70 research outputs found

    Polylogarithmic Approximation Algorithm for k-Connected Directed Steiner Tree on Quasi-Bipartite Graphs

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    In the k-Connected Directed Steiner Tree problem (k-DST), we are given a directed graph G = (V,E) with edge (or vertex) costs, a root vertex r, a set of q terminals T, and a connectivity requirement k > 0; the goal is to find a minimum-cost subgraph H of G such that H has k edge-disjoint paths from the root r to each terminal in T. The k-DST problem is a natural generalization of the classical Directed Steiner Tree problem (DST) in the fault-tolerant setting in which the solution subgraph is required to have an r,t-path, for every terminal t, even after removing k-1 vertices or edges. Despite being a classical problem, there are not many positive results on the problem, especially for the case k ? 3. In this paper, we present an O(log k log q)-approximation algorithm for k-DST when an input graph is quasi-bipartite, i.e., when there is no edge joining two non-terminal vertices. To the best of our knowledge, our algorithm is the only known non-trivial approximation algorithm for k-DST, for k ? 3, that runs in polynomial-time Our algorithm is tight for every constant k, due to the hardness result inherited from the Set Cover problem

    O(log2k/loglogk)O(\log^2k/\log\log{k})-Approximation Algorithm for Directed Steiner Tree: A Tight Quasi-Polynomial-Time Algorithm

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    In the Directed Steiner Tree (DST) problem we are given an nn-vertex directed edge-weighted graph, a root rr, and a collection of kk terminal nodes. Our goal is to find a minimum-cost arborescence that contains a directed path from rr to every terminal. We present an O(log2k/loglogk)O(\log^2 k/\log\log{k})-approximation algorithm for DST that runs in quasi-polynomial-time. By adjusting the parameters in the hardness result of Halperin and Krauthgamer, we show the matching lower bound of Ω(log2k/loglogk)\Omega(\log^2{k}/\log\log{k}) for the class of quasi-polynomial-time algorithms. This is the first improvement on the DST problem since the classical quasi-polynomial-time O(log3k)O(\log^3 k) approximation algorithm by Charikar et al. (The paper erroneously claims an O(log2k)O(\log^2k) approximation due to a mistake in prior work.) Our approach is based on two main ingredients. First, we derive an approximation preserving reduction to the Label-Consistent Subtree (LCST) problem. The LCST instance has quasi-polynomial size and logarithmic height. We remark that, in contrast, Zelikovsky's heigh-reduction theorem used in all prior work on DST achieves a reduction to a tree instance of the related Group Steiner Tree (GST) problem of similar height, however losing a logarithmic factor in the approximation ratio. Our second ingredient is an LP-rounding algorithm to approximately solve LCST instances, which is inspired by the framework developed by Rothvo{\ss}. We consider a Sherali-Adams lifting of a proper LP relaxation of LCST. Our rounding algorithm proceeds level by level from the root to the leaves, rounding and conditioning each time on a proper subset of label variables. A small enough (namely, polylogarithmic) number of Sherali-Adams lifting levels is sufficient to condition up to the leaves

    On rooted kk-connectivity problems in quasi-bipartite digraphs

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    We consider the directed Rooted Subset kk-Edge-Connectivity problem: given a set TVT \subseteq V of terminals in a digraph G=(V+r,E)G=(V+r,E) with edge costs and an integer kk, find a min-cost subgraph of GG that contains kk edge disjoint rtrt-paths for all tTt \in T. The case when every edge of positive cost has head in TT admits a polynomial time algorithm due to Frank, and the case when all positive cost edges are incident to rr is equivalent to the kk-Multicover problem. Recently, [Chan et al. APPROX20] obtained ratio O(lnklnT)O(\ln k \ln |T|) for quasi-bipartite instances, when every edge in GG has an end in T+rT+r. We give a simple proof for the same ratio for a more general problem of covering an arbitrary TT-intersecting supermodular set function by a minimum cost edge set, and for the case when only every positive cost edge has an end in T+rT+r

    A Logarithmic Integrality Gap Bound for Directed Steiner Tree in Quasi-bipartite Graphs

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    We demonstrate that the integrality gap of the natural cut-based LP relaxation for the directed Steiner tree problem is O(log k) in quasi-bipartite graphs with k terminals. Such instances can be seen to generalize set cover, so the integrality gap analysis is tight up to a constant factor. A novel aspect of our approach is that we use the primal-dual method; a technique that is rarely used in designing approximation algorithms for network design problems in directed graphs

    On the Integrality Gap of Directed Steiner Tree Problem

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    In the Directed Steiner Tree problem, we are given a directed graph G = (V,E) with edge costs, a root vertex r ∈ V, and a terminal set X ⊆ V . The goal is to find the cheapest subset of edges that contains an r-t path for every terminal t ∈ X. The only known polylogarithmic approximations for Directed Steiner Tree run in quasi-polynomial time and the best polynomial time approximations only achieve a guarantee of O(|X|^ε) for any constant ε > 0. Furthermore, the integrality gap of a natural LP relaxation can be as bad as Ω(√|X|).  We demonstrate that l rounds of the Sherali-Adams hierarchy suffice to reduce the integrality gap of a natural LP relaxation for Directed Steiner Tree in l-layered graphs from Ω( k) to O(l · log k) where k is the number of terminals. This is an improvement over Rothvoss’ result that 2l rounds of the considerably stronger Lasserre SDP hierarchy reduce the integrality gap of a similar formulation to O(l · log k). We also observe that Directed Steiner Tree instances with 3 layers of edges have only an O(logk) integrality gap bound in the standard LP relaxation, complementing the fact that the gap can be as large as Ω(√k) in graphs with 4 layers. Finally, we consider quasi-bipartite instances of Directed Steiner Tree meaning no edge in E connects two Steiner nodes V − (X ∪ {r}). By a simple reduction from Set Cover, it is still NP-hard to approximate quasi-bipartite instances within a ratio better than O(log|X|). We present a polynomial-time O(log |X|)-approximation for quasi-bipartite instances of Directed Steiner Tree. Our approach also bounds the integrality gap of the natural LP relaxation by the same quantity. A novel feature of our algorithm is that it is based on the primal-dual framework, which typically does not result in good approximations for network design problems in directed graphs

    {On Subexponential Running Times for Approximating Directed Steiner Tree and Related Problems}

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    This paper concerns proving almost tight (super-polynomial) running times, for achieving desired approximation ratios for various problems. To illustrate, the question we study, let us consider the Set-Cover problem with n elements and m sets. Now we specify our goal to approximate Set-Cover to a factor of (1-d)ln n, for a given parameter 0= 2^{n^{c d}}, for some constant 0= exp((1+o(1)){log^{d-c}n}), for any c>0, unless the ETH is false. Our result follows by analyzing the work of Halperin and Krauthgamer [STOC, 2003]. The same lower and upper bounds hold for CST

    A Constant-Factor Approximation for Quasi-bipartite Directed Steiner Tree on Minor-Free Graphs

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    We give the first constant-factor approximation algorithm for quasi-bipartite instances of Directed Steiner Tree on graphs that exclude fixed minors. In particular, for KrK_r-minor-free graphs our approximation guarantee is O(rlogr)O(r\cdot\sqrt{\log r}) and, further, for planar graphs our approximation guarantee is 20. Our algorithm uses the primal-dual scheme. We employ a more involved method of determining when to buy an edge while raising dual variables since, as we show, the natural primal-dual scheme fails to raise enough dual value to pay for the purchased solution. As a consequence, we also demonstrate integrality gap upper bounds on the standard cut-based linear programming relaxation for the Directed Steiner Tree instances we consider.Comment: 24 page

    An O(logk)O(\log k)-Approximation for Directed Steiner Tree in Planar Graphs

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    We present an O(logk)O(\log k)-approximation for both the edge-weighted and node-weighted versions of \DST in planar graphs where kk is the number of terminals. We extend our approach to \MDST (in general graphs \MDST and \DST are easily seen to be equivalent but in planar graphs this is not the case necessarily) in which we get an O(R+logk)O(R+\log k)-approximation for planar graphs for where RR is the number of roots