793 research outputs found

    Stress evaluation in simulated autonomous and manual driving through the analysis of skin potential response and electrocardiogram signals

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    The evaluation of car drivers\u2019 stress condition is gaining interest as research on Autonomous Driving Systems (ADS) progresses. The analysis of the stress response can be used to assess the acceptability of ADS and to compare the driving styles of different autonomous drive algorithms. In this contribution, we present a system based on the analysis of the Electrodermal Activity Skin Potential Response (SPR) signal, aimed to reveal the driver\u2019s stress induced by different driving situations. We reduce motion artifacts by processing two SPR signals, recorded from the hands of the subjects, and outputting a single clean SPR signal. Statistical features of signal blocks are sent to a Supervised Learning Algorithm, which classifies between stress and normal driving (non-stress) conditions. We present the results obtained from an experiment using a professional driving simulator, where a group of people is asked to undergo manual and autonomous driving on a highway, facing some unexpected events meant to generate stress. The results of our experiment show that the subjects generally appear more stressed during manual driving, indicating that the autonomous drive can possibly be well received by the public. During autonomous driving, however, significant peaks of the SPR signal are evident during unexpected events. By examining the electrocardiogram signal, the average heart rate is generally higher in the manual case compared to the autonomous case. This further supports our previous findings, even if it may be due, in part, to the physical activity involved in manual driving

    Human-Centric Detection and Mitigation Approach for Various Levels of Cell Phone-Based Driver Distractions

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    abstract: Driving a vehicle is a complex task that typically requires several physical interactions and mental tasks. Inattentive driving takes a driver’s attention away from the primary task of driving, which can endanger the safety of driver, passenger(s), as well as pedestrians. According to several traffic safety administration organizations, distracted and inattentive driving are the primary causes of vehicle crashes or near crashes. In this research, a novel approach to detect and mitigate various levels of driving distractions is proposed. This novel approach consists of two main phases: i.) Proposing a system to detect various levels of driver distractions (low, medium, and high) using a machine learning techniques. ii.) Mitigating the effects of driver distractions through the integration of the distracted driving detection algorithm and the existing vehicle safety systems. In phase- 1, vehicle data were collected from an advanced driving simulator and a visual based sensor (webcam) for face monitoring. In addition, data were processed using a machine learning algorithm and a head pose analysis package in MATLAB. Then the model was trained and validated to detect different human operator distraction levels. In phase 2, the detected level of distraction, time to collision (TTC), lane position (LP), and steering entropy (SE) were used as an input to feed the vehicle safety controller that provides an appropriate action to maintain and/or mitigate vehicle safety status. The integrated detection algorithm and vehicle safety controller were then prototyped using MATLAB/SIMULINK for validation. A complete vehicle power train model including the driver’s interaction was replicated, and the outcome from the detection algorithm was fed into the vehicle safety controller. The results show that the vehicle safety system controller reacted and mitigated the vehicle safety status-in closed loop real-time fashion. The simulation results show that the proposed approach is efficient, accurate, and adaptable to dynamic changes resulting from the driver, as well as the vehicle system. This novel approach was applied in order to mitigate the impact of visual and cognitive distractions on the driver performance.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Applied Psychology 201

    Driver behavior classification and lateral control for automobile safety systems

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    Advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) have been developed to help drivers maintain stability, improve road safety, and avoid potential collision. The data acquisition equipment that can be used to measure the state and parameter information of the vehicle may not be available for a standard passenger car due to economical and technical limitations. This work focuses on developing three technologies (longitudinal tire force estimation, driver behavior classification and lateral control) using low-cost sensors that can be utilized in ADAS. For the longitudinal tire force estimation, a low cost 1Hz positioning global system (GPS) and a steering angle sensor are used as the vehicle data acquisition equipment. A nonlinear extended two-wheel vehicle dynamic model is employed. The sideslip angle and the yaw rate are estimated by discrete Kalman Filter. A time independent piecewise optimization scheme is proposed to provide time-continuous estimates of longitude tire force, which can be transferred to the throttle/brake pedal position. The proposed method can be validated by the estimation results. Driver behavior classification systems can detect unsafe driver behavior and avoid potentially dangerous situations. To realize this strategy, a machine learning classification method, Gaussian Mixture model (GMM), is applied to classify driver behavior. In this application, a low cost 1Hz GPS receiver is considered as the vehicle data acquisition equipment instead of other more costly sensors (such as steering angle sensor, throttle/brake position sensor, and etc.). Since the driving information is limited, the nonlinear extended two-wheel vehicle dynamic model is adopted to reconstruct the driver behavior. Firstly, the sideslip angle and the yaw rate are calculated since they are not available from the GPS measurements. Secondly, a piecewise optimization scheme is proposed to reproduce the steering angle and the longitudinal force. Finally, a GMM classifier is trained to identify abnormal driver behavior. The simulation results demonstrated that the proposed scenario can detect the unsafe driver behavior effectively. The lateral control system developed in this study is a look-down reference system which uses a magnetic sensor at the front bumper to measure the front lateral displacement and a GPS to measure the vehicle\u27s heading orientation. Firstly, the steering angles can be estimated by using the data provided by the front magnetic sensor and GPS. The estimation algorithm is an observer for a new extended single-track model, in which the steering angle and its derivative are viewed as two state variables. Secondly, the road curvature is determined based on the linear relationship with respect to the steering angle. Thirdly, an accurate and real-time estimation of the vehicle\u27s lateral displacements can be accomplished according to a state observer. Finally, the closed loop controller is used as a compensator for automated steering. The proposed estimation and control algorithms are validated by simulation results. The results showed that this lateral steering control system achieved a good and robust performance for vehicles following or tracking a reference path

    Building trust in autonomous vehicles: Role of virtual reality driving simulators in HMI design

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    The investigation of factors contributing at making humans trust Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) will play a fundamental role in the adoption of such technology. The user's ability to form a mental model of the AV, which is crucial to establish trust, depends on effective user-vehicle communication; thus, the importance of Human-Machine Interaction (HMI) is poised to increase. In this work, we propose a methodology to validate the user experience in AVs based on continuous, objective information gathered from physiological signals, while the user is immersed in a Virtual Reality-based driving simulation. We applied this methodology to the design of a head-up display interface delivering visual cues about the vehicle' sensory and planning systems. Through this approach, we obtained qualitative and quantitative evidence that a complete picture of the vehicle's surrounding, despite the higher cognitive load, is conducive to a less stressful experience. Moreover, after having been exposed to a more informative interface, users involved in the study were also more willing to test a real AV. The proposed methodology could be extended by adjusting the simulation environment, the HMI and/or the vehicle's Artificial Intelligence modules to dig into other aspects of the user experience

    Systems engineering approaches to safety in transport systems

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    openDuring driving, driver behavior monitoring may provide useful information to prevent road traffic accidents caused by driver distraction. It has been shown that 90% of road traffic accidents are due to human error and in 75% of these cases human error is the only cause. Car manufacturers have been interested in driver monitoring research for several years, aiming to enhance the general knowledge of driver behavior and to evaluate the functional state as it may drastically influence driving safety by distraction, fatigue, mental workload and attention. Fatigue and sleepiness at the wheel are well known risk factors for traffic accidents. The Human Factor (HF) plays a fundamental role in modern transport systems. Drivers and transport operators control a vehicle towards its destination in according to their own sense, physical condition, experience and ability, and safety strongly relies on the HF which has to take the right decisions. On the other hand, we are experiencing a gradual shift towards increasingly autonomous vehicles where HF still constitutes an important component, but may in fact become the "weakest link of the chain", requiring strong and effective training feedback. The studies that investigate the possibility to use biometrical or biophysical signals as data sources to evaluate the interaction between human brain activity and an electronic machine relate to the Human Machine Interface (HMI) framework. The HMI can acquire human signals to analyse the specific embedded structures and recognize the behavior of the subject during his/her interaction with the machine or with virtual interfaces as PCs or other communication systems. Based on my previous experience related to planning and monitoring of hazardous material transport, this work aims to create control models focused on driver behavior and changes of his/her physiological parameters. Three case studies have been considered using the interaction between an EEG system and external device, such as driving simulators or electronical components. A case study relates to the detection of the driver's behavior during a test driver. Another case study relates to the detection of driver's arm movements according to the data from the EEG during a driver test. The third case is the setting up of a Brain Computer Interface (BCI) model able to detect head movements in human participants by EEG signal and to control an electronic component according to the electrical brain activity due to head turning movements. Some videos showing the experimental results are available at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj55jjBwMTptBd2wcQMT2tg.openXXXIV CICLO - INFORMATICA E INGEGNERIA DEI SISTEMI/ COMPUTER SCIENCE AND SYSTEMS ENGINEERING - Ingegneria dei sistemiZero, Enric

    Predicting Driver Takeover Performance and Designing Alert Systems in Conditionally Automated Driving

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    With the Society of Automotive Engineers Level 3 automation, drivers are no longer required to actively monitor driving environments, and can potentially engage in non-driving related tasks. Nevertheless, when the automation reaches its operational limits, drivers will have to take over control of vehicles at a moment’s notice. Drivers have difficulty with takeover transitions, as they become increasingly decoupled from the operational level of driving. In response to the takeover difficulty, existing literature has investigated various factors affecting takeover performance. However, not all the factors were studied comprehensively, and the results of some factors were mixed. Meanwhile, there is a lack of research on the development of computational models that predict drivers’ takeover performance using their physiological and driving environment data. Furthermore, current research on the design of in-vehicle alert systems suffers from methodological shortcomings and presents identical takeover warnings regardless of event criticality. To address these shortcomings, the goals of this dissertation were to (1) examine the effects of drivers' cognitive load, emotions, traffic density, and takeover request lead time on their driving behavioral (takeover timeliness and quality) and psychophysiological responses (eye movements, galvanic skin responses, and heart rate activities) to takeover requests; (2) develop computational models to predict drivers’ takeover performance using their physiological and driving environment data via machine learning algorithms; and (3) design in-vehicle alert systems with different display modalities and information types and evaluate the displays in different event criticality conditions via human-subject experiments. The results of three human-subject experiments showed that positive emotional valence led to smoother takeover behaviors. Only when drivers had low cognitive load, they had shorter takeover reaction time in high oncoming traffic conditions. High oncoming traffic led to higher collision risk. High speed led to higher collision risk and harsher takeover behaviors in lane changing scenarios, but engendered longer takeover reaction time and smoother takeover behaviors in lane keeping scenarios. Meanwhile, we developed a random forest model to predict drivers' takeover performance with an accuracy of 84.3% and an F1-score of 64.0%. Our model had finer granularity than and outperformed other machine learning models used in prior studies. The findings of alert system design studies showed that drivers had more anxiety with the why only information compared to the why + what will information when information was presented in the speech modality. They felt more prepared to take over control of the vehicle and had more preference for the combination of augmented reality and speech conditions than others when drivers were in high event criticality situations. This dissertation can add to the knowledge base about takeover response investigation, takeover performance prediction, and in-vehicle alert system design. The results will enhance the understanding of how drivers’ emotions, cognitive load, traffic density, and scenario type influence their takeover responses. The computational models for takeover performance prediction are underlying algorithms of in-vehicle monitoring systems in real-world applications. The findings will provide design recommendations to automated vehicle manufacturers on in-vehicle alert systems. This will ultimately enhance the interaction between drivers and automated vehicles and improve driving safety in intelligent transportation systems.PHDIndustrial & Operations EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/169727/1/nadu_1.pd

    An Overview on Study of Identification of Driver Behavior Characteristics for Automotive Control

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    Driver characteristics have been the research focus for automotive control. Study on identification of driver characteristics is provided in this paper in terms of its relevant research directions and key technologies involved. This paper discusses the driver characteristics based on driver’s operation behavior, or the driver behavior characteristics. Following the presentation of the fundamental of the driver behavior characteristics, the key technologies of the driver behavior characteristics are reviewed in detail, including classification and identification methods of the driver behavior characteristics, experimental design and data acquisition, and model adaptation. Moreover, this paper discusses applications of the identification of the driver behavior characteristics which has been applied to the intelligent driver advisory system, the driver safety warning system, and the vehicle dynamics control system. At last, some ideas about the future work are concluded

    The Application of Physiological Metrics in Validating User Experience Evaluation on Automotive Human Machine Interface Systems

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    Automotive in-vehicle information systems have seen an era of continuous development within the industry and are recognised as a key differentiator for prospective customers. This presents a significant challenge for designers and engineers in producing effective next generation systems which are helpful, novel, exciting, safe and easy to use. The usability of any new human machine interface (HMI) has an implicit cost in terms of the perceived aesthetic perception and associated user experience. Achieving the next engaging automotive interface, not only has to address the user requirements but also has to incorporate established safety standards whilst considering new interaction technologies. An automotive (HMI) evaluation may combine a triad of physiological, subjective and performance-based measurements which are employed to provide relevant and valuable data for product evaluation. However, there is also a growing interest and appreciation that determining real-time quantitative metrics to drivers’ affective responses provide valuable user affective feedback. The aim of this research was to explore to what extent physiological metrics such as heart rate variability could be used to quantify or validate subjective testing of automotive HMIs. This research employed both objective and subjective metrics to assess user engagement during interactions with an automotive infotainment system. The mapping of both physiological and self-report scales was examined over a series of studies in order to provide a greater understanding of users’ responses. By analysing the data collected it may provide guidance within the early stages of in-vehicle design evaluation in terms of usability and user satisfaction. This research explored these metrics as an objective, quantitative, diagnostic measure of affective response, in the assessment of HMIs. Development of a robust methodology was constructed for the application and understanding of these metrics. Findings from the three studies point towards the value of using a combination of methods when examining user interaction with an in-car HMI. For the next generation of interface systems, physiological measures, such as heart rate variability may offer an additional dimension of validity when examining the complexities of the driving task that drivers perform every day. There appears to be no boundaries on technology advancements and with this, comes extra pressure for car manufacturers to produce similar interactive and connective devices to those that are already in use in homes. A successful in-car HMI system will be intuitive to use, aesthetically pleasing and possess an element of pleasure however, the design components that are needed for a highly usable HMI have to be considered within the context of the constraints of the manufacturing process and the risks associated with interacting with an in-car HMI whilst driving. The findings from the studies conducted in this research are discussed in relation to the usability and benefits of incorporating physiological measures that can assist in our understanding of driver interaction with different automotive HMIs
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