6 research outputs found

    Polynomial Mixing of the Edge-Flip Markov Chain for Unbiased Dyadic Tilings

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    We give the first polynomial upper bound on the mixing time of the edge-flip Markov chain for unbiased dyadic tilings, resolving an open problem originally posed by Janson, Randall, and Spencer in 2002. A dyadic tiling of size n is a tiling of the unit square by n non-overlapping dyadic rectangles, each of area 1/n, where a dyadic rectangle is any rectangle that can be written in the form [a2^{-s}, (a+1)2^{-s}] x [b2^{-t}, (b+1)2^{-t}] for a,b,s,t nonnegative integers. The edge-flip Markov chain selects a random edge of the tiling and replaces it with its perpendicular bisector if doing so yields a valid dyadic tiling. Specifically, we show that the relaxation time of the edge-flip Markov chain for dyadic tilings is at most O(n^{4.09}), which implies that the mixing time is at most O(n^{5.09}). We complement this by showing that the relaxation time is at least Omega(n^{1.38}), improving upon the previously best lower bound of Omega(n*log n) coming from the diameter of the chain

    Polynomial mixing of the edge-flip markov chain for unbiased dyadic tilings

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    We give the first polynomial upper bound on the mixing time of the edge-flip Markov chain for unbiased dyadic tilings, resolving an open problem originally posed by Janson, Randall and Spencer in 2002 [14]. A dyadic tiling of size n is a tiling of the unit square by n non-overlapping dyadic rectangles, each of area 1/n, where a dyadic rectangle is any rectangle that can be written in the form [a2 -s , (a + 1)2 -s ] × [b2 -t , (b + 1)2 -t ] for a, b, s, t EZ≄ 0. The edge-flip Markov chain selects a random edge of the tiling and replaces it with its perpendicular bisector if doing so yields a valid dyadic tiling. Specifically, we show that the relaxation time of the edge-flip Markov chain for dyadic tilings is at most O(n 4.09 ), which implies that the mixing time is at most O(n 5.09 ). We complement this by showing that the relaxation time is at least Ω(n 1.38 ), improving upon the previously best lower bound of Ω(n log n) coming from the diameter of the chain. </p

    A polynomial upper bound for the mixing time of edge rotations on planar maps

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    We consider a natural local dynamic on the set of all rooted planar maps with nn edges that is in some sense analogous to "edge flip" Markov chains, which have been considered before on a variety of combinatorial structures (triangulations of the nn-gon and quadrangulations of the sphere, among others). We provide the first polynomial upper bound for the mixing time of this "edge rotation" chain on planar maps: we show that the spectral gap of the edge rotation chain is bounded below by an appropriate constant times n−11/2n^{-11/2}. In doing so, we provide a partially new proof of the fact that the same bound applies to the spectral gap of edge flips on quadrangulations, which makes it possible to generalise a recent result of the author and Stauffer to a chain that relates to edge rotations via Tutte's bijection

    Good approximate quantum LDPC codes from spacetime circuit Hamiltonians

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    We study approximate quantum low-density parity-check (QLDPC) codes, which are approximate quantum error-correcting codes specified as the ground space of a frustration-free local Hamiltonian, whose terms do not necessarily commute. Such codes generalize stabilizer QLDPC codes, which are exact quantum error-correcting codes with sparse, low-weight stabilizer generators (i.e. each stabilizer generator acts on a few qubits, and each qubit participates in a few stabilizer generators). Our investigation is motivated by an important question in Hamiltonian complexity and quantum coding theory: do stabilizer QLDPC codes with constant rate, linear distance, and constant-weight stabilizers exist? We show that obtaining such optimal scaling of parameters (modulo polylogarithmic corrections) is possible if we go beyond stabilizer codes: we prove the existence of a family of [[N,k,d,Δ]][[N,k,d,\varepsilon]] approximate QLDPC codes that encode k=Ω~(N)k = \widetilde{\Omega}(N) logical qubits into NN physical qubits with distance d=Ω~(N)d = \widetilde{\Omega}(N) and approximation infidelity Δ=O(1/polylog(N))\varepsilon = \mathcal{O}(1/\textrm{polylog}(N)). The code space is stabilized by a set of 10-local noncommuting projectors, with each physical qubit only participating in O(polylogN)\mathcal{O}(\textrm{polylog} N) projectors. We prove the existence of an efficient encoding map, and we show that arbitrary Pauli errors can be locally detected by circuits of polylogarithmic depth. Finally, we show that the spectral gap of the code Hamiltonian is Ω~(N−3.09)\widetilde{\Omega}(N^{-3.09}) by analyzing a spacetime circuit-to-Hamiltonian construction for a bitonic sorting network architecture that is spatially local in polylog(N)\textrm{polylog}(N) dimensions.Comment: 51 pages, 13 figure