6 research outputs found

    Lyhytaikaisen virtuaalisia luontoelementtejä sisältävän intervention vaikutus vankien tunnekokemuksiin

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    Lukuisat tutkimukset osoittavat, että luontoympäristö vaikuttaa ihmisen hyvinvointiin merkittävällä tavalla. Vankilaympäristössä luontoyhteys ei välttämättä pääse toteutumaan, jolloin voi olla tarpeen kehittää vaihtoehtoisia menetelmiä. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kartoittaa, kuinka lyhytaikainen virtuaalisia luontoelementtejä sisältävä interventio vaikuttaa vankien negatiivisiin ja positiivisiin affekteihin. Tavoitteena oli selvittää, voisiko virtuaalisilla luontoelementeillä saavuttaa luonnon tutkittuja affektiivisia hyvinvointivaikutuksia vankilaolosuhteissa. Virtuaalisia luontoympäristöjä ei tiettävästi ole aiemmin tutkittu vankilaympäristössä. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin vuoden 2020 aikana. Lopullinen tutkimusaineisto koostui Helsingin ja Riihimäen vankiloiden vangeista. Analyysiin otettiin mukaan 19 tutkittavaa. Tässä virtuaalisia luontoelementtejä sisältävässä interventiossa tutkittavat saivat vapaasti valita, millaista virtuaalista ympäristöä käyttävät. Luontoelementtejä sisälsivät metsäkävely, sukellus, purjehdus ja kiipeily. Tutkittavien affektien muutosta mitattiin ennen ja jälkeen intervention itsearviointina täytettävällä 20-osaisella PANAS-mittarilla, jossa tutkittava arvioi mittaushetkellä kymmentä positiivista ja kymmentä negatiivista affektia viisiportaisesti. Aikaisemman tutkimustiedon pohjalta muodostettu hypoteesi oli, että interventio vähentää negatiivisia affekteja, mutta sillä ei ole vaikutusta positiivisiin affekteihin. Affektien muutosta tutkittiin Wilcoxonin testillä. Tutkimushypoteesin vastaisesti tutkittavien negatiivisissa affekteissa ei tapahtunut muutosta, kun taas positiiviset affektit lisääntyivät intervention myötä. Lisäksi tutkittavien stressin tunne väheni tilastollisesti merkitsevästi. Luontoa koskevien tutkimusten mukaan luontoympäristön hyvinvointivaikutukset näkyvät erityisesti positiivisten affektien lisääntymisenä. Tämän tutkimuksen tulokset antavat viitteitä siitä, että virtuaalisia luontoelementtejä sisältävällä interventiolla voidaan saada aikaan näitä luonnon affektiivisia hyvinvointivaikutuksia vankilaympäristössä. Tutkimuksen rajoitusten vuoksi aihetta olisi kuitenkin syytä tutkia lisää. Yhteyden löytyminen luonnon ja virtuaaliluonnon affektiivisia vaikutuksia aikaansaavien psykofysiologisten taustaprosessien välillä saattaisi olla merkittävä askel kohti vankien paremman psyykkisen hyvinvoinnin saavuttamista

    Taking real steps in virtual nature: a randomized blinded trial

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    Studies show that green exercise (i.e., physical activity in the presence of nature) can provide the synergistic psychophysiological benefits of both physical exercise and nature exposure. The present study aimed to investigate the extent to which virtual green exercise may extend these benefits to people that are unable to engage in active visits to natural environments, as well as to promote enhanced exercise behavior. After watching a video validated to elicit sadness, participants either performed a treadmill walk while exposed to one of two virtual conditions, which were created using different techniques (360° video or 3D model), or walked on a treadmill while facing a blank wall (control). Quantitative and qualitative data were collected in relation to three overarching themes: “Experience,” “Physical engagement” and “Psychophysiological recovery.” Compared to control, greater enjoyment was found in the 3D model, while lower walking speed was found in the 360° video. No significant differences among conditions were found with respect to heart rate, perceived exertion, or changes in blood pressure and affect. The analysis of qualitative data provided further understanding on the participants’ perceptions and experiences. These findings indicate that 3D model-based virtual green exercise can provide some additional benefits compared to indoor exercise, while 360° video-based virtual green exercise may result in lower physical engagement.publishedVersio

    Psychological and psychophysiological effects of a biophilic indoor environment. A virtual reality study

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    openL'obiettivo principale è quello di valutare se la presentazione di un ambiente biofilico interno attraverso la realtà virtuale possa avere degli effetti rigenerativi sulla persona a livello psicologico e psicofisiologico

    A Mixed Methods Examination of Immersive Virtual Reality Green Exercise.

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    There is increasing research suggesting virtual reality (VR) can enhance exercise experience, yielding additional psychophysiological benefits. Combining VR, nature and exercise may provide additional health benefits compared to indoor (control) and virtual urban exercise; thus, this thesis’ aims are: a) to examine how VR environments can influence psychophysiological outcomes of exercise b) to explore individual expectations and reactions to using VR exercise. The first study was designed to assess green (nature) and urban VR environments on psychophysiological outcomes during a controlled cycling-based exercise. Participants (n=12) cycled at an RPE of 12 for ten minutes. Participants reported improvements in positive and negative affect from pre- to post-exercise in the virtual green condition (p0.05). A significant difference was observed in positive affect between the control condition (no VR) and the virtual green condition (p>0.001). Heart rate was significantly higher in the control condition compared to the urban (p=0.005) and green (p=0.02) conditions. Distance travelled (m) was significantly higher in the control condition compared to the urban (p=0.003); there was no significant difference between the green and urban; and green and control condition (p>0.05). Results revealed virtual green exercise can be beneficial to psychological outcomes but compared to urban/indoor environments, the results can vary. Little is known about participant thoughts and beliefs regarding VR, Study 2 was a qualitative study designed to assess expectations and reactions to VR exercise. Participants reported limited VR experience. VR improved enjoyment, and motivation and lowered perceived effort (despite RPE 12 instructions. Participants preferred the green over urban and indoor environments and suggested VR should be a substitute for real outdoor exercise. Overall, VR improved the exercise experience of participants. Future research should branch into clinical populations that may benefit from virtual green exercise

    The impact of blue, green, and urban spaces on acute stress levels in an adult population : a psychophysiological perspective

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    Thesis (PhD (Psychology))--University of Pretoria, 2022.Stress is an ever-increasing feature of daily life. Particularly, repeated exposures to acute stress can result in multiple poor psychophysiological outcomes. These multiple poor outcomes can be operationalised as chronic stress. If the impact of acute stress can be managed, the longer-term impacts of chronic stress can be mitigated. Research has shown that exposure to green and blue spaces are beneficial. However, the existing literature on specifically the psychophysiological stress relieving effects of blue, green, and urban spaces is scarce. This study therefore aimed to assess the extent to which urban, green, and blue spaces impact acute stress, measured psychophysiologically. Furthermore, an integrated psychophysiological model was integrated with evolutionary psychology, the biophilia hypothesis, and stress reduction theory, to form a theoretical point of departure. A four-group, pre-test – post-test control group experimental design was employed, in which 118 participants were exposed to either a blue, green, or urban space video, following exposure to an acute stressor. The control group sat for the same length of time as the treatment groups’ videos. Psychological measurement instruments included the Perceived Stress Scale, Nature Relatedness Scale, Restoration Scale, and four self-developed follow up items. Physiological data that were captured included blood pressure, heart rate, cardio stress index, and electrodermal activity. Overall, the results of two-way mixed ANOVAs, multiple regression, and a single-sample t-test demonstrated that urban areas have the poorest impact on acute stress when compared to green and blue areas. Green and blue spaces did not differ significantly from each other in their ability to impact acute stress, but blue spaces were found to be perceived the most restorative. The implication of these results is that exposure to green and blue spaces promote acute stress recovery and should be considered a viable treatment option for acute stress relief.PsychologyPhD (Psychology)Unrestricte