
A Service Component-based Accounting and Charging Architecture to Support Interim Mechanisms across Multiple Domains


Today, telematics services are often compositions of different chargeable service components offered by different service providers. To enhance component-based accounting and charging, the service composition information is used to match with the corresponding charging structure of a service session. This enables the sharing of revenues among the service providers, and calculation of the total cost for the end-user. When multiple independent service providers are involved, it is a great challenge to apply interim accounting and charging during a service session in order to minimize financial risks between business partners. Another interesting development is the trend towards outsourcing accounting and charging processes to specialized business partners. This requires a decoupling between provisioning and accounting and charging processes. In this paper, we propose a comprehensive component-based accounting and charging architecture to support service session provisioning across multiple domains. The architecture, modeled in UML, incorporates an interim accounting and charging mechanism to enable the processing and exchange of accounting information needed to update intermediate charges for separate service components and the user's credit, even during the service provisioning phase

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