6 research outputs found

    The process capability model for governance of the Election Organizer Ethics Court system

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    The capability level assesment for governance of the Election Organizer Ethics Court Information System [SIPEPP] is necessary to ensure strategic planning allignment, value delivery, risk management, resources management and performance measurement. SIPEPP implementation has special problems in optimizing human resources and weak supervision management, so it is important to asess capability levels to provide solutions to these problems. The purpose of this paper is to assess the current and expected capability level conditions, gap analysis and recommendations for SIPEPP good governance. This research method uses the Process Assessment Model (PAM) from Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology (COBIT 5) which consists of stages of initiation, planning the assessment, briefing, data collection, data validation, process attribute level, and result and recommendation. The results of this study indicate the level of optimization of resources and performance monitoring processes are level 2 (Managed Process) which means that the process has been recorded, measured and in accordance with the objectives. The process of managing human resources, assets and operations are at level 1 (Performed Process), meaning that both processes have been applied to SIPEPP governance. Recommendations related human resources are the selection of appropriate human resources by involving management, while related assets require a priority list of implementation systems, and related supervision requires detailed monitoring schedules. This study result can be taken into consideration for improving good governance of SIPEPP implementation

    Compliance application process as a strategic tool in the management of a third sector organization

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    Adapting to integrity models that respect the current legislation has become fundamental in the management of organizations as a strategic form, mainly in entities with public and non-profit purposes, in a non-governmental scope. Therefore, the objective is to implement a model for the application of the compliance program in a Third Sector institution. In this way, the present article can be considered in an exploratory, applied and qualitative way, in two aspects, bibliographic research and case study, the data collection was through a meeting and interview with the company\u27s professionals, reporting the importance of the theme. The results showed the main tools and compliance mechanism, proposing actions that can be used in practice with the purpose of providing a broad view of the functioning of the proposed model, with transparency and ethics, thus increasing the competitiveness of the business

    Planeamiento estratégico para compartir Información en la administración pública

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    Poder compartir información es fundamental para el funcionamiento efectivo y eficiente de la administración pública, y en especial, para iniciativas de gobierno electrónico. Tal es su importancia que el nivel de madurez más alto en gobierno electrónico se alcanza cuando las agencias de gobierno son capaces de compartir información. Sin embargo, la implementación de iniciativas basadas en compartir información (CI) resulta difícil como consecuencia de las barreras que suelen existir. Para poder atacar una problemática tan amplia y compleja, todas las iniciativas deben estar coordinadas y deben contribuir a alcanzar los mismos objetivos. Por este motivo, es necesario que el gobierno cuente con una estrategia para encarar organizadamente las acciones relacionadas con CI. En este trabajo se presenta un proceso que tiene por objetivo asistir a los responsables de gobierno en la definición de planes estratégicos para compartir información en el sector público. El proceso consta de ocho pasos que guían el desarrollo de la planificación estratégica que apuntan a facilitar la planificación y lograr buenos resultados al CI.V Workshop innovación en sistemas de softwareRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI


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    COBIT 5 provides a separation of governance and management processes along with a new assessment approach that focuses on process capability. This paper describes such assessment performed at a Brazilian government institution that resulted in 40% of the governance processes at level 0 – incomplete process and 60% at level 1 – performed process. Given the role of governance, fragilities in its processes may reflect negatively in management and additional research should include a closer look at this relationship. For this particular institution, it is expected that all governance processes are performed (level 1) by the next two years, which is a goal towards an efficient and effective governance system. The following barriers to the application of this self-assessment were found to be: lack of knowledge on COBIT 5 processes from the assessed institution and the length of the questionnaire, which had 33 questions in its final version. When compared to COBIT 4.1 assessment model, the results were not as good, as the same organization was classified in level 2 - repeatable but intuitive. The previous model was also easier and faster to apply. This comparison should be done carefully for the models are very different in their design and use. Finally, the proposed objectives were met: the mechanism is repeatable and can be used in the future to create a historic base; it can be used for self-assessment and is expected to be completed, in a medium size IT department, within four hours.O COBIT 5 traz a separação dos processos de governança e gerenciamento e uma nova abordagem de avaliação com foco na capacidade dos processos.  Esse artigo descreve a aplicação deste tipo de avaliação em uma instituição governamental brasileira, que resultou em 40% dos processos de governança no nível 0 – processo incompleto, e 60% no nível 1 - processo executado.  Dado o papel da governança, fragilidades em seus processos podem refletir negativamente no gerenciamento da TI da instituição e pesquisas adicionais devem incluir um aprofundamento neste relacionamento. Para esta instituição, em particular, é esperado que todos os processos de governança passem a ser executados (nível 1) nos próximos dois anos, que é um objetivo no rumo de um sistema de governança eficiente e eficaz.  As seguintes barreiras na aplicação desta auto-avaliação foram encontradas: falta de conhecimento dos processos do COBIT 5 por parte da instituição avaliada e extensão do questionário, que chegou a 33 perguntas em sua versão final. Quando comparado com o modelo de avaliação do COBIT 4.1, os resultados foram inferiores, com a mesma organização sendo classificada no nível 2 – repetível mas intuitivo, . O modelo anterior é também mais rápido e fácil de aplicar. Essa comparação deve ser feita com cuidado já que os modelos são muito diferentes em seu desenho e uso. Finalmente, os objetivos propostos foram alcançados: o mecanismo é repetível e pode ser usado futuramente para criar uma base histórica; ele pode ser aplicado como uma auto-avaliação e é esperado que seja completado, numa instituição com uma área de TI de médio porte, em até quatro horas


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    This research explores the level of spendings on Information Technology (IT) undertaken by São Paulo State Government and its evolution from 2004 to 2013. It started on the assumption that companies have increased their investments in IT over recent years, as a natural consequence of IT evolution and the large number of new features available. Thus, the relative importance of IT to a company could be measured by the volume of IT spending over the volume of its total expenditure. Results show that São Paulo State Government investment in IT has increased in absolute terms over this period, however the portion of total budget invested in IT has not grown, and keeps virtually frozen over last years, at percentages close to 1%, which indicates that the relative importance of IT as a Government priority has not increased.This research explores the level of spendings on Information Technology (IT) undertaken by São Paulo State Government and its evolution from 2004 to 2013. It started on the assumption that companies have increased their investments in IT over recent years, as a natural consequence of IT evolution and the large number of new features available. Thus, the relative importance of IT to a company could be measured by the volume of IT spending over the volume of its total expenditure. Results show that São Paulo State Government investment in IT has increased in absolute terms over this period, however the portion of total budget invested in IT has not grown, and keeps virtually frozen over last years, at percentages close to 1%, which indicates that the relative importance of IT as a Government priority has not increased.O presente trabalho estudou o nível de gastos com Tecnologia da Informação (TI) realizados pelo Governo do Estado de São Paulo e sua evolução ao longo do período de 2004 a 2013. Partiu-se do pressuposto de que as organizações incrementaram seus investimentos em TI nos últimos anos, como decorrência natural da evolução da TI e do grande número de novos recursos disponíveis. Desta forma, a importância relativa da TI para uma organização poderia ser medida pelo volume de gastos com TI em relação ao volume de gastos totais realizados pela mesma. Os resultados revelaram que os gastos com TI do Governo cresceram em valores absolutos ao longo do período, mas que a parcela de gastos com TI em relação aos gastos totais não cresceu, se mantendo praticamente estacionada em percentuais próximos a 1% nos últimos anos, o que sugere que a importância relativa da TI dentro das prioridades do Governo não cresceu

    Assessing Information Technology and Business Alignment in Local City Government

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    Top executives are interested in more transparent and formalized structures, applicable measurements, and clear justification of alignment. Limited or improper information technology governance (ITG) affects the business strategy that will ultimately influence the overall business alignment in local city government agencies (LCGAs). The problem addressed in this study was the lack of information regarding LCGAs IT/business strategic alignment maturity model (SAMM) level and the LCGAs\u27 employment size. The purpose of this survey study was to evaluate 48 LCGA participants in the Southwestern part of the United States and compare their alignment perceptions with their cities\u27 employment size. The theoretical framework for this study was based on ITG and business strategy as measured by the SAMM instrument. An online survey was used for data collection and data results were analyzed using descriptive statistics and an Analysis of Variance. After using the SAMM instrument, the current snapshot maturity level of LCGAs was 2.49 out of a maximum 5.0 level. Results illustrated no significant relationship between LCGAs alignment maturity levels and a city\u27s size. This study empowers positive social change by providing LCGAs 6 incremental steps to improve the overall alignment maturity level in areas of transparent and formalized structures, applicable measurements, and improved alignment measures