123 research outputs found

    High energy x-ray implementation of phase contrast and dark field imaging

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    X-ray phase contrast and dark field imaging are emerging imaging modalities which provide significantly enhanced visibility of details classically considered “x-ray invisible” and complementary information on a sample’s micro-structure, respectively. To date they have been successfully implemented in a series of applications at low x-ray energy, but their translation to higher x-ray energies is still, to some extent, problematic. Yet the ability to perform phase contrast and dark field imaging at high x-ray energy would have a series of significant implications in various applications, medical or otherwise. This thesis work investigates this option through a combination of modelling and experimental work. Particular attention has been dedicated to the behaviour of the optical elements (x-ray masks) that make phase contrast and dark field possible at high energy, which required the design of new methods of their implemention into simulation models. The modeling results have been validated first through a pilot experiment at a synchrotron facility, then in a series of lab experiments. Results clearly indicate that implementations of phase contrast and dark field imaging at high x-ray energy exist, however particular care must be taken in the design and fabrication of the masks; moreover, a series of parasitic effects which are absent at lower energies appear, which this thesis work describes and against which it suggests mitigation solutions

    Super-resolution x-ray phase-contrast and dark-field imaging with a single 2D grating and electromagnetic source stepping

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    Here we report a method for increased resolution of single exposure three modality x-ray images using super-resolution. The three x-ray image modalities are absorption-, differential phase-contrast-, and dark-field-images. To create super-resolution, a non-mechanically movable micro-focus x-ray source is used. A series of almost identical x-ray projection images is obtained while the point source is translated in a two-dimensional grid pattern. The three image modalities are extracted from fourier space using spatial harmonic analysis, also known as the single-shot method. Using super-resolution on the low-resolution series of the three modalities separately results in high-resolution images for the modalities. This approach allows to compensate for the inherent loss in resolution caused by the single-shot method without increasing the need for stability or algorithms accounting for possible motion

    Beam tracking approach for single-shot retrieval of absorption, refraction, and dark-field signals with laboratory x-ray sources

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    We present the translation of the beam tracking approach for x–ray phase–contrast and dark–field imaging, recently demonstrated using synchrotron radiation, to a laboratory setup. A single absorbing mask is used before the sample, and a local Gaussian interpolation of the beam at the detector is used to extract absorption, refraction, and dark–field signals from a single exposure of the sample. Multiple exposures can be acquired when high resolution is needed, as shown here. A theoretical analysis of the effect of polychromaticity on the retrieved signals, and of the artifacts this might cause when existing retrieval methods are used, is also discussed

    Scanning transmission X-ray microscopy with a fast framing pixel detector

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    a b s t r a c t Scanning transmission X-ray microscopy (STXM) is a powerful imaging technique, in which a small X-ray probe is raster scanned across a specimen. Complete knowledge of the complex-valued transmission function of the specimen can be gained using detection schemes whose every-day use, however, is often hindered by the need of specialized configured detectors or by slow or noisy readout of area detectors. We report on sub-50 nm-resolution STXM studies in the hard X-ray regime using the PILATUS, a fully pixelated fast framing detector operated in single-photon counting mode. We demonstrate a range of imaging modes, including phase contrast and dark-field imaging

    Simultaneous implementation of low dose and high sensitivity capabilities in differential phase contrast and dark-field imaging with laboratory x-ray sources

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    We present a development of the laboratory-based implementation of edge-illumination (EI) x-ray phase contrast imaging (XPCI) that simultaneously enables low-dose and high sensitivity. Lab-based EI-XPCI simplifies the set-up with respect to other methods, as it only requires two optical elements, the large pitch of which relaxes the alignment requirements. Albeit in the past it was erroneously assumed that this would reduce the sensitivity, we demonstrate quantitatively that this is not the case. We discuss a system where the pre-sample mask open fraction is smaller than 50%, and a large fraction of the created beamlets hits the apertures in the detector mask. This ensures that the majority of photons traversing the sample are detected i.e. used for image formation, optimizing dose delivery. We show that the sensitivity depends on the dimension of the part of each beamlet hitting the detector apertures, optimized in the system design. We also show that the aperture pitch does not influence the sensitivity. Compared to previous implementations, we only reduced the beamlet fraction hitting the absorbing septa on the detector mask, not the one falling inside the apertures: the same number of x-rays per second is thus detected, i.e. the dose is reduced, but not at the expense of exposure time. We also present an extension of our phase-retrieval algorithm enabling the extraction of ultra-small-angle scattering by means of only one additional frame, with all three frames acquired within dose limits imposed by e.g. clinical mammography, and easy adaptation to lab-based phase-contrast x-ray microscopy implementations

    High-resolution and sensitivity bi-directional x-ray phase contrast imaging using 2D Talbot array illuminators

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    Two-dimensional (2D) Talbot array illuminators (TAIs) were designed, fabricated, and evaluated for high-resolution high-contrast x-ray phase imaging of soft tissue at 10–20 keV. The TAIs create intensity modulations with a high compression ratio on the micrometer scale at short propagation distances. Their performance was compared with various other wavefront markers in terms of period, visibility, flux efficiency, and flexibility to be adapted for limited beam coherence and detector resolution. Differential x-ray phase contrast and dark-field imaging were demonstrated with a one-dimensional, linear phase stepping approach yielding 2D phase sensitivity using unified modulated pattern analysis (UMPA) for phase retrieval. The method was employed for x-ray phase computed tomography reaching a resolution of 3 µm on an unstained murine artery. It opens new possibilities for three-dimensional, non-destructive, and quantitative imaging of soft matter such as virtual histology. The phase modulators can also be used for various other x-ray applications such as dynamic phase imaging, super-resolution structured illumination microscopy, or wavefront sensing
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