76 research outputs found

    Plug-and-Play Methods Provably Converge with Properly Trained Denoisers

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    Plug-and-play (PnP) is a non-convex framework that integrates modern denoising priors, such as BM3D or deep learning-based denoisers, into ADMM or other proximal algorithms. An advantage of PnP is that one can use pre-trained denoisers when there is not sufficient data for end-to-end training. Although PnP has been recently studied extensively with great empirical success, theoretical analysis addressing even the most basic question of convergence has been insufficient. In this paper, we theoretically establish convergence of PnP-FBS and PnP-ADMM, without using diminishing stepsizes, under a certain Lipschitz condition on the denoisers. We then propose real spectral normalization, a technique for training deep learning-based denoisers to satisfy the proposed Lipschitz condition. Finally, we present experimental results validating the theory.Comment: Published in the International Conference on Machine Learning, 201

    On the Construction of Averaged Deep Denoisers for Image Regularization

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    Plug-and-Play (PnP) and Regularization by Denoising (RED) are recent paradigms for image reconstruction that can leverage the power of modern denoisers for image regularization. In particular, these algorithms have been shown to deliver state-of-the-art reconstructions using CNN denoisers. Since the regularization is performed in an ad-hoc manner in PnP and RED, understanding their convergence has been an active research area. Recently, it was observed in many works that iterate convergence of PnP and RED can be guaranteed if the denoiser is averaged or nonexpansive. However, integrating nonexpansivity with gradient-based learning is a challenging task -- checking nonexpansivity is known to be computationally intractable. Using numerical examples, we show that existing CNN denoisers violate the nonexpansive property and can cause the PnP iterations to diverge. In fact, algorithms for training nonexpansive denoisers either cannot guarantee nonexpansivity of the final denoiser or are computationally intensive. In this work, we propose to construct averaged (contractive) image denoisers by unfolding ISTA and ADMM iterations applied to wavelet denoising and demonstrate that their regularization capacity for PnP and RED can be matched with CNN denoisers. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to propose a simple framework for training provably averaged (contractive) denoisers using unfolding networks

    Learned reconstruction methods with convergence guarantees

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    In recent years, deep learning has achieved remarkable empirical success for image reconstruction. This has catalyzed an ongoing quest for precise characterization of correctness and reliability of data-driven methods in critical use-cases, for instance in medical imaging. Notwithstanding the excellent performance and efficacy of deep learning-based methods, concerns have been raised regarding their stability, or lack thereof, with serious practical implications. Significant advances have been made in recent years to unravel the inner workings of data-driven image recovery methods, challenging their widely perceived black-box nature. In this article, we will specify relevant notions of convergence for data-driven image reconstruction, which will form the basis of a survey of learned methods with mathematically rigorous reconstruction guarantees. An example that is highlighted is the role of ICNN, offering the possibility to combine the power of deep learning with classical convex regularization theory for devising methods that are provably convergent. This survey article is aimed at both methodological researchers seeking to advance the frontiers of our understanding of data-driven image reconstruction methods as well as practitioners, by providing an accessible description of useful convergence concepts and by placing some of the existing empirical practices on a solid mathematical foundation

    Provably Convergent Plug-and-Play Quasi-Newton Methods

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    Plug-and-Play (PnP) methods are a class of efficient iterative methods that aim to combine data fidelity terms and deep denoisers using classical optimization algorithms, such as ISTA or ADMM, with applications in inverse problems and imaging. Provable PnP methods are a subclass of PnP methods with convergence guarantees, such as fixed point convergence or convergence to critical points of some energy function. Many existing provable PnP methods impose heavy restrictions on the denoiser or fidelity function, such as non-expansiveness or strict convexity, respectively. In this work, we propose a novel algorithmic approach incorporating quasi-Newton steps into a provable PnP framework based on proximal denoisers, resulting in greatly accelerated convergence while retaining light assumptions on the denoiser. By characterizing the denoiser as the proximal operator of a weakly convex function, we show that the fixed points of the proposed quasi-Newton PnP algorithm are critical points of a weakly convex function. Numerical experiments on image deblurring and super-resolution demonstrate 2--8x faster convergence as compared to other provable PnP methods with similar reconstruction quality

    Provable Convergence of Plug-and-Play Priors with MMSE denoisers

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    Plug-and-play priors (PnP) is a methodology for regularized image reconstruction that specifies the prior through an image denoiser. While PnP algorithms are well understood for denoisers performing maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) estimation, they have not been analyzed for the minimum mean squared error (MMSE) denoisers. This letter addresses this gap by establishing the first theoretical convergence result for the iterative shrinkage/thresholding algorithm (ISTA) variant of PnP for MMSE denoisers. We show that the iterates produced by PnP-ISTA with an MMSE denoiser converge to a stationary point of some global cost function. We validate our analysis on sparse signal recovery in compressive sensing by comparing two types of denoisers, namely the exact MMSE denoiser and the approximate MMSE denoiser obtained by training a deep neural net

    Provably Convergent Plug-and-Play Quasi-Newton Methods

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    Plug-and-Play (PnP) methods are a class of efficient iterative methods that aim to combine data fidelity terms and deep denoisers using classical optimization algorithms, such as ISTA or ADMM, with applications in inverse problems and imaging. Provable PnP methods are a subclass of PnP methods with convergence guarantees, such as fixed point convergence or convergence to critical points of some energy function. Many existing provable PnP methods impose heavy restrictions on the denoiser or fidelity function, such as non-expansiveness or strict convexity, respectively. In this work, we propose a novel algorithmic approach incorporating quasi-Newton steps into a provable PnP framework based on proximal denoisers, resulting in greatly accelerated convergence while retaining light assumptions on the denoiser. By characterizing the denoiser as the proximal operator of a weakly convex function, we show that the fixed points of the proposed quasi-Newton PnP algorithm are critical points of a weakly convex function. Numerical experiments on image deblurring and super-resolution demonstrate 2--8x faster convergence as compared to other provable PnP methods with similar reconstruction quality

    SIMBA: scalable inversion in optical tomography using deep denoising priors

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    Two features desired in a three-dimensional (3D) optical tomographic image reconstruction algorithm are the ability to reduce imaging artifacts and to do fast processing of large data volumes. Traditional iterative inversion algorithms are impractical in this context due to their heavy computational and memory requirements. We propose and experimentally validate a novel scalable iterative mini-batch algorithm (SIMBA) for fast and high-quality optical tomographic imaging. SIMBA enables highquality imaging by combining two complementary information sources: the physics of the imaging system characterized by its forward model and the imaging prior characterized by a denoising deep neural net. SIMBA easily scales to very large 3D tomographic datasets by processing only a small subset of measurements at each iteration. We establish the theoretical fixedpoint convergence of SIMBA under nonexpansive denoisers for convex data-fidelity terms. We validate SIMBA on both simulated and experimentally collected intensity diffraction tomography (IDT) datasets. Our results show that SIMBA can significantly reduce the computational burden of 3D image formation without sacrificing the imaging quality.https://arxiv.org/abs/1911.13241First author draf

    Plug-and-Play gradient-based denoisers applied to CT image enhancement

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    Blur and noise corrupting Computed Tomography (CT) images can hide or distort small but important details, negatively affecting the diagnosis. In this paper, we present a novel gradient-based Plug-and-Play algorithm, constructed on the Half-Quadratic Splitting scheme, and we apply it to restore CT images. In particular, we consider different schemes encompassing external and internal denoisers as priors, defined on the image gradient domain. The internal prior is based on the Total Variation functional. The external denoiser is implemented by a deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) trained on the gradient domain (and not on the image one, as in state-of-the-art works). We also prove a general fixed-point convergence theorem under weak assumptions on both internal and external denoisers. The experiments confirm the effectiveness of the proposed framework in restoring blurred noisy CT images, both in simulated and real medical settings. The achieved enhancements in the restored images are really remarkable, if compared to the results of many state-of-the-art methods.Comment: Submitted to journa

    Provably Convergent Plug-and-Play Quasi-Newton Methods

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    Plug-and-Play (PnP) methods are a class of efficient iterative methods that aim to combine data fidelity terms and deep denoisers using classical optimization algorithms, such as ISTA or ADMM. Provable PnP methods are a subclass of PnP methods with convergence guarantees, such as fixed point convergence or convergence to critical points of some energy function. Many existing provable PnP methods impose heavy restrictions on the denoiser or fidelity function, such as non-expansiveness or strict convexity, respectively. In this work, we propose a novel algorithmic approach incorporating quasi-Newton steps into a provable PnP framework based on proximal denoisers, resulting in greatly accelerated convergence while retaining light assumptions on the denoiser. By characterizing the denoiser as the proximal operator of a weakly convex function, we show that the fixed points of the proposed quasi-Newton PnP algorithm are critical points of a weakly convex function. Numerical experiments on image deblurring and super-resolution demonstrate significantly faster convergence as compared to other provable PnP methods with similar convergence results