52 research outputs found

    Romanticism in Print: Periodicals and The Politics of Aesthetics in Restoration Paris, 1814-1830

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    In 1814 allied forces defeated Napoleon’s armies and restored the Bourbon monarchy to the throne of France. In the wake of over two decades of revolution, empire, and upheaval, France built itself anew by calling on a past seemingly untainted by its recent sins and missteps, and by building toward a (hopefully) prosperous future. The debate over how to rebuild France took place not only in the world of high politics but also at the level of culture, and particularly through the literary debate between romantics and classicists – the bataille romantique. The literary debates between classicists and romantics, with their conceptions of what was ‘French’ and what was not, became entangled with political debates between liberals and royalists, and both classicism and romanticism could be mobilized for various political aims. Such disputes were publicized and crystalized in literary journals, which were both intellectual and commercial products. Through their robust debates about literature, these periodicals put forward competing proposals about how best to rebuild France. This dissertation examines the role of literary journals and other cultural and commercial institutions in the growth of romanticism in Paris between 1814 and 1830. It argues that the creation of romanticism as a genre, especially through its conflict with classicism, was a collaborative process that involved writers, printers, booksellers, readers, and institutions. The literary conflict between romanticism and classicism, which took place not only in the press, but also on stage, and in meeting halls, salons, and living rooms, played an important role in the development of a nascent civil society in early nineteenth-century Paris, and that the debate, along with those institutions of civil society, offered a seemingly non-political avenue through which to debate French society in the face of government restrictions on press freedom and freedom of assembly for political papers and organizations. The bataille romantique took on a particular salience in the Restoration because it paralleled and became entwined with the conflict between revolution and counter-revolution that undergirded all political conflict in the Restoration

    Imagining Ageing

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    What do literary texts tell us about growing old? The essays in this volume introduce and explore representations of ageing and old age in canonical works of English and postcolonial literature. The contributors examine texts by William Shakespeare, Daniel Defoe, Julian Barnes, Thomas Kinsella, Seamus Heaney, J.M. Coetzee, Alice Munro, Witi Ihimaera and Patricia Grace and, together with a medical study, they suggest solutions to the challenges arising from the current demographic change brought about by ageing Western populations

    Imagining Ageing: Representations of Age and Ageing in Anglophone Literatures

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    What do literary texts tell us about growing old? The essays in this volume introduce and explore representations of ageing and old age in canonical works of English and postcolonial literature. The contributors examine texts by William Shakespeare, Daniel Defoe, Julian Barnes, Thomas Kinsella, Seamus Heaney, J.M. Coetzee, Alice Munro, Witi Ihimaera and Patricia Grace and, together with a medical study, they suggest solutions to the challenges arising from the current demographic change brought about by ageing Western populations

    Imagining Ageing

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    What do literary texts tell us about growing old? The essays in this volume introduce and explore representations of ageing and old age in canonical works of English and postcolonial literature. The contributors examine texts by William Shakespeare, Daniel Defoe, Julian Barnes, Thomas Kinsella, Seamus Heaney, J.M. Coetzee, Alice Munro, Witi Ihimaera and Patricia Grace and, together with a medical study, they suggest solutions to the challenges arising from the current demographic change brought about by ageing Western populations

    One Hundred Years of Chemical Warfare: Research, Deployment, Consequences

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    Communication and Society Empowerment Through Zakat Management

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    This study focuses on analyzing the transformation of zakat (alms) management from the viewpoint of the capital and its institutional relation. Deep study regarding this topic has its relevance to enrich theoretical discussions in economic sociology on the types and function of the capital in an institution with its institutional relation in macro, meso, and micro contexts. Even though this study merely reveals the types and function of the capital in the Zakat Management Institution (Lembaga Amil Zakat, LAZ) in a meso level, it also attaches the macro and micro contexts in detail as its contextual level. In short, the display of discussion in macro and micro contexts is significant in order to finalize social analytics more comprehensively

    L'uchronie américaine post-11 septembre : un imaginaire du morcellement

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    Ce mémoire a pour objectif de rendre compte des thèmes dominants du genre uchronique dans ses manifestations contemporaines aux États-Unis. Le premier chapitre se consacre à la genèse et à l'évolution de l'uchronie. Nous y exposons les différentes définitions du terme en confrontant les multiples visions de l'uchronie tirées des essais sur le sujet. C'est également le lieu où l'on verra les acceptions liminaires du mot et où nous nous positionnerons à travers ses nombreuses définitions afin d'établir un lexique qui permettra d'analyser les différentes œuvres à l'étude. Le second chapitre s'arrête sur le roman Man in the Dark de Paul Auster. Nous y mettons à l'épreuve les définitions issues du premier chapitre et nous y soulignons les passages clés du récit uchronique. Nous identifions les leviers narratifs propres au genre, analysons les différentes thématiques abordées et élaborons une lecture qui met en relief la vision politique qui transpire de l'œuvre. Le troisième chapitre aborde par le biais de la guerre culturelle qui sévit actuellement aux États-Unis, deux autres œuvres uchroniques. Nous y faisons d'abord l'histoire du terme de guerre culturelle (culture war) et élaborons sur la notion de polarisation idéologique qui en découle. Nous constatons que ce message d'abord et avant tout politique se retrouve tant dans le roman graphique DMZ de Brian Wood que dans la trilogie Assassin de Robert Ferrigno, œuvres soumises à l'étude. Les leviers uchroniques de ces deux œuvres sont repérés et les effets de lecture suscités sont analysés par l'entremise de la théorie sur le suspense élaborée par Raphaël Baroni et de celle sur la science-fiction avancée par Irène Langlet. Nous y révélons les thèmes que se partagent les deux œuvres. Pour finir, nous établissons une relation entre le climat politique qui prévaut actuellement aux États-Unis et ces œuvres qui réinventent des événements historiques fondamentaux dans la représentation que les États-Uniens ont d'eux-mêmes.\ud ______________________________________________________________________________ \ud MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Uchronie, littérature américaine, post-11 septembre, polarisation idéologique, Paul Auster, Brian Wood, Robert Ferrigno

    One Hundred Years of Chemical Warfare: Research, Deployment, Consequences

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    Fritz Haber; Military-Industrial Complex; 1925 Geneva Protocol; Ethics of Chemical Warfare; Dual-use Problem; Anti-plant Chemical Warfare; Chemical Weapons During World War I; Chemical Weapons During World War II; Chemical Weapons in the Middle East; Weapons of Mass Destruction; Lethal Unitary Chemical Agents and Munition
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