20 research outputs found

    EnPAC: Petri Net Model Checking for Linear Temporal Logic

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    State generation and exploration (counterexample search) are two cores of explicit-state Petri net model checking for linear temporal logic (LTL). Traditional state generation updates a structure to reduce the computation of all transitions and frequently encodes/decodes to read each encoded state. We present the optimized calculation of enabled transitions on demand by dynamic fireset to avoid such a structure. And we propose direct read/write (DRW) operation on encoded markings without decoding and re-encoding to make state generation faster and reduce memory consumption. To search counterexamples more quickly under an on-the-fly framework, we add heuristic information to the Buchi automaton to guide the exploration in the direction of accepted states. The above strategies can optimize existing methods for LTL model checking. We implement these optimization strategies in a Petri net model-checking tool called EnPAC (Enhanced Petri-net Analyser and Checker) for linear temporal logic. Then, we evaluate it on the benchmarks of MCC (Model Checking Contest), which shows a drastic improvement over the existing methods.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Construction and Analysis of Petri Net Model for Distributed Cyber Physical Systems

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    A Distributed Cyber-Physical System (DCPS) composition poses challenges in determining its emergent behaviour. These challenges occur due to (1) the appearance of causal loops of information and energy flow through cyber and physical channels and (2) inherent non-determinism in the temporally ordered flow of events within independently evolving interacting processes of Constituent Systems (CSs). Hence, there is a need to construct a model of the envisaged schematic of DCPS composition for analysis and verification of its significant properties in the conceptual design stage of the system development life cycle. This paper presents a procedure to construct DCPS composition models in Petri net formalism using distributed abstractions. The model for each CS is obtained from elementary constructs using compositional operators. The interaction among CSs occurs through channels obtained by connecting send and receive constructs of two CSs participating in an interaction. The internal processing within a CS characterizing its primary function is abstracted in a generic passthrough construct. Representing these constructs with compositional operators results in the complete DCPS model in Petri net formalism. A toolchain with Reference net workshop (Renew) as an integrated Petri net editing and analysis platform is configured to support DCPS modelling, simulation and analysis. The Renew tool functionality has been enhanced with a plugin designed and developed by authors to facilitate the drawing of the distributed composition model. A low-level Petri net analysis (Lola) v2.0 plugin is employed to verify the Petri net and temporal properties of the modelled DCPS scenarios. The properties of the resultant model are verified using well-established algorithms to analyze Petri nets. Further, system properties specified using temporal logic can be verified using model-checking algorithms for Petri nets. A moderately complex scenario involving interactions among six CSs illustrates the presented approach

    A Web Interface for Petri Nets with Transits and Petri Games

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    Developing algorithms for distributed systems is an error-prone task. Formal models like Petri nets with transits and Petri games can prevent errors when developing such algorithms. Petri nets with transits allow us to follow the data flow between components in a distributed system. They can be model checked against specifications in LTL on both the local data flow and the global behavior. Petri games allow the synthesis of local controllers for distributed systems from safety specifications. Modeling problems in these formalisms requires defining extended Petri nets which can be cumbersome when performed textually. In this paper, we present a web interface that allows an intuitive, visual definition of Petri nets with transits and Petri games. The corresponding model checking and synthesis problems are solved directly on a server. In the interface, implementations, counterexamples, and all intermediate steps can be analyzed and simulated. Stepwise simulations and interactive state space generation support the user in detecting modeling errors

    Presentation of the 9th Edition of the Model Checking Contest.

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    International audience; The Model Checking Contest (MCC) is an annual competition of software tools for model checking. Tools must process an increasing benchmark gathered from the whole community and may participate in various examinations: state space generation, computation of global properties, computation of some upper bounds in the model, evaluation of reachability formulas, evaluation of CTL formulas, and evaluation of LTL formulas.For each examination and each model instance, participating tools are provided with up to 3600 s and 16 gigabyte of memory. Then, tool answers are analyzed and confronted to the results produced by other competing tools to detect diverging answers (which are quite rare at this stage of the competition, and lead to penalties).For each examination, golden, silver, and bronze medals are attributed to the three best tools. CPU usage and memory consumption are reported, which is also valuable information for tool developers

    Modeling Interaction-Oriented Architectures using Choreographies

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    The Software architecture of a system can be regarded as a consistent set of views to describe the system. This paper focuses on the interaction between components in a system. These can be modeled as choreographies, capturing all allowed interactions between the components. In this paper, we show that it is feasible to analyze a composed set of these choreographies: a tree of choreographies in which each member may refer to another. The two major components of the analysis are correctness by structure: a choreography needs to follow strict rules to guarantee soundness. Otherwise, the choreography is transformed into a Petri net which is checked by an external tool. This paper shows the theoretical techniques to verify a composed choreography, and implements the solutions into a single educational modeler tool: INORA2

    A Detailed Account of The Inconsistent Labelling Problem of Stutter-Preserving Partial-Order Reduction

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    One of the most popular state-space reduction techniques for model checking is partial-order reduction (POR). Of the many different POR implementations, stubborn sets are a very versatile variant and have thus seen many different applications over the past 32 years. One of the early stubborn sets works shows how the basic conditions for reduction can be augmented to preserve stutter-trace equivalence, making stubborn sets suitable for model checking of linear-time properties. In this paper, we identify a flaw in the reasoning and show with a counter-example that stutter-trace equivalence is not necessarily preserved. We propose a stronger reduction condition and provide extensive new correctness proofs to ensure the issue is resolved. Furthermore, we analyse in which formalisms the problem may occur. The impact on practical implementations is limited, since they all compute a correct approximation of the theory

    Vérification efficace de systèmes à compteurs à l'aide de relaxations

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    Abstract : Counter systems are popular models used to reason about systems in various fields such as the analysis of concurrent or distributed programs and the discovery and verification of business processes. We study well-established problems on various classes of counter systems. This thesis focusses on three particular systems, namely Petri nets, which are a type of model for discrete systems with concurrent and sequential events, workflow nets, which form a subclass of Petri nets that is suited for modelling and reasoning about business processes, and continuous one-counter automata, a novel model that combines continuous semantics with one-counter automata. For Petri nets, we focus on reachability and coverability properties. We utilize directed search algorithms, using relaxations of Petri nets as heuristics, to obtain novel semi-decision algorithms for reachability and coverability, and positively evaluate a prototype implementation. For workflow nets, we focus on the problem of soundness, a well-established correctness notion for such nets. We precisely characterize the previously widely-open complexity of three variants of soundness. Based on our insights, we develop techniques to verify soundness in practice, based on reachability relaxation of Petri nets. Lastly, we introduce the novel model of continuous one-counter automata. This model is a natural variant of one-counter automata, which allows reasoning in a hybrid manner combining continuous and discrete elements. We characterize the exact complexity of the reachability problem in several variants of the model.Les systèmes à compteurs sont des modèles utilisés afin de raisonner sur les systèmes de divers domaines tels l’analyse de programmes concurrents ou distribués, et la découverte et la vérification de systèmes d’affaires. Nous étudions des problèmes bien établis de différentes classes de systèmes à compteurs. Cette thèse se penche sur trois systèmes particuliers : les réseaux de Petri, qui sont un type de modèle pour les systèmes discrets à événements concurrents et séquentiels ; les « réseaux de processus », qui forment une sous-classe des réseaux de Petri adaptée à la modélisation et au raisonnement des processus d’affaires ; les automates continus à un compteur, un nouveau modèle qui combine une sémantique continue à celles des automates à un compteur. Pour les réseaux de Petri, nous nous concentrons sur les propriétés d’accessibilité et de couverture. Nous utilisons des algorithmes de parcours de graphes, avec des relaxations de réseaux de Petri comme heuristiques, afin d’obtenir de nouveaux algorithmes de semi-décision pour l’accessibilité et la couverture, et nous évaluons positivement un prototype. Pour les «réseaux de processus», nous nous concentrons sur le problème de validité, une notion de correction bien établie pour ces réseaux. Nous caractérisions précisément la complexité calculatoire jusqu’ici largement ouverte de trois variantes du problème de validité. En nous basant sur nos résultats, nous développons des techniques pour vérifier la validité en pratique, à l’aide de relaxations d’accessibilité dans les réseaux de Petri. Enfin, nous introduisons le nouveau modèle d’automates continus à un compteur. Ce modèle est une variante naturelle des automates à un compteur, qui permet de raisonner de manière hybride en combinant des éléments continus et discrets. Nous caractérisons la complexité exacte du problème d’accessibilité dans plusieurs variantes du modèle

    Time For Stubborn Game Reductions

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