waals force, hydrodynamical interactions in SPH calculation and so on. PROGRAPE-1 comprises two Altera EPF10K100 FPGA chips, each of which contains nominally 100,000 gates. To evaluate the programmability and performance of PROGRAPE-1, we implemented a pipeline for gravitational interaction similar to that of GRAPE-3. One pipeline fitted into a single FPGA chip, which operated at 16 MHz clock. Thus, for gravitational interaction, PROGRAPE-1 provided the speed of 0.96 Gflops-equivalent. PROGRAPE will prove to be useful for wide-range of particle-based simulations in which the calculation cost of interactions other than gravity is high, such as the evaluation of SPH interactions.Comment: 20 pages with 9 figures; submitted to PAS
