1,120,182 research outputs found

    W427.2-004 - Photographs: Joel Nichols Negatives

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    W427.2-001 - Photographs: Positive Prints

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    W427.2-002 - Photographs: Negatives

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    W427.2-003 - Photographs: Joel Nichols Positive Prints

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    Unidentified Photograph Collection - Accession 1727

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    This collection consists of the various unidentified photographs that are not part of a larger collection. These historically relevant photographs and images are unidentified with little to no provenance. Many of these images could be of local interest, but the location and the persons present are unknown.https://digitalcommons.winthrop.edu/manuscriptcollection_findingaids/2698/thumbnail.jp

    Making Photographs Speak

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    It has often been said that “a picture is worth a thousand words.” Making that picture spit out those mythical thousand words, as we can all attest, is no easy task. Over the course of the first half of the fall semester, the three of us were tasked with developing brief interpretive captions for two Civil War photographs each, with the end goal to display our work at the Civil War Institute’s 2019 Summer Conference. What initially appeared as a simple project quickly revealed itself to be a difficult, yet rewarding, challenge that taught us all important lessons concerning history, photography, and writing that we will not soon forget. Producing the photography exhibit enhanced our skills as historical writers, introduced us to the challenge of writing for a popular audience, and deepened our understanding of Civil War photography. [excerpt

    Posed Photographs: Admissibility

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    Posed Photographs: Admissibility

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    Energy supply has for a long time primarily been a question of central management with littlecommunication between producer and consumer. Heating, electricity and other services havebeen produced by public corporations with little room for alternative solutions. However, thishas started to change, through grassroots movements aimed at greater degrees of self-sufficiencyin energy production. The trend is clear in both Sweden and internationally. This study focuses on grassroots movements, to understand the determinants for up-scalingtowards greater self-sufficiency. We are interested in understanding the driving forces behinddifferent types of communities with high ambitions on sustainability and self-sufficiency. Thestudy was conducted in two phases. In phase one, we have studied a total of five communities inDenmark, Germany and the UK that have taken extensive measures to increase energy selfsufficiency,in order to understand how and why they were created and how they work today. Inphase two, we have conducted a web-based questionnaire to residents in the Swedish ecovillages,to understand the reasons for moving there and the experience of living in the villages.The overall aim of the study is to understand citizens' involvement in sustainable communitiesand analyse what this could mean regarding current supply and demand for sustainable energy. The results from phase one, where interviews were conducted with key stakeholders inrenewable communities, shows that these communities took their steps towards moresustainability due to either momentous events, such as the oil crises of the 1970s, or throughnational "energy competitions"; they started because of particular events. Of paramountimportance for successful projects was a close cooperation between municipalities and citizens,particularly through civic ownership. It created interest, transparency and security in the projects.The development also created new jobs, attracting new jobs to the communities because of theexpertise that were there. Although there are great advantages of the high degree civil activity ithas been proved to be more time consuming. In all cases they have managed to becomeessentially self-sufficient in renewable energy, in one case, they produce up to 500 percent oftheir electricity needs, but a further challenge has been to adapt the independent systems toexisting centralized systems, adapted to different conditions. The questionnaire in phase two was sent out to 17 ecovillages. We received a response rate ofapproximately 30 percent and the questions concerned for example motives moving to the ecovillage,environmental interest and perceived satisfaction with the accommodation. The resultsshowed that residents are well educated with a great interest in the environment and that,although in many cases it expressed that sacrifices must be made on the basis of theaccommodation, it is worth it. The replies expressed few social conflicts but that the technicalsystems resulted in work and discussions. In some cases it seems as the technical systems wereoff-gauge from the start and something that had to be handled a long time to come. The technicalsystem performance is something that is very important for whether residents feel comfortable invillage or not. The villages started as movements willing to do something different. The results from the two studies show, among other things, the importance of communicationand inclusion of residents. People are also willing to adapt to new situations as long as it does notaffect the comfort too much or if it is for a good cause. However, there is considerableknowledge among all these communities that should be utilised in other contexts.Energiförsörjning har under lĂ„ng tid frĂ€mst varit en frĂ„ga om central styrning med litekommunikation mellan producent och konsument. VĂ€rme, el och andra tjĂ€nster har produceratsav offentligt Ă€gda bolag med litet utrymme för alternativa lösningar. Detta har dock börjatförĂ€ndras, genom allt mer grĂ€srotsrörelser som siktar pĂ„ större grader av sjĂ€lvförsörjning avenergiproduktion. Trenden Ă€r tydlig i bĂ„de Sverige och internationellt. Denna studie fokuserar dĂ€rför pĂ„ denna typ av rörelser, för att förstĂ„ avgörande faktorer för enuppskalning av högre grad av sjĂ€lvförsörjning. Vi Ă€r intresserade att förstĂ„ drivkrafter bakomolika typer av gemenskaper med höga ambitioner gĂ€llande hĂ„llbarhet och sjĂ€lvförsörjning.Studien genomfördes i tvĂ„ faser. I fas ett har vi studerat sammanlagt fem samhĂ€llen i Danmark,Tyskland och Storbritannien som vidtagit omfattande Ă„tgĂ€rder för ökad sjĂ€lvförsörjning avenergi för att förstĂ„ hur de skapades, varför och hur de fungerar idag. I fas tvĂ„ har vi genomförten web-baserad enkĂ€tundersökning till boende i svenska ekobyar, för att förstĂ„ motiven för attflytta dit och erfarenheter av boendet. Det övergripande syftet med studien Ă€r att förstĂ„medborgares engagemang i gemenskaper för hĂ„llbarhet och analysera vad detta kan betydagĂ€llande tillgĂ„ng och efterfrĂ„gan pĂ„ hĂ„llbar energi. Resultatet frĂ„n fas ett, dĂ€r intervjuer genomfördes med nyckelaktörer i förnybara samhĂ€llen,visar att dessa samhĂ€llen tog sina steg mot ytterligare hĂ„llbarhet pĂ„ grund av antingenomvĂ€lvande hĂ€ndelser, sĂ„som oljekriserna pĂ„ 1970-talet, eller genom nationella”energitĂ€vlingar”; de startade pĂ„ grund av sĂ€rskilda hĂ€ndelser. Av största vikt för lyckade projektvar ett tĂ€tt samarbete mellan kommuner och medborgare, sĂ€rskilt genom medborgarĂ€gande. Detskapade intresse, insyn och sĂ€kerhet i projekten. Utvecklingen skapade Ă€ven nya arbeten ochattraherade nya arbetstillfĂ€llen till orterna pĂ„ grund av den kompetens som fanns dĂ€r. Även omdet Ă€r stora fördelar med stort medborgarinflytande har det visat sig vara mer tidskrĂ€vande. I allafallen har de lyckats bli i princip sjĂ€lvförsörjande pĂ„ förnybar energi, i ett fall producerar det.o.m. 500 procent av deras elbehov, men en ytterligare utmaning har varit att anpassa desjĂ€lvstĂ€ndiga systemen till existerande centraliserade system vilka Ă€r anpassade efter andraförutsĂ€ttningar. EnkĂ€ten i fas tvĂ„ skickades ut till 17 ekobyar. Vi fick en svarsfrekvens pĂ„ cirka 30 procent ochfrĂ„gorna berörde exempelvis motiv att flytta till ekobyn, miljöintresse och upplevd belĂ„tenhetmed boendet. Resultatet visade att de boende Ă€r vĂ€lutbildade med ett stort miljöintresse och attĂ€ven om det i mĂ„nga fall uttrycktes att uppoffringar fĂ„r göras pĂ„ grund av boendet sĂ„ Ă€r det vĂ€rtdet. I svaren uttrycktes lite sociala konflikter men att de tekniska systemen gav upphov tillmycket arbete och diskussioner. I nĂ„gra fall verkar systemen varit feldimensionerade frĂ„n startoch nĂ„got som behövts hanteras lĂ„ng tid framöver. Just de tekniska systemens prestanda Ă€r nĂ„gotsom Ă€r av stor betydelse för huruvida boende trivs i by eller ej. Det gĂ„r att sammanfatta det somatt byarna startade som en rörelse dĂ€r det fanns en vilja att göra nĂ„got annat och vara mersjĂ€lvstĂ€ndig. Resultaten frĂ„n de tvĂ„ studierna visar bland annat vikten av kommunikation med och inkluderingav boende. MĂ€nniskor Ă€r ocksĂ„ villiga att anpassa sig till nya situationer sĂ„ lĂ€nge det intepĂ„verkar komforten allt för mycket eller om det Ă€r för en god sak. Det finns dock stor kunskapbland alla dessa gemenskaper som borde tas tillvara pĂ„ i andra sammanhang

    The Barbara Morgan Collection of Photographs

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