4,229 research outputs found

    Corps d'Å“uvre

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    Si l'on considère qu'une œuvre d'art constitue une réflexion sur l'homme, alors l'art contemporain, plus précisément le Body Art, renoue avec les origines de l'art et leur ancrage corporel. Il vient en fait en rupture avec les corps idéalement beaux de la Renaissance et accompagne les développements sur la psychanalyse en s'intéressant aux aspects plus négatifs de l'humain : l'art corporel montre en effet le corps banal, laid, désindividualisé, révélateur des dangers et oppressions que risque l'individu

    Of Guilds and Men: Copyright Workarounds in the Cinematographic Industry

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    The motion picture industry utilizes a varied collection of more or less formal mechanisms for dealing with the collective nature of audiovisual works, ranging from collective bargaining to legal presumptions. What these instances of copyright workarounds have in common is that they are all about circumventing traditional notions of authorship (the right to be deemed the author of a work) and ownership (the right to exert control over a work). When considered from an international perspective, the cinematographic industry is fertile ground for an exploration of such mechanisms. After a recitation of the Berne Convention, this paper will proceed to discuss countries where the Berne Convention has been applied to audiovisual works with drastically different results: France and the United States. From there it will retrace the history of the so-called Foreign Levies Agreement. This agreement illustrates the collision of the French and American copyright workarounds. It was born from, inter alia, a dispute between the Directors\u27 Guild of America ( DGA ), the Writers\u27 Guild of America ( WGA ) and several movie producers upon the collection and distribution of foreign levies to American authors. This study will then discuss the contractual agreements between collective management organizations and guilds, and delineate underlying issues of collective action in this context

    Élevage porcin et santé publique : risque, controverse et violence non intentionnelle

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    Au Québec comme ailleurs, l’élevage porcin, considéré comme risqué par plusieurs, suscite questionnements et controverse. Des incertitudes scientifiques demeurent quant à ses effets sur la santé. D’où notre intention d’aborder, dans cet article, la question de l’influence de l’élevage porcin sur la santé psychologique et sociale. Une recension systématique a permis d’évaluer la pertinence et la qualité de la documentation scientifique à ce sujet. Les résultats montrent une association entre des effets sur la qualité de vie et ce type de production animale. En effet, la ferme porcine augmenterait la controverse et les clivages sociaux, et elle affecterait le sentiment d’appartenance à la communauté et au milieu. Elle constitue à ce titre un risque à la santé. Peut-on en l’occurrence parler de violence et, si oui, comment pourrait-on la prévenir ?As is the case in other provinces, swine production in Quebec, considered by many to be fraught with risk, raise questions and spark controversy. The scientific community is still uncertain about its repercussions, especially its effects on public health. Our purpose in this article is therefore to examine the psychological and social impact of swine production. A systematic survey was carried out to assess the quality and appropriateness of scientific literature on the subject. Aggregated results show that there is a link between living standards and this type of animal production. The issue of pig farms apparently stokes controversy and social division, while exerting a negative influence on the individual’s sense of belonging to a community and a specific social background. Pig farms therefore constitute a threat to human well-being and as such, they constitute a form of violence. The question is how to prevent it
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