179 research outputs found

    Towards Side-Channel Resistant Block Cipher Usage or Can We Encrypt Without Side-Channel Countermeasures?

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    Based on re-keying techniques by Abdalla, Bellare, and Borst [1,2], we consider two black-box secure block cipher based symmetric encryption schemes, which we prove secure in the physically observable cryptography model. They are proven side-channel secure against a strong type of adversary that can adaptively choose the leakage function as long as the leaked information is bounded. It turns out that our simple construction is side-channel secure against all types of attacks that satisfy some reasonable assumptions. In particular, the security turns out to be negligible in the block cipher’s block size n, for all attacks. We also show that our ideas result in an interesting alternative to the implementation of block ciphers using different logic styles or masking countermeasures

    Formally Verified Implementation of an Idealized Model of Virtualization

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    VirtualCert is a machine-checked model of virtualization that can be used to reason about isolation between operating systems in presence of cache-based side-channels. In contrast to most prominent projects on operating systems verification, where such guarantees are proved directly on concrete implementations of hypervisors, VirtualCert abstracts away most implementations issues and specifies the effects of hypervisor actions axiomatically, in terms of preconditions and postconditions. Unfortunately, seemingly innocuous implementation issues are often relevant for security. Incorporating the treatment of errors into VirtualCert is therefore an important step towards strengthening the isolation theorems proved in earlier work. In this paper, we extend our earlier model with errors, and prove that isolation theorems still apply. In addition, we provide an executable specification of the hypervisor, and prove that it correctly implements the axiomatic model. The executable specification constitutes a first step towards a more realistic implementation of a hypervisor, and provides a useful tool for validating the axiomatic semantics developed in previous work

    On the Duality of Probing and Fault Attacks

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    In this work we investigate the problem of simultaneous privacy and integrity protection in cryptographic circuits. We consider a white-box scenario with a powerful, yet limited attacker. A concise metric for the level of probing and fault security is introduced, which is directly related to the capabilities of a realistic attacker. In order to investigate the interrelation of probing and fault security we introduce a common mathematical framework based on the formalism of information and coding theory. The framework unifies the known linear masking schemes. We proof a central theorem about the properties of linear codes which leads to optimal secret sharing schemes. These schemes provide the lower bound for the number of masks needed to counteract an attacker with a given strength. The new formalism reveals an intriguing duality principle between the problems of probing and fault security, and provides a unified view on privacy and integrity protection using error detecting codes. Finally, we introduce a new class of linear tamper-resistant codes. These are eligible to preserve security against an attacker mounting simultaneous probing and fault attacks

    Formally verified countermeasures against cache based attacks in virtualization platforms

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    Cache based attacks are a class of side-channel attacks that are particularly effective in virtualized or cloud-based environments, where they have been used to recover secret keys from cryptographic implementations. One common approach to thwart cache-based attacks is to use constant-time implementations, which do not branch on secrets and do not perform memory accesses that depend on secrets. However, there is no rigorous proof that constant-time implementations are protected against concurrent cache attacks in virtualization platforms; moreover, many prominent implementations are not constant-time. An alternative approach is to rely on system-level mechanisms. One recent such mechanism is stealth memory, which provisions a small amount of private cache for programs to carry potentially leaking computations securely. We weaken the definition of constant-time, introducing a new program classification called S-constant-time, that captures the behavior of programs that correctly use stealth memory. This new definition encompasses some widely used cryptographic implementations. However, there was no rigorous analysis of stealth memory and S-constant-time, and no tool support for checking if applications are S-constant-time. In this thesis, we propose a new information-flow analysis that checks if an x86 application executes in constant-time or S-constant-time. Moreover, we prove that (S-)constant-time programs do not leak confidential information through the cache to other operating systems executing concurrently on virtualization platforms. The soundness proofs are based on new theorems of independent interest, including isolation theorems for virtualization platforms, and proofs that (S-)constant-time implementations are non-interfering with respect to a strict information flow policy which disallows that control flow and memory accesses depend on secrets. We formalize our results using the Coq proof assistant and we demonstrate the effectiveness of our analyses on cryptographic implementations, including PolarSSL AES, DES and RC4, SHA256 and Salsa20.Los ataques basados en el cache son una clase de ataques de canal lateral (side-channel) particularmente efectivos en entornos virtualizados o basados en la nube, donde han sido usados para recuperar claves secretas de implementaciones criptográficas. Un enfoque común para frustrar los ataques basados en cache es usar implementaciones de tiempo constante (constant-time), las cuales no tienen bifurcaciones basadas en secretos, y no realizan accesos a memoria que dependan de secretos. Sin embargo, no existe una prueba rigurosa de que las implementaciones de tiempo constante están protegidas de ataques concurrentes de cache en plataformas de virtualización. Además, muchas implementaciones populares no son de tiempo constante. Un enfoque alternativo es utilizar mecanismos a nivel del sistema. Uno de los más recientes de estos es stealth memory, que provee una pequeña cantidad de cache privado a los programas para que puedan llevar a cabo de manera segura computaciones que potencialmente filtran información. En este trabajo se debilita la definición de tiempo constante, introduciendo una nueva clasificación de programas llamada S-constant-time, que captura el comportamiento de programas que hacen un uso correcto de stealth memory. Esta nueva definición abarca implementaciones criptográficas ampliamente utilizadas. Sin embargo, hasta el momento no había un análisis riguroso de stealth memory y S-constant-time, y ningún soporte de herramientas que permitan verificar si una aplicación es S-constant-time. En esta tesis, proponemos un nuevo análisis de flujo de información que verifica si una aplicación x86 ejecuta en constant-time o S-constant-time. Además, probamos que los programas (S-)constant-time no filtran información confidencial a través del cache a otros sistemas operativos ejecutando concurrentemente en plataformas de virtualización. La pruebas de corrección están basadas en propiedades que incluyen teoremas, de interés en sí mismos, de aislamiento para plataformas de virtualización y pruebas de que las implementaciones (S-)constant-time son no interferentes con respecto a una política estricta de flujo de información que no permite que el control de flujo y los accesos a memoria dependan de secretos. Formalizamos nuestros resultados utilizando el asistente de pruebas Coq, y mostramos la efectividad de nuestros análisis en implementaciones criptográficas que incluyen PolarSSL AES, DES y RC4, SHA256 y Salsa20

    A Unified Formalism for Physical Attacks

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    Technical reportThe security of cryptographic algorithms can be considered in two contexts. On the one hand, these algorithms can be proven secure mathematically. On the other hand, physical attacks can weaken the implementation of an algorithm yet proven secure. Under the common name of physical attacks, different attacks are regrouped: side channel attacks and fault injection attacks. This paper presents a common formalism for these attacks and highlights their underlying principles. All physical attacks on symmetric algorithms can be described with a 3-step process. Moreover it is possible to compare different physical attacks, by separating the theoretical attack path and the experimental parts of the attacks

    Towards Security Limits in Side-Channel Attacks

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    This paper considers a recently introduced framework for the analysis of physically observable cryptographic devices. It exploits a model of computation that allows quantifying the effect of practically relevant leakage functions with a combination of security and information theoretic metrics. As a result of these metrics, a unified evaluation methodology for side-channel attacks was derived that we illustrate by applying it to an exemplary block cipher implementation. We first consider a Hamming weight leakage function and evaluate the efficiency of two commonly investigated countermeasures, namely noise addition and masking. Then, we show that the proposed methodology allows capturing certain non-trivial intuitions about the respective effectiveness of these countermeasures Finally, we justify the need of combined metrics for the evaluation, comparison and understanding of side-channel attacks