74 research outputs found

    Implementing Line-Hermitian Grassmann codes

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    In [I. Cardinali and L. Giuzzi. Line Hermitian Grassmann codes and their parameters. Finite Fields Appl., 51: 407-432, 2018] we introduced line Hermitian Grassmann codes and determined their parameters. The aim of this paper is to present (in the spirit of [I. Cardinali and L. Giuzzi. Enumerative coding for line polar Grassmannians with applications to codes. Finite Fields Appl., 46:107-138, 2017]) an algorithm for the point enumerator of a line Hermitian Grassmannian which can be usefully applied to get efficient encoders, decoders and error correction algorithms for the aforementioned codes.Comment: 26 page

    Minimum distance of Symplectic Grassmann codes

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    We introduce the Symplectic Grassmann codes as projective codes defined by symplectic Grassmannians, in analogy with the orthogonal Grassmann codes introduced in [4]. Note that the Lagrangian-Grassmannian codes are a special class of Symplectic Grassmann codes. We describe the weight enumerator of the Lagrangian--Grassmannian codes of rank 22 and 33 and we determine the minimum distance of the line Symplectic Grassmann codes.Comment: Revised contents and biblograph

    Line Polar Grassmann Codes of Orthogonal Type

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    Polar Grassmann codes of orthogonal type have been introduced in I. Cardinali and L. Giuzzi, \emph{Codes and caps from orthogonal Grassmannians}, {Finite Fields Appl.} {\bf 24} (2013), 148-169. They are subcodes of the Grassmann code arising from the projective system defined by the Pl\"ucker embedding of a polar Grassmannian of orthogonal type. In the present paper we fully determine the minimum distance of line polar Grassmann Codes of orthogonal type for qq odd

    Some results on caps and codes related to orthogonal Grassmannians — a preview

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    In this note we offer a short summary of some recent results, to be contained in a forthcoming paper [4], on projective caps and linear error correcting codes arising from the Grassmann embedding εgr k of an orthogonal Grassmannian ∆k . More precisely, we consider the codes arising from the projective system determined by εgr k (∆k ) and determine some of their parameters. We also investigate special sets of points of ∆k which are met by any line of ∆k in at most 2 points proving that their image under the Grassmann embedding is a projective cap

    Enumerative Coding for Line Polar Grassmannians with applications to codes

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    A kk-polar Grassmannian is the geometry having as pointset the set of all kk-dimensional subspaces of a vector space VV which are totally isotropic for a given non-degenerate bilinear form μ\mu defined on V.V. Hence it can be regarded as a subgeometry of the ordinary kk-Grassmannian. In this paper we deal with orthogonal line Grassmannians and with symplectic line Grassmannians, i.e. we assume k=2k=2 and μ\mu a non-degenerate symmetric or alternating form. We will provide a method to efficiently enumerate the pointsets of both orthogonal and symplectic line Grassmannians. This has several nice applications; among them, we shall discuss an efficient encoding/decoding/error correction strategy for line polar Grassmann codes of both types.Comment: 27 pages; revised version after revie

    On hyperovals of polar Grassmannians

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