33,443 research outputs found

    Boyhood, initiation, homosexual behaviour and homosexuality in European Palaeolithic and Mesolithic

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    In this article, boyhood in European Pleistocene is decribed. After the introduction, it describes the terms "child" and "boy". In the section about the first people in Europe I have included the first people in Greece and Italy as well because most people think by these countries only to the welknown classical period. Then the existence and live from children e.g. boys will be described which is following by thze adventures from children e.g. adolescent boys in the caves. Here we come to the erotic art, made by the adolescent boys and the possible homosexual behaviour of these boys. Then we coming to cannibalism in relation to initiation-rites and at the end to the subject of inition itself and the question of there was homosexuality

    The Nirvana Effect: Tapping Video Games To Mediate Music Learning and Interest

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    Abstract. While rhythmic video games like Rock Band have enormous popularity, little attention has been paid to these types of games for their potential for music education. This is a missed opportunity, as the music concepts central to the comprehension of traditionally notated music, we believe, are embodied in rhythmic games’ notation system, including models of metric hierarchy, subdivision, and pattern identification. Furthermore, the game’s alternative notation serves as a novice-friendly method whose lessons can be applied to more traditional forms of notation, affording learners a way into more formal practices. To investigate these possibilities, our study identified 26 youth from an afterschool club with little to no prior experience with rhythmic video games to engage in Rock Band over the course of nine months. Analyzing the learning using a sociocultural framework, we sought to understand the relationship between players’ familiarity with the Rock Band notation and competence with traditional music concepts. Findings suggest that the ways which music is represented in Rock Band provides players with a “doorway in” to more formal music practices through heightening players’ interest and abilities in music. Implications for connecting out-of-school learning to the goals of the classroom are discussed

    Spartan Daily, February 25, 2020

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    Volume 154, Issue 14https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartan_daily_2020/1013/thumbnail.jp

    Spartan Daily, February 13, 2020

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    Volume 154, Issue 10https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartan_daily_2020/1009/thumbnail.jp

    Spartan Daily February 11, 2013

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    Volume 140, Issue 8https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/1375/thumbnail.jp

    Girls rock camp

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    The objective of this creative honors project was to create, plan, fund, and spearhead a week-long day camp for girls ages 8-18 to learn the basics of a rock instrument and collaborate with other girls to form bands and perform. This paper synthesizes my experience organizing, fundraising for, and counseling Harrisonburg’s first Girls Rock Camp, which took place August 14-19, 2017. In this paper, I outline the purpose and importance of Girls Rock Camp, the research and planning conducted to design the project, and the camp experience. I aim to provide insight, words of wisdom, and inspiration for future projects of this nature

    Kompang :an organological and ethnomusicological study of a Malay frame drum

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    PhD ThesisThis study explores how the kompang (single-headed frame drum), which was adapted from the Arab/Islamic culture, plays a significant role in augmenting the Malay culture. Using a combination of musicological and ethnographic approaches, the author reveals the historical facts as well as analyzing the organological aspects of the instrument. The uniqueness of kompang music is disclosed through the musicological analysis of its repertoire, according to the three types of kompang ensemble performed throughout Peninsular Malaysia. Combining observations and interviews with his own experiences of learning how to play the kompang, the author presents a detailed account of traditional, aural learning processes as well as the performance practices of the instrument as presented in the ethnomusicological literature. In addition, the study of kompang music traces the stylistic changes in its traditional form and functions and links these changes to the socio-cultural transformations prevalent in Malaysian society. This work - complete with four compact discs (audio and video) of musical examples - contributes not only to ethnomusicological theory and method, but also to a deeper understanding of Malay musical culture

    Understanding the Cultural Value of 'In Harmony-Sistema England'

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    This research project on which this paper reports was designed to explore questions of cultural value in relation to the schools music project In Harmony-Sistema England. Our core research focus has been upon the ways in which children, their teachers and tutors, and their families understand the value of their participation in IHSE initiatives. The project engaged with three case studies of IHSE initiatives (based in Norwich, Telford and Newcastle) and qualitative data was gathered with primary school children, school staff, parents and IHSE musicians in all three cases
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