16 research outputs found

    J Cancer Educ

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    The quality and accuracy of health content posted on YouTube varies widely. To increase dissemination of evidence-based gynecologic cancer information to US YouTube users, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) sponsored two types of advertisements: (1) pre-roll videos that users had to watch for at least 5\uc2\ua0s before seeing a video they selected and (2) keyword-targeted listings that appeared in search results when users entered terms related to gynecologic cancer. From July 2012 to November 2013, pre-roll videos were shown 9.2 million times, viewed (watched longer than the mandatory 5\uc2\ua0s) 1.6 million times (17.6\uc2\ua0%), and cost 0.09 per view. Keyword-targeted listings were displayed 15.3 million times, viewed (activated by users) 59,766 times (0.4\uc2\ua0%), and cost 0.31 per view. CDC videos in advertisements played completely in 17.0\uc2\ua0% of pre-roll video views and 44.4\uc2\ua0% of keyword-targeted listing views. Advertisements on YouTube can disseminate evidence-based cancer information broadly with minimal cost.CC999999/Intramural CDC HHS/United States2016-09-01T00:00:00Z25877466PMC460924

    Correlates of self-reported exposure to advertising of tobacco products and electronic cigarettes across 28 European Union member states.

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    BACKGROUND: Despite advertising bans in most European Union (EU) member states, outlets for promotion of tobacco products and especially e-cigarettes still exist. This study aimed to assess the correlates of self-reported exposure to tobacco products and e-cigarettee advertising in the EU. METHODS: We analysed data from wave 82.4 of the Eurobarometer survey (November-December 2014), collected through interviews in 28 EU member states (n=27 801 aged ≥15 years) and data on bans of tobacco advertising extracted from the Tobacco Control Scale (TCS, 2013). We used multilevel logistic regression to assess sociodemographic correlates of self-reported exposure to any tobacco and e-cigarette advertisements. RESULTS: 40% and 41.5% of the respondents reported having seen any e-cigarette and tobacco product advertisement respectively within the past year. Current smokers, males, younger respondents, those with financial difficulties, people who had tried e-cigarettes and daily internet users were more likely to report having seen an e-cigarette and a tobacco product advertisement. Respondents in countries with more comprehensive advertising bans were less likely to self-report exposure to any tobacco advertisements (OR 0.87; 95% CI 0.79 to 0.96 for one-unit increase in TCS advertising score), but not e-cigarette advertisements (OR 1.08; 95% CI 0.95 to 1.22). CONCLUSION: Ten years after ratification of the Framework Convention for Tobacco Control, self-reported exposure to tobacco and e-cigarette advertising in the EU is higher in e-cigarette and tobacco users, as well as those with internet access. The implementation of the Tobacco Products Directive may result in significant changes in e-cigarette advertising, therefore improved monitoring of advertising exposure is required in the coming years

    In-vehicle filming of driver fatigue on YouTube: vlogs, crashes and bad advice

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    Background: Driver fatigue contributes to 15-30% of crashes, however it is difficult to objectively measure. Fatigue mitigation relies on driver self-moderation, placing great importance on the necessity for road safety campaigns to engage with their audience. Popular self-archiving website YouTube.com is a relatively unused source of public perceptions. Method: A systematic YouTube.com search (videos uploaded 2/12/09 - 2/12/14) was conducted using driver fatigue related search terms. 442 relevant videos were identified. In-vehicle footage was separated for further analysis. Video reception was quantified in terms of number of views, likes, comments, dislikes and times duplicated. Qualitative analysis of comments was undertaken to identify key themes. Results: 4.2% (n=107) of relevant uploaded videos contained in-vehicle footage. Three types of videos were identified: (1) dashcam footage (n=82); (2) speaking directly to the camera - vlogs (n=16); (3) passengers filming drivers (n=9). Two distinct types of comments emerged, those directly relating to driver fatigue and those more broadly about the video or its uploader. Driver fatigue comments included: attribution of behaviour cause, emotion experienced when watching the video and personal advice on staying awake while driving. Discussion: In-vehicle footage related to driver fatigue is prevalent on YouTube.com and is actively engaged with by viewers. Comments were mixed in terms of criticism and sympathy for drivers. Willingness to share advice on staying awake suggests driver fatigue may be seen as a common yet controllable occurrence. This project provides new insight into driver fatigue perception, which may be considered by safety authorities when designing education campaigns

    Puff or pass: do social media and social interactions influence smoking behaviour of university students? A cross-sectional mixed methods study from Dhaka, Bangladesh.

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine whether the odds of being a smoker differ based on social media use and social interactions among urban university students in Bangladesh. HYPOTHESIS: Social media use and social interactions influence the smoking behaviour of Bangladeshi university students, particularly in starting and maintaining cigarette smoking. DESIGN AND SETTING: A cross-sectional study using mixed methods on 600 student smokers and non-smokers recruited from two public and two private universities in Dhaka, Bangladesh, a lower middle-income country with limited resources. Exclusion criteria were those who did not use any form of social media and PhD students. RESULTS: Odds of smoking were significantly higher for those who socialised more than 4 hours/day (p<0.05; OR 1.75; 95% CI 1.12 to 2.75) and typically at night (p<0.05; OR 2.80; 95% CI 1.95 to 4.00). Odds of smoking were also higher for those who liked (p<0.05; OR 4.85; 95% CI 3.32 to 7.11), shared (p<0.05; OR 20.50; 95% CI 13.02 to 32.26) and followed (p<0.05; OR 2.88; 95% CI 1.36 to 6.11) tobacco-related content on social media. Qualitative analysis resulted in emergent themes of smokers imitating tobacco-related photos or videos seen on social media and peers as an influence for smoking initiation. CONCLUSION: This study suggests social media and social interactions may influence smoking behaviour in university students in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Future research should continue to investigate the roles social media and social interaction have on smoking in order to explore social media-based smoking cessation interventions or dissemination of smoking health hazards through social media

    Analisis Konten Rokok di Situs Web Berbagi Video YouTube: User Engagement Analysis

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    Penetrasi internet dan media sosial di Indonesia semakin meningkat, dengan persentase pengguna terbesar berasal dari kaum muda. Internet dan media sosial dapat menjadi wahana untuk mempromosikan dan menjual produk kepada kaum muda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan mendeskripsikan video di YouTube yang potensial didapatkan oleh seorang pengguna ketika menggunakan kata kunci "rokok" dalam pencarian. Kami berhipotesis bahwa video terkait rokok di YouTube dapat berisi materi yang mengacu pada kategori (1) tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship (TAPS); atau (2) Non-TAPS. Penelusuran YouTube dilakukan pada Oktober 2022, dan kami hanya mempertimbangkan video yang dipublikasikan selama Juni 2022. Kami mengklasifikasikan konten video ke dalam kategori TAPS dan Non-TAPS berdasarkan judul dan deskripsinya. Selanjutnya, Kami menganalisis jumlah yang melihat, menyukai, dan memberi komentar dari setiap video secara deskriptif. Kami memperoleh 210 video dan mengecualikan 24 video yang tidak terkait dengan tujuan studi. Sebagian besar  video masuk dalam kategori  TAPS (84%) dibandingkan dengan Non-TAPS (16%). Pada video Non-TAPS terdapat Iklan Layanan Masyarakat Anti Rokok (3%). Video yang masuk dalam kategori Non-TAPS sebagian besar diterbitkan oleh kanal Berita dan kanal Pemerintah (57%), sedangkan individu, termasuk UMKM dan pengecer, sebagian besar membuat video terkait TAPS (78%). Video terkait TAPS cenderung lebih banyak disukai dan dikomentari oleh pemirsa. YouTube adalah media potensial untuk mempromosikan kesehatan, sayangnya video terkait TAPS jauh lebih mudah ditemukan. Institusi kesehatan masyarakat perlu menghadirkan lebih banyak video terkait promosi kesehatan di YouTube agar mudah dijangkau oleh lebih banyak pemirsa, serta melibatkan kemitraan yang lebih luas untuk mempromosikan materi pendidikan kesehatan


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    Tobacco use remains a critical public health issue in the United States. Young adults are disproportionately affected by high rates of tobacco use and heavily targeted by tobacco marketing. Social media has become an important source of exposure to tobacco and nicotine product marketing and messaging for young adults. This dissertation examined the prevalence and socio-environmental characteristics associated with young adults’ exposure to and engagement with tobacco-related social media (paper 1); the prospective associations between young adults’ exposure and engagement and tobacco and nicotine product use (paper 2); and young adults’ experiences with tobacco and nicotine product messaging on social media, as well as perceptions of existing e-cigarette social media advertisements (paper 3). Participants were two- and four-year college students from the Marketing and Promotions across Colleges in Texas Study (n=4,384; mean age=20.4, standard deviation=2.32; 64.6% female; 35.5% non-Hispanic white, 30.8% Hispanic, 18.2% Asian, 7.9% African American/black, and 7.6% another race/ethnicity or multi-racial). In paper 1, 30% of students reported past 30-day exposure to cigarette, e-cigarette, hookah, cigar, and/or smokeless tobacco advertising on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Reddit, and/or Pinterest, and 23% of students reported engagement. Anti-engagement activities such as posting links to anti-tobacco messaging were more prevalent than pro-engagement. Racial/ethnic minorities, dual- and poly-users, higher social media users, students with friends that use tobacco, and students with higher depressive symptoms were significantly more likely to report exposure. Racial/ethnic minorities, two-year college students, poly- and dual-users, higher social media users, and students with higher depressive symptoms were more likely to report pro-engagement. Poly-users, higher social media users, students with friends that use tobacco, and students with higher depressive symptoms were more likely to report anti-engagement. In paper 2, multiple logistic regression analyses revealed exposure to and engagement with tobacco-related social media significantly predicted past 30-day use of e-cigarettes, cigars, and hookah at one-year follow up. Controlling for other social media, exposure to any product advertising via Reddit predicted e-cigarette use. Pinterest exposure predicted cigar use. Snapchat exposure predicted hookah use. Pro-tobacco engagement predicted future use of all products. Anti-tobacco engagement predicted use of cigars and hookah. In paper 3, thematic content analysis of qualitative interviews with a subsample of 30 revealed all participants recalled seeing tobacco or nicotine product messaging on social media, primarily for alternative products like e-cigarettes and hookah. Perceptions of researcher-selected advertisements were generally positive, with students preferring advertisements that did not look like traditional advertisements and conveyed fun and social themes. Findings support a critical need for social media-based federal regulation, countermarketing and health communication campaigns, and intervention focused on tobacco

    Characterization of Electronic Cigarette Warning Statements Portrayed in YouTube Videos

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    INTRODUCTION: In 2018, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) required that electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) manufacturers, packagers, importers, distributors, and retailers display an addictive or alternate warning statement on e-cigarette visual advertisements. Few studies have investigated the FDA-mandated and other warnings on social media. This study examined the prevalence and content of warning statements in e-cigarette-related YouTube videos. METHODS: In 2019, The Virginia Commonwealth University Center for the Study of Tobacco Products conducted bi-monthly (February-June) YouTube searches by relevance and view count to identify e-cigarette-related videos. Overall, 178 videos met the inclusion criteria. Staff coded each video for the presence of a visual/verbal warning statement, warning statement type (eg, FDA-mandated, addiction/tobacco, safety/toxic exposure, health effects), sponsorship, and tobacco product characteristics. A data extraction tool collected the video URL, title, upload date, and number of views, likes/dislikes, and comments. RESULTS: Only 5.1% of videos contained FDA-mandated and 21.9% contained non-mandated warnings. All videos with FDA-mandated and 46.2% of non-mandated warnings were represented visually. Only 13.1% of industry-sponsored videos uploaded after the mandate effective date had an FDA-mandated warning statement and videos with FDA-mandated and non-mandated (v. no) warnings had significantly fewer views, likes, dislikes, and comments. Among all non-mandated warnings, 31.3% featured an addiction/tobacco, 18.8% a safety/toxic exposure, and 37.5% a health effects warning. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of FDA-mandated warning statements in e-cigarette related YouTube videos was low. FDA enforcement of the warning statement mandate on YouTube could increase the public’s understanding of the addictive nature of nicotine in e-cigarettes. IMPLICATIONS: The FDA has the authority to regulate the advertisement and promotion of e-cigarettes on the Internet. These data can inform future FDA requirements related to the language content and visual representation of addiction/tobacco, safety/exposure, and health effects warning statements that appear in YouTube videos and other visual social media popular among young people. Such data would help consumers make informed decisions about purchasing e-cigarette products, using e-cigarettes, and avoiding unintentional harm related to e-cigarettes. In addition, these data may help social media platforms make decisions on whether they will prohibit advertisements that promote or facilitate the sale of tobacco products

    Reactions to FDA e-cigarette regulation : how vape shops in different socioeconomic areas of Kentucky use Facebook.

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    In May 2016 the FDA deemed e-cigarettes a tobacco product. The “deeming rule” gave regulation to e-cigarettes where none had existed prior. Some of the regulations included: prohibiting the sale of e-cigarettes to minors, prohibiting giving away free e-cigarette products, requiring FDA-approved warning labels on e-cigarette packaging, and requiring pre-market authorization of all new e-cigarette products. The consequences of these regulations primarily affected e-cigarette manufacturers and vape shops, where most e-cigarette sales take place. In July 2017 the FDA announced an extended timeline for some e-cigarette regulations, citing the reason as having limited research on if, and how, e-cigarettes can be used as a smoking cessation tool. This research focuses on how vape shops use Facebook to communicate about FDA e-cigarette regulations, and whether socioeconomic factors influenced their communication. Facebook posts from six vape shops in two socioeconomic areas of Kentucky were evaluated using an inductive thematic analysis to determine the emerging themes and sub-themes. Four main themes related to the FDA regulations were found: FDA Regulations; Health, Smoking Cessation, and Education; Discounts and Giveaways; and E-liquids. Each theme was characterized by distinct sub-themes, which shared similarities and differences between the two socioeconomic areas

    The impact of social media on marketing using bibliometrics analysis

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    Social media has grown very quickly and has affected all dimensions of the world’s community. The purpose of this article is to review valid articles on the relationship between social media and promotion using manual and bibliometrics analysis methods and identify top themes in these articles. We review the papers published between 2007 and the first month of 2019 in Scopus. 1,840 articles were published in the mentioned period. In this article, we review various charts including word dynamics, the contributions of different countries, country scientific production, corresponding author's country, the frequency distribution of sources, collaboration network and country collaboration map. The study indicates that Canada, Australia and France were the most productive countries in this area