132 research outputs found

    The Daily Gamecock, Wednesday, March 26, 2014

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    Cosmopolitan and border experiences in the global city of Zootopia

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    This paper analyses the Walt Disney’s animation film Zootopia (2016) within the context of contemporary cinematic representations of global cities as borderlands but also as bordering, exclusive, diverse and cosmopolitan places. Zootopia is a film about the city space, in this case, about the global city of zootopia. The film reflects contemporary global cities in which the negotiation of space is a constant issue. It portrays a modern metropolis formed by different neighbourhoods with contrasting habitats such as Sahara, Jungle or Tundra, all comprised in the same space and separated by physical walls. Animals from every environment, size and form cohabit together in the city, but physical and metaphorical borders are erected between them. The film brings an inclusive message breaking with borders inside the global city and portraying moments of openness between the protagonists; a bunny and a fox. © 2021. All Rights Reserved

    Tools for fluid simulation control in computer graphics

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    L’animation basĂ©e sur la physique peut gĂ©nĂ©rer des systĂšmes aux comportements complexes et rĂ©alistes. Malheureusement, contrĂŽler de tels systĂšmes est une tĂąche ardue. Dans le cas de la simulation de fluide, le processus de contrĂŽle est particuliĂšrement complexe. Bien que de nombreuses mĂ©thodes et outils ont Ă©tĂ© mis au point pour simuler et faire le rendu de fluides, trop peu de mĂ©thodes offrent un contrĂŽle efficace et intuitif sur une simulation de fluide. Étant donnĂ© que le coĂ»t associĂ© au contrĂŽle vient souvent s’additionner au coĂ»t de la simulation, appliquer un contrĂŽle sur une simulation Ă  plus haute rĂ©solution rallonge chaque itĂ©ration du processus de crĂ©ation. Afin d’accĂ©lĂ©rer ce processus, l’édition peut se faire sur une simulation basse rĂ©solution moins coĂ»teuse. Nous pouvons donc considĂ©rer que la crĂ©ation d’un fluide contrĂŽlĂ© peut se diviser en deux phases: une phase de contrĂŽle durant laquelle un artiste modifie le comportement d’une simulation basse rĂ©solution, et une phase d’augmentation de dĂ©tail durant laquelle une version haute rĂ©solution de cette simulation est gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©e. Cette thĂšse prĂ©sente deux projets, chacun contribuant Ă  l’état de l’art reliĂ© Ă  chacune de ces deux phases. Dans un premier temps, on introduit un nouveau systĂšme de contrĂŽle de liquide reprĂ©sentĂ© par un modĂšle particulaire. À l’aide de ce systĂšme, un artiste peut sĂ©lectionner dans une base de donnĂ©es une parcelle de liquide animĂ© prĂ©calculĂ©e. Cette parcelle peut ensuite ĂȘtre placĂ©e dans une simulation afin d’en modifier son comportement. À chaque pas de simulation, notre systĂšme utilise la liste de parcelles actives afin de reproduire localement la vision de l’artiste. Une interface graphique intuitive a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©e, inspirĂ©e par les logiciels de montage vidĂ©o, et permettant Ă  un utilisateur non expert de simplement Ă©diter une simulation de liquide. Dans un second temps, une mĂ©thode d’augmentation de dĂ©tail est dĂ©crite. Nous proposons d’ajouter une Ă©tape supplĂ©mentaire de suivi aprĂšs l’étape de projection du champ de vitesse d’une simulation de fumĂ©e eulĂ©rienne classique. Durant cette Ă©tape, un champ de perturbations de vitesse non-divergent est calculĂ©, rĂ©sultant en une meilleure correspondance des densitĂ©s Ă  haute et Ă  basse rĂ©solution. L’animation de fumĂ©e rĂ©sultante reproduit fidĂšlement l’aspect grossier de la simulation d’entrĂ©e, tout en Ă©tant augmentĂ©e Ă  l’aide de dĂ©tails simulĂ©s.Physics-based animation can generate dynamic systems of very complex and realistic behaviors. Unfortunately, controlling them is a daunting task. In particular, fluid simulation brings up particularly difficult problems to the control process. Although many methods and tools have been developed to convincingly simulate and render fluids, too few methods provide efficient and intuitive control over a simulation. Since control often comes with extra computations on top of the simulation cost, art-directing a high-resolution simulation leads to long iterations of the creative process. In order to shorten this process, editing could be performed on a faster, low-resolution model. Therefore, we can consider that the process of generating an art-directed fluid could be split into two stages: a control stage during which an artist modifies the behavior of a low-resolution simulation, and an upresolution stage during which a final high-resolution version of this simulation is driven. This thesis presents two projects, each one improving on the state of the art related to each of these two stages. First, we introduce a new particle-based liquid control system. Using this system, an artist selects patches of precomputed liquid animations from a database, and places them in a simulation to modify its behavior. At each simulation time step, our system uses these entities to control the simulation in order to reproduce the artist’s vision. An intuitive graphical user interface inspired by video editing tools has been developed, allowing a nontechnical user to simply edit a liquid animation. Second, a tracking solution for smoke upresolution is described. We propose to add an extra tracking step after the projection of a classical Eulerian smoke simulation. During this step, we solve for a divergence-free velocity perturbation field resulting in a better matching of the low-frequency density distribution between the low-resolution guide and the high-resolution simulation. The resulting smoke animation faithfully reproduces the coarse aspect of the low-resolution input, while being enhanced with simulated small-scale details

    The Daily Gamecock, Tuesday, January 14, 2014

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    The Daily Gamecock, Tuesday, January 14, 2014

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    The Mighty Boosh: Teatrålní a narativní prvky v epické komedii Juliana Barratta a Noela Fieldinga

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    Anotace: Tato prĂĄce se zabĂœvĂĄ podrobnou analĂœzou tvorby britskĂ© komediĂĄlnĂ­ skupiny The Mighty Boosh zaloĆŸenĂ© herci a komiky Julianem Barrattem a Noelem Fieldingem. The Boosh je v naĆĄem kulturnĂ­m prostƙedĂ­ relativně neznĂĄmĂœm pojmem. Z tohoto dĆŻvodu slouĆŸĂ­ prvnĂ­ část prĂĄce mimo jinĂ© jako Ășvod: pƙedstavuje kulturnĂ­ pozadĂ­ hercĆŻ a pĆŻvod projektu samotnĂ©ho. NĂĄsledně se zabĂœvĂĄ technickĂœmi a fyzickĂœmi aspekty show, stejně jako uĆŸitĂœmi hereckĂœmi či teatrĂĄlnĂ­mi metodami. DruhĂĄ část je vĂ­ce praktickĂĄ, soustƙedĂ­ se na narativnĂ­ rĂĄmec a strategie, kterĂ© majĂ­ tendenci se vĂœrazně opakovat a činĂ­ tak z Barrattova a Fieldingova počinu epickou (hrdinskou) komedii. AnalĂœza si klade za cĂ­l vysvětlit tyto vypravěčskĂ© strategie mimo jinĂ© poukazovĂĄnĂ­m na autory jako Vladimir Propp, Joseph Campbell a dalĆĄĂ­, a pƙedstavit The Mighty Boosh ve svĂ© celistvosti a komplexnosti.This thesis is concerned with a detailed analysis of the work of the British comedic troupe The Mighty Boosh created by actors and comedians Julian Barratt and Noel Fielding. The Boosh phenomenon is relatively unknown in our cultural environment. Accordingly, the first part of the thesis aims to serve partly as an introduction: it presents the authors' cultural background and the origins of the project itself. Subsequently, technical and physical aspects of the show as well as the acting/theatrical methods used are inquired into. The second part is more practical as it focuses on the narrative framework and strategies, which tend to be highly repetitive and make Barratt and Fielding's project an epic (heroic) comedy. The analysis seeks to explain these narrative strategies by referring to authors such as Vladimir Propp, Joseph Campbell and others, and to reveal The Mighty Boosh in its entirety and complexness.Department of Anglophone Literatures and CulturesÚstav anglofonnĂ­ch literatur a kulturFaculty of ArtsFilozofickĂĄ fakult

    The Daily Gamecock, Friday, November 8, 2013

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    Cosmopolitanism and inclusive education through 21st - century Disney films

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    COSMOPOLITISMO Y EDUCACIÓN INCLUSIVA A TRAVÉS DE LAS PELÍCULAS DE DISNEY DEL SIGLO XXIAl destacar los vĂ­nculos entre el cosmopolitismo y la educaciĂłn inclusiva, esta tesis explora el potencial de las pelĂ­culas de Disney del siglo XXI para abordar problemas sociales y culturales contemporĂĄneos con el fin de promover valores inclusivos. Esta tesis propone que el vĂ­nculo entre ambas ĂĄreas de estudio es la educaciĂłn cosmopolita, que aglutina los valores y teorĂ­as del cosmopolitismo y la educaciĂłn inclusiva. En particular, examina tres pelĂ­culas de animaciĂłn de Disney del siglo XXI bajo una lente cosmopolita, para explorar la manera en que ayudan a construir y reflejar problemas actuales como son las fronteras geogrĂĄficas y culturales, las ciudades globales y el cambio climĂĄtico. Los estudios de caso han sido elegidos de acuerdo con ciertas secciones del Index for Inclusion: A Guide to School Development Led by Inclusive Values (Booth y Ainscow 2016), un documento que tiene como objetivo proporcionar una nueva forma de currĂ­culo escolar adaptado a las necesidades sociales del siglo XXI. El Index contiene una lista de diecisĂ©is valores inclusivos, que ayudan a determinar el potencial inclusivo de las pelĂ­culas. Los valores inclusivos explorados en cada uno de los anĂĄlisis fueron ÂżcomunidadÂż en Campanilla y El Secreto de las Hadas (capĂ­tulo dos), Âżrespeto por la diversidadÂż en ZootrĂłpolis (capĂ­tulo tres) y ÂżsostenibilidadÂż en WALL-E (capĂ­tulo cuatro). Esta tesis utiliza el anĂĄlisis textual para explorar cĂłmo estas tres pelĂ­culas pueden utilizarse para explorar y promover cuestiones cosmopolitas como son los roles y significados de las fronteras (capĂ­tulo dos), la ciudad global (capĂ­tulo tres) y la ecologĂ­a (capĂ­tulo cuatro) en el aula.<br /
