6 research outputs found

    Design, Semantics and Implementation of the Ptolemy Programming Language: A Language with Quantified Typed Events

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    Implicit invocation (II) and aspect-oriented (AO) languages provide software designers with related but distinct mechanisms and strategies for decomposing programs into modules and composing modules into systems. II languages have explicitly announced events that run registered observer methods. AO languages have implicitly announced events that run method-like but more powerful advice. A limitation of II languages is their inability to refer to a large set of events succinctly. They also lack the expressive power of AO advice. Limitations of AO languages include potentially fragile dependence on syntactic structure that may hurt maintainability, and limits on the available set of implicit events and the reflective contextual information available. Quantified, typed events, as implemented in our language Ptolemy, solve all these problems. This paper describes Ptolemy and explores its advantages relative to both II and AO languages

    Aspect composition for multiple target languages using LARA

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    Usually, Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) languages are an extension of a specific target programming language (e.g., Aspect J for JAVA and Aspect C++ for C++). Although providing AOP support with target language extensions may ease the adoption of an approach, it may impose constraints related with constructs and semantics. Furthermore, by tightly coupling the AOP language to the target language the reuse potential of many aspects, especially the ones regarding non-functional requirements, is lost. LARA is a domain-specific language inspired by AOP concepts, having the specification of source-to-source transformations as one of its main goals. LARA has been designed to be, as much as possible, independent of the target language and to provide constructs and semantics that ease the definition of concerns, especially related to non-functional requirements. In this paper, we propose techniques to overcome some of the challenges presented by a multilanguage approach to AOP of cross-cutting concerns focused on non-functional requirements and applied through the use of a weaving process. The techniques mainly focus on providing well-defined library interfaces that can have concrete implementations for each supported target language. The developer uses an agnostic interface and the weaver provides a specific implementation for the target language. We evaluate our approach using 8 concerns with varying levels of language agnosticism that support 4 target languages (C, C++, JAVA and MATLAB) and show that the proposed techniques contribute to more concise LARA aspects, high reuse of aspects, and to significant effort reductions when developing weavers for new imperative, object-oriented programming languages

    Generative und Merkmal-orientierte Entwicklung von Software-Produktlinien mit noninvasiven Frames

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    Frames sind parametrisierte Elemente zur Erzeugung von Programmen in einer beliebigen Zielprogrammiersprache. Ihre Handhabung ist einfach und schnell zu erlernen. Allerdings findet bei Verwendung von Frames eine “Verunreinigung” des Programmcodes, der als Basis für die Generatorentwicklung dient, mit Befehlen der Generatorsprache statt. Dies erschwert die Weiterverwendung der gewohnten Entwicklungsumgebung für die Zielprogrammiersprache. Eine eventuelle Weiterentwicklung der Programmbasis muss anschließend in Form von Frames erfolgen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit erfolgt die Beschreibung noninvasiver Frames, bei denen Informationen zur Position der Frames getrennt vom Programmcode aufbewahrt werden. Ihre Vermischung erfolgt in einem separaten Schritt zur Darstellung oder zur eigentlichen Codeerzeugung. Der Prozess der Generatorentwicklung auf der Basis noninvasiver Frames passt sich gut in die Prozesse von Merkmal-orientierter (FOSD) und Generativer Softwareentwicklung (GSE) ein, weil noninvasive Frames die automatisierte Prüfung aller mit dem Generator erzeugbaren Programme hinsichtlich Syntax und bestimmter semantischer Eigenschaften unterstützen und die Generierung durch Auswahl der gewünschten Programmeigenschaften ermöglichen. Die Machbarkeit der Entwicklung von Softwaregeneratoren mit noninvasiven Frames wird anhand zweier Fallstudien demonstriert

    Aspect-oriented technology for dependable operating systems

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    Modern computer devices exhibit transient hardware faults that disturb the electrical behavior but do not cause permanent physical damage to the devices. Transient faults are caused by a multitude of sources, such as fluctuation of the supply voltage, electromagnetic interference, and radiation from the natural environment. Therefore, dependable computer systems must incorporate methods of fault tolerance to cope with transient faults. Software-implemented fault tolerance represents a promising approach that does not need expensive hardware redundancy for reducing the probability of failure to an acceptable level. This thesis focuses on software-implemented fault tolerance for operating systems because they are the most critical pieces of software in a computer system: All computer programs depend on the integrity of the operating system. However, the C/C++ source code of common operating systems tends to be already exceedingly complex, so that a manual extension by fault tolerance is no viable solution. Thus, this thesis proposes a generic solution based on Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP). To evaluate AOP as a means to improve the dependability of operating systems, this thesis presents the design and implementation of a library of aspect-oriented fault-tolerance mechanisms. These mechanisms constitute separate program modules that can be integrated automatically into common off-the-shelf operating systems using a compiler for the AOP language. Thus, the aspect-oriented approach facilitates improving the dependability of large-scale software systems without affecting the maintainability of the source code. The library allows choosing between several error-detection and error-correction schemes, and provides wait-free synchronization for handling asynchronous and multi-threaded operating-system code. This thesis evaluates the aspect-oriented approach to fault tolerance on the basis of two off-the-shelf operating systems. Furthermore, the evaluation also considers one user-level program for protection, as the library of fault-tolerance mechanisms is highly generic and transparent and, thus, not limited to operating systems. Exhaustive fault-injection experiments show an excellent trade-off between runtime overhead and fault tolerance, which can be adjusted and optimized by fine-grained selective placement of the fault-tolerance mechanisms. Finally, this thesis provides evidence for the effectiveness of the approach in detecting and correcting radiation-induced hardware faults: High-energy particle radiation experiments confirm improvements in fault tolerance by almost 80 percent

    Pointcuts as Functional Queries

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    Abstract. Most aspect-oriented languages provide only a fixed, built-in set of pointcut designators whose denotation is only described informally. As a consequence, these lan-guages do not provide operations to manipulate or reason about pointcuts beyond weav-ing. In this paper, we investigate the usage of the functional query language XQuery for the specification of pointcuts. Due to its abstraction and module facilities, XQuery enables powerful composition and reusability mechanisms for pointcuts.