294 research outputs found

    Achieving Fairness-aware Two-level Scheduling for Heterogeneous Distributed Systems

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    In a heterogeneous distributed system composed of various types of computing platforms such as supercomputers, grids, and clouds, a two-level scheduling approach can be used to effectively distribute resources of the platforms to users in the first-level, and map tasks of the users in nodes for each platform in the second-level for executing many-task applications. When scheduling heterogeneous resources, service providers of the system should consider the fairness among multiple users as well as the system efficiency. However, the fairness cannot be achieved by simply distributing an equal amount of resources from each platform to every user. In this paper, we investigate how to address the fairness issue among multiple users in a heterogeneous distributed system. We present three first-level resource allocation policies of a provider affinity first policy, an application affinity first policy, and a platform affinity based round-robin policy, and two second-level task mapping policies of a most affected first policy and a co-runner affinity based round-robin policy. Using trace-based simulations, we evaluate the performance of various combinations of the first and second level scheduling policies. Our extensive simulation results demonstrate that the first-level policy plays a crucial role to achieve relatively good fairness

    Colocation-aware Resource Management for Distributed Parallel Applications in Consolidated Clusters

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    Department of Computer Science and EngineeringConsolidated clusters, which run various distributed parallel applications such as big data frameworks, machine learning applications, and scienti???c applications to solve complex problems in wide range of fields, are already used commonly. Resource providers allow various applications with different characteristics to execute together to efficiently utilize their resources. There are some important issues about scheduling applications to resources. When applications share the same resources, interference between them affects their performance. The performance of applications can be improved or degraded depending on which resources are used to execute them based on various characteristics of applications and resources. Characteristics and resource requirements of applications can constrain their placement, and these constraints can be extended to constraints between applications. These issues should be considered to manage resource e???ciently and improve the performance of applications. In this thesis, we study how to manage resources e???ciently while scheduling distributed parallel applications in consolidated clusters. First, we present a holistic VM placement technique for distributed parallel applications in heterogeneous virtual cluster, aiming to maximize the e???ciency of the cluster and consequently reduce cost for service providers and users. We analyze the e???ect of heterogeneity of resource, di???erent VM con???gurations, and interference between VMs on the performance of distributed parallel applications and propose a placement technique that uses a machine learning algorithm to estimate the runtime of a distributed parallel application. Second, we present a two-level scheduling algorithms, which distribute applications to platforms then map tasks to each node. we analyze the platform and co-runner a???nities of looselycoupled applications and use them for scheduling decision. Third, we study constraint-aware VM placement in heterogeneous clusters. We present a modelofVMplacementconstraintsandconstraint-awareVMplacementalgorithms. Weanalyze the e???ect of VM placement constraint, and evaluate the performance of algorithms over various settings with simulation and experiments in a small cluster. Finally, we propose interference-awareresource management system for CNN models in GPU cluster. We analyze the e???ect of interference between CNN models. We then propose techniques to mitigate slowdown from interference for target model, and to predict performance of CNN models when they are co-located. We propose heuristic algorithm to schedule CNN models, and evaluate the techniques and algorithm from experiments in GPU cluster.clos

    Optimizing egalitarian performance when colocating tasks with types for cloud data center resource management

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    International audienceIn data centers, up to dozens of tasks are colocated on a single physical machine. Machines are used more efficiently, but the performance of the tasks deteriorates, as the colocated tasks compete for shared resources. Since the tasks are heterogeneous, the resulting performance dependencies are complex. In our previous work [26], [27] we proposed a new combinatorial optimization model that uses two parameters of a task-its size and its type-to characterize how a task influences the performance of other tasks allocated to the same machine. In this paper, we study the egalitarian optimization goal: the aim is to optimize the performance of the worst-off task. This problem generalizes the classic makespan minimization on multiple processors (P||C max). We prove that polynomially-solvable variants of P||C max are NP-hard for this generalization, and that the problem is hard to approximate when the number of types is not constant. For a constant number of types, we propose a PTAS, a fast approximation algorithm, and a series of heuristics. We simulate the algorithms on instances derived from a trace of one of Google clusters. Compared with baseline algorithms solving P||C max , our proposed algorithms aware of the types of the jobs lead to significantly better tasks' performance. The notion of type enables us to extend standard combinatorial optimization methods to handle degradation of performance caused by colocation. Types add a layer of additional complexity. However, our results-approximation algorithms and good average-case performance-show that types can be handled efficiently

    Optimizing egalitarian performance in the side-effects model of colocation for data center resource management

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    In data centers, up to dozens of tasks are colocated on a single physical machine. Machines are used more efficiently, but tasks' performance deteriorates, as colocated tasks compete for shared resources. As tasks are heterogeneous, the resulting performance dependencies are complex. In our previous work [18] we proposed a new combinatorial optimization model that uses two parameters of a task - its size and its type - to characterize how a task influences the performance of other tasks allocated to the same machine. In this paper, we study the egalitarian optimization goal: maximizing the worst-off performance. This problem generalizes the classic makespan minimization on multiple processors (P||Cmax). We prove that polynomially-solvable variants of multiprocessor scheduling are NP-hard and hard to approximate when the number of types is not constant. For a constant number of types, we propose a PTAS, a fast approximation algorithm, and a series of heuristics. We simulate the algorithms on instances derived from a trace of one of Google clusters. Algorithms aware of jobs' types lead to better performance compared with algorithms solving P||Cmax. The notion of type enables us to model degeneration of performance caused by using standard combinatorial optimization methods. Types add a layer of additional complexity. However, our results - approximation algorithms and good average-case performance - show that types can be handled efficiently.Comment: Author's version of a paper published in Euro-Par 2017 Proceedings, extends the published paper with addtional results and proof

    A Survey of Timing Verification Techniques for Multi-Core Real-Time Systems

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    This survey provides an overview of the scientific literature on timing verification techniques for multi-core real-time systems. It reviews the key results in the field from its origins around 2006 to the latest research published up to the end of 2018. The survey highlights the key issues involved in providing guarantees of timing correctness for multi-core systems. A detailed review is provided covering four main categories: full integration, temporal isolation, integrating interference effects into schedulability analysis, and mapping and allocation. The survey concludes with a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of these different approaches, identifying open issues, key challenges, and possible directions for future research

    Multi-site Resource Allocation in a QoS-Aware 5G Infrastructure

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    Network softwarization has paved the way for 5G technologies, and a wide-range of (radically new) verticals. As the telecommunications infrastructure evolves into a sort of distributed datacenter, multiple tenants such as vertical industries and network service providers share its aggregate pool of resources (e.g., networking, computing, etc.) in a layered \u201das-a-Service\u201d approach exposed as slice abstractions. The challenge remains in the coordination of various stakeholders\u2019 assets in realizing end-to-end network slices and supporting the multi-site deployment and chaining of the micro-service components needed to implement cloud-native vertical applications (vApps). In this context, particular care must be taken to ensure that the required resources are identified, made available and managed in a way that satisfies the vApp requirements, allows for a fair share of resources and has a reasonable impact on the overall vApp deployment time. With these challenges in mind, this paper presents the Resource Selection Optimizer (RSO)-a software-service in the MATILDA Operations Support System (OSS), whose main goal is to select the most appropriate network and computing resources (according to some criterion) among a list of options provided by the Wide-area Infrastructure Manager (WIM). It consists of three submodules that respectively handle: (i) the aggregation of vApp components based on affinities, (ii) the forecasting of (micro-) datacenter resources utilization, (iii) and the multi-site placement of the (aggregated) vApp micro-service components. The RSO\u2019s performance is mainly evaluated in terms of the execution times of its submodules while varying their respective input parameters, and additionally, three selection policies are also compared. Experimental results aim to highlight the RSO behavior in both execution times and deployment costs, as well as the RSO interactions with other OSS submodules and network platform components, not only for multi-site vApp deployment but also for other network/services management operations

    Cache Hierarchy-Aware Query Mapping on Emerging Multicore Architectures

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    One of the important characteristics of emerging multicores/manycores is the existence of 'shared on-chip caches,' through which different threads/processes can share data (help each other) or displace each other's data (hurt each other). Most of current commercial multicore systems on the market have on-chip cache hierarchies with multiple layers (typically, in the form of L1, L2 and L3, the last two being either fully or partially shared). In the context of database workloads, exploiting full potential of these caches can be critical. Motivated by this observation, our main contribution in this work is to present and experimentally evaluate a cache hierarchy-aware query mapping scheme targeting workloads that consist of batch queries to be executed on emerging multicores. Our proposed scheme distributes a given batch of queries across the cores of a target multicore architecture based on the affinity relations among the queries. The primary goal behind this scheme is to maximize the utilization of the underlying on-chip cache hierarchy while keeping the load nearly balanced across domain affinities. Each domain affinity in this context corresponds to a cache structure bounded by a particular level of the cache hierarchy. A graph partitioning-based method is employed to distribute queries across cores, and an integer linear programming (ILP) formulation is used to address locality and load balancing concerns. We evaluate our scheme using the TPC-H benchmarks on an Intel Xeon based multicore. Our solution achieves up to 25 percent improvement in individual query execution times and 15-19 percent improvement in throughput over the default Linux-based process scheduler. © 1968-2012 IEEE

    Adaptive runtime techniques for power and resource management on multi-core systems

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    Energy-related costs are among the major contributors to the total cost of ownership of data centers and high-performance computing (HPC) clusters. As a result, future data centers must be energy-efficient to meet the continuously increasing computational demand. Constraining the power consumption of the servers is a widely used approach for managing energy costs and complying with power delivery limitations. In tandem, virtualization has become a common practice, as virtualization reduces hardware and power requirements by enabling consolidation of multiple applications on to a smaller set of physical resources. However, administration and management of data center resources have become more complex due to the growing number of virtualized servers installed in data centers. Therefore, designing autonomous and adaptive energy efficiency approaches is crucial to achieve sustainable and cost-efficient operation in data centers. Many modern data centers running enterprise workloads successfully implement energy efficiency approaches today. However, the nature of multi-threaded applications, which are becoming more common in all computing domains, brings additional design and management challenges. Tackling these challenges requires a deeper understanding of the interactions between the applications and the underlying hardware nodes. Although cluster-level management techniques bring significant benefits, node-level techniques provide more visibility into application characteristics, which can then be used to further improve the overall energy efficiency of the data centers. This thesis proposes adaptive runtime power and resource management techniques on multi-core systems. It demonstrates that taking the multi-threaded workload characteristics into account during management significantly improves the energy efficiency of the server nodes, which are the basic building blocks of data centers. The key distinguishing features of this work are as follows: We implement the proposed runtime techniques on state-of-the-art commodity multi-core servers and show that their energy efficiency can be significantly improved by (1) taking multi-threaded application specific characteristics into account while making resource allocation decisions, (2) accurately tracking dynamically changing power constraints by using low-overhead application-aware runtime techniques, and (3) coordinating dynamic adaptive decisions at various layers of the computing stack, specifically at system and application levels. Our results show that efficient resource distribution under power constraints yields energy savings of up to 24% compared to existing approaches, along with the ability to meet power constraints 98% of the time for a diverse set of multi-threaded applications

    Fine-Grained Workflow Interoperability in Life Sciences

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    In den vergangenen Jahrzehnten fĂŒhrten Fortschritte in den SchlĂŒsseltechnologien der Lebenswissenschaften zu einer exponentiellen Zunahme der zur VerfĂŒgung stehenden biologischen Daten. Um Ergebnisse zeitnah generieren zu können werden sowohl spezialisierte Rechensystem als auch ProgrammierfĂ€higkeiten benötigt: Desktopcomputer oder monolithische AnsĂ€tze sind weder in der Lage mit dem Wachstum der verfĂŒgbaren biologischen Daten noch mit der KomplexitĂ€t der Analysetechniken Schritt zu halten. Workflows erlauben diesem Trend durch ParallelisierungsansĂ€tzen und verteilten Rechensystemen entgegenzuwirken. Ihre transparenten AblĂ€ufe, gegeben durch ihre klar definierten Strukturen, ebenso ihre Wiederholbarkeit, erfĂŒllen die Standards der Reproduzierbarkeit, welche an wissenschaftliche Methoden gestellt werden. Eines der Ziele unserer Arbeit ist es Forschern beim Bedienen von Rechensystemen zu unterstĂŒtzen, ohne dass Programmierkenntnisse notwendig sind. DafĂŒr wurde eine Sammlung von Tools entwickelt, welche jedes Kommandozeilenprogramm in ein Workflowsystem integrieren kann. Ohne weitere Anpassungen kann unser Programm zwei weit verbreitete Workflowsysteme unterstĂŒtzen. Unser modularer Entwurf erlaubt zudem UnterstĂŒtzung fĂŒr weitere Workflowmaschinen hinzuzufĂŒgen. Basierend auf der Bedeutung von frĂŒhen und robusten WorkflowentwĂŒrfen, haben wir außerdem eine wohl etablierte Desktop–basierte Analyseplattform erweitert. Diese enthĂ€lt ĂŒber 2.000 Aufgaben, wobei jede als Baustein in einem Workflow fungiert. Die Plattform erlaubt einfache Entwicklung neuer Aufgaben und die Integration externer Kommandozeilenprogramme. In dieser Arbeit wurde ein Plugin zur Konvertierung entwickelt, welches nutzerfreundliche Mechanismen bereitstellt, um Workflows auf verteilten Hochleistungsrechensystemen auszufĂŒhren—eine Aufgabe, die sonst technische Kenntnisse erfordert, die gewöhnlich nicht zum Anforderungsprofil eines Lebenswissenschaftlers gehören. Unsere Konverter–Erweiterung generiert quasi identische Versionen desselben Workflows, welche im Anschluss auf leistungsfĂ€higen Berechnungsressourcen ausgefĂŒhrt werden können. Infolgedessen werden nicht nur die Möglichkeiten von verteilten hochperformanten Rechensystemen sowie die Bequemlichkeit eines fĂŒr Desktopcomputer entwickelte Workflowsystems ausgenutzt, sondern zusĂ€tzlich werden BerechnungsbeschrĂ€nkungen von Desktopcomputern und die steile Lernkurve, die mit dem Workflowentwurf auf verteilten Systemen verbunden ist, umgangen. Unser Konverter–Plugin hat sofortige Anwendung fĂŒr Forscher. Wir zeigen dies in drei fĂŒr die Lebenswissenschaften relevanten Anwendungsbeispielen: Strukturelle Bioinformatik, Immuninformatik, und Metabolomik.Recent decades have witnessed an exponential increase of available biological data due to advances in key technologies for life sciences. Specialized computing resources and scripting skills are now required to deliver results in a timely fashion: desktop computers or monolithic approaches can no longer keep pace with neither the growth of available biological data nor the complexity of analysis techniques. Workflows offer an accessible way to counter against this trend by facilitating parallelization and distribution of computations. Given their structured and repeatable nature, workflows also provide a transparent process to satisfy strict reproducibility standards required by the scientific method. One of the goals of our work is to assist researchers in accessing computing resources without the need for programming or scripting skills. To this effect, we created a toolset able to integrate any command line tool into workflow systems. Out of the box, our toolset supports two widely–used workflow systems, but our modular design allows for seamless additions in order to support further workflow engines. Recognizing the importance of early and robust workflow design, we also extended a well–established, desktop–based analytics platform that contains more than two thousand tasks (each being a building block for a workflow), allows easy development of new tasks and is able to integrate external command line tools. We developed a converter plug–in that offers a user–friendly mechanism to execute workflows on distributed high–performance computing resources—an exercise that would otherwise require technical skills typically not associated with the average life scientist's profile. Our converter extension generates virtually identical versions of the same workflows, which can then be executed on more capable computing resources. That is, not only did we leverage the capacity of distributed high–performance resources and the conveniences of a workflow engine designed for personal computers but we also circumvented computing limitations of personal computers and the steep learning curve associated with creating workflows for distributed environments. Our converter extension has immediate applications for researchers and we showcase our results by means of three use cases relevant for life scientists: structural bioinformatics, immunoinformatics and metabolomics
