296,725 research outputs found

    AMP: A Science-driven Web-based Application for the TeraGrid

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    The Asteroseismic Modeling Portal (AMP) provides a web-based interface for astronomers to run and view simulations that derive the properties of Sun-like stars from observations of their pulsation frequencies. In this paper, we describe the architecture and implementation of AMP, highlighting the lightweight design principles and tools used to produce a functional fully-custom web-based science application in less than a year. Targeted as a TeraGrid science gateway, AMP's architecture and implementation are intended to simplify its orchestration of TeraGrid computational resources. AMP's web-based interface was developed as a traditional standalone database-backed web application using the Python-based Django web development framework, allowing us to leverage the Django framework's capabilities while cleanly separating the user interface development from the grid interface development. We have found this combination of tools flexible and effective for rapid gateway development and deployment.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, in Proceedings of the 5th Grid Computing Environments Worksho

    Portal pengetahuan zakat kajian kes: unit pungutan dan agihan zakat Majlis Agama Islam Negeri Johor

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    Knowledge management is an increasingly important tools and valuable assets of competitive advantage for organizations. Among these KMS, knowledge portal present the potential to provide the organization with a rich and complex shared knowledge and also support knowledge management life cycle which are; create, storage, disseminate and use. The important aspects in knowledge portal (K-Portal) development are knowledge in zakat and effective K-Portal features. Target users for K-Portal Zakat are internal user (MAINJ Management) and external user (user who interested in knowing zakat). SECI Model and Aneja portal framework with knowledge life cycle by Mertins which are; create, storage, disseminate and use, integrated to identify K-Portal features that effective to give knowledge about zakat to people. The features that have been identify are taxonomy, personalization, collaboration, publishing, portal application, search and workflow. These features are chosen because there are suitable in zakat context. Knowledge based system development life cycle (KBSDLC) methodology is used in K-Portal development. While object oriented used in stakeholders analysis and identify the business processes. K-Portal Zakat has it own aims to create awareness among Muslim in doing their part in zakat and to realise the MAINJ mission, to increase Muslim social and econom

    MRI: Acquisition of a High Performance Cluster for the University of Maine Scientific Grid Portal

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    This project, acquiring a cluster to establish a scientific grid portal in Maine, aims to enable projects requiring large datasets. The work makes available to the wider community results such as widely-used whole-ice sheet models, tools for climate change research, prototype versions of object-based caching system (bundled with MPI-IO implementation developed at Argonne National Lab), the data management system, real-time animations, videos, etc. Additionally, the portal provides the larger community the compute power, storage capacity, and rendering engine to execute very high-resolution models, and receive animations and other visualized information in real time.Broader Impact: The infrastructure enhances understanding of global issues and contributes in the development of educational tools for K-12 students. The scientific grid portal contributes in the dissemination of important scientific discoveries. The portal also provides a show-case for research being performed in the state

    Підходи до створення та підтримки порталів

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    У роботі аналізуються новітні інформаційні технології створення та підтримки сайтів і порталів: інструментарій, вимоги до засобів побудови порталу та критерії вибору і оцінки, засоби інформаційного наповнення порталів. Наведено приклад впровадження запропонованих підходів, концепцій інформаційних технологій при проектуванні, розробці та керуванні наповненням інформаційними ресурсами освітнього Інтернет-порталу “Діти України“.The new information technology to create and to support the web-site and portal are analyzed in the article in particular tools, instrumental demands to portal development and criteria to select and to estimate, means to form the portal information content. There is the example of application off the proposed approach, concept to project, to develop and to content manage of educational portal “Children of Ukraine” in the article

    Development of a complex intervention to improve health literacy skills

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    Background Providing insight into the developmental processes involved in building interventions is an important way to ensure methodological transparency and inform future research efforts. The objective of this study was to describe the development of a web portal designed to improve health literacy skills among the public. Methods The web portal was tailored to address three key barriers to obtaining information, using the conceptual frameworks of shared decision-making and evidence-based practice and based on explicit criteria for selecting the content and form of the intervention. Results The web portal targeted the general public and took the form of structured sets of tools. Content included: an introduction to research methods, help on how to find evidence-based health information efficiently based on the steps of evidence-based practice, an introduction to critical appraisal, information about patient participation rights in decision-making, and a decision aid for consultations. Conclusions The web portal was designed in a systematic and transparent way and address key barriers to obtaining and acting upon reliable health information. The web portal provides open access to the tools and can be used independently by health care users, or during consultations with health professionals