8 research outputs found

    New insight on terahertz rectification in a metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor structure

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    The use of a metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOS-FET) permits the rectification of electromagnetic radiation by employing integrated circuit technology. However, obtaining a high-efficiency rectification device requires the assessment of a physical model capable of providing a qualitative and quantitative explanation of the processes involved. For a long time, high-frequency detection based on MOS technology was explained using plasma wave detection theory. In this paper, we review the rectification mechanism in light of high-frequency numerical simulations, showing features never examined until now. The results achieved substantially change our understanding of terahertz (THz) rectification in semiconductors, and can be interpreted by the model based on the self-mixing process in the device substrate, providing a new and essential tool for designing this type of detector

    A Study on SPICE Modeling of Non-Resonant Plasmonic Terahertz Detector

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    Department Of Electrical EngineeringThe terahertz (sub-millimeter wave) is the frequency resource, ranging from 100 GHz ~ 10 THz band, located in the middle region of the infrared and millimeter waves in the electromagnetic spectrum. Terahertz waves has unique physical characteristics, which is transparency of radio waves and straightness of light waves, simultaneously. The terahertz wave is applied to the basic science, such as device, spectroscopy, and imaging technology. And also adjust in the applied science, such as biomedical engineering, security, environment, information and communication. Which importance already verified. In the new shape of future market is expected to be formed broadly. For this application, operating in the THz frequency detecting device essential. Recently, Current elements operating in terahertz are present, such as compound semiconductor (???-???HBT, HEMT). But, there are disadvantage to use as a high price. Therefore, research have been made of silicon based THz detector in many research groups. Silicon-based nano-technology utilizes a plasma wave transistor technology. Which is using the space-time change of the channel charge density. That causes plasma wave oscillation in the MOSFET (Metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor) channel and this effect available MOSET operating terahertz regime beyond MOSFET cut-off frequency. So, PWT (plasma wave transistor) is available terahertz detection and oscillation. For integrated possible post processing circuit development in these of terahertz applications system, silicon based PWT compact model is essential thing. For this compact model for spice simulation beyond cut-off frequency, we consider charge time variance model which is NQS (non-quasi-static) model, not quasi-static model. For NQS model two kinds of model exist, first is RC ladder model. That is seral connect MOSFET get rid of parasitic elements. And these complex circuit making the equivalent circuit model, it called New Elmore model. For post processing circuit simulation, fast simulation speed is essential, RC ladder model has a disadvantage (for simulating each segment). In this thesis we using New Elmore model based on Non-resonant plasmonic THz detector modeling, And verified physical validity of our NQS model using the our TCAD model based on Quasi-plasma 2DEG. And we propose fast and accurate compact modelingope

    A Study on SPICE Modeling of Non-Resonant Plasmonic Terahertz Detector

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    Department Of Electrical EngineeringThe terahertz (sub-millimeter wave) is the frequency resource, ranging from 100 GHz ~ 10 THz band, located in the middle region of the infrared and millimeter waves in the electromagnetic spectrum. Terahertz waves has unique physical characteristics, which is transparency of radio waves and straightness of light waves, simultaneously. The terahertz wave is applied to the basic science, such as device, spectroscopy, and imaging technology. And also adjust in the applied science, such as biomedical engineering, security, environment, information and communication. Which importance already verified. In the new shape of future market is expected to be formed broadly. For this application, operating in the THz frequency detecting device essential. Recently, Current elements operating in terahertz are present, such as compound semiconductor (???-???HBT, HEMT). But, there are disadvantage to use as a high price. Therefore, research have been made of silicon based THz detector in many research groups. Silicon-based nano-technology utilizes a plasma wave transistor technology. Which is using the space-time change of the channel charge density. That causes plasma wave oscillation in the MOSFET (Metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor) channel and this effect available MOSET operating terahertz regime beyond MOSFET cut-off frequency. So, PWT (plasma wave transistor) is available terahertz detection and oscillation. For integrated possible post processing circuit development in these of terahertz applications system, silicon based PWT compact model is essential thing. For this compact model for spice simulation beyond cut-off frequency, we consider charge time variance model which is NQS (non-quasi-static) model, not quasi-static model. For NQS model two kinds of model exist, first is RC ladder model. That is seral connect MOSFET get rid of parasitic elements. And these complex circuit making the equivalent circuit model, it called New Elmore model. For post processing circuit simulation, fast simulation speed is essential, RC ladder model has a disadvantage (for simulating each segment). In this thesis we using New Elmore model based on Non-resonant plasmonic THz detector modeling, And verified physical validity of our NQS model using the our TCAD model based on Quasi-plasma 2DEG. And we propose fast and accurate compact modelingope

    Modeling and Analysis of Plasmonic Terahertz Wave Detector Based on Field Effect Transistor

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    Department of Electrical EngineeringI propose accurate analysis and novel model of the nonresonant plasmonic terahertz (THz) wave detector based on the silicon (Si) field effect transistor (FET) with a technology computer-aided design (TCAD) platform and SPICE simulation. By introducing a quasi-plasma two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) in the channel of the FET, the physical behavior of the plasma wave has been modeled with the TCAD platform. For accurate analysis of the modulation and propagation of the channel electron density as the plasma wave, I have characterized the quasi-plasma 2DEG model with two key parameters, such as quasi-plasma 2DEG length (lQP) and density (NQP). The lQP and NQP is defined exactly as extracting the average point of the electron density by using the normalization method. Through the quasi-plasma 2DEG modeling, I investigate the performance enhancement of the plasmonic terahertz wave detector based on Si FET according to scaling down the gate oxide thickness (tox), which is a significant parameter of FET-based plasmonic terahertz detector for the channel electron density modulation. By scaling down tox, the responsivity (Rv) and noise equivalent power (NEP), which are the important performance metrics of the THz wave detector, have been enhanced. In addition, I report the new NQS compact model for MOSFET-based THz wave detector using SPICE simulation. Because the FETs are intensively considered for THz detector due to their performance and applicability, it is essential to describe the physical behaviors of FET in the THz regime with non-quasi-static (NQS) analysis. However, most of the NQS MOSFET models (e.g., Elmore model) have the complexity of the formulation and fail to describe the device physics for the accurate analysis of fast switching and high-frequency operation. In this work, I have proposed novel NQS compact model of MOSFET, which is applicable for transient simulation of the plasmonic THz detectors. The new SPICE NQS model has been verified by comparing with TCAD device simulation as reference of the complete numerical NQS simulation. For simulation of MOSFET-based plasmonic THz detector with SPICE, I demonstrate the model validity by extracting the photoresponse simulation as the function of the gate voltage at 0.2 THz with the peak point in the sub-threshold region. The proposed novel methodologies will provide the advanced physical analysis and efficient structural design for developing the nonresonant plasmonic terahertz detectors operating in THz regime.ope

    Plasmonic Terahertz Wave Detectors Based on Silicon Field-Effect Transistors

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    In this paper, we present the validity and potential capacity of a modeling and simulation environment for the nonresonant plasmonic terahertz (THz) detector based on the silicon (Si) field-effect transistor (FET) with a technology computer-aided design (TCAD) platform. The nonresonant and "overdamped" plasma-wave behaviors have been modeled by introducing a quasi-plasma electron charge box as a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) in the channel region only around the source side of Si FETs. Based on the coupled nonresonant plasma-wave physics and continuity equation on the TCAD platform, the alternate-current (AC) signal as an incoming THz wave radiation successfully induced a direct-current (DC) drain-to-source output voltage as a detection signal in a sub-THz frequency regime under the asymmetric boundary conditions with a external capacitance between the gate and drain. The average propagation length and density of a quasi-plasma have been confirmed as around 100 nm and 1??1019/cm3, respectively, through the transient simulation of Si FETs with the modulated 2DEG at 0.7 THz. We investigated the incoming radiation frequency dependencies on the characteristics of the plasmonic THz detector operating in sub-THz nonresonant regime by using the quasi-plasma modeling on TCAD platform. The simulated dependences of the photoresponse with quasi-plasma 2DEG modeling on the structural parameters such as gate length and dielectric thickness confirmed the operation principle of the nonresonant plasmonic THz detector in the Si FET structure. The proposed methodologies provide the physical design platform for developing novel plasmonic THz detectors operating in the nonresonant detection mode

    Plasmonic Terahertz Wave Detectors Based on Silicon Field-Effect Transistors

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    A Study on Plasmonic Terahertz Wave Detectors Based on Silicon Field Effect Transistors

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    Device Physicsclos

    Design and Characterization of Plasmonic Terahertz Wave Detectors Based on Silicon Field-Effect Transistors

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    We report the first implementation of a modeling and simulation environment for the plasmonic terahertz (THz) detector based on the silicon (Si) field-effect transistor (FET) with a technology computer-aided-design (TCAD) platform. The nonresonant plasmonic behavior has been modeled by introducing a quasi-plasma electron box as a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) in the channel region. The alternate-current (AC) signal as an incoming THz wave radiation successfully induced a direct-current (DC) drain-to-source voltage as a detection signal in the broadband sub-THz frequency regime. The simulated dependences of photoinduced DC detection signals on structural parameters such as gate length and dielectric thickness confirmed the operation principle of the nonresonant plasmonic THz detector in the Si FET structure. We evaluated the design specifications of THz detectors considering both responsivity and noise equivalent power (NEP) as the typical performance metrics. The proposed methodologies provide the physical design platform for developing novel plasmonic THz detectors operating in the nonresonant detection mode.close8