3,488 research outputs found

    Serbian Autobiographical Studies \u2013 A Survey

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    A survey of Serbian autobiographical studie

    Dnevnik in pismo kot modela slovenske kratke proze med vojnama

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    Slovenska kratka proza je v času med obema vojnama pogosto simulirala obliko dnevnika pa tudi pisma, Takšna fiktivna pisma in fiktivni dnevniki se s posebnimi literarnimi strategijami trudijo učinkovati neliterarno in neizmišljeno, tj. kot dokumenti realnega življenja. Ena teh strategij je inerkalarni čas, druga pa se ravna po doktrini o nadčasovni karakterni konstanti pisca dnevnika: ta je odtujen od okolja, zato čustveno prenapet, nagnjen k solipsizmu ali tudi k samomoru

    The Philosophy of Julian Tuwim’s Stanza

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    The aim of the article is to argue that Tuwim’s way of conceptualizing both the world and poetry was based on the principle of stanza. In his opinion, the entire world and our experience of it reach us in a stanzaic form. In Tuwim’s writing the stanza could be compared to an atom of poetic structure. It also builds our primary consciousness of language. The stanzaic structure of our poetic and linguistic experience imposes an order on the universe as we see it. Tuwim hears and thinks his world as a stanza.Zadanie „Stworzenie anglojęzycznych wersji wydawanych publikacji” finansowane w ramach umowy nr 948/P-DUN/2016 ze środków Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego przeznaczonych na działalność upowszechniającą naukę

    The Capacities and Limitations of the Newspaper Column as a Tool for Creating the Image of Its Author

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    The aim of this paper is to verify the capacities and limitations of the newspaper column (understood as a genre) as a tool for creating the image of its author. In the paper, the distinguishing features of a column are first presented, and then a hypothesis is proposed for predicting which attributes of its author may be generated by the column’s features. This hypothesis is juxtaposed with the results of empirical research. The main task of this research was to read the texts of one of two Polish columnists – Krzysztof Varga and Szymon Hołownia – and subsequently answer questions indicating the authors’ attributes. This procedure made it possible to recreate the image of the text’s author. The results demonstrated the influence of the column’s distinguishing features on the image of its author inferred by readers.Zadanie „Stworzenie anglojęzycznych wersji wydawanych publikacji” finansowane w ramach umowy nr 948/P-DUN/2016 ze środków Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego przeznaczonych na działalność upowszechniającą naukę

    Wybrane kulturowo-społeczne aspekty adaptacji zorientowanej na odbiorcę (na podstawie przekładu „Szkiców węglem“ Henryka Sienkiewicza na język litewski)

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    The present article analyses the Lithuanian translation of Henryk Sienkiewicz’s novel Szkice węglem (1876), published in 1890 by „Ukinįkas” („Ūkininkas”) magazine. Themes covered: historical and cultural as well as social and pragmatic contexts of Paisziniai anglimis; the scope of adaptation work in order to create a simplified version for less educated/culturally developed readers; translation authorship identification, strategies, techniques and selections used by the translators. The characteristic of translation process and the final lexical, grammatical and semantical structure of the translation is concluded by considering the role of this translation in Lithuanian historical-literary process at the end of 19th century and beginning of 20th century from a theoretical perspective.Kai kurie kultūriniai ir socialiniai į gavėją orientuotos adaptacijos aspektai (remiantis Henryko Sienkiewicziaus „Eskizų anglimi“ vertimu į lietuvių kalbą) Straipsnis skiriamas Henryko Sienkiewicziaus novelės „Eskizai anglimi“ (1876) vertimo į lietuvių kalbą ūkininkams skirtame periodiniame leidinyje „Ukinįkas“ („Ūkininkas“) (1890) adaptacijos būdų analizei. Aptariamos šios temos: istorinis kultūrinis ir pragmatinis socialinis vertimo kontekstas, vertimo autorystės problema ir jo, kaip adaptacijos, orientuotos į kaimo gavėją, statusas, taip pat pasirinktos vertėjų strategijos, metodikos ir pasirinkimai. Atskirų vertimo aspektų apibūdinimas leksiniu, gramatiniu ir semantiniu lygmenimis baigiamas bandymu apibrėžti Sienkiewicziaus kūrinio vertimo vietą XIX ir XX a. sandūros Lietuvos grožinės literatūros istorinės ir literatūrinės raidos procese

    Misoginism. Femme fatale. Androgyne - despre creatiile feminine în proza lui Mateiu Caragiale

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    The article tells about the female characters in Mateiu Caragiale's literary work and tries to depict the characteristics of modern prose in 1930s that reflect the tendencies concentrated on the idea of „battle of the sexes". The emancipation and the changing role of women in the society led to the phenomenon of misogyny, while the image of femme fatale became a popular literary theme. On the other hand there existed the archetype of Androgyne that become a perfect incarnation of both sexes. All these aspects mentioned above found a reflection in Mateiu Caragiale's novel „Craii de Curtea Veche" proving the universal character of his work

    Prasa polska na początku doby zaborów (1795–1815) jako obiekt refleksji historycznej

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    This article describes briefly the Polish press from the years 1795-1815 and discusses the trends and results of research undertaken in this field by historians after 1945. The citation analysis was widely used to evaluate the research achievements. Researchers showed little interest in the press of that time. Only 49 scholars in total worked in this area and they published 61 works cited 118 times within the parent discourse (history of the press) [including 42 times below the half-life period]. Kazimierz Ossowski (5 works) [8 citations] and Marian Kallas (6 works) [7 citations] could boast the greatest achievements in this field. The works published by Tadeusz Łepkowski [10] and Jerzy Łojek [3] also deserve attention. The greatest achievement in the analyzed area is a monograph by K. Ossowski "Prasa Księstwa Warszawskiego" (Warsaw, 2004). Other topics received much less attention. One also lacks synthetic analyses for the period 1796-1806 and monographs of the then leading newspapers, especially "Gazeta Warszawska" and "Gazeta Korespondenta Warszawskiego i Zagranicznego

    Uloga Hrvatske revije u očuvanju i promicanju kršćanstvom nadahnutih tekstova izbjeglih novinara, publicista i književnika u njezinom prvom emigrantskom desetljeću (1951. – 1961.)

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    The Hrvatska revija and its role in the preservation and promotion of Christian-inspired texts by some selected journalists, publicists and writers who fled communist Yugoslavia after World War II is the subject of this paper, which provides an overview of the first decade (1951 - 1961) of this literary and cultural magazine, which was published in emigration. In Croatia, the first issue appeared on March 9, 1951 in Buenos Aires, edited by Vinko Nikolić and Antun Bonifačić. The study focused on the names of journalists, publicists and writers who appeared in the Croatian cultural, literary and media scene before 1945 and were forced to emigrate and become refugees after the war. Namely, since 1945 Croatia became partially communist ex-Yugoslavia and many journalists, publicists and writers were forbidden to work and many fled in fear of communist terror.The mention of their names as well as valuable journalistic, journalistic and literary texts was forbidden in ex-Yugoslavia. In his book Destroyed Generation - the Tragic Fate of NDH Journalists, Josip Grbelja explainsthat after World War II, the communists registered 330 journalists whowere active between 1930 and‘40. They were active at the beginning of the twentieth century. 330 of them, 38 of them were killed, 101 were permanently banned from writing and publishing, and even 131 fled abroad, but they did not stop acting intellectually and culturally. In this research, we first try to show whether and to what extent the names of some of the intellectuals mentioned by Grbelja, who fled from May 6 to 8, 1945, appeared in the Croatian Review, and elsewhere - on the basis of their publications - to investigate whether Christian themes were preserved and promoted in the Croatian Review ideas and values that were censored in communist Yugoslavia after World War II and were not allowed to be written about in a positive context.Hrvatska revija i njezina uloga u očuvanju i promicanju kršćanstvom nadahnutih tekstova nekih odabranih novinara, publicista i književnika izbjeglih iz komunističke Jugoslavije nakon Drugoga svjetskoga rata tema je ovoga rada koji obuhvaća pregled prvoga desetljeća (1951. – 1961.) toga književno-kulturnoga časopisa koji se u iseljenoj Hrvatskoj prvim brojem pojavio 9. ožujka 1951. godine u Buenos Airesu, a uređivali su ga Vinko Nikolić i Antun Bonifačić. U središtu su istraživanja odabrana imena novinara, publicista i književnika koji su se prije 1945. pojavljivali na hrvatskoj kulturnoj, književnoj i medijskoj sceni, a nakon rata su bili prisiljeni na iseljavanje i izbjeglištvo. Naime, kako je Hrvatska od 1945. postala dijelom komunističke ex-Jugoslavije mnogim je novinarima među kojima je bilo i publicista i književnika bilo zabranjeno djelovanje, a mnogi su izbjegli zbog straha od komunističke strahovlade. Spominjanje njihovih imena, kao i vrijednih novinarskih, publicističkih i književnih tekstova u ex-Jugoslaviji bilo je proskribirano. U svojoj knjizi Uništeni naraštaj – tragična sudbina novinara NDH Josip Grbelja objašnjava da su komunisti nakon Drugoga svjetskoga rata evidentirali 330 novinara koji su bili aktivni između ’30. i ’40. godina XX. stoljeća. Od njih 330 ubijeno je njih 38, 101 je dobio trajnu zabranu pisanja i objavljivanja, a čak 131 pobjegao je u inozemstvo, ali nisu prestali intelektualno i kulturno djelovati. U ovome se istraživanju prije svega nastoji pokazati jesu li se u Hrvatskoj reviji i u kojoj mjeri javljala imena nekih od tih intelektualaca koje navodi Grbelja, a koji su izbjegli od 6. do 8. svibnja 1945., te na drugome mjestu – na temelju njihovih objava – ispitati jesu li se u Hrvatskoj reviji očuvale i promicale kršćanske ideje i vrjednote koje su u komunističkoj Jugoslaviji nakon Drugoga svjetskoga rata bile cenzurirane i o kojima se nije smjelo pisati u pozitivnom kontekstu

    Uloga Hrvatske revije u očuvanju i promicanju kršćanstvom nadahnutih tekstova izbjeglih novinara, publicista i književnika u njezinom prvom emigrantskom desetljeću (1951. – 1961.)

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    The Hrvatska revija and its role in the preservation and promotion of Christian-inspired texts by some selected journalists, publicists and writers who fled communist Yugoslavia after World War II is the subject of this paper, which provides an overview of the first decade (1951 - 1961) of this literary and cultural magazine, which was published in emigration. In Croatia, the first issue appeared on March 9, 1951 in Buenos Aires, edited by Vinko Nikolić and Antun Bonifačić. The study focused on the names of journalists, publicists and writers who appeared in the Croatian cultural, literary and media scene before 1945 and were forced to emigrate and become refugees after the war. Namely, since 1945 Croatia became partially communist ex-Yugoslavia and many journalists, publicists and writers were forbidden to work and many fled in fear of communist terror.The mention of their names as well as valuable journalistic, journalistic and literary texts was forbidden in ex-Yugoslavia. In his book Destroyed Generation - the Tragic Fate of NDH Journalists, Josip Grbelja explainsthat after World War II, the communists registered 330 journalists whowere active between 1930 and‘40. They were active at the beginning of the twentieth century. 330 of them, 38 of them were killed, 101 were permanently banned from writing and publishing, and even 131 fled abroad, but they did not stop acting intellectually and culturally. In this research, we first try to show whether and to what extent the names of some of the intellectuals mentioned by Grbelja, who fled from May 6 to 8, 1945, appeared in the Croatian Review, and elsewhere - on the basis of their publications - to investigate whether Christian themes were preserved and promoted in the Croatian Review ideas and values that were censored in communist Yugoslavia after World War II and were not allowed to be written about in a positive context.Hrvatska revija i njezina uloga u očuvanju i promicanju kršćanstvom nadahnutih tekstova nekih odabranih novinara, publicista i književnika izbjeglih iz komunističke Jugoslavije nakon Drugoga svjetskoga rata tema je ovoga rada koji obuhvaća pregled prvoga desetljeća (1951. – 1961.) toga književno-kulturnoga časopisa koji se u iseljenoj Hrvatskoj prvim brojem pojavio 9. ožujka 1951. godine u Buenos Airesu, a uređivali su ga Vinko Nikolić i Antun Bonifačić. U središtu su istraživanja odabrana imena novinara, publicista i književnika koji su se prije 1945. pojavljivali na hrvatskoj kulturnoj, književnoj i medijskoj sceni, a nakon rata su bili prisiljeni na iseljavanje i izbjeglištvo. Naime, kako je Hrvatska od 1945. postala dijelom komunističke ex-Jugoslavije mnogim je novinarima među kojima je bilo i publicista i književnika bilo zabranjeno djelovanje, a mnogi su izbjegli zbog straha od komunističke strahovlade. Spominjanje njihovih imena, kao i vrijednih novinarskih, publicističkih i književnih tekstova u ex-Jugoslaviji bilo je proskribirano. U svojoj knjizi Uništeni naraštaj – tragična sudbina novinara NDH Josip Grbelja objašnjava da su komunisti nakon Drugoga svjetskoga rata evidentirali 330 novinara koji su bili aktivni između ’30. i ’40. godina XX. stoljeća. Od njih 330 ubijeno je njih 38, 101 je dobio trajnu zabranu pisanja i objavljivanja, a čak 131 pobjegao je u inozemstvo, ali nisu prestali intelektualno i kulturno djelovati. U ovome se istraživanju prije svega nastoji pokazati jesu li se u Hrvatskoj reviji i u kojoj mjeri javljala imena nekih od tih intelektualaca koje navodi Grbelja, a koji su izbjegli od 6. do 8. svibnja 1945., te na drugome mjestu – na temelju njihovih objava – ispitati jesu li se u Hrvatskoj reviji očuvale i promicale kršćanske ideje i vrjednote koje su u komunističkoj Jugoslaviji nakon Drugoga svjetskoga rata bile cenzurirane i o kojima se nije smjelo pisati u pozitivnom kontekstu

    Bibliografija Marka Marulića 2009.

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