1,264 research outputs found

    Physically based adaptive preconditioning for early vision

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    Effects of the 8 psia / 32% O2 Atmosphere on the Human in the Spaceflight Environment

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    Extravehicular activity (EVA) is at the core of a manned space exploration program. There are elements of exploration that may be safely and effectively performed by robots, but there are critical elements of exploration that will require the trained, assertive, and reasoning mind of a human crewmember. To effectively use these skills, NASA needs a safe, effective, and efficient EVA component integrated into the human exploration program. The EVA preparation time should be minimized and the suit pressure should be low to accommodate EVA tasks without undue fatigue, physical discomfort, or suit-related trauma. Commissioned in 2005, the Exploration Atmospheres Working Group (EAWG) had the primary goal of recommending to NASA an internal environment that allowed efficient and repetitive EVAs for missions that were to be enabled by the former Constellation Program. At the conclusion of the EAWG meeting, the 8.0 psia and 32% oxygen (O2) environment were recommended for EVA intensive phases of missions. As a result of selecting this internal environment, NASA gains the capability for efficient EVA with low risk of decompression sickness (DCS), but not without incurring additional negative stimulus of hypobaric hypoxia to the already physiologically challenging spaceflight environment. This paper provides a literature review of the human health and performance risks associated with the 8 psia/32% O2 environment. Of most concern are the potential effects on the central nervous system including increased intracranial pressure, visual impairment, sensorimotor dysfunction, and oxidative damage. Other areas of focus include validation of the DCS mitigation strategy, incidence and treatment of acute mountain sickness (AMS), development of new exercise countermeasures protocols, effective food preparation at 8 psia, assurance of quality sleep, and prevention of suit-induced injury. As a first effort, the trade space originally considered in the EAWG was re-evaluated looking for ways to decrease the hypoxic dose by further enriching the O2% or increasing the pressure. After discussion with the NASA engineering and materials community, it was determined that the O2 could be enriched from 32% to 34% and the pressure increased from 8.0 to 8.2 psia without significant penalty. These two small changes increase alveolar O2 pressure by 11 mmHg, which is expected to significantly benefit crewmembers. The 8.2/34 environment (inspired O2 pressure = 128 mmHg) is also physiologically equivalent to the staged decompression atmosphere of 10.2 psia / 26.5% O2 (inspired O2 pressure = 127 mmHg) used on 34 different shuttle missions for approximately a week each flight. Once decided, the proposed internal environment, if different than current experience, should be evaluated through appropriately simulated research studies. In many cases, the human physiologic concerns can be investigated effectively through integrated multi-discipline ground-based studies. Although missions proposing to use an 8.2/34 environment are still years away, it is recommended that these studies begin early enough to ensure that the correct decisions pertaining to vehicle design, mission operational concepts, and human health countermeasures are appropriately informed

    Finite element simulation of three-dimensional free-surface flow problems

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    An adaptive finite element algorithm is described for the stable solution of three-dimensional free-surface-flow problems based primarily on the use of node movement. The algorithm also includes a discrete remeshing procedure which enhances its accuracy and robustness. The spatial discretisation allows an isoparametric piecewise-quadratic approximation of the domain geometry for accurate resolution of the curved free surface. The technique is illustrated through an implementation for surface-tension-dominated viscous flows modelled in terms of the Stokes equations with suitable boundary conditions on the deforming free surface. Two three-dimensional test problems are used to demonstrate the performance of the method: a liquid bridge problem and the formation of a fluid droplet

    Flexibility of a Conditioned Response: Exploring the Limits of Attentional Capture By Fear

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    Recent work from the attention capture literature suggests that attention may be captured by stimuli with learned aversive value, even when these fear conditioned stimuli (CS) are task-irrelevant and not physically salient. Moreover, relatively little work in the human fear conditioning literature has investigated whether conditioned fear responses can flexibly transfer to a neutral associate of a CS. We examined, for the first time, whether fear-conditioned capture effects were able to transfer to the associate of a CS. Twenty-seven participants encoded novel scene-object pairs. Following encoding, scenes were presented alone during a conditioning phase. Scenes co-terminated with shock 100% (CS100), 50% (CS50), or 0% (CS0) of the time, depending on the object that they had been paired with during encoding, while participants made shock expectancy ratings. Subsequent to conditioning, participants performed a visual search task; the search display occasionally contained one of the encoded objects as a distractor. Eye movements were recorded. Results indicated that, during search, significantly more overt eye movements were made, in error, to the object associate of a CS relative to baseline distractors, and target-directed saccades on trials containing a CS associate were slower relative to target-directed saccades on baseline trials. However, there were no differences in capture effects across the three CS conditions (which varied in threat learning history), suggesting that fear-conditioned capture effects to a CS may not transfer to novel associates encountered for the first time in the episodic context of an experiment

    Real-Time Numerical Simulation for Accurate Soft Tissues Modeling during Haptic Interaction

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    The simulation of fabrics physics and its interaction with the human body has been largely studied in recent years to provide realistic-looking garments and wears specifically in the entertainment business. When the purpose of the simulation is to obtain scientific measures and detailed mechanical properties of the interaction, the underlying physical models should be enhanced to obtain better simulation accuracy increasing the modeling complexity and relaxing the simulation timing constraints to properly solve the set of equations under analysis. However, in the specific field of haptic interaction, the desiderata are to have both physical consistency and high frame rate to display stable and coherent stimuli as feedback to the user requiring a tradeoff between accuracy and real-time interaction. This work introduces a haptic system for the evaluation of the fabric hand of specific garments either existing or yet to be produced in a virtual reality simulation. The modeling is based on the co-rotational Finite Element approach that allows for large displacements but the small deformation of the elements. The proposed system can be beneficial for the fabrics industry both in the design phase or in the presentation phase, where a virtual fabric portfolio can be shown to customers around the world. Results exhibit the feasibility of high-frequency real-time simulation for haptic interaction with virtual garments employing realistic mechanical properties of the fabric materials

    Adaptive waveform inversion: theory

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    Conventional full-waveform seismic inversion attempts to find a model of the subsurface that is able to predict observed seismic waveforms exactly; it proceeds by minimizing the difference between the observed and predicted data directly, iterating in a series of linearized steps from an assumed starting model. If this starting model is too far removed from the true model, then this approach leads to a spurious model in which the predicted data are cycle skipped with respect to the observed data. Adaptive waveform inversion (AWI) provides a new form of full-waveform inversion (FWI) that appears to be immune to the problems otherwise generated by cycle skipping. In this method, least-squares convolutional filters are designed that transform the predicted data into the observed data. The inversion problem is formulated such that the subsurface model is iteratively updated to force these Wiener filters toward zero-lag delta functions. As that is achieved, the predicted data evolve toward the observed data and the assumed model evolves toward the true model. This new method is able to invert synthetic data successfully, beginning from starting models and under conditions for which conventional FWI fails entirely. AWI has a similar computational cost to conventional FWI per iteration, and it appears to converge at a similar rate. The principal advantages of this new method are that it allows waveform inversion to begin from less-accurate starting models, does not require the presence of low frequencies in the field data, and appears to provide a better balance between the influence of refracted and reflected arrivals upon the final-velocity model. The AWI is also able to invert successfully when the assumed source wavelet is severely in error

    An inexact Newton-Krylov algorithm for constrained diffeomorphic image registration

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    We propose numerical algorithms for solving large deformation diffeomorphic image registration problems. We formulate the nonrigid image registration problem as a problem of optimal control. This leads to an infinite-dimensional partial differential equation (PDE) constrained optimization problem. The PDE constraint consists, in its simplest form, of a hyperbolic transport equation for the evolution of the image intensity. The control variable is the velocity field. Tikhonov regularization on the control ensures well-posedness. We consider standard smoothness regularization based on H1H^1- or H2H^2-seminorms. We augment this regularization scheme with a constraint on the divergence of the velocity field rendering the deformation incompressible and thus ensuring that the determinant of the deformation gradient is equal to one, up to the numerical error. We use a Fourier pseudospectral discretization in space and a Chebyshev pseudospectral discretization in time. We use a preconditioned, globalized, matrix-free, inexact Newton-Krylov method for numerical optimization. A parameter continuation is designed to estimate an optimal regularization parameter. Regularity is ensured by controlling the geometric properties of the deformation field. Overall, we arrive at a black-box solver. We study spectral properties of the Hessian, grid convergence, numerical accuracy, computational efficiency, and deformation regularity of our scheme. We compare the designed Newton-Krylov methods with a globalized preconditioned gradient descent. We study the influence of a varying number of unknowns in time. The reported results demonstrate excellent numerical accuracy, guaranteed local deformation regularity, and computational efficiency with an optional control on local mass conservation. The Newton-Krylov methods clearly outperform the Picard method if high accuracy of the inversion is required.Comment: 32 pages; 10 figures; 9 table
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