18,724 research outputs found

    A survey of current trends in incorporating virtual reality and geographical information systems

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    The paper describes the results of a comprehensive literature and Internet survey on current trends in virtual Reality GIS (VRGIS). In the first part of the paper, a background of VRGIS is set, followed by the description and classification of the main research areas which focus in VRGIS research with an attempt to clarify the reasons that led the researchers to pursue a VR solution for the specific problems in their research field. Based on the observations from the current practice, the main definitions of VRGIS are discussed in the third section. Finally, future directions and possibilities for development are drawn

    A Survey of Current Trends in Incorporating Virtual Reality and GIS

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    April 1-

    An information assistant system for the prevention of tunnel vision in crisis management

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    In the crisis management environment, tunnel vision is a set of bias in decision makers’ cognitive process which often leads to incorrect understanding of the real crisis situation, biased perception of information, and improper decisions. The tunnel vision phenomenon is a consequence of both the challenges in the task and the natural limitation in a human being’s cognitive process. An information assistant system is proposed with the purpose of preventing tunnel vision. The system serves as a platform for monitoring the on-going crisis event. All information goes through the system before arrives at the user. The system enhances the data quality, reduces the data quantity and presents the crisis information in a manner that prevents or repairs the user’s cognitive overload. While working with such a system, the users (crisis managers) are expected to be more likely to stay aware of the actual situation, stay open minded to possibilities, and make proper decisions

    A Service Component-based Accounting and Charging Architecture to Support Interim Mechanisms across Multiple Domains

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    Today, telematics services are often compositions of different chargeable service components offered by different service providers. To enhance component-based accounting and charging, the service composition information is used to match with the corresponding charging structure of a service session. This enables the sharing of revenues among the service providers, and calculation of the total cost for the end-user. When multiple independent service providers are involved, it is a great challenge to apply interim accounting and charging during a service session in order to minimize financial risks between business partners. Another interesting development is the trend towards outsourcing accounting and charging processes to specialized business partners. This requires a decoupling between provisioning and accounting and charging processes. In this paper, we propose a comprehensive component-based accounting and charging architecture to support service session provisioning across multiple domains. The architecture, modeled in UML, incorporates an interim accounting and charging mechanism to enable the processing and exchange of accounting information needed to update intermediate charges for separate service components and the user's credit, even during the service provisioning phase

    Location prediction based on a sector snapshot for location-based services

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    In location-based services (LBSs), the service is provided based on the users' locations through location determination and mobility realization. Most of the current location prediction research is focused on generalized location models, where the geographic extent is divided into regular-shaped cells. These models are not suitable for certain LBSs where the objectives are to compute and present on-road services. Such techniques are the new Markov-based mobility prediction (NMMP) and prediction location model (PLM) that deal with inner cell structure and different levels of prediction, respectively. The NMMP and PLM techniques suffer from complex computation, accuracy rate regression, and insufficient accuracy. In this paper, a novel cell splitting algorithm is proposed. Also, a new prediction technique is introduced. The cell splitting is universal so it can be applied to all types of cells. Meanwhile, this algorithm is implemented to the Micro cell in parallel with the new prediction technique. The prediction technique, compared with two classic prediction techniques and the experimental results, show the effectiveness and robustness of the new splitting algorithm and prediction technique

    Analysis and Simulation of the Signals Transmission in the DVB-H/SH Standards

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    Tato disertační práce se zabývá analýzou, simulací a měřením zpracování a přenosu signálů digitální televize pro příjem mobilního TV vysílání ve standardech DVB-H a DVB-SH. Tyto standardy vycházejí z předpokladu, že příjem signálu je charakterizován modely přenosových kanálů s vícecestným šířením. Tyto, tzv. únikové kanály, jsou charakterizovány hlavně zpožděním a ziskem jednotlivých cest. V závislosti na dalších parametrech (rychlost přijímače, Dopplerovské spektrum), je možné rozdělit únikové kanály do třech hlavních skupin: mobilní, přenosné a fixní. Dá se předpokládat, že v různých modelech kanálů bude přenášený signál různě ovlivněn. Proto je potřebné najít optimální parametry systémů (DVB-H/SH) pro kvalitní příjem vysílaných služeb mobilní televize, což je hlavním cílem této disertační práci. Pro tento účel byly vytvořeny dvě vhodné aplikace (jedna pro DVB-H a jedna pro DVB-SH) s GUI v prostředí MATLAB, které umožňují simulovat a analyzovat míru zkreslení signálu v případě mobilních, přenosných a fixních scénářů přenosu. Navíc, tyto aplikace obsahují i druhý samostatný simulátor pro nastavení a modifikaci parametrů jednotlivých přenosových cest. Díky tomu je možné zhodnotit vliv parametrů celého systému a kanálových modelů na dosaženou chybovost (BER a MER) a kvalitu přenosu. Ve všech přenosových scénářích (v závislosti na poměru C/N) byly získané, vyhodnocené a diskutované zkreslení signálů. Navíc, u standardu DVB-H, všechny získané výsledky ze simulací byly ověřeny měřením. Rozdíly mezi dosaženými výsledky (simulace a měření) byly rovněž podrobeny diskuzi. Tuto disertační práci je možné rozdělit do čtyř hlavních částí. První část disertační práce se zabývá rešerší současného vývoje v oblasti digitálního televizního vysílání na mobilní terminály ve standardech DVB-H/SH. Na konci této části jsou jasně popsány cíle této disertační práce. Druhá část práce je zaměřená na stručný popis blokového diagramu vysílačů v obou standardech DVB-H/SH. Dále jsou stručně popsány modely přenosových kanálů, které se používají pro modelování přenosu signálu. Stručný popis vytvořených aplikací, i s vývojovým diagramem, které jsou vhodné pro simulaci a analýzu přenosu v DVB-H/SH, jsou popsány v třetí části práce. Čtvrtá a nejdelší část této disertační práce se zabývá vyhodnocením získaných výsledků ze simulací a měření.This dissertation thesis deals with the analysis, simulation and measurement of the signal processing and transmission in DVB-H and DVB-SH standards. These standards are based on the assumption that signal reception is characterized by the transmission channels with echoes. These, so called fading channels, are mainly characterized by the path delays and path losses. Depending on the other, additional features (speed of the receiver, Doppler spectrum, etc.), it can be possible divided these channels onto three main groups: mobile, portable and fixed. Of course, signal transmission in different transmission channel models are affected differently. Therefore, it is needed found the optimal system parameters in both, DVB-H and DVB-SH standards, for the quality reception of the broadcasted mobile TV services, which is the main goal of this thesis. For this purpose, two appropriate applications (one for DVB-H and one for DVB-SH) with GUI were created in MATLAB, which enable simulated and analyzed the signal distortions in mobile, portable and fixed transmission scenarios. Moreover, these applications also contain a second application with GUI for the easy set and modification of the parameters of the used channel models. Therefore, it is possible to evaluate the effect of parameters of whole system and channel models on the achieved error rate (BER and MER) and quality of the transmission. In all mentioned transmission scenarios, the signal distortions (depending on the Carrier-to-Noise ratio) were obtained, evaluated and discussed in this dissertation thesis. Furthermore, in case of DVB-H, all obtained results from the simulations, were verified by the measuring. Differences between the obtained results (simulation and measuring) are also discussed. This dissertation thesis can be divided into four main parts. The first part of this dissertation thesis, after the short introduction, deals with present state-of-the-art and literature survey in mobile broadcast DVB-H/SH standards. At the end of this part are clearly outlined the main aims of this dissertation thesis. Second part is focused on the brief description of the functional block diagram of transmitters in both, DVB-H/SH standards. Furthermore, there are briefly described the transmission fading channel models, which are commonly used for the modeling of the signal transmission. The brief description of program applications with flowcharts, appropriate for the simulation of the transmission in the DVB-H/SH standards, are presented and described in the third part of this thesis. Finally, the fourth and longest part of this thesis is focused on the evaluation and comparison of obtained results from the simulations and measurements.

    Learning&Information Technologies Cartography

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    Nowadays, many researches focus their efforts in studies and applications on the Learning area. However, there is a lack of a reference system that permits to know the positioning and the existing links between Learning and Information Technologies. This paper proposes a Cartography where explains the relationships between the elements that compose the Learning Theories and Information Technologies, considering the own features of the learner and the Information Technologies Properties. This intersection will allow us to know what Information Technologies Properties promote Learning Futures

    Software agents in music and sound art research/creative work: Current state and a possible direction

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    Composers, musicians and computer scientists have begun to use software-based agents to create music and sound art in both linear and non-linear (non-predetermined form and/or content) idioms, with some robust approaches now drawing on various disciplines. This paper surveys recent work: agent technology is first introduced, a theoretical framework for its use in creating music/sound art works put forward, and an overview of common approaches then given. Identifying areas of neglect in recent research, a possible direction for further work is then briefly explored. Finally, a vision for a new hybrid model that integrates non-linear, generative, conversational and affective perspectives on interactivity is proposed

    Computational Design. Design in the Age of a Knowledge Society

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