3,578 research outputs found

    The Planar Tree Packing Theorem

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    Packing graphs is a combinatorial problem where several given graphs are being mapped into a common host graph such that every edge is used at most once. In the planar tree packing problem we are given two trees T1 and T2 on n vertices and have to find a planar graph on n vertices that is the edge-disjoint union of T1 and T2. A clear exception that must be made is the star which cannot be packed together with any other tree. But according to a conjecture of Garc\'ia et al. from 1997 this is the only exception, and all other pairs of trees admit a planar packing. Previous results addressed various special cases, such as a tree and a spider tree, a tree and a caterpillar, two trees of diameter four, two isomorphic trees, and trees of maximum degree three. Here we settle the conjecture in the affirmative and prove its general form, thus making it the planar tree packing theorem. The proof is constructive and provides a polynomial time algorithm to obtain a packing for two given nonstar trees.Comment: Full version of our SoCG 2016 pape

    Strongly Monotone Drawings of Planar Graphs

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    A straight-line drawing of a graph is a monotone drawing if for each pair of vertices there is a path which is monotonically increasing in some direction, and it is called a strongly monotone drawing if the direction of monotonicity is given by the direction of the line segment connecting the two vertices. We present algorithms to compute crossing-free strongly monotone drawings for some classes of planar graphs; namely, 3-connected planar graphs, outerplanar graphs, and 2-trees. The drawings of 3-connected planar graphs are based on primal-dual circle packings. Our drawings of outerplanar graphs are based on a new algorithm that constructs strongly monotone drawings of trees which are also convex. For irreducible trees, these drawings are strictly convex

    Notes on complexity of packing coloring

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    A packing kk-coloring for some integer kk of a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) is a mapping φ:V→{1,…,k}\varphi:V\to\{1,\ldots,k\} such that any two vertices u,vu, v of color φ(u)=φ(v)\varphi(u)=\varphi(v) are in distance at least φ(u)+1\varphi(u)+1. This concept is motivated by frequency assignment problems. The \emph{packing chromatic number} of GG is the smallest kk such that there exists a packing kk-coloring of GG. Fiala and Golovach showed that determining the packing chromatic number for chordal graphs is \NP-complete for diameter exactly 5. While the problem is easy to solve for diameter 2, we show \NP-completeness for any diameter at least 3. Our reduction also shows that the packing chromatic number is hard to approximate within n1/2−εn^{{1/2}-\varepsilon} for any ε>0\varepsilon > 0. In addition, we design an \FPT algorithm for interval graphs of bounded diameter. This leads us to exploring the problem of finding a partial coloring that maximizes the number of colored vertices.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Parameterized Complexity of Equitable Coloring

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    A graph on nn vertices is equitably kk-colorable if it is kk-colorable and every color is used either ⌊n/k⌋\left\lfloor n/k \right\rfloor or ⌈n/k⌉\left\lceil n/k \right\rceil times. Such a problem appears to be considerably harder than vertex coloring, being NP-Complete\mathsf{NP\text{-}Complete} even for cographs and interval graphs. In this work, we prove that it is W[1]-Hard\mathsf{W[1]\text{-}Hard} for block graphs and for disjoint union of split graphs when parameterized by the number of colors; and W[1]-Hard\mathsf{W[1]\text{-}Hard} for K1,4K_{1,4}-free interval graphs when parameterized by treewidth, number of colors and maximum degree, generalizing a result by Fellows et al. (2014) through a much simpler reduction. Using a previous result due to Dominique de Werra (1985), we establish a dichotomy for the complexity of equitable coloring of chordal graphs based on the size of the largest induced star. Finally, we show that \textsc{equitable coloring} is FPT\mathsf{FPT} when parameterized by the treewidth of the complement graph
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