5,446 research outputs found

    Controller-observer design and dynamic parameter identification for model-based control of an electromechanical lower-limb rehabilitation system

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    [EN] Rehabilitation is a hazardous task for a mechanical system, since the device has to interact with the human extremities without the hands-on experience the physiotherapist acquires over time. A gap needs to be filled in terms of designing effective controllers for this type of devices. In this respect, the paper describes the design of a model-based control for an electromechanical lower-limb rehabilitation system based on a parallel kinematic mechanism. A controller-observer was designed for estimating joint velocities, which are then used in a hybrid position/force control scheme. The model parameters are identified by customising an approach based on identifying only the relevant system dynamics parameters. Findings obtained through simulations show evidence of improvement in tracking performance compared with those where the velocity was estimated by numerical differentiation. The controller is also implemented in an actual electromechanical system for lower-limb rehabilitation tasks. Findings based on rehabilitation tasks confirm the findings from simulations.This work was partially financed by the Plan Nacional de I+D, Comision Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnologia (FEDERCICYT) under the project DPI2013-44227-R and by the Instituto U. de Automatica e Informatica Industrial (ai2) of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia.Valera FernĂĄndez, Á.; DĂ­az-RodrĂ­guez, M.; VallĂ©s Miquel, M.; Oliver, E.; Mata Amela, V.; Page Del Pozo, AF. (2017). Controller-observer design and dynamic parameter identification for model-based control of an electromechanical lower-limb rehabilitation system. International Journal of Control. 90(4):702-714. https://doi.org/10.1080/00207179.2016.1215529S702714904Åström, K. J., & Murray, R. M. (2010). Feedback Systems. doi:10.2307/j.ctvcm4gdkAtkeson, C. G., An, C. H., & Hollerbach, J. M. (1986). 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    Active robotic training improves locomotor function in a stroke survivor

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    Abstract Background Clinical outcomes after robotic training are often not superior to conventional therapy. One key factor responsible for this is the use of control strategies that provide substantial guidance. This strategy not only leads to a reduction in volitional physical effort, but also interferes with motor relearning. Methods We tested the feasibility of a novel training approach (active robotic training) using a powered gait orthosis (Lokomat) in mitigating post-stroke gait impairments of a 52-year-old male stroke survivor. This gait training paradigm combined patient-cooperative robot-aided walking with a target-tracking task. The training lasted for 4-weeks (12 visits, 3 × per week). The subject’s neuromotor performance and recovery were evaluated using biomechanical, neuromuscular and clinical measures recorded at various time-points (pre-training, post-training, and 6-weeks after training). Results Active robotic training resulted in considerable increase in target-tracking accuracy and reduction in the kinematic variability of ankle trajectory during robot-aided treadmill walking. These improvements also transferred to overground walking as characterized by larger propulsive forces and more symmetric ground reaction forces (GRFs). Training also resulted in improvements in muscle coordination, which resembled patterns observed in healthy controls. These changes were accompanied by a reduction in motor cortical excitability (MCE) of the vastus medialis, medial hamstrings, and gluteus medius muscles during treadmill walking. Importantly, active robotic training resulted in substantial improvements in several standard clinical and functional parameters. These improvements persisted during the follow-up evaluation at 6 weeks. Conclusions The results indicate that active robotic training appears to be a promising way of facilitating gait and physical function in moderately impaired stroke survivors.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/112853/1/12984_2011_Article_375.pd

    Controlling patient participation during robot-assisted gait training

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    Background The overall goal of this paper was to investigate approaches to controlling active participation in stroke patients during robot-assisted gait therapy. Although active physical participation during gait rehabilitation after stroke was shown to improve therapy outcome, some patients can behave passively during rehabilitation, not maximally benefiting from the gait training. Up to now, there has not been an effective method for forcing patient activity to the desired level that would most benefit stroke patients with a broad variety of cognitive and biomechanical impairments. Methods Patient activity was quantified in two ways: by heart rate (HR), a physiological parameter that reflected physical effort during body weight supported treadmill training, and by a weighted sum of the interaction torques (WIT) between robot and patient, recorded from hip and knee joints of both legs. We recorded data in three experiments, each with five stroke patients, and controlled HR and WIT to a desired temporal profile. Depending on the patient's cognitive capabilities, two different approaches were taken: either by allowing voluntary patient effort via visual instructions or by forcing the patient to vary physical effort by adapting the treadmill speed. Results We successfully controlled patient activity quantified by WIT and by HR to a desired level. The setup was thereby individually adaptable to the specific cognitive and biomechanical needs of each patient. Conclusion Based on the three successful approaches to controlling patient participation, we propose a metric which enables clinicians to select the best strategy for each patient, according to the patient's physical and cognitive capabilities. Our framework will enable therapists to challenge the patient to more activity by automatically controlling the patient effort to a desired level. We expect that the increase in activity will lead to improved rehabilitation outcome

    Passive wireless tags for tongue controlled assistive technology interfaces

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    Tongue control with low profile, passive mouth tags is demonstrated as a human–device interface by communicating values of tongue-tag separation over a wireless link. Confusion matrices are provided to demonstrate user accuracy in targeting by tongue position. Accuracy is found to increase dramatically after short training sequences with errors falling close to 1% in magnitude with zero missed targets. The rate at which users are able to learn accurate targeting with high accuracy indicates that this is an intuitive device to operate. The significance of the work is that innovative very unobtrusive, wireless tags can be used to provide intuitive human–computer interfaces based on low cost and disposable mouth mounted technology. With the development of an appropriate reading system, control of assistive devices such as computer mice or wheelchairs could be possible for tetraplegics and others who retain fine motor control capability of their tongues. The tags contain no battery and are intended to fit directly on the hard palate, detecting tongue position in the mouth with no need for tongue piercings

    Human-centred design methods : developing scenarios for robot assisted play informed by user panels and field trials

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    Original article can be found at: http://www.sciencedirect.com/ Copyright ElsevierThis article describes the user-centred development of play scenarios for robot assisted play, as part of the multidisciplinary IROMEC1 project that develops a novel robotic toy for children with special needs. The project investigates how robotic toys can become social mediators, encouraging children with special needs to discover a range of play styles, from solitary to collaborative play (with peers, carers/teachers, parents, etc.). This article explains the developmental process of constructing relevant play scenarios for children with different special needs. Results are presented from consultation with panel of experts (therapists, teachers, parents) who advised on the play needs for the various target user groups and who helped investigate how robotic toys could be used as a play tool to assist in the children’s development. Examples from experimental investigations are provided which have informed the development of scenarios throughout the design process. We conclude by pointing out the potential benefit of this work to a variety of research projects and applications involving human–robot interactions.Peer reviewe

    A subject-specific EMG-driven musculoskeletal model for applications in lower-limb rehabilitation robotics

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    Robotic devices have great potential in physical therapy owing to their repeatability, reliability and cost economy. However, there are great challenges to realize active control strategy, since the operator’s motion intention is uneasy to be recognized by robotics online. The purpose of this paper is to propose a subject-specific electromyography (EMG)-driven musculoskeletal model to estimate subject’s joint torque in real time, which can be used to detect his/her motion intention by forward dynamics, and then to explore its potential applications in rehabilitation robotics control. The musculoskeletal model uses muscle activation dynamics to extract muscle activation from raw EMG signals, a Hill-type muscle-tendon model to calculate muscle contraction force, and a proposed subject-specific musculoskeletal geometry model to calculate muscular moment arm. The parameters of muscle activation dynamics and muscle-tendon model are identified by off-line optimization methods in order to minimize the differences between the estimated muscular torques and the reference torques. Validation experiments were conducted on six healthy subjects to evaluate the proposed model. Experimental results demonstrated the model’s ability to predict knee joint torque with the coefficient of determination (R2) value of 0.934±0.0130.934±0.013 and the normalized root-mean-square error (RMSE) of 11.58%±1.44%11.58%±1.44%

    Adaptive Control of a Wearable Exoskeleton for Upper-Extremity Neurorehabilitation

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    The paper describes the implementation and testing of two adaptive controllers developed for a wearable, underactuated upper extremity therapy robot – RUPERT (Robotic Upper Extremity Repetitive Trainer). The controllers developed in this study were used to implement two adaptive robotic therapy modes – the adaptive co-operative mode and the adaptive active-assist mode – that are based on two different approaches for providing robotic assistance for task practice. The adaptive active-assist mode completes therapy tasks when a subject is unable to do so voluntarily. This robotic therapy mode is a novel implementation of the idea of an active-assist therapy mode; it utilizes the measure of a subject’s motor ability, along with their real-time movement kinematics to initiate robotic assistance at the appropriate time during a movement trial. The adaptive co-operative mode, on the other hand, is based on the idea of enabling task completion instead of completing the task for the subject. Both these therapy modes were designed to adapt to a stroke subject's motor ability, and thus encourage voluntary participation from the stroke subject. The two controllers were tested on three stroke subjects practicing robot-assisted reaching movements. The results from this testing demonstrate that an underactuated wearable exoskeleton, such as RUPERT, can be used for administering robot-assisted therapy, in a manner that encourages voluntary participation from the subject undergoing therapy
