15 research outputs found

    PhyloSim - Monte Carlo simulation of sequence evolution in the R statistical computing environment

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The Monte Carlo simulation of sequence evolution is routinely used to assess the performance of phylogenetic inference methods and sequence alignment algorithms. Progress in the field of molecular evolution fuels the need for more realistic and hence more complex simulations, adapted to particular situations, yet current software makes unreasonable assumptions such as homogeneous substitution dynamics or a uniform distribution of indels across the simulated sequences. This calls for an extensible simulation framework written in a high-level functional language, offering new functionality and making it easy to incorporate further complexity.</p> <p>Results</p> <p><monospace>PhyloSim</monospace> is an extensible framework for the Monte Carlo simulation of sequence evolution, written in R, using the Gillespie algorithm to integrate the actions of many concurrent processes such as substitutions, insertions and deletions. Uniquely among sequence simulation tools, <monospace>PhyloSim</monospace> can simulate arbitrarily complex patterns of rate variation and multiple indel processes, and allows for the incorporation of selective constraints on indel events. User-defined complex patterns of mutation and selection can be easily integrated into simulations, allowing <monospace>PhyloSim</monospace> to be adapted to specific needs.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Close integration with <monospace>R</monospace> and the wide range of features implemented offer unmatched flexibility, making it possible to simulate sequence evolution under a wide range of realistic settings. We believe that <monospace>PhyloSim</monospace> will be useful to future studies involving simulated alignments.</p

    πBUSS:a parallel BEAST/BEAGLE utility for sequence simulation under complex evolutionary scenarios

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    Background: Simulated nucleotide or amino acid sequences are frequently used to assess the performance of phylogenetic reconstruction methods. BEAST, a Bayesian statistical framework that focuses on reconstructing time-calibrated molecular evolutionary processes, supports a wide array of evolutionary models, but lacked matching machinery for simulation of character evolution along phylogenies. Results: We present a flexible Monte Carlo simulation tool, called piBUSS, that employs the BEAGLE high performance library for phylogenetic computations within BEAST to rapidly generate large sequence alignments under complex evolutionary models. piBUSS sports a user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI) that allows combining a rich array of models across an arbitrary number of partitions. A command-line interface mirrors the options available through the GUI and facilitates scripting in large-scale simulation studies. Analogous to BEAST model and analysis setup, more advanced simulation options are supported through an extensible markup language (XML) specification, which in addition to generating sequence output, also allows users to combine simulation and analysis in a single BEAST run. Conclusions: piBUSS offers a unique combination of flexibility and ease-of-use for sequence simulation under realistic evolutionary scenarios. Through different interfaces, piBUSS supports simulation studies ranging from modest endeavors for illustrative purposes to complex and large-scale assessments of evolutionary inference procedures. The software aims at implementing new models and data types that are continuously being developed as part of BEAST/BEAGLE.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, 1 tabl

    Phylogenetic Stochastic Mapping without Matrix Exponentiation

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    Phylogenetic stochastic mapping is a method for reconstructing the history of trait changes on a phylogenetic tree relating species/organisms carrying the trait. State-of-the-art methods assume that the trait evolves according to a continuous-time Markov chain (CTMC) and work well for small state spaces. The computations slow down considerably for larger state spaces (e.g. space of codons), because current methodology relies on exponentiating CTMC infinitesimal rate matrices -- an operation whose computational complexity grows as the size of the CTMC state space cubed. In this work, we introduce a new approach, based on a CTMC technique called uniformization, that does not use matrix exponentiation for phylogenetic stochastic mapping. Our method is based on a new Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm that targets the distribution of trait histories conditional on the trait data observed at the tips of the tree. The computational complexity of our MCMC method grows as the size of the CTMC state space squared. Moreover, in contrast to competing matrix exponentiation methods, if the rate matrix is sparse, we can leverage this sparsity and increase the computational efficiency of our algorithm further. Using simulated data, we illustrate advantages of our MCMC algorithm and investigate how large the state space needs to be for our method to outperform matrix exponentiation approaches. We show that even on the moderately large state space of codons our MCMC method can be significantly faster than currently used matrix exponentiation methods.Comment: 33 pages, including appendice

    Who Watches the Watchmen? An Appraisal of Benchmarks for Multiple Sequence Alignment

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    Multiple sequence alignment (MSA) is a fundamental and ubiquitous technique in bioinformatics used to infer related residues among biological sequences. Thus alignment accuracy is crucial to a vast range of analyses, often in ways difficult to assess in those analyses. To compare the performance of different aligners and help detect systematic errors in alignments, a number of benchmarking strategies have been pursued. Here we present an overview of the main strategies--based on simulation, consistency, protein structure, and phylogeny--and discuss their different advantages and associated risks. We outline a set of desirable characteristics for effective benchmarking, and evaluate each strategy in light of them. We conclude that there is currently no universally applicable means of benchmarking MSA, and that developers and users of alignment tools should base their choice of benchmark depending on the context of application--with a keen awareness of the assumptions underlying each benchmarking strategy.Comment: Revie

    FossilSim:An r package for simulating fossil occurrence data under mechanistic models of preservation and recovery

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    1.Key features of the fossil record that present challenges for integrating palaeontological and phylogenetic datasets include (i) non‐uniform fossil recovery, (ii) stratigraphic age uncertainty and (iii) inconsistencies in the definition of species origination and taxonomy. 2.We present an r package FossilSim that can be used to simulate and visualise fossil data for phylogenetic analysis under a range of flexible models. The package includes interval‐, environment‐ and lineage‐dependent models of fossil recovery that can be combined with models of stratigraphic age uncertainty and species evolution. 3.The package input and output can be used in combination with the wide range of existing phylogenetic and palaeontological r packages. We also provide functions for converting between FossilSim and paleotree objects. 4. Simulated datasets provide enormous potential to assess the performance of phylogenetic methods and to explore the impact of using fossil occurrence databases on parameter estimation in macroevolution.ISSN:2041-210XISSN:2041-209

    Nucleotide Substitutions during Speciation may Explain Substitution Rate Variation

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    Abstract Although molecular mechanisms associated with the generation of mutations are highly conserved across taxa, there is widespread variation in mutation rates between evolutionary lineages. When phylogenies are reconstructed based on nucleotide sequences, such variation is typically accounted for by the assumption of a relaxed molecular clock, which is a statistical distribution of mutation rates without much underlying biological mechanism. Here, we propose that variation in accumulated mutations may be partly explained by an elevated mutation rate during speciation. Using simulations, we show how shifting mutations from branches to speciation events impacts inference of branching times in phylogenetic reconstruction. Furthermore, the resulting nucleotide alignments are better described by a relaxed than by a strict molecular clock. Thus, elevated mutation rates during speciation potentially explain part of the variation in substitution rates that is observed across the tree of life. [Molecular clock; phylogenetic reconstruction; speciation; substitution rate variation.

    Inferring Rates and Length-Distributions of Indels Using Approximate Bayesian Computation

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    abstract: The most common evolutionary events at the molecular level are single-base substitutions, as well as insertions and deletions (indels) of short DNA segments. A large body of research has been devoted to develop probabilistic substitution models and to infer their parameters using likelihood and Bayesian approaches. In contrast, relatively little has been done to model indel dynamics, probably due to the difficulty in writing explicit likelihood functions. Here, we contribute to the effort of modeling indel dynamics by presenting SpartaABC, an approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) approach to infer indel parameters from sequence data (either aligned or unaligned). SpartaABC circumvents the need to use an explicit likelihood function by extracting summary statistics from simulated sequences. First, summary statistics are extracted from the input sequence data. Second, SpartaABC samples indel parameters from a prior distribution and uses them to simulate sequences. Third, it computes summary statistics from the simulated sets of sequences. By computing a distance between the summary statistics extracted from the input and each simulation, SpartaABC can provide an approximation to the posterior distribution of indel parameters as well as point estimates. We study the performance of our methodology and show that it provides accurate estimates of indel parameters in simulations. We next demonstrate the utility of SpartaABC by studying the impact of alignment errors on the inference of positive selection. A C ++ program implementing SpartaABC is freely available in http://spartaabc.tau.ac.il.The final version of this article, as published in Genome Biology and Evolution, can be viewed online at: https://academic.oup.com/gbe/article-lookup/doi/10.1093/gbe/evx08

    Interruptional Activity and Simulation of Transposable Elements

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    Transposable elements (TEs) are interspersed DNA sequences that can move or copy to new positions within a genome. The active TEs along with the remnants of many transposition events over millions of years constitute 46.69% of the human genome. TEs are believed to promote speciation and their activities play a significant role in human disease. The 22 AluY and 6 AluS TE subfamilies have been the most active TEs in recent human history, whose transposition has been implicated in several inherited human diseases and in various forms of cancer by integrating into genes. Therefore, understanding the transposition activities is very important. Recently, there has been some work done to quantify the activity levels of active Alu transposable elements based on variation in the sequence. Here, given this activity data, an analysis of TE activity based on the position of mutations is conducted. Two different methods/simulations are created to computationally predict so-called harmful mutation regions in the consensus sequence of a TE; that is, mutations that occur in these regions decrease the transposition activities dramatically. The methods are applied to AluY, the youngest and most active Alu subfamily, to identify the harmful regions laying in its consensus, and verifications are presented using the activity of AluY elements and the secondary structure of the AluYa5 RNA, providing evidence that the method is successfully identifying harmful mutation regions. A supplementary simulation also shows that the identified harmful regions covering the AluYa5 RNA functional regions are not occurring by chance. Therefore, mutations within the harmful regions alter the mobile activity levels of active AluY elements. One of the methods is then applied to two additional TE families: the Alu family and L1 family, in detecting the harmful regions in these elements computationally. Understanding and predicting the evolution of these TEs is of interest in understanding their powerful evolutionary force in shaping their host genomes. In this thesis, a formal model of TE fragments and their interruptions is devised that provides definitions that are compatible with biological nomenclature, while still providing a suitable formal foundation for computational analysis. Essentially, this model is used for fixing terminology that was misleading in the literature, and it helps to describe further TE problems in a precise way. Indeed, later chapters include two other models built on top of this model: the sequential interruption model and the recursive interruption model, both used to analyze their activity throughout evolution. The sequential interruption model is defined between TEs that occur in a genomic sequence to estimate how often TEs interrupt other TEs, which has been shown to be useful in predicting their ages and their activity throughout evolution. Here, this prediction from the sequential interruptions is shown to be closely related to a classic matrix optimization problem: the Linear Ordering Problem (LOP). By applying a well-studied method of solving the LOP, Tabu search, to the sequential interruption model, a relative age order of all TEs in the human genome is predicted from a single genome. A comparison of the TE ordering between Tabu search and the method used in [47] shows that Tabu search solves the TE problem exceedingly more efficiently, while it still achieves a more accurate result. As a result of the improved efficiency, a prediction on all human TEs is constructed, whereas it was previously only predicted for a minority fraction of the set of the human TEs. When many insertions occurred throughout the evolution of a genomic sequence, the interruptions nest in a recursive pattern. The nested TEs are very helpful in revealing the age of the TEs, but cannot be fully represented by the sequential interruption model. In the recursive interruption model, a specific context- free grammar is defined, describing a general and simple way to capture the recursive nature in which TEs nest themselves into other TEs. Then, each production of the context-free grammar is associated with a probability to convert the context-free grammar into a stochastic context-free grammar that maximizes the applications of the productions corresponding to TE interruptions. A modified version of an algorithm to parse context-free grammars, the CYK algorithm, that takes into account these probabilities is then used to find the most likely parse tree(s) predicting the TE nesting in an efficient fashion. The recursive interruption model produces small parse trees representing local TE interruptions in a genome. These parse trees are a natural way of grouping TE fragments in a genomic sequence together to form interruptions. Next, some tree adjustment operations are given to simplify these parse trees and obtain more standard evolutionary trees. Then an overall TE-interaction network is created by merging these standard evolutionary trees into a weighted directed graph. This TE-interaction network is a rich representation of the predicted interactions between all TEs throughout evolution and is a powerful tool to predict the insertion evolution of these TEs. It is applied to the human genome, but can be easily applied to other genomes. Furthermore, it can also be applied to multiple related genomes where common TEs exist in order to study the interactions between TEs and the genomes. Lastly, a simulation of TE transpositions throughout evolution is developed. This is especially helpful in understanding the dynamics of how TEs evolve and impact their host genomes. Also, it is used as a verification technique for the previous theoretical models in the thesis. By feeding the simulated TE remnants and activity data into the theoretical models, a relative age order is predicted using the sequential interruption model, and a quantified correlation between this predicted order and the input age order in the simulation can be calculated. Then, a TE-interaction network is constructed using the recursive interruption model on the simulated data, which can also be converted into a linear age order by feeding the adjacency matrix of the network to Tabu search. Another correlation is calculated between the predicted age order from the recursive interruption model and the input age order. An average correlation of ten simulations is calculated for each model, which suggests that in general, the recursive interruption model performs better than the sequential interruption model in predicting a correct relative age order of TEs. Indeed, the recursive interruption model achieves an average correlation value of ρ = 0.939 with the correct simulated answer

    Genome of the pitcher plant <i>Cephalotus </i>reveals genetic changes associated with carnivory

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    Carnivorous plants exploit animals as a nutritional source and have inspired long-standing questions about the origin and evolution of carnivory-related traits. To investigate the molecular bases of carnivory, we sequenced the genome of the heterophyllous pitcher plant Cephalotus follicularis, in which we succeeded in regulating the developmental switch between carnivorous and non-carnivorous leaves. Transcriptome comparison of the two leaf types and gene repertoire analysis identified genetic changes associated with prey attraction, capture, digestion and nutrient absorption. Analysis of digestive fluid proteins from C. follicularis and three other carnivorous plants with independent carnivorous origins revealed repeated co-options of stress-responsive protein lineages coupled with convergent amino acid substitutions to acquire digestive physiology. These results imply constraints on the available routes to evolve plant carnivory