364 research outputs found

    Bipodal structure in oversaturated random graphs

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    We study the asymptotics of large simple graphs constrained by the limiting density of edges and the limiting subgraph density of an arbitrary fixed graph HH. We prove that, for all but finitely many values of the edge density, if the density of HH is constrained to be slightly higher than that for the corresponding Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi graph, the typical large graph is bipodal with parameters varying analytically with the densities. Asymptotically, the parameters depend only on the degree sequence of HH

    Kodiak: An Implementation Framework for Branch and Bound Algorithms

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    Recursive branch and bound algorithms are often used to refine and isolate solutions to several classes of global optimization problems. A rigorous computation framework for the solution of systems of equations and inequalities involving nonlinear real arithmetic over hyper-rectangular variable and parameter domains is presented. It is derived from a generic branch and bound algorithm that has been formally verified, and utilizes self-validating enclosure methods, namely interval arithmetic and, for polynomials and rational functions, Bernstein expansion. Since bounds computed by these enclosure methods are sound, this approach may be used reliably in software verification tools. Advantage is taken of the partial derivatives of the constraint functions involved in the system, firstly to reduce the branching factor by the use of bisection heuristics and secondly to permit the computation of bifurcation sets for systems of ordinary differential equations. The associated software development, Kodiak, is presented, along with examples of three different branch and bound problem types it implements

    Toric partial density functions and stability of toric varieties

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    Let (L,h)(X,ω)(L, h)\to (X, \omega) denote a polarized toric K\"ahler manifold. Fix a toric submanifold YY and denote by ρ^tk:XR\hat{\rho}_{tk}:X\to \mathbb{R} the partial density function corresponding to the partial Bergman kernel projecting smooth sections of LkL^k onto holomorphic sections of LkL^k that vanish to order at least tktk along YY, for fixed t>0t>0 such that tkNtk\in \mathbb{N}. We prove the existence of a distributional expansion of ρ^tk\hat{\rho}_{tk} as kk\to \infty, including the identification of the coefficient of kn1k^{n-1} as a distribution on XX. This expansion is used to give a direct proof that if ω\omega has constant scalar curvature, then (X,L)(X, L) must be slope semi-stable with respect to YY. Similar results are also obtained for more general partial density functions. These results have analogous applications to the study of toric K-stability of toric varieties.Comment: Accepted by Mathematische Annalen on 13 September 201