184 research outputs found

    Accurate and Efficient Calculation of Three-Dimensional Cost Distance

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    Cost distance is one of the fundamental functions in geographical information systems (GISs). 3D cost distance function makes the analysis of movement in 3D frictions possible. In this paper, we propose an algorithm and efficient data structures to accurately calculate the cost distance in discrete 3D space. Specifically, Dijkstra’s algorithm is used to calculate the least cost between initial voxels and all the other voxels in 3D space. During the calculation, unnecessary bends along the travel path are constantly corrected to retain the accurate least cost. Our results show that the proposed algorithm can generate true Euclidean distance in homogeneous frictions and can provide more accurate least cost in heterogeneous frictions than that provided by several existing methods. Furthermore, the proposed data structures, i.e., a heap combined with a hash table, significantly improve the algorithm’s efficiency. The algorithm and data structures have been verified via several applications including planning the shortest drone delivery path in an urban environment, generating volumetric viewshed, and calculating the minimum hydraulic resistance

    Flight Planning in Free Route Airspaces

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    We consider the problem of finding cheapest flight routes through free route airspaces in a 2D setting. We subdivide the airspace into regions determined by a Voronoi subdivision around the points from a weather forecast. This gives rise to a regular grid of rectangular regions (quads) with every quad having an associated vector-weight that represents the wind magnitude and direction. Finding a cheapest path in this setting corresponds to finding a piece-wise linear path determined by points on the boundaries of the quads. In our solution approach, we discretize such boundaries by introducing border points and only consider segments connecting border points belonging to the same quad. While classic shortest path graph algorithms are available and applicable to the graphs originating from these border points, we design an algorithm that exploits the geometric structure of our scenario and show that this algorithm is more efficient in practice than classic graph-based algorithms. In particular, it scales better with the number of quads in the subdivision of the airspace, making it possible to find more accurate routes or to solve larger problems

    Design and evaluation environment for collision-free motion planning of cooperating redundant robots

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    This paper deals with path planning methods suitable for use with closely cooperating kinematically redundant robots (primarily open-chain rigid-link manipulators) avoiding collision with segments and obstacles. A Matlab-based environment has been set up for designing such methods and evaluating already existing ones. Within this framework, several of the commonly used distance or intrusion criteria and corresponding path optimization methods have been examined for efficiency and reliability. Finally, proposals for further improvement of the methods are given

    optimización da planificación de adquisición de datos LIDAR cara ó modelado 3D de interiores

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    The main objective of this doctoral thesis is the design, validation and implementation of methodologies that allow the geometric and topological modelling of navigable spaces, whether inside buildings or urban environments, to be integrated into three-dimensional geographic information systems (GIS-3D). The input data of this work will consist mainly of point clouds (which can be classified) acquired by LiDAR systems both indoors and outdoors. In addition, the use of BIM infrastructure models and cadastral maps is proposed depending on their availability. Point clouds provide a large amount of environmental information with high accuracy compared to data offered by other acquisition technologies. However, the lack of data structure and volume requires a great deal of processing effort. For this reason, the first step is to structure the data by dividing the input cloud into simpler entities that facilitate subsequent processes. For this first division, the physical elements present in the cloud will be considered, since they can be walls in the case of interior environments or kerbs in the case of exteriors. In order to generate navigation routes adapted to different mobile agents, the next objective will try to establish a semantic subdivision of space according to the functionalities of space. In the case of internal environments, it is possible to use BIM models to evaluate the results and the use of cadastral maps that support the division of the urban environment. Once the navigable space is divided, the design of topologically coherent navigation networks will be parameterized both geometrically and topologically. For this purpose, several spatial discretization techniques, such as 3D tessellations, will be studied to facilitate the establishment of topological relationships, adjacency, connectivity and inclusion between subspaces. Based on the geometric characterization and the topological relations established in the previous phase, the creation of three-dimensional navigation networks with multimodal support will be addressed and different levels of detail will be considered according to the mobility specifications of each agent and its purpose. Finally, the possibility of integrating the networks generated in a GIS-3D visualization system will be considered. For the correct visualization, the level of detail can be adjusted according to geometry and semantics. Aspects such as the type of user or transport, mobility, rights of access to spaces, etc. They must be considered at all times.El objetivo principal de esta tesis doctoral es el diseño, la validación y la implementación de metodologías que permitan el modelado geométrico y topológico de espacios navegables, ya sea de interiores de edificios o entornos urbanos, para integrarse en sistemas de información geográfica tridimensional (SIG). -3D). Los datos de partida de este trabajo consistirán principalmente en nubes de puntos (que pueden estar clasificados) adquiridas por sistemas LiDAR tanto en interiores como en exteriores. Además, se propone el uso de modelos BIM de infraestructuras y mapas catastrales en función de su disponibilidad. Las nubes de puntos proporcionan una gran cantidad de información del entorno con gran precisión con respecto a los datos ofrecidos por otras tecnologías de adquisición. Sin embargo, la falta de estructura de datos y su volumen requiere un gran esfuerzo de procesamiento. Por este motivo, el primer paso que se debe realizar consiste en estructurar los datos dividiendo la nube de entrada en entidades más simples que facilitan los procesos posteriores. Para esta primera división se considerarán los elementos físicos presentes en la nube, ya que pueden ser paredes en el caso de entornos interiores o bordillos en el caso de los exteriores. Con el propósito de generar rutas de navegación adaptadas a diferentes agentes móviles, el próximo objetivo intentará establecer una subdivisión semántica del espacio de acuerdo con las funcionalidades del espacio. En el caso de entornos internos, es posible utilizar modelos BIM para evaluar los resultados y el uso de mapas catastrales que sirven de apoyo en la división del entorno urbano. Una vez que se divide el espacio navegable, se parametrizará tanto geométrica como topológicamente al diseño de redes de navegación topológicamente coherentes. Para este propósito, se estudiarán varias técnicas de discretización espacial, como las teselaciones 3D, para facilitar el establecimiento de relaciones topológicas, la adyacencia, la conectividad y la inclusión entre subespacios. A partir de la caracterización geométrica y las relaciones topológicas establecidas en la fase anterior, se abordará la creación de redes de navegación tridimensionales con soporte multimodal y se considerarán diversos niveles de detalle según las especificaciones de movilidad de cada agente y su propósito. Finalmente, se contemplará la posibilidad de integrar las redes generadas en un sistema de visualización tridimensional 3D SIG 3D. Para la correcta visualización, el nivel de detalle se puede ajustar en función de la geometría y la semántica. Aspectos como el tipo de usuario o transporte, movilidad, derechos de acceso a espacios, etc. Deben ser considerados en todo momento.O obxectivo principal desta tese doutoral é o deseño, validación e implementación de metodoloxías que permitan o modelado xeométrico e topolóxico de espazos navegables, ben sexa de interiores de edificios ou de entornos urbanos, ca fin de seren integrados en Sistemas de Información Xeográfica tridimensionais (SIX-3D). Os datos de partida deste traballo constarán principalmente de nubes de puntos (que poden estar clasificadas) adquiridas por sistemas LiDAR tanto en interiores como en exteriores. Ademáis plantease o uso de modelos BIM de infraestruturas e mapas catastrais dependendo da súa dispoñibilidade. As nubes de puntos proporcionan unha gran cantidade de información do entorno cunha gran precisión respecto os datos que ofrecen outras tecnoloxías de adquisición. Sen embargo, a falta de estrutura dos datos e a seu volume esixe un amplo esforzo de procesado. Por este motivo o primeiro paso a levar a cabo consiste nunha estruturación dos datos mediante a división da nube de entrada en entidades máis sinxelas que faciliten os procesos posteriores. Para esta primeira división consideraranse elementos físicos presentes na nube como poden ser paredes no caso de entornos interiores ou bordillos no caso de exteriores. Coa finalidade de xerar rutas de navegación adaptadas a distintos axentes móbiles, o seguinte obxectivo tratará de establecer unha subdivisión semántica do espazo de acordo as funcionalidades do espazo. No caso de entornos interiores plantease a posibilidade de empregar modelos BIM para avaliar os resultados e o uso de mapas catastrais que sirvan de apoio na división do entorno urbano. Unha vez divido o espazo navigable parametrizarase tanto xeométricamente como topolóxicamene de cara ao deseño de redes de navegación topolóxicamente coherentes. Para este fin estudaranse varias técnicas de discretización de espazos como como son as teselacións 3D co obxectivo de facilitar establecer relacións topolóxicas, de adxacencia, conectividade e inclusión entre subespazos. A partir da caracterización xeométrica e das relación topolóxicas establecidas na fase previa abordarase a creación de redes de navegación tridimensionais con soporte multi-modal e considerando varios niveis de detalle de acordo as especificacións de mobilidade de cada axente e a súa finalidade. Finalmente comtemplarase a posibilidade de integrar as redes xeradas nun sistema SIX 3D visualización tridimensional. Para a correcta visualización o nivel de detalle poderá axustarse en base a xeometría e a semántica. Aspectos como o tipo de usuario ou transporte, mobilidade, dereitos de acceso a espazos, etc. deberán ser considerados en todo momento

    A study of mobile robot motion planning

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    This thesis studies motion planning for mobile robots in various environments. The basic tools for the research are the configuration space and the visibility graph. A new approach is developed which generates a smoothed minimum time path. The difference between this and the Minimum Time Path at Visibility Node (MTPVN) is that there is more clearance between the robot and the obstacles, and so it is safer. The accessibility graph plays an important role in motion planning for a massless mobile robot in dynamic environments. It can generate a minimum time motion in 0(n2»log(n)) computation time, where n is the number of vertices of all the polygonal obstacles. If the robot is not considered to be massless (that is, it requires time to accelerate), the space time approach becomes a 3D problem which requires exponential time and memory. A new approach is presented here based on the improved accessibility polygon and improved accessibility graph, which generates a minimum time motion for a mobile robot with mass in O((n+k)2»log(n+k)) time, where n is the number of vertices of the obstacles and k is the number of obstacles. Since k is much less than n, so the computation time for this approach is almost the same as the accessibility graph approach. The accessibility graph approach is extended to solve motion planning for robots in three dimensional environments. The three dimensional accessibility graph is constructed based on the concept of the accessibility polyhedron. Based on the properties of minimum time motion, an approach is proposed to search the three dimensional accessibility graph to generate the minimum time motion. Motion planning in binary image representation environment is also studied. Fuzzy logic based digital image processing has been studied. The concept of Fuzzy Principal Index Of Area Coverage (PIOAC) is proposed to recognise and match objects in consecutive images. Experiments show that PIOAC is useful in recognising objects. The visibility graph of a binary image representation environment is very inefficient, so the approach usually used to plan the motion for such an environment is the quadtree approach. In this research, polygonizing an obstacle is proposed. The approaches developed for various environments can be used to solve the motion planning problem without any modification. A simulation system is designed to simulate the approaches

    Fusing Multimedia Data Into Dynamic Virtual Environments

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    In spite of the dramatic growth of virtual and augmented reality (VR and AR) technology, content creation for immersive and dynamic virtual environments remains a significant challenge. In this dissertation, we present our research in fusing multimedia data, including text, photos, panoramas, and multi-view videos, to create rich and compelling virtual environments. First, we present Social Street View, which renders geo-tagged social media in its natural geo-spatial context provided by 360° panoramas. Our system takes into account visual saliency and uses maximal Poisson-disc placement with spatiotemporal filters to render social multimedia in an immersive setting. We also present a novel GPU-driven pipeline for saliency computation in 360° panoramas using spherical harmonics (SH). Our spherical residual model can be applied to virtual cinematography in 360° videos. We further present Geollery, a mixed-reality platform to render an interactive mirrored world in real time with three-dimensional (3D) buildings, user-generated content, and geo-tagged social media. Our user study has identified several use cases for these systems, including immersive social storytelling, experiencing the culture, and crowd-sourced tourism. We next present Video Fields, a web-based interactive system to create, calibrate, and render dynamic videos overlaid on 3D scenes. Our system renders dynamic entities from multiple videos, using early and deferred texture sampling. Video Fields can be used for immersive surveillance in virtual environments. Furthermore, we present VRSurus and ARCrypt projects to explore the applications of gestures recognition, haptic feedback, and visual cryptography for virtual and augmented reality. Finally, we present our work on Montage4D, a real-time system for seamlessly fusing multi-view video textures with dynamic meshes. We use geodesics on meshes with view-dependent rendering to mitigate spatial occlusion seams while maintaining temporal consistency. Our experiments show significant enhancement in rendering quality, especially for salient regions such as faces. We believe that Social Street View, Geollery, Video Fields, and Montage4D will greatly facilitate several applications such as virtual tourism, immersive telepresence, and remote education

    Motion planning using synergies : application to anthropomorphic dual-arm robots

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    Motion planning is a traditional field in robotics, but new problems are nevertheless incessantly appearing, due to continuous advances in the robot developments. In order to solve these new problems, as well as to improve the existing solutions to classical problems, new approaches are being proposed. A paradigmatic case is the humanoid robotics, since the advances done in this field require motion planners not only to look efficiently for an optimal solution in the classic way, i.e. optimizing consumed energy or time in the plan execution, but also looking for human-like solutions, i.e. requiring the robot movements to be similar to those of the human beings. This anthropomorphism in the robot motion is desired not only for aesthetical reasons, but it is also needed to allow a better and safer human-robot collaboration: humans can predict more easily anthropomorphic robot motions thus avoiding collisions and enhancing the collaboration with the robot. Nevertheless, obtaining a satisfactory performance of these anthropomorphic robotic systems requires the automatic planning of the movements, which is still an arduous and non-evident task since the complexity of the planning problem increases exponentially with the number of degrees of freedom of the robotic system. This doctoral thesis tackles the problem of planning the motions of dual-arm anthropomorphic robots (optionally with mobile base). The main objective is twofold: obtaining robot motions both in an efficient and in a human-like fashion at the same time. Trying to mimic the human movements while reducing the complexity of the search space for planning purposes leads to the concept of synergies, which could be conceptually defined as correlations (in the joint configuration space as well as in the joint velocity space) between the degrees of freedom of the system. This work proposes new sampling-based motion-planning procedures that exploit the concept of synergies, both in the configuration and velocity space, coordinating the movements of the arms, the hands and the mobile base of mobile anthropomorphic dual-arm robots.La planificación de movimientos es un campo tradicional de la robótica, sin embargo aparecen incesantemente nuevos problemas debido a los continuos avances en el desarrollo de los robots. Para resolver esos nuevos problemas, así como para mejorar las soluciones existentes a los problemas clásicos, se están proponiendo nuevos enfoques. Un caso paradigmático es la robótica humanoide, ya que los avances realizados en este campo requieren que los algoritmos planificadores de movimientos no sólo encuentren eficientemente una solución óptima en el sentido clásico, es decir, optimizar el consumo de energía o el tiempo de ejecución de la trayectoria; sino que también busquen soluciones con apariencia humana, es decir, que el movimiento del robot sea similar al del ser humano. Este antropomorfismo en el movimiento del robot se busca no sólo por razones estéticas, sino porque también es necesario para permitir una colaboración mejor y más segura entre el robot y el operario: el ser humano puede predecir con mayor facilidad los movimientos del robot si éstos son antropomórficos, evitando así las colisiones y mejorando la colaboración humano robot. Sin embargo, para obtener un desempeño satisfactorio de estos sistemas robóticos antropomórficos se requiere una planificación automática de sus movimientos, lo que sigue siendo una tarea ardua y poco evidente, ya que la complejidad del problema aumenta exponencialmente con el número de grados de libertad del sistema robótico. Esta tesis doctoral aborda el problema de la planificación de movimientos en robots antropomorfos bibrazo (opcionalmente con base móvil). El objetivo aquí es doble: obtener movimientos robóticos de forma eficiente y, a la vez, que tengan apariencia humana. Intentar imitar los movimientos humanos mientras a la vez se reduce la complejidad del espacio de búsqueda conduce al concepto de sinergias, que podrían definirse conceptualmente como correlaciones (tanto en el espacio de configuraciones como en el espacio de velocidades de las articulaciones) entre los distintos grados de libertad del sistema. Este trabajo propone nuevos procedimientos de planificación de movimientos que explotan el concepto de sinergias, tanto en el espacio de configuraciones como en el espacio de velocidades, coordinando así los movimientos de los brazos, las manos y la base móvil de robots móviles, bibrazo y antropomórficos.Postprint (published version

    Contrôle de caméra virtuelle à base de partitions spatiales dynamiques

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    Le contrôle de caméra virtuelle est aujourd'hui un composant essentiel dans beaucoup d'applications d'infographie. Malgré cette importance, les approches actuelles restent limitées en terme d'expressivité, d'interactivité et de performances. Typiquement, les éléments de style ou de genre cinématographique sont difficiles à modéliser et à simuler dû à l'incapacité des systèmes actuels de calculer simultanément des points de vues, des trajectoires et d'effectuer le montage. Deuxièmement, elles n'explorent pas assez le potentiel créatif offert par le couplage potentiel d'un humain et d'un système intelligent pour assister les utilisateurs dans une tâche complexe de construction de séquences cinématographiques. Enfin, la plupart des approches existantes se basent sur des techniques d'optimisation dans un espace de recherche 6D, qui s'avèrent coûteuses et donc inadaptées à un contexte interactif. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons tout d'abord un cadre unique intégrant les quatre aspects clés de la cinématographie (le calcul de point de vue, la planification de trajectoires, le montage et la visibilité). Ce cadre expressif permet de simuler certaines dimensions de style cinématographique. Nous proposons ensuite une méthodologie permettant de combiner les capacités d'un système automatique avec une interaction utilisateur. Enfin, nous présentons un modèle de contrôle de caméra efficace qui réduit l'espace de recherche de 6D à 3D. Ce modèle a le potentiel pour remplacer un certain nombre de formulations existantes.Virtual camera control is nowadays an essential component in many computer graphics applications. Despite its importance, current approaches remain limited in their expressiveness, interactive nature and performances. Typically, elements of directorial style and genre cannot be easily modeled nor simulated due to the lack of simultaneous control in viewpoint computation, camera path planning and editing. Second, there is a lack in exploring the creative potential behind the coupling of a human with an intelligent system to assist users in the complex task of designing cinematographic sequences. Finally, most techniques are based on computationally expensive optimization techniques performed in a 6D search space, which prevents their application to real-time contexts. In this thesis, we first propose a unifying approach which handles four key aspects of cinematography (viewpoint computation, camera path planning, editing and visibility computation) in an expressive model which accounts for some elements of directorial style. We then propose a workflow allowing to combine automated intelligence with user interaction. We finally present a novel and efficient approach to virtual camera control which reduces the search space from 6D to 3D and has the potential to replace a number of existing formulations.RENNES1-Bibl. électronique (352382106) / SudocSudocFranceF

    LIPIcs, Volume 244, ESA 2022, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 244, ESA 2022, Complete Volum