1,274 research outputs found

    Classifying Amharic News Text Using Self-Organizing Maps

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    The paper addresses using artificial neural networks for classification of Amharic news items. Amharic is the language for countrywide communication in Ethiopia and has its own writing system containing extensive systematic redundancy. It is quite dialectally diversified and probably representative of the languages of a continent that so far has received little attention within the language processing field. The experiments investigated document clustering around user queries using Self-Organizing Maps, an unsupervised learning neural network strategy. The best ANN model showed a precision of 60.0% when trying to cluster unseen data, and a 69.5% precision when trying to classify it

    Multilingual Schema Matching for Wikipedia Infoboxes

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    Recent research has taken advantage of Wikipedia's multilingualism as a resource for cross-language information retrieval and machine translation, as well as proposed techniques for enriching its cross-language structure. The availability of documents in multiple languages also opens up new opportunities for querying structured Wikipedia content, and in particular, to enable answers that straddle different languages. As a step towards supporting such queries, in this paper, we propose a method for identifying mappings between attributes from infoboxes that come from pages in different languages. Our approach finds mappings in a completely automated fashion. Because it does not require training data, it is scalable: not only can it be used to find mappings between many language pairs, but it is also effective for languages that are under-represented and lack sufficient training samples. Another important benefit of our approach is that it does not depend on syntactic similarity between attribute names, and thus, it can be applied to language pairs that have distinct morphologies. We have performed an extensive experimental evaluation using a corpus consisting of pages in Portuguese, Vietnamese, and English. The results show that not only does our approach obtain high precision and recall, but it also outperforms state-of-the-art techniques. We also present a case study which demonstrates that the multilingual mappings we derive lead to substantial improvements in answer quality and coverage for structured queries over Wikipedia content.Comment: VLDB201

    Key Phrase Extraction of Lightly Filtered Broadcast News

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    This paper explores the impact of light filtering on automatic key phrase extraction (AKE) applied to Broadcast News (BN). Key phrases are words and expressions that best characterize the content of a document. Key phrases are often used to index the document or as features in further processing. This makes improvements in AKE accuracy particularly important. We hypothesized that filtering out marginally relevant sentences from a document would improve AKE accuracy. Our experiments confirmed this hypothesis. Elimination of as little as 10% of the document sentences lead to a 2% improvement in AKE precision and recall. AKE is built over MAUI toolkit that follows a supervised learning approach. We trained and tested our AKE method on a gold standard made of 8 BN programs containing 110 manually annotated news stories. The experiments were conducted within a Multimedia Monitoring Solution (MMS) system for TV and radio news/programs, running daily, and monitoring 12 TV and 4 radio channels.Comment: In 15th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue (TSD 2012

    Knowledge-enhanced document embeddings for text classification

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    Accurate semantic representation models are essential in text mining applications. For a successful application of the text mining process, the text representation adopted must keep the interesting patterns to be discovered. Although competitive results for automatic text classification may be achieved with traditional bag of words, such representation model cannot provide satisfactory classification performances on hard settings where richer text representations are required. In this paper, we present an approach to represent document collections based on embedded representations of words and word senses. We bring together the power of word sense disambiguation and the semantic richness of word- and word-sense embedded vectors to construct embedded representations of document collections. Our approach results in semantically enhanced and low-dimensional representations. We overcome the lack of interpretability of embedded vectors, which is a drawback of this kind of representation, with the use of word sense embedded vectors. Moreover, the experimental evaluation indicates that the use of the proposed representations provides stable classifiers with strong quantitative results, especially in semantically-complex classification scenarios

    Assessing relevance using automatically translated documents for cross-language information retrieval

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    This thesis focuses on the Relevance Feedback (RF) process, and the scenario considered is that of a Portuguese-English Cross-Language Information Retrieval (CUR) system. CUR deals with the retrieval of documents in one natural language in response to a query expressed in another language. RF is an automatic process for query reformulation. The idea behind it is that users are unlikely to produce perfect queries, especially if given just one attempt.The process aims at improving the queryspecification, which will lead to more relevant documents being retrieved. The method consists of asking the user to analyse an initial sample of documents retrieved in response to a query and judge them for relevance. In that context, two main questions were posed. The first one relates to the user's ability in assessing the relevance of texts in a foreign language, texts hand translated into their language and texts automatically translated into their language. The second question concerns the relationship between the accuracy of the participant's judgements and the improvement achieved through the RF process. In order to answer those questions, this work performed an experiment in which Portuguese speakers were asked to judge the relevance of English documents, documents hand-translated to Portuguese, and documents automatically translated to Portuguese. The results show that machine translation is as effective as hand translation in aiding users to assess relevance. In addition, the impact of misjudged documents on the performance of RF is overall just moderate, and varies greatly for different query topics. This work advances the existing research on RF by considering a CUR scenario and carrying out user experiments, which analyse aspects of RF and CUR that remained unexplored until now. The contributions of this work also include: the investigation of CUR using a new language pair; the design and implementation of a stemming algorithm for Portuguese; and the carrying out of several experiments using Latent Semantic Indexing which contribute data points to the CUR theory

    A Unified multilingual semantic representation of concepts

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    Semantic representation lies at the core of several applications in Natural Language Processing. However, most existing semantic representation techniques cannot be used effectively for the representation of individual word senses. We put forward a novel multilingual concept representation, called MUFFIN , which not only enables accurate representation of word senses in different languages, but also provides multiple advantages over existing approaches. MUFFIN represents a given concept in a unified semantic space irrespective of the language of interest, enabling cross-lingual comparison of different concepts. We evaluate our approach in two different evaluation benchmarks, semantic similarity and Word Sense Disambiguation, reporting state-of-the-art performance on several standard datasets