A polynomial upper bound for the mixing time of edge rotations on planar maps


We consider a natural local dynamic on the set of all rooted planar maps with nn edges that is in some sense analogous to "edge flip" Markov chains, which have been considered before on a variety of combinatorial structures (triangulations of the nn-gon and quadrangulations of the sphere, among others). We provide the first polynomial upper bound for the mixing time of this "edge rotation" chain on planar maps: we show that the spectral gap of the edge rotation chain is bounded below by an appropriate constant times n11/2n^{-11/2}. In doing so, we provide a partially new proof of the fact that the same bound applies to the spectral gap of edge flips on quadrangulations, which makes it possible to generalise a recent result of the author and Stauffer to a chain that relates to edge rotations via Tutte's bijection

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